Finished by Week's End!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Finished by Week's End!

Post by co-shoot »

THey changed the date... just another soon for sure this time.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 28-Apr-2010 17:17:37

(Thanks, Griff. :)

Reader Griff sends us:


Hodges and Associates INTERIM UPDATE
« Thread Started Today at 7:15pm »


I have previously stated that I would not provide an “update” until we had confirmation of economic receipt or, I became convinced that payment to CMKX shareholders would not be forthcoming in a timely manner. This “Interim Update” is the exception that proves the rule, so to speak. However, it has been a relatively long period [certainly more than I originally anticipated] since I communicated with the shareholders at large, and there is material information to impart.

Before providing some information about what has been transpiring and our current status, let me address a few other matters:

• I am an attorney and have been retained by seven brave and exceptional shareholders that represent a cross section of the proposed class.

• The Bivens action which I have filed not only sets forth the facts as I know them, it seeks to become a class-action on behalf of all shareholders.

• At this instant in time however, I literally represent only the seven named plaintiffs; as a result, I am constrained in the types and extent of information which I can provide to putative members of the class.

• In the unlikely event that this litigation continues forward, a motion will be filed with the Court requesting that a class be certified. If granted, at that point I will, presumably, be appointed by the Court to continue acting as counsel for the class; thereafter, the Court will be required to approve any and all settlements, and others matters.

• The status of the litigation can at all times be monitored on PACER; as a result, we do not respond to inquiries at my office; accordingly, please do not contact us directly for such information.

• For everyone’s information, all defendant’s have been served, and an initial scheduling conference, originally set by the Court to be held on April 26, 2010 has been continued by mutual agreement of the parties [with consent of the Court] to July 26, 2010.

• The litigation will be aggressively pursued until such time as all CMKX shareholders have been paid.

In a similar vein, please understand that we are not involved in any ongoing negotiations with the SEC and/or their representatives with a view to compromising and/or otherwise attempting to resolve claims of the shareholders. We have set forth in the complaint what the shareholders are entitled to receive; compromise is not anything that the shareholders want, desire, or would tolerate or accept.

The belief of some that yelling and screaming, loudly and publicly enough, can somehow “force” release of the CMKX moneys, is erroneous and misplaced; it will not. Having said that, I do believe that media exposure is beneficial in the sense that it keeps the pressure on the entire financial community.

Inquiring minds want to know: what is our status; what has been going on; what is holding up economic receipt; when will our money be released; and how much money is there? Let me address each of these questions, to the extent I am able, separately:

1. How Much Money – As I have said before, we have persuasive evidence to all of the facts alleged as such in the complaint; accordingly, there is a total of 3.87 Trillon Dollars.

2. When is Release – The CMKX distribution funds will be released within a very short time after there is confirmation of Economic Receipt. What does that mean? It means that currently in process is a massive shift of wealth within the US and the world community; that includes: pay out of all the domestic settlements; institution of the US dollar re-funding project; pay out of world settlements; and, distribution of funds to many other programs. This involves a total of more than $ 42 Trillion. Economic Receipt occurs when all trustees have access to all of the funds they are responsible for.

3. Our Status – We are literally on the thresh-hold. This means that the “work” remaining to be finished will not consume more hours than can be accomplished within one day. We have been at this point now for more than a few weeks.

4. The Delay – Although I could write a book about what’s been going on behind the scenes to cause this additional delay, I’ll try to give you the condensed version:

First - Please be aware and understand that there is an economic war raging in the background.

Second - The naked corruption that is endemic in D.C. is more than most can comprehend; it is clear that these miscreants have no regard for the US Constitution, Federal Laws and Regulations, nor even any sense of simple morality. They are convinced that they are above any constraint that might apply to lesser mortals and that no enforcement activity will ever successfully address them. I hasten to add that such opinions are not universal; having said that, it is more widespread than not.

Third - These miscreants are, in effect, fighting for their lives – at least that part of their lives that establishes an environment in which they can continue to lie, cheat, steal, and mortgage your progeny’s lives, all for their personal gain. Accordingly, they will fight until the doors are all closed by a power that they cannot subvert. That fight continues as I prepare this interim update.

Fourth - The good news is, we are winning the battle. The circle within which these bad apples can operate draws inexorably smaller with each attempt to bribe, suborn and otherwise corrupt the system, and the people within it. By way of example, I was advised that over the weekend one State Department person, 10 bankers and 18 Federal Reserve people were arrested and dealt with.

