Rayelan vs. Casper

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by Deep Knight »

From Rumor Mill News.

We Should Publish all of Casper's Writings... and their Responses as a Book

Posted By: Rayelan <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 17-Oct-2010 14:56:48

In Response To: 1st CASPER for OCT 17th: "The packs were picked up and taken to THE WHITE HOUSE by ..." (hobie) It would make a GREAT coffee table book... if we still have coffee tables.

Or better yet... it would make a great book to keep in the bathroom for those long bathroom sessions.

What would we name it?

Waiting for Godot?

Living on the Edge?

Living on the edge of the edge...

Living on the edge of the edge of the edge...

Living on the edge of the....

Falling off the Edge because we Lived on the Edge for too long.

How many times can you build up people's hopes, and then smash them to pieces before the people walk away or die?

That's a bit too long... maybe this one works better.

The Art of Keeping People on a String Year after Year after Year!!

Or we could call it... Rumor Mill News' best example of a misinformation campaign.

I wonder if Casper and his cohorts know how ridiculous all of this sounds. I, for one, have completely lost ALL hope in Casper...

I still have hope that Poof is correct. I have this hope because he and I are now getting our information from the same well. And if this well is the true and correct well... then the earth is getting ready for a new dawn. A dawn that will be free of the parasites that have tried to control the world for eons.

I know that there were CIA rolls that Faction Two promised would be paid back to the "little people" who put up their money believing that it would be returned 100 times or more over... so that they could use this money to repair the damage the cabal has done to this earth.

I harangued Gunther mercilessly about these rolls... and I did this before I ever even KNEW about the BIG "O"NE that many readers of RMN are involved in.

I don't know if the BIG "O"NE is the biggest one or if its just the one that is getting the most publicity. It is the one whose investors invested in the early days of the internet and because of this, the internet has kept its memory alive. The "rolls" that Gunther told me about were also made up of money given by "the little people", who were told that they or their heirs would receive back enough money so they could start charities and organizations that would raise everyone up to what we call a 1st world status.

Gunther promised me that the little people would be paid. I know he took this up with his boss. I also know that both Gunther and his boss understand karma and spirituality better than most of us. It's not a good thing to lie to and harm as many people as they have unless they had the intent of repayment with huge amounts of interest.

If the "well" that I referred to above is reading this... please know that others have made promises that I believe will be up to YOU to keep!!

The amount of money that you would use to repay all of these people is virtually zilch compared to the quadrillions that you are in control of.

I am putting in a personal plea on behalf of "the little people" who have kept the hope of a better world alive for over a decade now. If there were ever people who had strong faith in an idea, it is these people... the idea they have had faith in for over a decade is the idea of using their money to make the world a better place for all the peoples of the world who have no hope or faith.

The decision to honor the promise made to me that the old CIA rolls would be paid in full, with all the interest that was promised, lies with one man.

If this one man is reading this just know that the army you would be endowing is an army of light workers who have had a decade or more to hone their plans for the use of their money. They will NOT be taken advantage of and lose their money instantly. They have studied and planned and they know exactly how to use their money to do the greatest amount of good.

And if they don't know what to do with their money, they know that they have friends here at RMN who do know what do to with the money to change the world forever into what the earth was meant to be... a planet of love, happiness, prosperity and riches.

Earth was never meant to be a planet of duality... good and evil. That interpretation was brought here by the invaders who now control our world, our religions and our history. It's time for these people to be thrown off planets and for all their minions to have the choice of going with them, or of entering a re-education life on some other world... in order to break the mind control spell of their evil overlords.

If I'm wrong about any of this... please tell me!!


Rayelan believes almost anything, so her expressing doubts about Casper is a real milestone.
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Re: Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by Deep Knight »

CASPER: ' YOUR IGNORANCE IS SHOWING' (Updated Oct. 19, 2010)

TO: RAYELAN of Rumor Mill News:

[FROM: Casper]

You asked, 'if I am wrong please tell me'. Consider yourself told.

Casper does not move the packs, he (WE) observes and reports them being moved often hours before THE GOOD GUYS YET KNOW that something has gone wrong with their plans and schedules.
I can't count the number of times THE GOOD GUYS have learned of the packs most recent 'hidden location' from us.
How WE do this is unimportant although it should be obvious to any thinking individual.

Let me remind you that before Casper updates arrive in your inbox or even that of 4 winds they are sent all over the world with emphasis on the Far East, Europe, Etc..
They are received, every one of them, by such as The World Court.
You would no doubt be as shocked as I was to learn how many access them.

