Satan Claus is Coming to Town

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Satan Claus is Coming to Town

Post by Deep Knight »

Feeling the Xmas spirit, Bellringer posted this a Foulwinds10. Almost 20 years old, it was “channeled” by the precious chela Druthea, who was someone in the Tehachapi UFO cult named “Desiree” who moved with “Georgie” to Carson City a couple of years after this was posted and the cult started falling apart. As for the definition of “chela” I give you 3 choices:

1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Zoology) a large pincer-like claw of such arthropods as the crab and scorpion
[New Latin, from Greek khēlē claw]
2. (Non-Christian Religions / Hinduism) Hinduism a disciple of a religious teacher
[from Hindi celā, from Sanskrit ceta servant, slave]
chelaship n
3. (Spanish / Mexican slang) A blonde or slang for a light-colored beer.


4/6/91 SANANDA

I AM Sananda. I come in service to Our Holy Father of Light, God/Aton and The Creation. Greetings, precious chela, Druthea. Let us begin.

Many of you may wonder what Santa Claus has to do with the Anti-Christ. Everything! The Adversary to God in its wish to place bondage and limitation upon God's Human Creatures upon this plane knows that to garner the greatest degree of deception it must begin with the human in its childhood state.

You see, the adversary, in order to maintain deceptive "control" over you ones, must support its "illusion" of attachment to "physical" matter. The being that so-called Christians have called Santa Claus represents the "god" (of the adversary) to your little children. For example: According to the "myth" (defined as, "An imaginary of fictitious person, thing, event of story.) Santa Claus can BE everywhere around this planet within a short 8-hour-or-so period. He will bring "gifts" to all the "good" children around the planet. These "gifts" are physical toys and objects of desire of the young and "good" child. If the child is really "good", he/she receives many gifts of which he/she has asked for. This begins the human's attachment to having "things" of material plane versus desiring the "spiritual" gifts of Our Creator, God/Aton.

Now the parents, of course, support this Santa Claus "image", only it is not necessarily based upon the "goodness" of the child, but more directly based upon the pocket-book abilities of the parent. Since there is NO such being called Santa Claus as described in the "myth", it is THE PARENTS who perpetrated the lie of the adversary, by themselves continuously allowing, encouraging and fulfilling the "I want..." list of their children. Essentially, regardless of the "good" intentions of the parents, they themselves are planting the seed of, encouraging and sustaining "materialism" within their child. Those children whose parents cannot "afford" many gifts for their children most often feel "guilty". The child senses this and unless the parent explains HONESTY where the gifts come from, so that the child understands that it is not based upon his "goodness" or "badness" but that any "gifts" given are based upon the LOVE-sharing of his parents (or whoever gives), he will begin "comparing" himself by that which he has not received, against what his "perceived" more abundant friends and peers receive. The child will most often begin to harbor feelings of unworthiness and eventually he may become quite ANGRY with his parents for allowing and supporting a LIE.

Am I saying it is "wrong" to give gifts of material matter? Not at all. Parents, you must FIRST simply nurture and encourage the spiritual "gifts" of Our Creator, God/Aton; especially the spiritual creative potential within, personal responsibility, integrity of spirit within, Love and Joy of life and ONENESS with all. If Christmas represents a "time" when family and friends can be close in communion and sharing of LOVE, and a "time" of thankful appreciation for the gifts of LIFE of God and a "time" of remembering and giving back dignity to those who are less fortunate in physical manifestation, then God blesses you. Only, God, Our Father, and We of HIS HOSTS OF LIGHT would encourage you to not save this "time" of sharing for ONLY societal designated "times" such as Christmas. EVERY DAY IS HOLY AND BLESSED OF GOD! MAKE EVERY MOMENT A DIVINE, HOLY CHRISTED CELEBRATION WITHIN!

I AM suggesting, though, that the "image" of "roly poly", Santa Claus who is "everywhere" ("like" God) is really the ANTI-GOD's attempt at a very POOR copy of GOD. Santa Claus represents in his image figure, gluttony and his perceived "jolliness" and "benevolence" is really the ANTI-GOD laughing AT YOU because you parents play his game of seducing your own children into MATERIALISM and away from true SPIRITUALITY. The "myth" says, "Santa Claus" goes "everywhere" where the "good" children are. Do you think perhaps those starving ones, such as in Ethiopia and HERE within your own United States, are loved LESS by God/Aton? Well, Santa Claus only gives "gifts" to children who are "good" according to material desire AND ABILITY OF PARENTS TO PAY! Ponder this carefully.

Parents, many of you have given "EVERYTHING" you could of material "desires" to your children, and when they are grown and still depend upon you in their adult years and then even resent you, you are baffled. Don't you see? When you give your child TRUTH and LOVE and GUIDANCE of SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY and ONENESS, THEY WILL HAVE GAINED ACCESS TO THE TOOLS WITHIN THEM TO BE RESPONSIBLE CREATIVE HUMANS OF THIS PLANE. YOU MUST GIVE THEM TRUE "GIFTS" OF SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND POWER WITHIN THEM that they may move forward IN JOY AND INNER PEACE and FEAR NOT the challenges put before them, but instead WELCOME THEM as OPPORTUNITIES TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH OF THEIR HOLY, DIVINE SPIRITUAL HERITAGE WITHIN!