Fifth – By what date will we have Economic Receipt, you ask. We will have it when this initial battle phase comes to a successful conclusion. That will be in the very near future in my opinion; the current schedule based on advice I received this afternoon is that it should all be finished, with funds in the Trustee’s hands, by week’s end.

I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to those of you who continue to demonstrate support and encouragement for our efforts. We remain very optimistic for the long term. Rest assured that the fight will continue, and we will prevail.

Al Hodges
Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:58 PM
Nancy Lazaryan said...
I wonder if this is being done as private attorney generals?

April 28, 2010 3:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Al Hodges filed a lawsuit against the SEC on behalf of
shareholders of CMKM Diamonds.

here is the link to the court filing:

Does anyone know how this relates to RAP or Nesara?

April 28, 2010 3:38 PM
Anonymous said...
yes i did not know that there was a connection

April 28, 2010 5:12 PM
Anonymous said...
benjamin fulford will be on rense in
35 min....

April 28, 2010 8:26 PM
G-Man said...
Griff here
To answer your question in a nutshell:
There could be no NESARA implimentation until the beast was eliminated
cmkx was one of a number of sting operations that were mandated by congress, the good guys in congress, to help bankrupt the beast, the federal resrve.
This is an extremely interesting developement that has been completely overlooked by even the alternate news sources. VERY SAD
There should be time given to telling this story so all would know the heroics of persons like you and me

April 29, 2010 5:15 AM

Re: Finished by Week's End!

Post by littleroundman »

The USA must be a strange place.

Here in Oz, if a well known person so much as breaks wind in a public place, it's reported within minutes and repeated in the media ad nauseum for weeks.

Yet, here we have a situation in the US where large numbers high profile persons from all walks of life are reported as having been arrested on an almost daily basis, and yet none of the events make it into the media.

It also appears from reports that a war involving some of the best known names on the planet is being waged, but not one, single, solitary investigative reporter dares mention it.

Certainly no information of all these comings and goings has made it to the bottom of the world.

The integrity of those insiders responsible for keeping all 320 Americans up to date with info is obviously beyond reproach,

Is it at all possible someone's telling little white lies ?????
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Re: Finished by Week's End!

Post by wserra »

co-shoot wrote:• The Bivens action which I have filed not only sets forth the facts as I know them, it seeks to become a class-action on behalf of all shareholders.

• At this instant in time however, I literally represent only the seven named plaintiffs; as a result, I am constrained in the types and extent of information which I can provide to putative members of the class.
I'm not. Dismissed without prejudice on August 2, 2010. Dismissed with prejudice December 6, 2010. Never made it to the issue of class certification because plaintiffs could never state a case. The end.
• The litigation will be aggressively pursued until such time as all CMKX shareholders have been paid.

Guess not.
In a similar vein, please understand that we are not involved in any ongoing negotiations with the SEC and/or their representatives with a view to compromising and/or otherwise attempting to resolve claims of the shareholders.
Maybe you should have.
The good news is, we are winning the battle.
By a non-standard definition of "winning".
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Re: Finished by Week's End!

Post by co-shoot »

Casper, 3-2-09

In the "old days" BUSH often stole, diverted, scattered, hid, traded, etc. all or parts of the many piles of funds more times than we can count. More recently, as the funds were locked down tighter and tighter the funds were used as "collateral" for trades. As long as they had crooked bankers cooperating it didn't matter that they were doing it illegally, they were doing it anyway. Time passed then code breaking super computers were brought to bear and they gained more unauthorized access. The money was moved out of B.of A...The money was moved out of Treasury several times. The money was moved out of CITI. The money was moved into and out of Switzerland. All this is fairly recent history. Trades were attempted many times each day. As long as they could mess with the money, steal it or scatter it or use it as collateral the packs could not be turned loose.

Over the years we have reported hundreds of these attempts to you, a few successful with recapture of funds necessary, most caught and stopped no matter the circuitous methods involved in the attempts. We have also reported most of the thefts of funds and the scattering of funds for no purpose other than delay. How do you suppose we know this stuff and have known it for years? Has it occurred to you WE might be in touch with those responsible for stopping the thefts, the trades, the attempted trades, etc short the security of the funds?