Do you think that 15 or more years of VERY INTENSE and VERY EXPENSIVE effort is for the purpose of 'mis-informing' our audience?

The TRIGGER PACKS have been fought over, sabotaged and way laid so often because they represent the death knell for the bad guys. They TRIGGER all manner of outcomes. I am never amazed at the levels of ignorance and outright stupidity WE encounter on the net, not any more, but I am amazed that you of all people are unable to recognize the situation as it has been described here as it unfolded.

There is little difference in the projected outcomes reported by Casper and Poof, none actually, and there never has been. How could you or anyone else not observe that? He deals in Big Picture Generalities, Pabulum, repeated ad nauseam. WE deal in the specifics of the Day and the Hour. Those who desire the generalized repeat of the big picture, those who can not stand the daily twist and turns, should stay out of the kitchen which is the Casper updates. How often have WE said as much, that if the daily warfare is not your cup of tea to read something else to protect your health. Lord knows there is plenty of uninformed 'generalizing' messages available on the net. I dare say that's why they 'generalize', they have no idea what goes on literally every single day.

Do you not know, perhaps because the circumstances in your life have kept you too busy to read every update, that messages are being conveyed between players here? That involvement 'beyond observation' has been mentioned in these updates although not repeated again and again. WE assume those who are our 'natural audience', those who have followed our updates for many years, observe and take note. I thought you were/are one of those. Your remarks indicate you have not figured things out but rather that which is conveyed here is 'bathroom material'. Your remarks indicate this is your 'First Rodeo', not at all what I expected of you or how I envisioned your understanding to be.

WE report the truth of the days activities Rayelan, with occasional accidental mis-steps.
The frustrating delays explained here as they occur have never changed OUR PROJECTED OUTCOME which is repeated here often enough for readers to understand that delay and defeat are not the same.
Long ago we promised readers that if 'the wheels ever come off' we will immediately say so publicly. That has never occurred. The truth does not care what the many internet airheads think of it, it simply is what it is. This truth reflects front line, fox hole, day by day observation and reporting with Action/Reaction the order of the day every day. Today's activities, with the packs in and back out of the White House is a text book example. If you prefer not to know this happened today then read something else.

If it is too frustrating, to unbelievable, not your cup of tea, then WE suggest you click on the daily uninformed pabulum available by the truckload elsewhere.

casper 10-17-10

#1 [ NOTE ]
Dear Casper:
Thank you for saying again what we have said hundreds of times to so many "doubting Thomases" over the years, who have challenged your updates and our credibility at Fourwinds. They shall be proven wrong,and you shall be vindicated, when balance is restored. Your work is greatly appreciated by the faithful.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer


#2 (Reply)

From: To
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: For Rayelan of RumorMillNews

Dear Casper (...and Wendy, et al),


I too was (mildly) surprised at Rayelan's comment regarding your work...not to mention, irritated.

Thank you . The ignoramuses are just a handful in number compared to the huge number who greatly admire, support, and thank you for your intelligent, honest, discerning, forthright, detailed, and courageous work these many years. You and yours are truly heroes...and you are loved, no doubt.

Sure, I get frustrated and, for that matter, even terrified at moments. But it is clear to me, it is obvious that my fear, my frustration is not because of your reports. It is, rather, because of my own personal choices in my own financial life...now 'financial-less'. And, especially, it is because of the bad guys...okay, okay, it is sometimes anger at the good guys too when I fear they are impotent. (I still do fear just that, by the way.) But I thank God for your reporting. It is the only sanity I see anywhere regarding reports upon the Projects. Journalistic work. I do not agree with every single point in your 'Opinion' pieces and I suspect you would not expect me/us to do so. But I do agree with many, sometimes most of your op ed points...and I most appreciate the shining of your light upon the various issues especially as to parallels with the Projects.

I am honestly dumbfounded, truly amazed, at the people who praise Poof and dish you--severely so, at that. I don't get it. My assumption is that they have a fundamental misunderstanding of the definition of the word, "positive." They love Poof because he is "positive" and are irritated because you are not in their view. However, it is YOU who are positive because you are personally forthright and vulnerable. It is YOU who are positive because you substantially contribute to our knowledge of the Project wars whether pleasant or unpleasant at any moment. It is YOU who are positive because you seek truth even at a price. It is YOU who are positive because you are willing to reconsider, you are willing to learn from the disappointments and any misunderstandings. It is YOU who are positive because you give us EXTRAORDINARY detail and insight from behind closed doors. From years of consumption, it is self-evident to me that you are, AT THE VERY LEAST, one hundred percent sincere and authentic.

