Partick H. Weenie

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Partick H. Weenie

Post by Deep Knight »

Last year Bellringer posted volumes of scary stuff about the Gulf oil spill, telling everyone about the horrible things that were about to happen ("raining oil" "super volcano" "massive tidal waves"). Now he can't even give "R" a straight answer about it.

Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----

From: R
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 9:49 AM
Subject: Questions About The Gulf oil Spill
Hi Patrick,
This may be long, but please bear with me. My family and I were living in Florida when the Gulf oil spill happened and I guess our faith failed us and we moved to Kentucky(out of fear). We left because we started reading about the toxic air and water and the possibility of the canyon caving in and causing a massive 60 ft. tsunami that would wipe Fl. off the map. We are still reading reports of people dieing down South from exposure to the air seafood and water. We see scientist on the news saying that people are sick and have oil in their bodies.

My question is, do you think it is safe at all to move back to the panhandle of Florida? We loved it there and miss it, but do not want to be in a dangerous zone of Corexit, benzine and a possible cave in of the sea floor. We also have heard that the oil spill still has not stopped. Is it safe and are the Galactics cleaning it. We fear for others also. I hope my questions are clear. We miss Florida!

In Love


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: January 2, 20111

Dear R:

Thank you for your letter. Based upon Earth Shan's progress in saving her life and the massive cleansing to occur, as she makes her transition into 5th dimension, Hatonn says, "no place on our planet is safe". You ask about returning with your family to Florida. If no place is ultimately safe, does it matter where we live?

Yes, I believe it does. We are to be responsible for our welfare and that of our family. We are not to knowingly put ourselves and our family in harms way and expect the Angels to protect us, as they cannot interfere in our foolish freewill choices, our lessons and resultant karma. We have been given reason (common sense) and our God Spirit within to guide us. To do otherwise is not wise, and leads to mistakes from which we learn to make better choices next time.

I cannot tell you what to do. I can only give you advice. Is Florida as safe as Kentucky? Is the air less toxic in Kentucky? What does your family want to do? These are quesitons you must consider. If it is a matter of you returning to Florida, go, but your family returning to Florida is a whole different ballgame, for you as the father (and your wife, the mother) are held responsible for the welfare of your children.

Ponder the choices and the outcomes, my friend, and go with the advice of your God Spirit within. What is your gut feeling? What is your heart (not your head) telling you to do?

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

He says he can only give advice, but doesn't even do that, just asks vague questions. Deep Knight can do better! My advice, stay exactly where you are and make Florida move! That's right, move it to right beneath you, then not only can you have the best of both worlds, but all your neighbors in Kentucky can too and the people in Florida get to move away from the Gulf with its catastrophes-too-numerous-to-mention!
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Re: Partick H. Weenie

Post by Deep Knight »

Hot dog! More weenieness from Muhlhausen, er, Bellringer.

'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHO IS ATON? (Updated January 3, 2011)

Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: B
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 8:10 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Now who the heck is your god Aton ? Is he the one called Yahweh,(Jehovah),OR is he the one called Lucifer,the god now known as Satan.The way I understand this, Satan/Lucifer was \'demonized\' by the writers of the Bible,and is now the bad one.According to Genesis, it was Satan, who tried to tell good things to Adam/Eve, and Yahweh got angry about it.So IF your Aton, is Yahweh,then your bible is no better than the rest;because Yahweh is nothing more than a vengeful,murdering bandit.Your bible sounds too much like the Christian bible. I am very much a skeptic.Enlighten me,if you will.I\'m trying to make sense out of this.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: December 30, 2010

Dear B:

Thank you for writing.

The answer to your question is quite simple. The name Yahweh came from the sound of the braying of a donkey. The Zionist joke about this, because the name was used to fool the goyim, as a replacement for Jehovah.

The Zionist authors of the Old Testament took the Sumarian history and re-wrote it for their own. They chose the name Jehovah for their god, but they purposely left off part of the name to again fool the goyim. The full name is God Jehovah Satan.