So what am I suggesting? Very plainly, that the "myth" of Santa Claus be presented HONESTLY to your children from the beginning. You need not continue to FEED THE LIE OF ANTI-GOD and thus, cripple your children by feeding them limitation and bondage to "material" objects. They must learn and KNOW that THEY create ALL within this experience, including any perceived "lack". You must teach your children RESPONSIBILITY for their thoughts, words and actions and DISCIPLINE of their "minds" by ALWAYS monitoring their own thoughts. For those of you parents who have already taught your children the "myth" of "Santa Claus", NOW is the time to "pop" the phony, gluttonous belly of Santa Claus to release the "hot air" existing within this deceptive "satanic myth". You see, "Satan" Claus is NOT an image of TRUE Christians. TRUE Christians are those who understand and adhere to CHRIST consciousness teachings of THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION, NOT so-called ones who label themselves "Christian" based on their "belief" in what they are told are the "teachings" of Christ as presented erroneously within your various Bibles.

SEE Santa Claus for that which this image truly represents: a ridiculous, gluttonous image to perpetuate COMMERCIALISM of material "goods" and "services". Face it, precious ones, MANY businesses DEPEND upon your CHRISTMAS season for a major portion of their business. Just as the ANTI-GOD DEPENDS upon your IGNORANCE of Truth to perpetuate its EVIL FOLLY upon you. YOU feed the BEAST by your choice to remain spiritually ignorant.

Many of you now may be concerned about YOUR BUSINESS, especially if yours is one which rides the MASS consciousness tide of Christmas giving. IF that be your FIRST concern and NOT about the integrity and necessity of YOUR product, then YOU need to PONDER YOUR priorities of concern more carefully. If your business is truly one which serves your human brethren by truly SERVING GOD, then you need not concern over its success...GOD'S WILL WILL BE DONE! But if your business rides upon MEDIA molded and created desires, addictions and "social" may be time to carefully consider YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to GOD, SELF and YOUR BRETHREN, and therefore, CHANGE your business! IMPOSSIBLE, YOU SAY?! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WHEN YOU MAKE YOU FIRM COMMITMENT TO SERVE IN BALANCE WHICH IS OF GOD/ATON AND THE CREATION. "Will it be easy to change?", you ask. THAT depends upon YOU! Meaning it depends upon the degree of resistance and dependence upon the "material" plane offered and accepted by your "altered" ego which, of course, is fed by the Anti-God which YOU have allowed within YOUR TEMPLE OF GOD. Whether it is easy or not does NOT matter. WHEN your commitment to GOD IS MADE AT SOUL LEVEL, YOUR SOUL WITHIN WILL BRING THE LESSONS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR SPIRITUAL CONNECTION AND COMMITMENT TO GOD. IT WILL BE ENTIRELY UP TO THE SELF-DEVELOPED INTEGRITY WITHIN as to whether or not YOU are successful in YOUR TESTING to allow YOU entrance within GOD'S HOLY KINGDOM OF LIGHT. So Be it.

I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD, in Service to God/Aton and The Creation. Thank you precious chelas for this communion. May you receive the clarity and understanding OF GOD, given herein. Bless you little sister, Druthea, for your service. Peace be with you. Salu.

I guess this means Santa won’t be delivering the prosperity packies the night of December 24th. Too bad, it strikes me that he would have all the necessary qualifications, especially the “being mythical” part.

I remember seeing a slasher movie years ago at a video store just before Christmas named “Silent Night, Deadly Night” with the image of Santa going down the chimney with an axe. For those of you interested in researching the evils of Santa, here’s a list of 25 Xmas horror movies from online. Happy Holidays!

To All A Good Night (1980) A killer Santa stalks a group of teenagers in this slasher movie.
Silent Night, Bloody Night (1974) An escaped serial killer take refuge in a house and killing anyone who comes near the house.
Don't Open 'Till Christmas (1984) Anyone who dresses as Santa is being killed in London and Scotland Yard is hard pressed to catch the killer.
Jack Frost (1996) A serial killer comes back as a snowman and starts killing again.
Santa Claws (1996) Thinking that he is Santa Claus after killing "Santa" he found in bed with his mother when he was a young boy, the young man now stalks a B-movie actress.
Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) Traumatized as a boy after witnessing his parents murdered by a thief in a Santa suit, Billy Chapman grew up in an orphanage where he was further abused by the Mother Superior. As a young man, he snapped when he was told to wear a Santa suit and starts a killing rampage which leads him back to the orphanage.
Santa's Slay (2005) After losing a wager with an angel, the devil's son was forced to spend 1000 years as Santa Claus but on Christmas eve of 2005, the 1000 years deal ends so Santa starts a killing spree.
Gremlins (1984) After breaking the 3 rules about keeping a pet, a teenager unknowingly releases little monsters that terrorize the town.
Black Christmas (1974) A group of girls in a sorority house is terrorized by a stranger who makes terrifying phone calls and later kills off the girls one after the other.
Christmas Evil (1980) This is another slasher movie where the killer wears a Santa suit.
Shredder (2003) In this slasher movie, a killer wearing black terrorizes a group of teenagers at a ski resort.
Tales From The Crypt (1972) Five terrifying stories are told in this movie.
Night Train Murders (1975) This is an Italian movie about a terrifying train journey.
Feeders 2 : Slay Bells (1998) When aliens come to invade earth, it's up to Santa and the elves to save the world.
A Christmas Nightmare (2001) A couple of newly-weds faces a nightmare when their bodyguard who is escorting them to a safe house after they witnessed an assassination of a presidential candidate is possessed and wants to kill them.
Dead End (2003) A psychological horror movie about a family's road trip to celebrate Christmas turned into a nightmare of no end.
Wind Chill (2007) Another Christmas road trip movie about two college students who share a ride and are haunted by ghosts of the people who'd died at a deserted road where their car breaks down.
P2 (2007) Staying late at the office on Christmas eve turns out to be a nightmare for a businesswoman who is trapped in a parking garage at level P2.
The Legend Of Hell House (1973) A group of investigators are sent to a house to see if they can survive staying in the house for a week.
Two Front Teeth (2006) A tabloid writer is haunted by the ghosts of Christmas past.
While She Was Out (2008) After offending a group of gangsters, a housewife finds herself being stalked by the gang who are seeking revenge.
Hogfather (2006) In Discworld, Hogwatch is the equivalent of Christmas and Hogfather is Santa Claus. In this movie Hogfather has gone missing and it's up to his granddaughter to find him.
The Children (2008) Christmas became gruesome when the children start to turn against their parents.
Elves (1989) A woman discovers that she's going to be used to create a superhuman race has to seek the help of Santa Claus to escape her fate.
Psycho Santa (2003) A killer dressed as Santa Claus goes on a killing spree.
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Re: Satan Claus is Coming to Town

Post by Deep Knight »

The universal law of unintended consequences tells us that if you make a post about Satan Claus, a Christmas carol will get stuck in your head. In my case, Santa Claus is Coming to Town. In circumstances like this, it’s best to purge through parody.

You better not pout
You better not cry
You better watch out
Otherwise you’re gonna die
Satan Clause is coming to town

He’s making a list
Checking it twice
Gonna find out
Who looses their life
Satan Claus is coming to town

He knows when you’ve been sleeping
And he knows with whom
He knows where the bodies are buried
And which ones to exhume

You better not pout
You better not cry
You better not be dyslexic
I’m telling you why
Satan Claus is coming
Fresh blood will be running
Satan Claus is coming
To town
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Re: Satan Claus is Coming to Town

Post by Deep Knight »

Two more parodies, cut and pasted from online. I especially like the 2nd, which has some quite cleaver, er, clever lines.

You'd better watch out, I'm letting you know
Don'y visit the Big Man in smokin' hot clothes
Or Santa Claus will be copping a feel

He may be getting old but he's still got desire
And this mall's not particular just who they may hire
This Santa Claus will be copping a feel

His Cialis script was just refilled
His morals are a little loose
He likes hotties to sit on his lap
Consider that your Christmas Goose!

You'd better watch out, I'm letting you know
Don'y visit the Big Man in smokin' hot clothes
Or Santa Claus will be copping a feel

He loves those leather minis
Skin-tight T-shirts drive him wild
At the last mall that he worked at
Charges may have been filed!

You'd better get set
If you wanna hear
Why you won't get
No presents this year:
Santa Claus is going to jail

He's got an appeal
And making it twice
'Cause he's been accused
Of paedophile vice
Santa Claus is going to jail

He says he didn't do it
He's got an alibi
The jury, they have all got kids
So I bet he's gonna fry

The DA has got
A water-tight case:
A billion other
Charges to face
Santa Claus is going to jail

He was there in your bedroom
'Cause DNA don't lie
The evidence looks bad for him
So thank God for CSI

So nothing this year
It has been, you know
The last we will hear
Of "Ho ho ho ho ho"
Santa Claus is going to jail
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Re: Satan Claus is Coming to Town

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote: Since there is NO such being called Santa Claus as described in the "myth",

WHAT! :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Satan Claus is Coming to Town

Post by The Observer »

"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Satan Claus is Coming to Town

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You'd better not shout
You'd better not cry
You'd better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus has just been laid off

I'm telling you now
You girls and you boys
That Santa Claus won't be
delivering your toys
Santa Claus has just been laid off

They've padlocked up his workshop
They've sent home all the elves
They've told his reindeer and Rudolph
they must look out for themselves

This Christmas is shot
Recession is here
And Santa just sits 'round
a-guzzling beer
Santa Claus has just been laid off
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Satan Claus is Coming to Town

Post by lorne »

oh nevermind, thought you were referring to the Bernank