Though I sincerely appreciate Poof's personal presence in the Projects as a fellow 'sufferer' and Beneficiary, I find his reporting of no value whatsoever. I wish him well. Truly. But I, for one, have virtually no use for his updates...though I do read them trying to squeeze any information or insight from anyone, anywhere, anytime. His writing posture of knowing the 'whole truth, nothing but the truth' (my words), and he 'has been telling us along, for many years that this is what would be happening' (my words), while conveniently ignoring the delays ad nausea m (except he told us this or that would happen all along right?)...no explanations whatsoever. Geez. Come on now. His reports are sophomoric at best. At worse, they simply are not forthright. Furthermore, when somebody offers little actual information to the reading audience, the LAST thing they should presume to do is to talk down to that same audience. I do not apologize nor blush for this criticism of Poof in that he certainly reads the riot act to so many as part of his updates--at least by innuendo and tone. I fully support him as a member of our community but, for me, not as a messenger upon the Projects. Each to his own I guess.

I so appreciate RumorMillNews and Rayelan for her own brave and behind the scenes reporting these many years. But that, in part, is why I too was surprised by her reaction to Casper's reports.

Thank you Casper.

Warm Regards, Thomas

#3 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: L
To: *Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 11:42 AM

Dear Patrick, Anne, Casper and WE:

I've suspected for some time that Casper might be a Star person,and I'm not referring to a movie star !!

The Best of Blessing to all of you.


http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1287375830

#4 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 8:00 PM
This wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Starborn go about their lives just doing their jobs, not wanting or asking for publicity. Because they can do their jobs much better if they are essentially out of the public eye. They become less of a target that way, and can get a lot more done. Starborn come in all shapes and sizes, and ages, so I'm told often. Many have 'died', and when that happens, more come to take their place. There are literally millions here now, on this planet. At last count well over 100 million. So yes, there is a 'presence' on this planet, as there always has been. Especially now!!!

"Follow the Money"

Re: Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by Trippy »

Just one of Rayelan's idiots wrote:From: T
... Starborn come in all shapes and sizes, and ages, so I'm told often. Many have 'died', and when that happens, more come to take their place. There are literally millions here now, on this planet. At last count well over 100 million. So yes, there is a 'presence' on this planet, as there always has been. Especially now!!!
If Casper is the caliber of "star person" these deluded idiots have been waiting for, I shudder for the future of the world and universe.
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Re: Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

He's more of a "space shot" than a "star person"....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by ClemIsBack »

I think Barney Fife, when speaking of Casper, was right on target when he said ... "He's a NUT".
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Re: Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by Deep Knight »

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Reader: "Casper's or Wendy's response shows the true colors of this psy-op."

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 19-Oct-2010 01:34:39

In Response To: Oct 17, CASPER TO RAYELAN: "I am amazed that you of all people are unable to recognize the situation..." (hobie) (Thanks, T. :)

Reader T. writes:


Re: Oct 17, CASPER TO RAYELAN: 'I am amazed th....

Way to go Rayelan!

After all these years...had they only spent a small percentage of their time getting their story into the real media (internet, not MSM) and got thousands of people on their side (little leverage) this 'story' could have been blown out of the water. They could have had a small army tracking this 'story'. Imagine if the BIG site were brought in...the story would blow up and the criminals would have no where to hide (that is if it was ever a real story).

So I question why only 'casper' and a handful of others can some how track these 'packs' all over the globe from the comfort of their home or gov office. Amazing....right?!?!

Calling a spade a spade...sometimes brings out the truth...Casper's or Wendy's response shows the true colors of this psy-op. Look at the anger response...it is telling. It is all a hoax people...go back to your regularly schedule programming (DWTS or House).

Thanks again Rayelan for speaking to the truth. It is about time someone called them out that has the influence! Of course now Casper's office mates will probably have some one knock on my door within the hour of this being posted (if it is) and hand me an envelop with the triggers in it as a joke.

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Re: Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer has a new "update" to Casper's response.

#5 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: GD
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 11:00 PM

Hello Patrick,
The following letter is for you, and to pass on to Casper if you would be so kind, and also please feel free to publish it as well if you wish.




