NESARA Announced!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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NESARA Announced!

Post by Deep Knight »

Quick, go turn on your TV or radio and tune into the news! NESARA has been announced! It's all over the airwaves, and no doubt will be on the internet soon. Wait, I just checked at it's 11 of the top 10 stories on Google! You've GOT TO check this out now!, ... 80,00.html

I'm embarrassed to say that Casper scooped us on this one.
WE suggest you sit down for this one.

In response to ongoing Sabotage by OBAMA many high level VIP's and dignitaries arrived overnight including the head of the World Court. They met with Obama in the White House around 11 a.m. today.

Previously signed agreements were discussed with the result that Obama said he would not honor the agreements he had signed, would not go along with various proposals made regardless of what he had signed and stated that deliveries and announcements would never be made.

WE called to the attention of these visitors the fact that 40 Freedom Packs had been previously delivered satisfying the technical requirements for announcements.

After careful review and confirmation, determinations were made that language in the documents themselves justified a decision to move forward as if the Nesara Announcements had already been made. This "loop hole" in the documents previously signed by Obama, Bush, the Supreme Court, the World Court and the Nations said that if a certain period of time passed after deliveries and announcements were still being blocked things could proceed as if the announcements had been made. The 40 deliveries satisfied the technical need for deliveries to have been made and to proceed announcements and the orders issued today by the Supreme Court and the World Court satisfy the technicalities associated with the announcements.

At approximately 6 p.m. EST the House, the Senate and the Judiciary were notified by orders signed by the Supreme Court and the World Court that the Announcements had been made and they were to vacate their offices within 24 hours.

The House and the Senate, presumably via their leadership, advised the Courts they would not comply, that they make their own laws, that they don't give a damn what the Courts say and that they control the airwaves and the American people will never be allowed to know any of this. They said "we will not honor the agreements signed by Obama, the Courts and the Nations, we will do as we please and you can go to hell". The Judiciary had no response as the Supreme Court said "we are the Judiciary".

Obviously it is "showdown time"---again.

Additional news not being reported here at this time allows US to encourage you to relax and to get a good nights sleep.

casper 3-20-10

p.s. further news and a more detailed explanation tomorrow.
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Re: NESARA Announced!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Happy April 1, everybody....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: NESARA Announced!

Post by ClemIsBack »

WE suggest you sit down for this one.
What he is really saying is ... WE don't want you to get hurt when you fall down
from laughing so hard .. from reading his crap.

WHO IS "WE" ? ..

It has come to my attention that Casper is indeed in close contact with
nine D.C. operatives who use the code names Taz, Goofy, Sylvester, Pepe,
Tweety, Elmer, Daffy, Porky, and then there is his chief source, Bugs. All
the operatives work closely together. Elmer and Bugs are often at odds but
they still come through with the very latest news for Casper.
Deep Knight
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Re: NESARA Announced!

Post by Deep Knight »

That silly Casper, so busy talking to his world-class insiders that he's missing the biggest story in the history of the world! How 'bout those starships decloaking over every major US city and the space brothers appearing live on TV? Amazing!


Again they were out for delivery.

Again they were forced back to D.C. by Obama and the Generals in the Pentagon.

This IS NOT an A.F. joke.

casper 4-1-10 #1


There are 'high class white collar' Criminals, then there are the really 'SLEAZY' type Criminals. You decide.

The BOND Obama was trying to sell using the Freedom Funds as collateral was in the amount of 40 Trillion Dollars with the funds payable to himself rather than our Country.

WE hear the DEMOCRATS have demanded his resignation by 8 p.m. tonight and say they will Impeach when they return from recess if he does not do so. He says he will not resign and 'they' will not Impeach because their names are on the attempt to use the Freedom Recipients Funds as Collateral for the Bond. 'They' say they didn't sign any such thing.
He says "I have your signatures".

Lets see now, the Freedom Participants signatures were FORGED, the China signatures were FORGED, the Congress's signatures were FORGED.
Makes a fellow wonder 'whets next'?

The GENERALS are said to be wondering this morning 'when is the next shoe going to drop' in these updates.

The time table will be at our discretion Gentlemen, not yours. Stand by, its coming.

casper 4-1-10 #2


OBAMA's BOND was 42T not 40T with 40T to him personally and 2T for Health Care. THE TERM WAS FOR 35 YEARS.

The Documents were FORGED showing Senators and Congressmen/womens approval.
He has a "FORGER" working for him in the White House.

He will have a "welcoming committee" waiting for him when he returns tonight----Senators and Congressmen.

He issued an Executive Order to the Swiss, imagine that, to try to stop the handover of FORGED DOCUMENTS to the International Court. Of course they would not honor it besides which the documents had already been handed over to the Court.

Co-operating parties, ever getting any of their money back, is not in the cards, as all transactions are now 'down the tubes'.

This is not the first time he has done this with previous transactions done through Goldman Sachs, B of A, Chase and Citi.

casper 4-1-10 #3

A.F. Stands for (click one)

A. April Fools
B. Air Force
C. Air France
D. Atrial Fibrillation
E. Abercrombie & Fitch
F. Anal Fissure

If you chose "F" you were correct! Casper was saying, "This IS NOT an anal fissure joke." But this is:

A man walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender asks what kind and he replies that he would like an "anal fissure," on the rocks. The bartender, who doesn't want to admit he's never heard of this drink, mixes up a whiskey sour, adds a splash of bitters and grenadine, and hands it to the man. He sips it and says, "not bad, but something's different. Are you sure this isn't an atrial fibrillation?"
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: NESARA Announced!

Post by Deep Knight »

This is Deep Knight offering all of you my deepest apologies. NESARA was not announced, in fact, it's not even real. It's an internet hoax that certain unscrupulous individuals use to make money, that is, a scam.

I have no excuse except to say that when I ate at the Timothy Leary Grill and ordered "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast" I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought it was one of those quaint 60's theme cafes with quirky names for the house specials, honest. Luckily I decided to dance naked in the middle of rush hour traffic and was arrested before I did any more harm by posting additional assurances of NESARA's announcement. I swear that I have absolutely no memory do doing this or those other things, and my lawyer is working on annulling both marriages on just those grounds, so I'm in the clear there. As for the arrest, Deep Knight has connections and let's just say a friend 38 levels above the president made sure I was released almost before I was booked. The charges have been dropped, the electronic records erased, and the people who took cell phone pictures at that gentleman's club eliminated (you can't be too careful).

However, I'm sure I caused one or more NESARA believer who found this site by mistake to turn on TV or Radio News, and for that I'm truly sorry. Next time I'll be more responsible with my choice of restaurants and only eat at ones where people aren't carrying on conversations with empty space or hiding under the tables whimpering.
"Follow the Money"