At one time this entity was an archangel in the Realms of Light (Heaven) by the name, Lucifer. He had achieved the highest level of spiritual perfection and stood at the "right hand" of Creator God. Lucifer was "like" God but he wanted more. He wanted to "be God". His freewill choices of greed and power caused the resultant negative energy to flourish within him. The tension between Lucifer's negative energy and the positive energy of the Realms of Light made Lucifer so uncomfortable, that he finally left Heaven, along with one-third of the angels, who chose to go with him. He was not "thrown out of Heaven" by an angry God, as one of the lies of the Bible claims, but he left by his own choice. His 3D-4D name is Satan.

Creator God Aton of Light is the God of Love spoken of in the New Testament. Aton is the Creator of our Nebadon Universe and all within it. Aton has written messages for us in the Phoenix Journals. As he says, He has squeezed Himsewlf down into the fourth dimension density to better communicate with us in third dimension, and goes by the name Hatonn.

We may pronounce this name with an "H" sound, but it can also be pronounced with a silent "H" and a silent "N" at the end, as Aton.
Hatonn/Aton has authored most of the content of the Phoenix Journals for our enlightenment in these "Last Days". As Hatonn says, "He has come to set the record (of Truth) straight, one last time".

May you read the Phoenix Journals with unerstanding, and gain knowledge and wisdom. Go within and let your God Spirit discern for you what is Truth. If you are a new reader of the Pheonix Journals, you may find it helpful to begin by reading Phoenix Journals 2, 3, 5, 7, 27 and 47, as they are basic to the Truth presented.

Another excellent resource to help answer your question of "who is Aton?" is Nora Boyles book entitled, "The Garden of Aton". For order information go to: ... ils_38.htm

May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#1 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: Ke
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:52 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

re: "creator god aton/hatonn: the return of god and hosts come to prepare the way"

This being mocks Biblical teachings which are as clear as day. This being shows a contrived ignorance of God\'s Word, which is not difficult to understand concerning the concepts it ridicules. It twists and distorts what the Bible says with what are displays of embarrassing ignorance to anyone with a more than passing interest in what God\'s Word teaches -- there are even children in church Kindergarten classes who understand better than this.

Bold lies, mistatements, mis-characterizations, and bullying do not a truth-teller make.

God-led men and women in the past suffered and sacrificed to provide God\'s Word to the world at large. How have we become so ignorant and confused regarding His truth as to even take these occult rantings seriously?


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: Ke
DATE: Dec. 30, 2010

Dear Ke:

You better believe that Creator God Aton of Light "mocks Biblical teachings", because they are frought with lies! He has called your not so holy Bible, "Satan's War Book", because through its lies and disinformation millions of people have been kept from knowing Truth through the teachings of the Christian Cult, including you.

You have the right to your opinions, but when your opinions run counter to the Laws of God and Creation, you definitely have a problem. To follow "Satan's War Book" will lead you into another lifestrem in third dimension and to the lessons in soul growth that you failed to learn this time.

I cannot make you believe anything. I only present Truth;, and you do with it what you will. If you have a "beef", take it up with Creator God Aton of Light, or with God Jehovah Satan, if you wish. I choose not to remain in 3D any longer than necessary.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#2 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: Ke
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Dear Mr. Bellringer:

Thank-you for your reply! I appreciate you taking the time and responding honestly with your beliefs. We will have to agree to disagree, as it is said.

I would only encourage you to take another honest look at the Bible, in it's entirety, in it's context/s, and in remembering the purpose it's designed to accomplish.

You may find the Truth has not been told by those whom you are trusting to interpret for you.

I sympathize with your fervent wish for a better life in a better world than this one. Who would not, if their heart has any feeling and comprehension left in it. It is coming. He is coming.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: Ke
DATE: Dec. 30, 2010

Dear Ke:

I am not naive. In my years of seminary study and United Methodist pastorates I have researched and studied the Bible from cover to cover. I do know whereof I speak, sir. No one interprets the Bible for me.

Which Bible do you suggest that I look at again? Over time there have been so many translations, revisions and interpretations of the Cannon complied by the Church Fathers at the Council of Nicea, as to make your head spin. Even at that time the Council of Nicea threw out 45 of the original writings with which they could not agree, and sanitized the writings of any reference to reincarnation, starships, space travel, aliens, etc.