Dear Patrick, Anne, Casper, Wendy, and others,

I'd like to thank you all for your herculean and tenacious struggle against the Dark.

Fourwinds, and the Casper Reports are one of my primary daily news sources, and provide a very valuable moral boost in my own personal struggle. Also, since I consider it possible that the dark forces may yet manage to disable the internet, I archive many fourwinds articles and all the Casper reports (since Feb 2008, when I first came across them.)

So, having followed the Casper reports closely for over two years (I know, not long compared to Casper's own dedication), I feel I may offer a comment on the issue of belief or disbelief in Casper's reporting.

For generations, the Powers That Be have been working to diminish the capacity of ordinary people to listen, learn, reason and judge reality. They are dumbing us down, all the better to enable their own tyranical and destructive rule over the entire world. It is easiest to lead the blind, to fool the foolish, oppress the meek, rob the innocent, and slaughter the weak. In this effort the Elites exhibit much subtlety - even the phrase 'dumbing down' is itself dumbed down, for it says nothing of the ways in which intelligence can be and is sabotaged from within.

One of the most effective mental shackles, is the learned practice of 'belief'. The idea that given a choice between a number of conflicting versions of 'real events', one must 'believe' one to the exclusion of all others. Religion is one of the ways in which this 'belief/disbelief' dichotomy is insinuated into the thought patterns of the people. Can you name one religion that maintains that it's own version of spirituality and Creation is only one of many potentially valid naratives? Thus people are habituated to the practice of 'potential exclusion', while lacking any direct personally experienced evidence supporting or depreciating different versions.

The Casper Reports, and the heated arguments over their 'reality' (or not) provide a fine example of the damage done by this unfortunate mental hobble most people wear. How many people reading this have *any* direct personal experience that would either validate or repudiate the theme of the Casper Reports? Some may, and I envy them. I know I do not. In the years I've been reading them (and various other commentators such as Poof, Story, Brammerton, Fulford, etc), and my best efforts to find correlations in 'Main Stream Media' (lying garbage, but still useful for background and 'intent'), I've never found a single solid corroboration. Or disproof for that matter. Only hints of validation in the subtlety of 'what is not said', and the surges of apparent counter-propaganda.

Does this mean I 'disbelieve' Casper? Or that I believe him unquestioningly? No, I do not. I simply absorb the information, file it for reference, and maintain in my mind a model of 'the world acording to Casper'. This provides one of several models against which I try to correlate everything I read and hear. In equal handedness, each one of these models could for all I know, be either absolutely true or the product of a deliberate disinformaton effort on someone's behalf. Some of the 'models' I maintain are developing quite high 'probably a disinfo source' scores, for instance Tom Heneghan. But even there, it doesn't mean I exclude every detail originating from that source. It merely means I try to identify the nature and objectives of that particular disinfo source. In Heneghan's case, he's clearly in thrall to some faction associated with Al Gore and the Warmists. But otoh, some of the information he publishes is still very interesting. So he gets the routine archiving treament from me too. Same with Story - clearly had some relationship with the British Crown, and so aspects of his reports were highly suspect. But others very valuable. Again, full archiving. I miss him, and hope that rumors of his survival are not premature.

It happens that I do consider the 'Casper model' to be very high in probability of being an accurate narative of real events. But I also keep in mind that I cannot *know* for sure. Since I have no direct involvement in the events he relates, to me his news is all characters on a screen, that I am unqualified to judge as true or untrue even if I do agree with almost everything in his opinion pieces. The best I can do is to honour his obviously great effort in preparing his reports, by reading and learning what I can from them.

Perhaps someday some solid verification will turn up, perhaps not. Meanwhile, I continue to learn. This is the key point - 'learning' does not mean that one accepts the learned information as absolute, unquestionable truth. Even in the Sciences, this is not so. One learns things in order to enhance one's ability to question everything. One does not learn in order to cease questioning, as is the case with 'belief'.

The deeper the questions one can understand, the better chance one has of asking the right questions, and finding ways to uncover answers. The best scientists are those who are able to encompass possibilities beyond 'accepted truth', and then find ways to test the validity of those potentials.

Another 'dumbed down' flaw in common thinking, is the habit of judging information by its 'distance from consensus.' In other words, to dismiss information because it wildly differs from the world view held by the average person. This seems to be the basis for many complaints against Casper - that the world he describes is so bizarrely at variance with the Main Stream Media worldview.