This aspect of our reporting began years before anyone ever heard of BEMA and continues today as it occurs. What you-or WE- think of BEMA has nothing to do with it. It is exposure of hidden goings on for all to see with the expectation that those in position to put a stop to it will do so while realizing that no one has ever been able to completely stop the attempts, only the outcome.
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Re: Finished by Week's End!

Post by co-shoot »

2009 lol.. co-shoot
:whistle: :arrow:
Snip))Just know that a safe and secure system is at last in place.

You gotta read ((carefully))between the lines with Sheldan Nidle

We come with much to convey to you. The time for the start of the much-needed changes has arrived! Accordingly, it is appropriate to look anew at what is to happen and to provide you with more details. A set protocol has been established by the main legal agencies responsible for supplying the timetables and the correct sequence for this worldwide "quiet revolution". It begins with the various abundance deliveries. How this is to be done, we cannot of course divulge. Just know that a safe and secure system is at last in place. Once this procedure is completed, the certified results can allow our Earth allies to replace a number of dark cabal regimes. These new governments are to make a series of announcements. The first will concern itself with the reasons for such drastic regime changes and the fate of those brought down by these changes in administration. The next issue to be addressed will be the nature of the new global economic system, which includes the subjects of global debt forgiveness, the end of income taxes, and the new transparent banking system.
The new banking is to be based on a new hard currency system. Banks are to be rigorously regulated, and no large, fully integrated banking institutions are to be permitted. Fractional banking, its many usurious practices, and derivatives are to be disallowed. In their stead will be strictly defined, local institutions. Savings banks are to remain, but commercial and investment banks are to be regulated strictly and according to rules that involve a great deal of transactional transparency. Another aspect of this new system concerns the many social responsibilities that are to be embedded in the new banking charters. Likewise, all corporations are to be rechartered and given a similar set of rules that reflect the need for transparency and social responsibility.
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Re: Finished by Week's End!

Post by co-shoot »

[NOTE: For background commuinications between Whistleblower and"S" please refer to "LIST OF ARTICLES / DOCUMENTS by 'S' (Reposted Nov. 6, 2008 )( Note: by PHB)" found at :
/government/corporate_u_s/news.php ---PHB ]

----- Original Message -----
From: Whistleblower
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 4:58 AM
Subject: Casper's latest posting and my response

Dear Casper,

If you don't mind, I feel I have to respond to your latest posting in which I show respect for you but also clearly indicate to the General Public other salient issues / points that should also be told.

( a cut :Axe: here by co-shoot :oops: )

It is appreciated that the majority of people world-wide have little or no knowledge of how the system at the top works, and the fact that there are things that are completely hidden from the general public, but not only that, how destructive, biased, corrupt, devious, distorted from reality, self centred and oppressive, the system and those who work with it are.

For one, being a Senior Part of an institution / the International Treasury Controller, at the very top of the tree, I for one appreciate that it doesn't matter what your position, or your power, or other strengths, if you are outside the little circles of these power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups, you really do not stand a much of a chance.

With respect to all, I will now make comment on Casper's posting, or the relevant sections within it.

BUSH-from the G-20. "We are not here to change the system". Precisely, they are not there to change the system. They do not want to change the system and spoil their own futures. They can not even admit that the system is totally broken. All they have done is agreed to agree and placed much of the emphasis onto the Financial Regulatory Bodies. Political BS, but there again, we should all be use to such things by now.

I can tell you that there is a new system (80% planned and structured at this time) which will quite soon be presented to Countries and Politicians. We may even publish it on the Web so that it can be seen by all. We will not state it is the perfect system, nothing ever is, but it partially takes the Financial System out of the Political Arena, by being monitored and operated independently from the current Financial System operatives. It is based on an asset backed (Assets of the Collateral Accounts) new International Monetary Unit, International Representation for each and every country through Regional Committees, and Financial Independence for each country of the World.
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Re: Finished by Week's End!

Post by Deep Knight »

I got my payoff at the end of that week in April or after July 26th, I don't exactly remember which, except if was $3.87 Trillon (not Trillion) dollars in small, used, non-sequential bills in an attache case. Also in the package was a big bag of raw, uncut diamonds marked "CMKX dug up in Canada." I guess I should have split them up amongst the others, but Al didn't include any instructions in the case and I got so busy, what with spending insanely large amounts of money and all, that I kind of forgot and it's almost gone now. Sorry.
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Finished by Week's End!

Post by co-shoot »

distribution of funds to many other programs. This involves a total of more than $ 42 Trillion

Well shoot... please don't forget your compadres on this score lol