My friend, you have so much Truth to learn, but with such a closed mind, you will need more lifestreams in third dimension to learn. By the way Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda is already here, having arrived back on our Earth Shan in 1954. May you awaken before it is too late!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#3 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: Ke
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2010 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Dear Mr. Bellringer:

As to the Bible, I agree with you as to the confusion and disgust that have been created concerning it with regard to all the variations that have been marketed: "translations", "modernizations", "paraphrases", etc.... Studying into this phenomenon uncovers a nasty smell.

My personal research in this area has convinced me that the KJV is the most reliable and true to the most trustworthy source material. In fact,supernatural protection and propagation have accompanied it throughout history. As far as the Council of Nicea throwing out 45 original writings, I have not yet had the pleasure to study that out. I know already, however, that I have no trust in men's councils, one way or the other.

As far as "sanitizing" goes, I have heard a lot of things from many sources concerning that, and it has all been a weak and confused mish-mash of a construct. Claims of this, and claims of that with no real evidence to support the allegations. Those who actually believe the Bible already know that the Universe is inhabited with many other beings ("aliens" technically speaking...). Space travel is also in the Bible -- what do we think angels are doing all the time? "Reincarnation" is another subject, entirely.

It comes down to who, and what, we believe we can trust as our ultimate authority. If the Bible can be proven to be a bunch of lies then everything is up-in-the-air. Anything anyone says might be true. There is nothing but our own whimsical feelings and crippled discerning abilities to judge right and wrong by. Any voice from space could be a friend--or a foe. How would we know which?

If the Bible can be proven true, then "Sananda" and "Aton/Hatonn" and others of the same source can very easily and quickly be shown to be liars, frauds and murderers, the fallen angels cast out of Heaven by Jesus Christ many years ago.

With respect, Mr. Bellringer, I would be very interested to understand the reasons why you believe and trust that "Aton/Hatonn", and "Sananda", etc., are telling the truth. How have they proven themselves to you?




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: Ke
DATE: Dec. 31, 2010

Dear Ke:

You can't be serious! To what do you compare the KJV (King James Version) to determine its "reliability" and its "trustworthness"?

Yes, "anything anyone says might be true". The key to Truth is knowing through your God Spirit within. It is your "whimsical feelings and" your "crippled discerning abilities to judge right and wrong", that is your problem! That is how you discern "any voice from space as friend or foe".

You demand proof that your Bible is True. The proof lies within you! I know that Hatonn/Aton and Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda and the Phoenix Journals are true! You must come to know that for yourself, through your God Spirit within. You listen to too many other voices and not the voice within.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#4 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: BB
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2010 5:32 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
No question but a true hearted thank you for your site and all the information .From the journals to articles such as the people of the lie. I\'ve been searching and reading and adjusting my life style according to grew spiritualy .Phoenix Journal #3 really opened my eyes and explained so much and yes I too have had enough of this 3-d world and hopefully keep soul progressing upwards to the 5-d worlds of peace and no evil.....thank you again peace and may God Aton guide us all....

#5 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: Ka
To: Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 2:15 PM
Subject: Special K 'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHO IS ATON? (Updated December 31, 2010)
Hi Mr.Bellringer,,

I was a Rothschild/CIA Mk Ultra Victim now under protective custody by the Higher Realms..
I was there storage of Permanent Records,

The moment I fell upon the Phoenix Journals,,I knew these were Gods words,
Then I realized much of what's in the Phoenix Journals was stored in my memory and my husbands also..
On some things my memory holds more fine details(specifics) than what is in the Phoenix Journals.. all of
which has been transferred over to working law..

In year 1960-1961 they stored this in my husband's memory,,
"We the Jews wrote the Bible to trick the Christians into fighting our Wars"

After God sent me help,Nov.2004 the CIA then shifted directions in there agenda..
1.Attempting to take me out physically or a nervous breakdown in attempts to erase there permanent records
2.Attempting to separate themselves from other Jews/Judaism
3.Attempting to destroy our faith in God..

Number 3 pertains to this topic,,
They had all the Lies of Man Made religion(there are many) stored in our memories and they used this to weaken our faith in God.
We had to realize that Man Made Religion IS NOT GOD,,This woke us up..