But this basis for judgement is entirely purile. I'd hope that everyone reading this understands that the MSM worldview is a deliberately concocted illusion, 99% false from top to bottom. Quoting William Casey, once Director of Central Intelligence: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

Casey left unsaid the methods of imposing a mental straightjacket on the People. These are primarily:

- Belief. Disables the ability to contemplate alternatives.

- Distance. The further the imposed False Beliefs are from reality, the fewer the people with the mental agility to make the leap to reality when some aspect of it is revealed to them.

- Consensus. Uses the natural human tribal/herd instinct as a barrier to considering ideas that differ from views held by others around them.

Perceived 'distance from consensus' is a very powerful tool of mind control. It manifests as instinctive contempt for ideas conflicting with a 'widely accepted' viewpoint. Quoting Herbert Spencer (1820-1903): "There is a principle, which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

This too applies well to the criticisms of Casper's work. His version of reality is very, very different (far) from the MSM illusion. And so we find people responding with contempt and vilification. We should pity and help them, for they have had their capacity for rational investigation deliberately crippled by the Powers That Be.

So with all that said, I'd like to make some comments directed to the content of Casper's reports.

Firstly, the packs. The mysterious, much travelled, never arriving packs. It's a fascinating story, regardless of its rather tedious repetition and predictability. There are so many questions one could ask, such as:

* Who created them? (And I have a *very* open mind on this matter. I'll even accept Celestials.)

* What are the packs, exactly? What is inside them?

* Who repairs/replaces them when the bad guys damage or destroy them?

* Why can't whoever made/repairs/replaces the packs, just deliver them directly to the recipients?

(Again, I have a very open mind on this. For example, 'as proof humans can act to save themselves'?)

* Why do the packs ever have to be all in one place, and thus prone to hijacking by the bad guys?

* How does this 'triggering' thing work exactly? Delivering the trigger packs initiates the disclosures?

* How is anyone going to know that ALL the trigger packs actually got delivered, and to the right people?

* What's to stop the Dark side just killing all the Pack recipients? Not as if this would be beyond them.

As for the disclosures, exactly why can't this just proceed anyway, given the history of extreme obstruction?

I presume 'the suitcase' is a figure of speech, and really refers to a collection of documents, some of which would be verified copies of papers, others of which would be digital, such as videos and sound recordings. But ultimately, there's no reason why the entire 'suitcase' couldn't consist of digital files, right? Also, I'd hope there are multiple copies of the 'suitcase' in existence, since having only one copy in one place would be really, really stupid.

So it has to be asked, what the hell is the problem with releasing it? This is the age of the Internet, and information released to the net cannot be suppressed. When the CRU emails leaked, I and everyone else who cared had a copy of the 63 MB zip of all the leaked files within hours. I really don't have much patience with the continuing non-release of the 'suitcase'. For F's sake, someone just scan the docs, zip it all up into one file, and post it on multiple public file servers. End of problem.

What, there's some contract to not release it till the trigger packs are delivered? So who exactly is the counter party to this contract? Would that be the lying, cheating, stealing, murderous scum who presently mis-rule this vale of tears? The same scum who's heads are going to be on pikes after the 'suitcase' is released?

And whoever has the suitcase is honoring this contract with murderous scum who can't be trusted to keep their word for even two seconds? Who soon after the release are not going to be in any position to complain about 'premature release'? Sorry, this *really* strains my ability to maintain alternate views of 'reality'.

Then there are the recipients of the packs. I have read all I could find of who the 'Program' beneficiaries are, in general. I have a little understanding of the magnitude of the amounts in question, and how they can be considered 'real money' as opposed to the fiat paper the world is choking on today. I think I understand how these factors make the payments significant enough to overturn the existing order of world financial control.

What I don't understand, is why a changeover of the financial elites from one group to another is put forward as a certain cure to the woes of today's world. Sure, things may be better. But money and power corrupts. How are the new group of ultra-wealthy (the Program investors, the Farm Claimers, etc) supposed to be immune to the same human failings that led to the existing mess? I strongly suspect it won't take long for things to go off the rails in a way similar to present problems. If the new ultra-wealthy even have the skill and wisdom to fix current systemic social problems in the first place.

Anyway, enough questions. I have one suggestion, which I hope may be constructive. My apologies for being only able to offer this one small idea.

The packs, numbering in the hundreds (?), must be pretty bulky. They regularly get shuttled around, loaded and unloaded from trucks and aircraft. The apparently numerous people who report to Casper seem to often actually sight the packs. And so, one *must* ask, isn't it possible to take some photographs of the mysterious packs during all this to and fro-ing? When they are regularly 'retrieved' perhaps? How about next time they are sabotaged and have to be repaired by unknown persons, who are presumably on the Light side?

A couple of common phrases spring to mind: "A picture is worth a thousand words", and "pics or it didn't happen!"

If Casper or his sources are worried about being identified by camera data in the pictures, use an image processing tool such as Irfanview to strip the EXIF data from the image files. How to anonomise images is common knowledge, easily googled. I gather Casper is a fairly senior person, and so may not be comfortable with computer technology. But come on, I'm 55 and can do this sort of stuff easily. It's not hard.

Some photos of the events included in the Casper reports would make a huge difference to many people, I'm sure.

Best wishes,


PS. A short story for you all, that may or may not be relevant. Can you guess how?

http://forum.darkervision.com/smf/index ... pic=3161.0

Fermi's Urbex Paradox, by TerraHertz
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Re: Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by Deep Knight »


I continue to receive lengthy questions or list of questions asking for answers to this, that and the other. 'Please explain this, please explain that'. I regret I do not have the time or the ENERGY to do so over and over again. I responded to one such question posted on Fourwinds some time back with the following:

'Common sense does not apply because everything worldwide is intertwined and dependent upon the performance of the whole. Our deliveries are the Trigger pushing down a row of dominoes but banks and governments and central banks and international debt reconciliation and many other things are involved. All of that has been dealt with over the years and we face the same problem we have always had, the blockage of the world changeover by the corrupt U.S. Corporate Government Leaders who refuse to yield to the big picture', etc etc etc.....

Nothing has changed, not really. There is a WAR going on. It is a World War of a financial nature. It pits the Illuminati and their Banking Cartel and their Political Pawns around the world against the People of the World who are represented in the fight by those Countries and Governments and 'Power Players' who have had enough of the Ponzi Con Game the Illuminati have been running for decades using Fiat Monetary Systems and Fractional Banking as their instruments for control of the world. A victory by them means Debt Slavery for generations of people the world over, World Government, Police States, Communism, the Status Quo on steroids and absolute CONTROL of the world with FREEDOM a word from somewhere back in history no longer applicable to anyone anywhere at any time. And they are willing to do anything, ANYTHING to preserve their power and control. If they ever had a 'moral compass', remote chance, they sold it for '20 pieces of silver'.

Looking back upon the above answer it is still accurate, current and viable. Everything is intertwined and will come down more or less simultaneously including a return to the Constitution. Read your Constitution and observe all the Unconstitutional things going on in America.

The one thing I would add, for those who don't understand why WE report the movement of the packs ,sometimes hour by hour, is because the information is of great interest and value to those around the world engaged in the war with the beast. There are Programs, Projects and Fundings anticipated virtually everywhere, all over the world. It is the combined pressure from all these people and places and interest that will win this great war of attrition against the evil controllers of our world who are so desperate not to allow the people of the world to learn of the things they have done many of which will 'blow the minds' of the common man. Accomplishing this is not, can not be, a 'clandestine operation' which can be completed by having Dominoes Pizza deliver the packs secretly. A 'system wide' defeat is necessary and the battle rages on many fronts simultaneously, Money, Banking, Politics, Announcements, Exposures, Deliveries, and many many vague etceteras reported recently such as 'who owns the U.S.' While some of this may not be completely clear to you it is clear to those engaged in the warfare. And while WE may know more than most of you 'WE Still Do Not Know Everything'.

The U.S. Corporation and its employees such as Obama and its Military Brass are at the forefront of stopping the World from moving forward into a new system not controlled by corruption. To know more read more. Not just our previous updates but the news is everywhere and its all related. WE try so hard to report what's going on without crossing requested 'boundaries'. It is disappointing to learn some are still confused but WE have done the best we could with what we could say at the time and we simply can not spend our days repeating and explaining. The situation is fluid, constantly changing, Action/Reaction. It is all we can do to keep up with and point at the bouncing ball.

casper 10-22-10 opinion
"Follow the Money"

Re: Rayelan vs. Casper

Post by ClemIsBack »

Dear Patrick, Anne, Casper, Wendy, and others, .. you are all a bunch of friggin idiots. Your mothers sew socks that smell and I would have to bet they dropped all of you on your heads repeatedly.

No offense intended or implied.