It's The Hate, Stupid!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Deep Knight »

'HELLO, CENTRAL!' IT'S THE JEWS, STUPID! (Updated Feb. 2, 2011)
Patrick H. Bellringer

Original Message -----
From: DB

To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:19 PM
Subject: America Ready to Explode with Rage

Mr. Bellringer:

"Prediction - as America collapses and the culprit Jews are found out, people will start spilling their guts and scream bloody murder about the Jews"

You are now inciting violence. You clearly are not a light bringer - you are a hate bringer by continuing to print articles like the above. This is worse than someone who wants to kill Jews through ignorance and hatred. The revolution now is one of the heart and moving to a higher level of consciousness. You are fueling the fire of fear and ignorance. We have had discussions before about the difference of educating people and helping people to become autonomous responsible human beings making wise decisions and learning about life and how to take care of our beautiful planet Earth and the plants, animals, birds, insects and human beings that live with the Earth and inciting hatred. It is time to return to wisdom, peace and balance. You are disseminating hatred. Please stop now. Remember you are a light being and can create a beautiful peaceful dynamic world. Thank you.

With light and love.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 2, 2011

Dear DB:

Again, today, you continue your many weeks of attacks against me and against Fourwinds for posting articles revealing the Truth about the evilness of the Jews. You quote Joe Talache's article "America Ready To Explode into Emotional Rage", and claim I am a "hate bringer, inciting violence, disseminating hatred, and clearly not a light bringer".

I find it interesting that you use the age-old Jewish trick of avoiding the message and attacking and discrediting the messenger to vindicate yourself. For the record I wish to make it very clear that I stand upon the Laws of God and Creation, and specifically Law number twelve in that I condemn no human being but rightly judge their actions and behavior against the Laws of God and Creation.

Your Bible records the confrontation the Truthbringer, Esu Immanuel (Jesus) had with the Pharisees (Jews) of his day in Jerusalem, where he called them "vipers and white-washed sepulchers" appearing clean on the outside but filled with filth on the inside.

Judaism is the most vile "religion" on our planet. No other religion teaches the murder of their enemies is quite acceptable. Jews are taught to lie, cheat, steal, rape or kill any non-Jew to achieve their goals. Their teachings stand in total opposition to the Laws of God and Creation. It matters not if one claims to be a Talmudic Jew or a Torah Jew or a Zionist. All are taught and believe the same principles of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and all repeat the Kol Nidre yearly to exonerate their evil.

When everything is our civilization has been orchestrated and minipulated and influenced by the evil teachings and the evilness of the Zionist/Bolshevik/Khazar/Jew/Judaism by whatever name, you expect me, a Truthbringer to remain silent?

You say you do not like what we post on Fourwinds. Try reading the Phoenix Journals! At least two-thirds of these writings deal specifically with the evilness of Judaism, Zionism, and the Jew problem, and written by Creator God Aton (Hatonn), no less.

There has been historically and presently no greater purveyor of violence and hatred on this planet than the Jews by whatever name. They tried to kill Esu Immanuel and every other Truthbringer since then, and have fooled the whole world, and you, with their lies. It's a neat trick to take the Truth of Esu's teachings and twist it, so Christians believe lies to the point of supporting and protecting the liars.

They constructed the Bible to their liking at the Council of Nicea (323-325 A.D) and even voted on the acceptable name for God (Yahwah, Jehovah, "Satan"). To this day Christians believe the lies, that Esu died on the cross, that Esu died as Creator God's Son and as a ransom for their evil deeds, that they are not repsonsible for their evil doing' that the Jews are God's "chosen people", that Palestine (Israel) is their "Promised Land", that Christians must support and protect the Jews at all costs, and that Esu Immanuel (Jesus) will return and "rapture" them away to "Heaven" to live happily ever after.

I can assume that any sincere Christian or Jew would be offended and repulsed by Fourwinds presenting such Truth to the whole world, and thus, would attack the messenger, claiming hatred and disseminatintg violence. Other than Judasim, no other religion in this civilization has been more hateful, disseminated more violence and killed more people than has Christianity.

Tell me, my friend, would you tell Esu Immanuel to stop saying the Pharisees were "vipers' because he was inciting hatred and violence? Would you tell Creator God Aton of Light to "shut up", and not say that Zionism and Judaism were the scourge of the earth, parasites of humanity? Get real! Wake up, before it is too late!