Number 2 pertains,,
I was bombarded with many things in there attempt to separate themselves from other Jews.
,,The most horrific Scar I had was an ongoing scar of 2 years to Rabbi's,,
This was the NUMBER 1 HORRIFIC SCAR of all the scars..
I also know they set policy for Judaism and Everything Jew..
They wouldn't let me have Jesus,,in fact every time I saw a photo of Jesus it hurt,,I couldn't look at his eyes..
So my mind thought of the most pure person I know and I talked and prayed to Bob (Jesus) and God..

In Nov,2004 I was unaware that I now had 2 forces in my life,,It explains why I was getting mixed messages,,
It was the first time in years that I felt this power cared about me,,and a few weeks later I had my first moment of happiness after years of not having one drop of happiness,,

I hope this helps close any doubts about the Phoenix Journals..

Esu Jesus Sananda took me to see God one night,,
It was very brief,,Somebody must have presented a book to God,,it was the Bible
Immediately the book flew past God with a hurricane wind, and God said,"I've had it with that book"..
In transferring there records to working law there must have been hesitation by some in law enforecment on how much to tell the people.

This is when Jesus Sananda spoke threw me and said,,"Because I said so and God said so"..It was in answer to how much truth the people should be told,,All Truth..

#6 (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 11:03 AM
Subject: WHO IS ATON? (Updated December 31, 2010)
"Ke: My personal research in this area has convinced me that the KJV is the most reliable and true to the most trustworthy source material. "

Ke--, the King James Version was written [translated?] by men, not God, some 400 [1600?] or so years after the supposed death of Esu. Men who wanted to tell everyone on this planet how to believe. TELL you, not suggest. They wanted slaves, not devoted followers. If you are loving this so called 'Holy Bible', you are their slave. Do you like being told what to believe? Do you like paying tithes, 10% of every paycheck you earn? Do you like training your children to be slaves as well? Have you given them any choice in the matter?

You have been told lies for centuries. You have become a very well trained slave. And it looks like you will need to go back to school another 25,000 years. From what you are saying, you have chosen to flunk this time around. God does not judge you for what you have done. You do. Eventually you will learn how wrong you have been. I wish you well. May God Aton bless you, and keep you safe.


#7 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: JK
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 10:17 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Patrick, Would you please direct me to resources that will validate this. Sincerely, Joseph E. Krill

The answer to your question is quite simple. The name Yahweh came from the sound of the braying of a donkey. The Zionist joke about this, because the name was used to fool the goyim, as a replacement for Jehovah.

The Zionist authors of the Old Testament took the Sumarian history and re-wrote it for their own. They chose the name Jehovah for their god, but they purposely left off part of the name to again fool the goyim. The full name is God Jehovah Satan


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: January 2, 2011

Dear JK

Ah, yes, you want validation, proof that Yahweh is a fake (joke) name. Does it matter, if reference is to God Satan? I have read much of what Hatonn/Aton, God of Light has said both in the Phoenix Journals and the Contact Newspapers, all archived on Fourwinds, and without an adequate search engine, it is very difficult to recall exact location of specific information.

I speak Truth when I say that Hatonn said the name "Yahweh" is nothing more than the sound of a donkey braying. He said, also, that "Yahweh" and "Jehovah" are other names for Lucifer/Satan. Moses set up a bronze serpent on a pole (Numbers 32:9) as a savior for the people, and the people (Israelites) became known as "Serpent People". In Contact (January 13, 1998, p. 39, right column) Hatonn said "Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are actually Serpent people". They were followers of Satan (Yahweh, Jehovah) the Serpent God.

During most of the history of the nation of Biblical Israel, the Bible says, they worshipped the Serpent. It was not until after the reigns of King David and King Solomon, that Hezekiah, King of Judah, broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made (2 Kings 18:4).

Should you have time to research the Phoenix Journals and Contact Newspapers, within Hatonn's writings you will find verification of what I have said, but the infalible proof lies within you. Would you really change your thinking, if you found in writing what Hatonn said about Yahweh?

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
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Re: Partick H. Weenie

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"In Love and Light"? More like "In Raving, Straitjacketed, Thorazine-Proof Psychosis".

How someone could write this swill and function in society is beyond me -- unless Patrick is indeed in a psychiatric facility, and sneaks into rooms where unused computers await....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools