Higher Self

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Higher Self

Post by Deep Knight »

Wonder what's happening with Wisdom Pair-o-dice.

~ Ever Brighter ~ Lightworker Report for June 8

There are several indications lately of how close we are.....
Lets get even closer as the 3rdimension slides over thedge of oureality
With Your Help,
......in the Glow of HealinGrace 6*12 Night & Day
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lightwork ... n/messages

Lightworker Report for June 8

Hello Dear Lightworkers:

Our invisible flight behind the secret curtain today, with my Higher Self, reveals the Family of Light pushing ahead in spite of continuing resistance by the remaining dark cabal.

The Higher Self I-Ching reading for today is Pushing Upward, Great Good Fortune. The secondary oracle is darkening of the Light.

We see here, dear friends, that darkening of the Light has moved from primary position to secondary position since yesterday. The primary energy today is Pushing Ahead! We are making progress!

Let's continue to do our special visualization to call forth the Higher Self in all remaining dark cabal members!

* Visualize a large demonic humanoid blocking the entrance to the Announcement Booth. (the false self or persona)
* Visualize the Sweet, totally harmonious Higher Self within the humanoid form (The True Self)
* Send Higher Self Healing Love to the Higher Self within the form.
* Continue until the Higher Self within the form becomes radiant in Golden Light and the demonic form shatters
* Visualize the Higher Self, now released from the dark form, turning and opening the Announcement Booth Door for the Family of Light to enter.

Please join with me in continuing this visualization until the Announcement. The more Higher Selves of dark cabal members we can awaken, the better! Remember, if you are seeing a form, you are not seeing the True Self!

Of course, we all need to continue our daily practice:

* See Gaia superimposed over the Earth and give her a deeply loving hug
* Breathe Higher Self Healing Love from within, creating Heaven On Earth within
* Radiate Higher Self Healing Love like the Sun to Gaia and the Earth
* See the Earth glowing in Golden Love and Gaia radiant in Golden Love.
* Surround everyone you see today with Pure Golden Love, calling forth their Higher Self.

Lightworker Central is available to you today as is our Financial Help Center. Visitors Welcome!

Persistence pays, dear Ones! Shine forth your blessing in this world today as never before! All the World is waiting for the unique blessing of Love only you can give!

Thank you Dear Lightworkers, Angels, and all Higher Dimensional Helpers for your continual help and assistance in creating Heaven On Earth!

We are All One. I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Higher Self Master Guide
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lightworker Central
Our Love ripples through the Ocean of Consciousness which is our world.
Let your Light Shine!

Same ol' stuff. Strange that there's nothing on his site about the $billions he made his "lenders" in his "investment program" the Aloha Success Club. In fact, if you search on this you just get sent to another of his "investment" programs. I guess when you're generating huge sums of money 24-7 you tend to forget the details.
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Higher Self

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Sometimes I have to ask myself which is worse -- the scams that these idiots are trying to pull, or the glurge that they write, day after day, to tell us that Announcement Day is oh, EVER so near if we just raise our spirits to the proper Higher Plane, or something like that....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools