Disclosure Exposer

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper has been busy.


The packs were retrieved from the U.N. last night. There has been some interference from the Vatican this morning which has been dealt with.

Heads up.

casper 9-14-10

If you were a Casper "believer" would you be saying "Wow, it's about to happen," or "I wonder what's gonna interfere with it next?"




You were warned certain exposures were about to take place.
You said you didn't want these exposures to take place.
We all know the Citizens of your Countries will not appreciate them if they do take place.

Unless there are DRASTIC CHANGES by 8 P.M. TONIGHT these exposures will take place.
'All bets are off, the exposures will take place'.

casper 9-14-10 #2

Yeah, you know who you are! Get on the beam! 8:00 PM the day before yesterday is the deadline, written in stone, no ifs, ands or buttes.


The packs were again out for delivery this afternoon but were again pulled back this time on orders of England and Italy World Court Judges who were taking their orders from the Queen, Obama and Hillary.

The Queen is of the opinion the 8 p.m. deadline for the 'disclosures' was not real and would not happen.
These disclosures are to be made to the people she claims 'ownership' of, the people of England, Scotland, Wales and those territories referred to as 'The British Empire'.
The subject matter is her efforts to block those peoples from receiving their share of the funding, to stop them from receiving 'humanitarian relief'.
She is doing every thing in her power to stop her own people from receiving.
Further disclosures on this subject are planned for tomorrow and will likely come from a different source.

The packs have once again been retrieved and are moving pending no further interference.

casper 9-14-10 #3

We'll show that Queen! Just wait until these disclosures hit the mainstream media yesterday!


Much is happening 'behind the scenes' some of which I am privy to, most not. At this exact moment like a few very rare previous moments I must remain silent for reasons which are in our best interest.

HOWEVER, regarding today's post on RMN by WHISTLEBLOWER and similar comments by those domestic 'seer's' who represent his point of view, I am compelled to respond as I do every time he/they discuss 'our business'.

You will recall that I responded at some length to his post a couple of months ago saying the 'programs will never pay'. I do not have the energy to repeat everything said then and I do not have the date of my response committed to memory. It is in the Fourwinds Archives and I encourage you to look it up and consider every word said then as still in effect today.

The 'Bottom Line' of what was said is that my guess/analysis of his position places him and OITC squarely in the Obama/Queen/Vatican status quo camp and that I do not agree with his point of view as he does not agree with mine. Nothing has changed.

The purpose of this short response is to assure program recipients for whom WE write that when it comes to 'our business' either he does not know what he is talking about or else is providing intentional disinformation, I do not know which.

Whistleblower's Intel is in keeping with that disbursed by the Obama/Queen camp and is FALSE.

As stated then and again now, if I am wrong I will eat my pie publicly including the proper apology to Whistleblower. The chances of that being necessary are zero short of another 9-11 or World War.

casper 9-15-10

Wait, what about the disclosure exposures? After all, Casper promised, and now his excuse is that he has to remain silent?! And what's all this about Whistleblower and eating pie?
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »

Reader: "What or who is Casper and what are the packets?"

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 14-Sep-2010 15:07:34

In Response To: 1st CASPER for SEP 14th: "...some interference from the Vatican this morning..." (hobie)

(Thanks, W. :)

Reader WM writes (and I'll respond extensively, following):


Re: CASPER for SEP 13th: 'The U.N. is refusing....

Dont Understand. Been reading rummor mill news for a while now. What or who is Casper and what are the packets? All I see is references to packets back and forth and no ready news amounting to anything?


(hobie here. :) My best understanding at this time:

Casper is a 'messenger', who is reporting what he believes to be true about a long ongoing tug-of-war over some packets or packages of information intended for delivery to members of what have come to be called "prosperity programs", all of which closed to new members in 1999 or a bit later.

These "prosperity programs" not only involve access to some very large sums of money for the program participants, they also involve a complete, global changeover to a new banking system that is to utilize precious metals-backed currencies, thus displacing the debt-based fiat-dollars system that has been "the only game in town" for a pretty long time.

Further, with the demise of the old system, it's expected there will also be a return to Constitutionality in America and similar changes in countries around the world, and release of technologies and health remedies that have long been suppressed by those with a vested interest in seeing the old system continue.

To put it concisely, the whole thing is about the defeat of the New World Order crowd. And if that's not "news", nothing is. :)

Casper speaks of this just about daily, but he's not the only 'messenger' who's been reporting on one aspect or another of this matter. Poof has been reporting on it each week for over ten years. Christopher Story, who reportedly died (possibly assassinated) on July 14th, wrote extensively about highest levels of corruption and financial wrong-doing. Benjamin Fulford also reports on things related to this hidden global war. And there are others whose irregular writings are also pieces of this puzzle.

"Irregular writings" is right!

Reader: "Yea well maybe he's a good script writer."

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 14-Sep-2010 17:12:12

In Response To: Reader: "What or who is Casper and what are the packets?" (hobie)

(Thanks, M. :)

No worries. :) One of the reasons I continue to post Casper's missives is so that folks such as yourself have opportunity to say what they think about them. It's about discernment and "connecting the dots".

Reader Martin writes:


Re: Reader: 'What or who is Casper and what ar....

Yea well maybe he's a good script writer. The "Packet's are always in motion or NOT. Kind of a comedy routine, don't you think. It's the truth or something make believe. Sounds like he's smoking something to me. Just my take on it. Hey this is the real world in real time. So it's about raising our level of reality or some mindless babble to keep people in the dark. Grow up!

You don't have to present this if you feel so. I just want to say what's on my mind about this person. You know, Free Speech.

Anyone who thinks Casper is a "good script writer" hasn't been reading him for very long...

Reader: 'WHO are members - how did they 'get" to be "members" ?'

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 14-Sep-2010 19:20:43

In Response To: Reader: "What or who is Casper and what are the packets?" (hobie)

(Thanks, K. :)

Reader K. asks:


Re: Reader: 'What or who is Casper and what ar....

? "members" - WHO are members - how did they 'get" to be "members" ?


(hobie here.) I'm not sure I have a clear and correct answer to that question, K, but I'll write what my impression is. Some other Readers may want to offer correction, as appropriate.

We're using the collective term, "prosperity programs", to cover at least different three types of program.

Among them is the Farm Claims matter, which is a judicial "righting a wrong" situation with very far reaching implications. Farmers who had been cheated by their banks and government are the principals in this one, though the wrong-doing that was uncovered by this matter was so extensive there may be all kinds of folks in the 'class' of the suit that was filed.

"Freedom" was initiated I believe by Kissinger and/or Poppy Bush, and is the only one, so I'm told, that actually involved "roll trades" of the money invested into it by its participants. I have no idea how folks came to be members in that one, but they would have had to put up the money required to participate in it.

At least one program called for "loan of $100 per unit of participation" by its members, and there was promise of a return of that $100 plus at least another $5000 per unit.

I gather folks came to know about these programs through word of mouth. Word was spread through churches in some instances, and also through e-mail distribution lists, etc. So one had to both come to know about the possibility and also take whatever action was needed in order to 'join'.

As mentioned in the above post, opportunity to participate in any of these closed in 1999 for most of them, with "Freedom" closing I believe in 2002.

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Deep Knight
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »

Reader Sambo: 'I find it amusing that.. "I don't read Casper's post anymore," club, has gone by the way side.'

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 12-Sep-2010 13:58:41

In Response To: 1st CASPER for SEP 11th: "The packs are being removed from the Embassy now." (hobie)

(Thanks, S. :)

Reader Sambo writes:


Re: 1st CASPER for SEP 11th: 'The packs are be....

Hi Hobie,

I find it amusing that.. "I don't read Casper's post anymore," club, has gone by the way side. Over 1100 hits on this one posting of Casper. Somebody is curious, and so am I...Why don't each of the 1100 plus, contribute just $3 to RMN, and that way, we can continue to read Casper's update, and get Rayelan out of a bind... I love ole Casper. He is 'tuff.'


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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »


OBAMA has again threatened the lives of various people and their families.

Read the above sentence 25 times and view it as your morning update.

During the last two days certain information regarding ACCOUNTS OVERSEAS was to be exposed. The information was to be released to you and the World today. OBAMA ordered the CIA to intercept same and a RAID was conducted. 'They' ended up with a bunch of false gobble-de-gook of no value to them. 'They' have already called saying they got bull shit and demanding the real stuff which has since, to avoid risk to the lives of certain people and their families, been 'disposed of'.

The above has transpired on orders of OBAMA.

casper 9-17-10

It's often hard to follow Casper, but I believe he's giving an excuse for why the exposure disclosure wasn't disclosed. Instead they were "disposed of' - the old exposure disclosure disposal ploy. And, apparently, even though the Queen, the President, and a bunch of powerful, ruthless people will stop at nothing to get what they want, they let Casper go on day after day revealing their secrets. Hmmm.



The "deal" you made with Obama, Geithner et al regarding your Bonds, etc., and payment to you from tax collections, has already been violated.
You have been lied to.

Tax receipts have already been 'allocated' and China is not among the recipients. Obama, Geithner and the Clintons could not tell the truth if their lives depended upon it.

You have been double crossed already.

Good Luck.

casper 9-17-10 #2

If there's one thing that gets Casper riled, it's not telling the truth.


Yesterday it was disclosed that 860K of the 'Stimulus Funds' was used to teach men how to 'wash' after sex----IN AFRICA.

At a party at the White House, the first after his election I think, Obama dressed up in a bright green sparkly party suit and hat with a big gold chain around his neck from which hung a huge dollar sign ($). Perhaps you saw the pictures which were all over the internet.
That was Obama's 'Announcement' that he was now in control of our Country's money and his Chicago Gang was there to celebrate their coming 'share' of the loot.
Since then Trillions have been pissed away on such as the above and other equally stupid and corrupt purposes many of which have been reported here.
Meanwhile 40 million people are on food stamps and another 95,000 homes were foreclosed last month.
When the 'Waste Fraud and Abuse' originates at the top it does not take long for the underlings to 'catch on' and fund 560K for new windows in an abandoned building or 30M for a rat farm or 50M for a Billion Dollar a year Casino, or or or, plus Trillions to the Corrupt Financial Entities and GSE's which scammed the system in the first place and caused the International Financial Catastrophe the World is now facing.

Do you think funding such as the above is an accident? ---->Or part of the 'plan' to flush the country in the toilet in preparation for the Communist New World Order takeover led by Obama?

Do you recall the tens of millions funded by Democrats for an airport for John Murtha so he would not have to drive two hours to get home from the existing airport on his weekend trips home from Congress? Who do you suppose is using that airport now that Big John is gone?
Is it any wonder we are broke?
Which of Obama's kin folk do you think is teaching 'washing' in Africa?
Who's brother-in-law do you suppose is installing windows in abandoned buildings?
How much taxpayer money do you suppose went to Acorn?
Hundreds of Billions to the Unions. Not to mention the Social Security being paid to ILLEGAL immigrants that NEVER paid into that system....
Santa Clause on a float in a parade throwing 'candy' (money) to everyone involved with Obama or the Democrats including Bailing Out Maxine Waters Husbands Bank.

There is no end to the OUTRAGES.

It is something new every day.

Do you think the Liberals give a S_ _T? They are the recipients.

If you are wondering about those European Bank Accounts causing the overnight situation read previous updates dealing with that subject.

'Americans' are not running our country, NWO Corporate Traitors are 'stripping' our country and spending it into oblivion intentionally.

On Fourwinds now 'Read all about it', S-510, a new law making it illegal to grow your own food and a Georgia Farmer fined $5000. for growing vegetables on his own land (2 articles). Must they come for you and your children before you will wake up?

What do you suppose We The People are paying Michelle's twenty some odd assistants who were needed to carry the bags on her vacation to Spain? Laura had two.
What do you suppose We The People are paying Obama's 36 or so unconstitutional assistants (Czars) some of which are avowed Communists?
Is it any wonder neither the Democrats or the Republicans want their 'Gravy Train' messed with?
If you were a Creditor of the United States how would you feel about these Obamanations?

Projected deficits this year and next year and for many additional years are One and One Half TRILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY.
Do you realize how much a Trillion is? = $1,000,000,000,000.00 ( 12 zeros )
Its a Thousand Billion, an incredible amount of money being pissed away for the most part by Santa and his Helpers.

Regarding that conversation with your Grandchildren referred to in the previous Opinion Piece, be sure to mention that one of the reasons they and their generation had to become Debt Slaves was because our generation used taxpayer funds to teach African Men how to wash themselves.

casper 9-16-10 opinion



The packs were out again to day only to be ordered back by Obama, The Queen and the Clintons with help from the World Court.

The W.C. now says 'no body can make them release the packs as there are no more threats hanging over their heads', an understanding which is sadly mistaken.

The packs were pulled back to D.C.. It is up to the Countries to overcome todays problem.

casper 9-16-10 #3
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »

Deliveries apparently happened Wednesday or Thursday, but we must have missed the news.

Thinking out loud...what the 15th might mean, and about multiple Poofs...
Rumormill News

Thinking out loud...what the 15th might mean, and about multiple Poofs...
Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 15-Sep-2010 03:19:15

Hi, Folks -
During the course of a day quite a bit of e-mail comes my way, and for a variety of reasons not all of it gets posted.
The past few weeks, a lot of that e-mail has been about the "prosperity programs", deliveries, and announcements.
Based on both public and private statements from a variety of our 'messengers', the air has been tense with anticipatory excitement on the part of many. Why? Because the appearance of things is that "we really are almost 'there', at last."
A lot of folks were expecting some kind of deliveries, last week. Poof touched on that in his update on Sunday: "Things were brought to the point of release and released, then held for a moment, to get something done we'll be all happy with."
Monday night, a fellow called "Pops" gave a brief vocal presentation. He said (paraphrasing), "Proofness is not saying we're almost there. He's saying we _are_ there." Pops went on to theorize that some important announcement might be made on the 16th (Thursday), because, he says, the debts of Corp. U.S. fall due on the 15th (today) and there's no money to pay them with.
I infer from that that the 15th or 16th might be a date on which Corp. U.S. is forced into bankruptcy, and for all practical purposes, ceases to exist.
There's no _solid_ information to be had about all this, right now, and the reason is simple: Those who actually know what's going on entered "run silent" mode about two weeks ago. Their lips are zipped, for now, and they're not revealing much of anything. But we can take that as "a very good sign", as it may well indicate we're "almost there". :)
By the way, I'm told there are at least _two_ Poofs, now. The real Poof doesn't say very much after he speaks on Sunday - yet, there have been references here and there on Internet to information some folks say they got from Poof. Perhaps so. But perhaps what they heard came from "the other Poof". I don't know.
Regardless, we may be in a very interesting, and critically important, "time window" right now. I guess we'll soon find out. :)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:21 AM 0 comments

If the phone doesn't ring it's me.
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »

This is long, runs on, and can be annoying, but it's what Casper talks about next so ...

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Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Friday, 17-Sep-2010 02:38:47 E-mail from Whistleblower - discernment is advised:


Dear Hobie,

Please allow me to post the following “Based on True Events” story which may enlighten people. A little lengthy unfortunately, but certainly not a 100 page + book detailing all the story, facts and truth.


Many years ago, in the 1980’s, two (2) rogue Intelligence Officers with specific training, were purposely posted to a Far Eastern country for a special mission. Their mission was semi-covert, and one that their Government knew about but an operation that officially didn’t exist; for which the purpose was to infiltrate the management and operation of a very large Foundation, and to ultimately befriend some of the controlling managers.

The one rogue Intelligence Officer was more successful than the other whereby the latter Officer was moved to another country whose association with the first Far Eastern country was politically opposite but of the same Cultural character. The latter Officer eventually proved to be successful infiltrating a second Foundation that held substantial assets from the Chang Ki Shek era.

The mission of both rogue Intelligence Officers was considered “Secret” and was based upon two Executive Orders of the President of their home country, to obtain by whatever means necessary, the assets of these Foundations.

It made no difference to the Intelligence Officers or their Masters as to who actually owned the assets or how they were to be obtained. The purpose behind this mission was to be able to have possession of the assets, and ultimately utilise them on a continuous basis within what was then of little public knowledge, a “Trade Program” for which the returns would be split between the rogue Intelligence Officers and the Masters on the one side, and the need to reduce their home country’s national debt on the other side. By Hook or by Crook and by whatever devious means needed to be applied, assets of these Foundation had to be obtained, and although the Masters knew the truth about these assets, the Intelligence Officers didn’t. To them it was a case of following orders knowing that at the end of the day, and providing they were successful, vast sums of money was the ultimate goal.

Both the Intelligence Officers, one in one country and the other in a closely associated country were exceptionally successful. Not surprising considering that they had been specifically trained for this mission and were operative within countries of which one was considered as a “Developing country” at the time, and the other was “Politically friendly” with the Intelligence Officers home country Government.

Each Intelligence Officer had, over a period of time, befriended some of the Senior Managers of both of these Foundations. It could be said that the Senior Foundation Managers were a little disillusioned by the fact that they were custodians over the wealth of the two (2) Foundations whose wealth had been sitting there without being used at any time, deposited mainly in Banks across the world with the Banks making money from the wealth, and the wealth increasing in value year of year from interest accrued.

At the same time, the Senior Foundation Managers were being primed psychologically to believe that they could also have a life of wealth and ease of living if they would start to allow the wealth to be used.

Nothing came easily for the two (2) Intelligence Officers because of the strict regimes they were operating in. Never the less, they did finally succeed, in both cases, with the fullest cooperation of a small selection of Senior Foundation Managers.

However, during all the time spent conditioning the Senior Foundation Managers, a story needed to be concocted that clearly indicated to the Senior Foundation Managers that they were in fact not the Custodians of this wealth, but the legal owners.

To successfully install this story into the minds of the Senior Foundation Managers, assistance was sought from the Masters of the Intelligence Officers, who purposely and without hesitation arranged for Official, and seemingly legal documents, to be issued by various Officials of their own Government Departments and Senior Officials.

These were very carefully crafted documents that would stand the test of verification, but were exceptionally ambiguous in a deceptive form. Produced in the English language and never officially translated in writing to the native language of the Senior Foundation Managers as such translation would have taken away some of the ambiguity. Any translations were always verbal in nature, and where the Senior Foundation Managers were able to gain any written translations, it was always “On a Best Effort” syndrome, which indicated the basis only of the Official documents.

Certainly not the best way to be totally sure of what was actually written within these Official documents, but that is how the Intelligence Officers wanted it because any slight misunderstandings on same could be easily explained away by the Intelligence Officers, after all, they had become close friends with the Senior Foundation Managers and made it appear that they were all working for the same purpose and the same ends.

The Intelligence Officers could never, nor would they ever, reveal that they had worked in a deceptive manner using many factors to eventually persuade the Senior Foundation Managers to cooperate, whether it was by the psychological method or by sheer friendship, or a combination of both. Whatever, “Greed” and “Personal Wealth” certainly came into and was a prominent point of the equation, on both sides, as it always does.

The Senior Foundation Managers proceeded to obtain “Paper Assets” from one of the local depositories which contained part of the wealth held by the Foundation. At first they started small to test the water, so to speak, which is the method used within most unlawful activities. As the situation developed and their own wealth increased, by courtesy of the Intelligence Officers, the Senior Foundation Managers became far more confident and began to remove far more substantial assets from the local depository. Gold Bullion Certificates and Gold based securities became the game of the day. Confidence became so huge that the Senior Foundation Managers started to look for routes to expand their own personal wealth through other sources, other than that offered by the Intelligence Officers.

Unknown to the Senior Foundation Managers, other Intelligence operatives were brought in utilising a slightly different story base. This time it was a story of Humanitarian efforts by financially assisting ordinary people who were prepared to assist the less fortunate of world’s society.

This method proved quite satisfactory in the initial stages, whereby the former Foundation Managers did not need to spend their own money to cover such items as “Banking and Legal” costs, but could intentionally and purposely utilise the money of the ordinary people, and still gain substantial personal wealth for them selves.

Various schemes were developed and structured with various names attributed to these schemes, such as Omega, Freedom, Prosperity, and several others, whereby the egoistic attitude and greed mentality of “Brokers” was utilised to its maximum effect. People such as Clyde Hood, Bernard Madoff, and many others came into the picture quite quickly. All the former Foundation Managers had to do was provide the assets. The rest of the work was done for them through devious means and reasonably structured operations. However, the need to cover Banking and Legal costs, whether in part or full, was an operational necessary.

The structured scheme was in place; all the “Brokers” had to do was to procure the money to cover these Banking and Legal costs.

People who were by nature, kind hearted people, religious people, but people who were also naïve and ignorant of the real situation, Trade programs, and even the laws that surround these matters, were targeted, but they could never be made aware of the real issues behind the whole scheme. The objective was to bring these ordinary people in as participants and prevent them from disclosing anything by making them execute non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements. The latter, although illegal because it takes away people’s rights, was quite effective as those ordinary people, fearful of losing their contributions for participation, never disclosed anything, which in turn kept the promoters of these schemes safe and sound from arrest for fraud and eventual incarceration.

The contributions made by these ordinary people for their participation within these schemes ranged from $100 US Dollars to $10,000 US Dollars, and sometimes even more.

From known sources and by written self incriminating evidence there are approximately 33,000 people who are participants in these schemes. Taking an average of $2,500 US Dollars payment /contribution made by each participant the total amount raised to cover Banking and Legal costs would be $82,500,000 million US Dollars. Wow, not bad for a few days work of talking and executing documents, for which every single participant was promise substantial returns for their participation.

There were of course other schemes involving smaller groups of people and individuals, but all based upon the same premise.

What appeared to be a perfectly good profitable scheme at the time for the participants eventually turned out to be a nightmare, some of whom still do not wish to believe.

Right in the middle of some of these schemes, changes at the very top started to be made in respect of the wealth held by these Foundations and many more across and throughout the World. Changes which ordinary people would not know about and were never informed about, but changes that would drastically change the course of their destiny, and certainly change the future for all the participants.

Suddenly, and out of the blue, the real owner(s) of the wealth became aware of what was happening and made an approach to the Senior Foundation Managers with the intent of stopping such unlawful activities. The Senior Foundation Managers were reticent in their attitude and attempted to bribe the representative(s) of the real owners with enormous wealth, sexual favours and many other luxuries, all to no avail. The representative(s) of the real owners of the wealth could not be bribed, or persuaded by any means, and believe me every effort was made to ensure that such bribes were successful, albeit that they failed miserably.

As a result the Senior Foundation Mangers were removed from their positions as Managers to prevent further unlawful activities. What was not known at the time was the amount of assets that had been removed from the depositories and what had been secreted away by the now disenfranchised Senior Foundation Managers, who to this day still claim they are the owners of the wealth they hold.

Maybe psychologically in their minds they are, but legally they are not.

The applicable schemes, some of which revolved around “Trading Programs” were blocked whereby no money was ever paid to the facilitators or the participants. In fact it was credited to the accounts of the real owners as being the lawful owners, together with the interest or returns gained from investment of both the original assets utilised by the former Foundation Managers and the rogue Intelligence Officers,

Legally correct, but of catastrophic effect to the former Foundation Managers, the Facilitators, the Participants, and even some of the Banks involved, remedial and protective action needed to be implemented as fast as possible.

Several things happened. The Facilitators engaged the services of some of the participants to act as Messengers, keeping the other participants updated with carefully constructed stories. Stories that brought in the names of former Presidents Bill Clinton, George Bush, Greenspan, Geithner, QE II, various countries, Justices of the ICJ, and now Obama, blaming them for the catastrophic situation. An easy, totally acceptable and plausible story to utilise because the Facilitators knew that the Participants were totally ignorant of the real facts, but also ignorant of the fact that all of the named persons are legally committed under International Treaties to block and confiscate any financial gains from unlawful activities of any description that surround or derive from these Foundations and many more Trusts and Foundations around the world. Furthermore, there were the non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements in existence, executed and used against the participants, that could be used against the participants to further protect these spurious stories and the unlawful activities of the Facilitators and the former Foundation Managers.

Other stories went into circulation regarding the real and lawful owner(s) of these assets. One, above all others, was a revamped story that the owner(s) had been removed from their position because of fraudulent activities and replaced by the very former Foundation Managers that had previously been dismissed from their positions as Managers for the very same reasons as used within the revamped story, being fraudulent activities. Now, how on earth can someone who is the Lawful owner of anything be removed from, or have the ownership removed from them. It law, it is just not possible even in the most simplest of cases. Yet according to these incorrect and plausible stories, it is in fact very possible and did, according to their stories, happen.

Of course, this story created and structured by the Facilitators is just a pure illusion projected towards people who have little or no understanding of the law, Trading programs, and certainly the mechanisms engaged or employed at the very top of the world’s population tree.

How convenient that an existing story can be easily manipulated to include unlawful activities of one party which, again conveniently, were then turned around and attributed to the real and lawful owner(s). A nice, and highly eloquent, purposely structured, plausible story, with the twisting of facts to benefit and protect those who had actually twisted these facts and who were the facilitators of unlawful activities. Those Facilitators were also responsible for soliciting the contributions of participants, and thus coercing them into unknown unlawful activities.

Then, to put the cream on the cake, so to speak, real and factual information started to spread on the internet as to the real situation behind all of these structured schemes, only to be belittled by a few as unfounded, irrelevant and spurious. The belittlement came from sources, all of which went directly back to the people responsible for the initial semi-convert operation that the Government new about but officially didn’t know about (Refer paragraph one above)

Despite all the attacks, further real and factual information was released. Still many did not believe, but a few of the participants and outsiders started to investigate by whatever means they could which opened up the truth.

Then, out of sheer coincidence, the start of the financial crisis. Although this crisis was actually known about some years earlier, the actual effects did not become apparent until early 2008.

Rumours were rife about unlawful schemes. People like Clyde Hood, responsible for the Omega program, and Bernard Madoff responsible for undisclosed investment frauds, were arrested and officially charged with operating spurious and unlawful schemes, coupled with fraudulent activities.

What a turn up for the books which added an awful amount of credibility to the real and factual information that had previously been circulating on the internet, but still people disputed it and denied it, because of the continuing structured stories of illusion, perpetrated by the Facilitators of these schemes to satisfy and keep the participants in hope. Structured stories of illusion which the content appeared to go round in circles and be repeated from time to time with just a few name changes to bring about an updated effect.

The problem lies in the fact that these stories, or modifications of same, have been around for approximately 20 years and they still continue on a regular basis. The Truth givers are still criticised and ridiculed just so the Facilitators can maintain the protection and the illusion.

Some of these people claim they are in direct contact with the former Foundation Managers and believe all that is being said to them. Why shouldn’t they, because these plausible and illusionary stories, and indeed the structure of the operation, originally generated by well trained Intelligence Officers and discredited Former Foundation Managers, are so good that people have got away with their unlawful activities for many years. The fact that no one has lodged a criminal complaint, except in the case of Madoff and Hood; over all these years gives a credibility factor that can not be disputed by ordinary people.

Further “credit” points were gained by those exposing the truth, and this story concluded, at least for the moment, when Madoff and Hood were convicted for their fraudulent activities, very complex frauds of substantial magnitude against thousands of innocent and naïve persons.

These were just two of the many people responsible for these schemes that were, and are in existence no matter what names they are given. Many more people involved in such schemes are on the “Waiting List” for criminal trials, yet still the ignorant and naïve amongst the participants in such schemes believe the illusionary stories that prevail.

Irrespective of those convictions the perpetration of fraud continues. The lies and deceit continue. The belittlement and ridicule of those exposing the truth continues. This story, based upon real events and real people, closes, and the next story starts.

The stories, whether published or not, will continue as more and more people are caught and brought to trial. More to the point is when innocent and naïve people start to realise the truth, react accordingly, and start to realise that abundant wealth, as purported by these schemes, is largely applicable to devious or dubious means and in many cases criminal or unlawful activities.


For those who still wish to believe in illusionary stories that have abounded for approximately 20 years, as against the truth and fact that has been purposely exposed to you over a three year period, read the above carefully and thoroughly, as it is a real story based on real events with real people, and fact. Non-fictional but edited to minimise its content allowing publication. There are many more persons / parties involved in these unlawful activities than what is portrayed herein.

How would you as an ordinary person react and contend with the fact that someone casually informs others that your assets have been taken away from you as legal owner, and you have been removed from your position as legal owner, without you knowing about it; whereby your asset(s) are to be used by some person(s) or party(ies) for other means. Wow, what a shock to your system, but that is what is being said and you have to correct it in order to protect yourself and the very assets you own, whether it is your home, your car, your land, or any other valuable asset.

The incident on the Swiss / Italian border last year (2009) with Yamaguchi, Watanabe, Keenan, Fulford and others, is yet another incident of unlawful activity involving the coercing of innocent and naïve persons into those unlawful activities, utilising the assets of others and again, relaying the same old story that the owner(s) of these assets were relieved of their position some years ago. All this was, and has been exposed by the diligence and honesty of several people, and another criminal court case exists. Again, I reiterate the fact that how can a lawful owner be relieved of their lawful property?

With all these people expressing the same old story(ies), and the fact that it is other people’s assets that they are unlawfully using, does it not lead one to think, or even believe, that there is some very strong connection between them all irrespective of any slight operational differences in their unlawful schemes / activities. The pattern is the same. The purpose is the same. The people involved are the same, or more so their Masters. The only slight differential is the modus operandi, or structure of these schemes.

This is another story in itself, but all related to the unlawful activities of a few who deliberately coerce innocent and naïve people to do their dirty work and actually finance their operations, then construct near perfect illusionary stories to give the “Real and Genuine” affect Whether these persons are “Participants” in various schemes, innocent persons who work as financial Brokers, Housewives, and even people who are living through difficult times, they are all targets for the criminal and unlawful intentions of those structuring such schemes and unlawfully using assets that do not belong to them. Then they carefully construct illusionary stories, which are plausible, to cover their tracks and in most cases prevent them from being arrested and charged with their crimes because of that fear of loss, or being made to look foolish by the innocent persons if they lodge a formal criminal complaint against these people.

There I will leave it until I am able to expose the next story to you all.

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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »


Regarding the update from Whistleblower dated Friday the 17th and posted on RMN in which he once again eloquently poo-poo's 'Our Business', my response is the same as always but, I will word it differently this time so nothing is lost in translation: The man is full of shit. He has never known anything about our business and with many years available to get himself straightened out he still knows nothing about out business.
In this respect he reminds me of Story who also knew nothing about our business.
The OITC is now an 'Illegal Entity' being run by the Clintons.
Neither they or Whistleblower are going to receive the 'Bribery Funds' they have been demanding.

Regarding my 'radio appearance' announced this weekend on the net: I know nothing about it, will not be 'appearing' but will instead be 'disappearing' as stated many times.
This 'job' or another similar to it should be taken up by those among you willing to fight for what remains of our country.
The current 'messengers' are tired, very tired and deserve a break don't you think?

casper 9-20-10

By the way, Casper's radio appearance last weekend was great! As for a break, how about his right arm?


IF you have a very good memory you will recall Sabotage by the Japanese Prime Minister a year and a half ago, then the Emperor himself came in to 'overcome problems being created by his own people'.

We have an exact repeat now. Whereas it took a couple of days to 'catch him' last time, this time it required only one day.

On the heels of the Sabotage by the Japanese head of the World Court, the Japanese Prime Minister and Obama previously reported, "Mr. High and Mighty" again arrived yesterday morning to 'straighten things out'.
Already he has been 'caught' assisting with the Sabotage again and has been ordered to leave immediately.

The packs had been sequestered at the Japanese Embassy in D.C. and were retrieved from there this morning.

casper 9-20-10 #2

If you had a good memory, you wouldn't believe anything Casper says. First it's the Chinese, then the Queen, then the Chinese again, and now the Japanese. What happens when Casper runs out of foreign countries to blame?
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »

Poofness - 9/19/10

[High Time We Went Lyrics by Joe Cocker & Chris Stainton redacted because I have great respect for Joe Cocker]

Greetings and Salutations,

Jeeze, how long is it now? Since 1999, every sunday, we've been meeting like this. We've been talking about the world to be. We met on ezboard, then to yahoo's 'sword of truth', finally is was just a newsletter, first thru ziplip, then here we are coming from safe-mail. A lot of water over the dam. The purpose was for only one reason, to hold up a torch, as the wind began to howl and it got darker and darker out here. Some may even hear the wild cry of the banshees, in the wee hours of the morning. A kinder gentler scenario was laid out but rejected because, it was believed that somehow someway they could continue using the population as serfs or slaves on the global plantation.

At one point, 10 influential families were chosen to come up with a plan to change this world to one that was good for everybody. But each plan was thrown into file 13 as they were presented because, they could never see themselves not being on the top, running things. They just couldn't break the greed trap or the trap of the ego. They failed the test, that of 'selflessness'. A 5,000 dollar suit does not make you a master of the universe. Some of the humblest people on this planet are more qualified to manage this planet than anybody sitting up there on thick carpets in some board room. By the way, who gave the test "poof"? Find out who stands on top of the BIS, then you'll have the answer.

I don't know how many were listening and heard this but, msnbc did a one liner, 'the us is default on it's bonds'...no follow up, no explanation. The us corporation can't pay, it's bankrupt. Now, you know what happens to you if you're default and you've gotten many extensions, and the bank finally calls it. What we will see before our eyes is a public show on how the 'bank' is calling it on the us corporation. What we've all been waiting for is tied to that default. Not that it couldn't have happened sooner, but they fought with everything they had to avoid the day that all would go public. The corporation has english roots so one might imagine a whole lot of face saving might be involved. That is why, one announcement won't be enough. They will continue for a few months as there's alot of information the public needs to know about what has happened over the last 140 years. So it never happens again.

Adjustments must be made to return this country to what it was intended. Deep and painful operations must be performed. What's going to happen when all these bar attorneys can't work in the courts anymore? What will the politicians do when they can't make a career and a living, staying in dc? What will happen when the military changes from being a lean mean killing machine to preserving life? Will people lose their minds because that whole idea is considered 'neanderthal' and a change of paradigms must be addressed? What happens when the bigger nations quit helping rogue states..other than food or power resources? What silence will descend when we won't be hearing about packages leaving and coming to every agency in dc countless times a week? Poor tattered things. Even judge roberts grinned, shaking his head in wry humor.

I will say it again because I don't think very many people got it then but the evidence is much more pronounced now. There is a split in the world. There are two diametrically different worlds. There are those who are screaming and trying to go back to the other world, the future scares them too much, so they operate in fear and they want you to be scared right along with them (misery loves company). The others don't care, they want to move on to something different. They want peace, instead of all this hate and discontent. There's plenty for everyone, so why aren't we sharing? Why do we have to wait for the wealthy to throw some crumbs down to us? Trickle down economics was a failed experiment. Tho they don't like bringing it up, reagan did raise taxes. There is the mythology of what happened before and, 'whatreallyhappened.com'.

I know this is at it's end. The 'makers' have shut everybody's mouth, so there's a lot of people trying to fill the vacuum. I see the 'bait' thrown out there to elicit a response from me but I will Not defend myself. You will have all the 'proof' needed in a moment. Personally, I'm going on a much needed vacation complete with umbrella drinks. All those folks out there who have worked for years to get this over with, can finally come home and never talk about this 'shift of the wealth of the world' again. People down below whether they be bankers, brokers, or what have you know the flip is here, even the bad guys know. How it's interpreted will be most interesting depending on who you are and what you believe. I heard of one banker who said, 'no don't spend the money, it'll make this administration look good', that's the stupidity by which these clowns operate. Shows even people in high positions don't 'get' that people with skin color other then white are responsible for this massive shift in the world. Yea, the universe has quite the sense of humor.

I will do my best to contact you folks who want a consultation. Time is tight and while I do not know the moment, outside circumstances are showing we are standing right on top of it.

Love and Kisses,

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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote:What happens when Casper runs out of foreign countries to blame?
He starts using places like Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg and Glubbdubdrib.

It's not like the people reading his stuff would have any idea if they were real or not.
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »


The packs were retrieved from the Japanese Embassy and turned over to carriers again. They acted on orders of the Japanese head of the World Court and promptly returned the packs to the Embassy.

The Emperor says he has made a deal with Obama and the Clintons and will not release the packs again.

He is blowing smoke, has no right to hold the packs and they are again being retrieved as I type.

Another stalling tactic that served to delay things one more day.

casper 9-20-10 #3

:lol: One :lol: more :lol: day? :lol:
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

They pull the packies in, they send the packies out, they pull the packies in and they shake them all about.
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by The Observer »

Has it ever occurred to any of the "retrievers" of the packies to just hold on to the stupid things and not pass them over to the carriers? Every single time the packets have been given to the carriers, they promptly turn them over to another set of bad guys - or the same bad guys if they can't find new bad guys. One would think that after a few times of this, the White Knights might start suspecting that the carriers are in the pockets of the shape-changing Lizards.

I suggest that we rename The White Knights to The Not-So-Bright White Knights.
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:Has it ever occurred to any of the "retrievers" of the packies to just hold on to the stupid things and not pass them over to the carriers? Every single time the packets have been given to the carriers, they promptly turn them over to another set of bad guys - or the same bad guys if they can't find new bad guys. One would think that after a few times of this, the White Knights might start suspecting that the carriers are in the pockets of the shape-changing Lizards.

I suggest that we rename The White Knights to The Not-So-Bright White Knights.

... or, the "Fright Knights". Every time the Bad Guys say "boo" to them, they hide under their beds and let the packies get taken away yet again.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
The Observer wrote:Has it ever occurred to any of the "retrievers" of the packies to just hold on to the stupid things and not pass them over to the carriers? Every single time the packets have been given to the carriers, they promptly turn them over to another set of bad guys - or the same bad guys if they can't find new bad guys. One would think that after a few times of this, the White Knights might start suspecting that the carriers are in the pockets of the shape-changing Lizards.

I suggest that we rename The White Knights to The Not-So-Bright White Knights.

... or, the "Fright Knights". Every time the Bad Guys say "boo" to them, they hide under their beds and let the packies get taken away yet again.
This analysis would be right on and meaningful except for the small detail that none of this actually exists. Why are the "White Knights" so impotent? Because Casper writes them that way. Why does he follow this silly "hokey pokey" line? Because it's an excuse as to why none of this ever becomes "real" that doesn't take any creative imagination.

Head's up, they're about to be delivered!
Nope, the Dragon Ball Z Family had them pulled back, but they'll go out tomorrow.
Nope, the Queen pulled a few strings and they're at the World Court.
They've been ordered out by the world court and given to the carriers, head's up!
Nope, the carriers are actually working for the Japanese Emperor and he made a deal Alexander the Great to move them to Livonia.

See how easy it is?
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »


At the time of OUR last update the packs were again in the Japanese Embassy.
Last night certain of the Nations reported that the packs had been picked up last night and would be delivered today.

Today these same Nations claimed they had trouble getting a carrier to deliver but had entered into a new contract with Brinks and all packages for all programs would be delivered tonight.

The packs had never been picked up and were located late today still in the Embassy.
These Countries lied not only to us but to all their counterparts around the world.
One of the Countries lying to the world was SPAIN and we will expose a second country to the world as soon as we have verification.

The situation is being dealt with right now but it is to late for today, heads up for tomorrow depending on what Obama and his helpers do next.

casper 9-21-10
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Re: Disclosure Exposer

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper can't go on the radio because Obama and his legion of thugs might kill him. But writings on the internet are OK. Really.


For Tony and Radio Folks:

I realize your ideas are completely innocent but you just don't understand the potential consequences.

Many have 'stuck their head up' a little too far and had it shot off.
This is the reality right now. Obama has threatened 'us' so many times. WE have families.
Whats more, I never had any intention of becoming a 'public' figure. I was writing for program people only when things were taken from cyber space and began to appear on web sites. I am looking for 'a way out' rather than for a way 'further in'.
There is nothing I could say which has not been put to paper (computer).

It's all there, people are just to lazy to read much less study.
The things which seemed so absurd when written were all true, the Intell came from those present.
Today we report what is going on today. Those that want the historical context have it available in the older updates archived at FourWinds.
Not a week goes by that one or more 'new kids on the block' want an explanation of this or that which has already been covered many times. WE can not continue to repeat ourselves over and over again. I realize that 'readers' had many messengers conflicting each other but there was nothing we could do about that. So we just kept on reporting the actual truth (as we understood it) day after day until finally there exist a huge written record of all that has occurred. Those who believed in our reporting at the expense of conflicting intell from others are not confused because they have been absorbing the 'historical context' for years. Those who remain confused because they could not determine which messages to believe can clear things up even now if they are willing to spend the time to read past updates. To those who are too lazy we have no help to offer, we are too tired to do it all over again. People have been so skeptical, so ready to assign our messages as 'something for sale' or done at the behest of this or that dark person or entity. WE are independent, associated with no others and have said so publically again and again.
What more can we do?
The world is full of jerks and it seems that some of the web sites attract more than their fair share.
WE do not wish to dialog with such people. If it were not for the obligation we feel to our original targeted audience, we would not bother with one more update much less expanding our 'exposure' by being on the radio.
I hope you understand all this Tony as I do not wish to be rude to you or others.

"Follow the Money"