I honor John for his many truthful articles on this very important subject. His website is:
In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

#1 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: F
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 3:07 PM
Subject: America Ready to Explode with Rage

At least he didn't call you an anti-semite. You did an excellent job of telling DB how it is. I often wonder how anyone can be so blind, but I guess when your god has horns it can be expected. People can think what they want about the bible and what you said is certainly true. Anyhow when I read your response it reminded be of Revelations chapter3 verse 9:

"Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not." Quite prophetic considering it was written hundreds of years before the Khazars converted to Judaism, and 90% of so called Jews don't have a drop of semitic blood. You didn't ask him how the weather is in Tel Aviv.


I don't know what the weather is like in Tel Aviv, but it's gotta be better than it is today in Rapid City. Maybe that's why Muhlhausen, er, Bellringer has posted such a flurry of anti-Semitic postings recently. This happens every so often, I like to think it's because something terrible happens to him (karma, don't cha know) and this is his only way of "fighting back."

I was confused the first time I confronted new-age anti-Semitism, but now realize that: 1) you gotta have someone to blame your predictions/prophecies not coming true on, and 2) there's a huge amount of anti-Semitic stuff on the web you can simply cut 'n paste. Of course, many were anti-Semitic to start (e.g. Madame Blavatsky & the Ekkers) so it's second nature to them.

As for "Pharisees" being biblical code for "Jews," if you read your bible you'll realize that the word Jew is used frequently, so why would this have to be hidden? It reminds me of a caller to Rush Limbaugh who told him her bible study has translated "Pharisee" as "liberals." Later she stressed how her church had strict observance of the Sabbath. Being somewhat familiar with the bible, I found this quite funny...

Matthew 12:9-14

9 And he went on from there, and entered their synagogue. 10 And behold, there was a man with a withered hand. And they asked him, "Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath?" so that they might accuse him. 11 He said to them, "What man of you, if he has one sheep and it falls into a pit on the sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out? 12 Of how much more value is a man than a sheep! So it is lawful to do good on the sabbath." 13 Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And the man stretched it out, and it was restored, whole like the other. 14 But the Pharisees went out and took counsel against him, how to destroy him.
As you know, one of the main tenets of liberalism is not doing any work what-so-ever on the Sabbath.

As for "Khazars converted to Judaism, and 90% of so called Jews don't have a drop of semitic blood," it's interesting that "F" says this because science has caught up with speculation and the question of whether any modern Jews are Khazar descendant is easy to answer.

Advanced genetic testing, including Y-DNA and mtDNA haplotyping, of modern Jewish communities around the world, has helped to determine which of the communities are likely to descend from the Israelites and which are not, as well as to establish the degrees of separation between the groups. Important studies archived here include the University College London study of 2002, Ariella Oppenheim's study of 2001, Ariella Oppenheim's study of 2000, Michael Hammer's study of 2000, Doron Behar's study of 2008, and others.

The main ethnic element of Ashkenazim (German and Eastern European Jews), Sephardim (Spanish and Portuguese Jews), Mizrakhim (Middle Eastern Jews), Juhurim (Mountain Jews of the Caucasus), Italqim (Italian Jews), and most other modern Jewish populations of the world is Israelite. The Israelite haplotypes fall into Y-DNA haplogroups J and E.

Pretty conclusive, but don't expect Bellringer or "F" to f'ing change their tune any time soon.
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Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Deep Knight »

DB responds twice (or would if Bellringer hadn't "deleted all but two pertinent quotes ") and Bellringer responds. Do you know the difference between righteous anger and mental disease?

#2 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: DB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 9:59 PM
Subject:: Fw: America Ready to Explode with Rage

Mr. Bellringer:
If you are teaching people advocating violence against Jewish people this is not going to help..

The Jew you hate ---

With light, love and peace.


#3 ( Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: DB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:19 PM
Subject: <no subject>

Mr. Bellringer:
A light worker does not continually spout hatred against anyone. You ar teaching people to hate and be afraid rather than discern between the light and the dark and choose the light. How much more hatred, grief and suffering do you need to experience to begin to create with light and love?


(Response to #2 and #3)

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 3, 2011

Dear DB:

I have deleted all but two pertinent quotes in your second letter, so as not be bore our readers with your psycho-analysis of my personality and your opinions and ideas that are not germain to our discussion. I include your third epistle.

Quoting: "If you are teaching people advocating violence against Jewish people this is not going to help." and, "The Jews you hate---"

Where do you get this nonsense? Does judging someone's behavior and actions, as required by Law #12 of the Laws of God and Creation, mean that you hate them? Did Esu Immanuel hate the money-changers he drove from the Jerusalem temple? Did he hate the Pharisees he criticized for their evil deeds? Was he a hateful, violent man?

Or did he say, now, now be nice to each other! We are not going to point out anybody's wrong-doing, because that could hurt someone's feelings, which could warp their personality. Just ignore the wrongs and be loving, because we are all One!

Tell me, do you know the difference between hatred and righteous anger? Esu expressed righteous anger at those doing evil deeds that hurt others. Is that hatred? Is that violence? Absolutely not! That's called "tough Love". A true Lightworker will have strong emotions about good and evil, and will express them to teach Truth, as is his mission.

This is the key problem with the Christian community today. Seldom does anyone get excited and speak out in righteous anger against the evils of our day. All is "swept under the carpet", so no feelings get hurt and no flack comes back on the speaker. Is it better to be silent and live with the lie, than to be "attacked" for speaking the Truth?

If you think that telling it like it is, is being hateful and inciting violence, you have many lessons to learn in soul growth, sister. Confrontation is a very real part of stopping evil and waking up people to the Truth. Hatred and rigtheous anger operate on two different dimensions. May you have the wisdom to know the difference.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

We don't judge people, we judge their actions
We don't hate people, we hate their actions
We don't kill people, we kill their actions
In love and light, of course
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Green Lantern

Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Green Lantern »

Deep Knight wrote:We don't judge people, we judge their actions
We don't hate people, we hate their actions
We don't kill people, we kill their actions
In love and light, of course
I hear evangelicals claiming they "love the sinner but hate the sin" with respect to homosexuals----not sure how they apply the doctrine to abortion providers, married homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, and various political and scientific points of view held by others. My impression is they draw a line here. I observe that most Christian religious franchises can be defined by whom they hate, few, if any, by whom they love. :?

Is Bellringer the governor of the great state of Alabama?
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Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Deep Knight »

Green Lantern wrote:I hear evangelicals claiming they "love the sinner but hate the sin" with respect to homosexuals----not sure how they apply the doctrine to abortion providers, married homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, and various political and scientific points of view held by others. My impression is they draw a line here. I observe that most Christian religious franchises can be defined by whom they hate, few, if any, by whom they love.
Personally, I love the sinner AND love the sin. Especially when the sinner is an 18-year-old nubile female with pert breasts and shapely thighs, and the sin is hot steaming monkey love in my bed, on rubber sheets, while covered in virgin olive oil.
"Follow the Money"

Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Olsenfin »

I've always wondered if close proximity to large clanging bells, for an extended period of time, could scramble one's brains. I need wonder no longer.
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Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Deep Knight »

Olsenfin wrote:I've always wondered if close proximity to large clanging bells, for an extended period of time, could scramble one's brains. I need wonder no longer.
Look at what it did for Quasimodo. Then again, in Bellringer-World, nothing can be analyzed without knowing its ethnic-religious background (I dunno, perhaps "Quasimodo" is a shortened form of the Jewish-sounding "Quasimotostein" or "Quasimotoburg").

Over the weekend Bellringer doubled down on the crazy and put up a flurry of anti-Semitic posts. Most don't agree with each other on basics, like "did the Holocaust happen?" but all have something nasty to say about the Jews. I figure he's frustrated watching the activities in Egypt and feeling left out.
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Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Deep Knight »

Like sunspot cycles, Bellringer is on an anti-Semitic posting spree again. But, having just done this, he's got some new ones (or rather re-posted ones). My favorite, originally from a week before Christmas '09, is "ESU IMMANUEL, THE CHRIST, WAS NOT A JEW" by Creator God Aton / Hatonn

I expected the "Jesus was a Christian, "Your ethnic group here" are Christians, thus Jesus was an "ethnic group above" argument, but what I got was better.

1. There is this group in the Middle East known as the Sumerians who were very hip civilization-wise and the first at everything. This means they were my ancestors, of course.
2. For a series of convoluted reasons they moved from modern Iraq to modern Israel, where they became the Galileans. It was the Jews fault.
3. That Jesus Esu guy (wasn't he really a space alien, or was that last year?) was from Galilee, which means he was one of us! We are the real people of God! Better watch your sweet patootie, especially if you're one of them.

Their proof? It seems there is this report by Pontius Pilot being hidden from view in the Congressional Library! In it, he chats with Caesar about this good-looking guy he met, 'cause that's what them high-born Romans liked to read in official reports. Later he had him crucified.


From official documents of Historical Records made in the Days of Jesus Christ (the Arckko Volume in the Congressional Library in Washington D.C.). This eye witness, Pontius Pilote, testified "Jesus" did not LOOK, THINK OR ACT like a Jew. You also have to know if you go and get hands on this document that you will find the label "Jesus" to be "explained" as translated "later". Also were errors made in reference to the "Jews" as translated from "Judeans". I simply want you to note this material IS IN THE CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY IN WASHINGTON D.C.! WHAT ELSE HAS BEEN KEPT FROM YOUR EYES AND EARS?

To Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome

Nobel Sovereign, Greeting:

"..... Among the various rumors that came to my ears there was one in particular that attracted my attention. A young man It was said had appeared in Galilee preaching with a noble unction a new law in the name of the God that had sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Esu (translated 'Jesus') of Nazareth spoke rather as friend of the Romans than of the Judeans (erroneously translated 'Jews'). One day in passing by the place I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was "Esu Immanuel". This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His golden-colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between him and his hearers with their black beards and tawny complexions.

"..... Never have I read in the works of the philosophers anything that can compare to the maxims of Esu. One of the rebellious Judeans so numerous in Jerusalem, having asked Esu if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, he replied, 'Render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and unto God the things that are God's.

"I wrote to Esu requesting an interview with him at the Praetorium. He came. You know that in my veins flows the Spanish mixed with Roman blood as incapable of fear as it is of weak emotion. When the Nazarene made his appearance I was walking in my basilica and my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as does a guilty culprit, though the Nazarene was as calm as innocence itself. When he came up to me he stopped and by a signal sign he seemed to say to me, 'I am here', though he spoke NOT a word. For some time I contemplated with admiration and awe this extraordinary type of man--a type of man unknown to our numerous painters who have given form and figure to all the Gods and heroes. There was nothing about him that was repelling in its character yet I felt too awed and tremulous to approach him.

" 'Esu', said I unto him at last and my tongue faltered, 'Esu of Nazareth, for the last three years I have granted you ample freedom of speech nor do I regret it. Your words are those of a sage. I know not whether you have read Socrates or Plato, but this I know, there is in your discourses a majestic simplicity that elevates you far above these philosophers.

"..... 'Your blood shall not be spilt', said I with deep emotion. 'You are now precious in my estimation on account of your wisdom, that all the turbulent and proud Pharisees who abuse the freedom granted them by the Romans. They conspire against Caesar and convert his bounty into fear, impressing the unlearned that Caesar is a tyrant and seeks their ruin. Insolent wretches. They are not aware that the wolf of the Tiber sometimes clothes himself with the skin of the sheep to accomplish his wicked designs. I will protect you against them. My praetorium shall be an asylum sacred both day and night!' Esu carelessly shook his head.......... "

"I am your most obedient servant,

"Pontius Pilote"

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Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It must be so interesting to go through life with a mind unencumbered by facts or reality....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by fortinbras »

The so-called Report of Pilate is dealt with in exquisite detail by Bible scholar Edgar J. Goodspeed, in his 1931 book, Strange New Gospels, later (1956) expanded as Modern Apocrypha, which was reprinted as Famous Bible Hoaxes: ... ospels.htm

(chapter 5).
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Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Deep Knight »


From official documents of Historical Records made in the Days of Isu Emanuel (the W Ackko Volume II in the Congressional Library in Washington D.C.). This eye witness, Pontius Pilot, testified "Jesus" did not COOK, DANCE, SMELL, OR MULTIPLY LOAVES AND FISHES like a Jew. You also have to know if you go and get hands on this document you won’t because the evil secret brotherhood that guards it would have killed you first. In fact, even they are not allowed to read it, so only I have. After all, I’m Aton/Hatoon and know all and see all. But that’s beside the point, I simply want you to note this material IS IN THE CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY IN WASHINGTON D.C.! WHAT ELSE HAVE “THOSE PEOPLE” BEEN KEEPING FROM YOUR EYES AND EARS? AND FOR THAT MATTER, YOUR OTHER ORIFICES?

To Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome
Hi Ya Tibee, How Are Ya?

“…..I was talking to my friend, Isu Immanuel (erroneously translated “Gaius Crassus”) again, and told him of your great interest in him from my earlier reports. He sends his love and admiration for your enlightened administration. Iesu, who some call “Iesus” which would be “Jesus” if we Romans had a “J,” is a great friend of Rome. Just the other day I asked him what heaven was like and he said, “It, my friend Ponti, is much like Rome, there’s a coliseum and gladiatorial games every day, only there won’t be any of those people with black beards and tawny complexions, only Nordic and Alpine racial types, like Romans.” I know you have been at the forefront of the movement to let the world know that true Romans don’t look anything like those inferior Mediterranean types, or for that matter the even-worse Jews (erroneously translated ' Judeans'). Ah, give me the blonde-haired blue-eyed Roman girls and boys of the past, but especially the later and you can keep the former, your randy old goat. Iesua is, of course, not one of them but one of us, that is, our root race, the Romeo-Sumerianos.

"..... Never have I read in the works of the philosophers anything that can compare to the maxims of Jesu. One of the rebellious Judeans so numerous in Jerusalem (it’s infested with ‘em), having asked Esu if he would like any fresh, ripe melons, he replied, 'Render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and unto Hatonn the things that are Hatonn's.” He also drove out the moneychangers, those wicked men who advocated changing the gold and silver money standard for one based on paper issued by the Federal Reserve. An all-around good guy.

" 'Esu', said I unto him at last and my tongue faltered, 'Esus of Nazareth, for the last three years I have granted you ample freedom of speech and now do I regret it. You should be teaching in Rome itself, not this jerkwater country that doesn’t even have a decent volcano. Your sermon on Mount Doom (also hidden in the same archive) where you talked about killing ‘em all and letting God sort ‘em out, was pure poetry. I know not whether you have read Nietzsche or Machiavelli, but this I know, there is in your discourses a majestic simplicity that elevates you far above these philosophers.

"..... 'Blood shall be spilt', said I with deep emotion. 'Start with the turbulent and proud erroneously translated Pharisees who abuse the freedom granted them by the Romans. They conspire against Caesar and convert his bounty into fear, impressing the unlearned that Caesar is a tyrant and seeks their ruin. Insolent wretches. They are not aware that the wolf of the Tiber sometimes clothes himself with the skin of the sheep to accomplish his wicked bestial designs with other sheep. I will protect you against them. My praetorium shall be an asylum sacred both day and night!' Esu carelessly shook his head as I had tried to get him to look at my praetorium before...... "

Tibee, don’t be a stranger, come see your little Ponti and bring some joy into this godforsaken country. And bring along a big enough entourage to have a bang-up orgy!

"Pontius Pilot"
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Re: It's The Hate, Stupid!

Post by Deep Knight »


IN 1879, the Rev. W. D. Mahan, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, of Boonville, Missouri, published a pamphlet of thirty-two pages, entitled "A Correct Transcript of Pilate's Court." It consisted chiefly of an official report of the trial and death of Jesus, made directly to the Emperor Tiberius, by Pilate, as governor of Judea. Pilate describes his arrival in Jerusalem as governor, the arrogance with which the Jewish leaders treated his advances, his encounter with Jesus, and the impression Jesus' words made upon him. Pilate invites Jesus to an interview, warns him of his danger from the Jews, and urges him to be more moderate in his condemnation of them, but Jesus is unmoved. Herod calls upon Pilate, and expresses his interest in Jesus. At the Passover, an insurrection against Pilate's authority broke out. Jesus was seized by the rabble, brought before the high priest, and condemned to death. Caiaphas turned him over to Pilate for sentence and execution. As he was a Galilean, Pilate sent him to Herod, who again threw the responsibility upon Pilate. Pilate's wife, a Gaul of clairvoyant powers, warned him against harming Jesus. But he was carried away by the clamor of the mob, and unable with the few soldiers then at his command to assert his authority against the people, he washed his hands in disapproval, and allowed Jesus to be hurried away to crucifixion. Fearful portents and unnatural darkness attended his death. Joseph of Arimathea begged for his body, and placed it in a tomb. A few days later this was found empty, and the disciples declared that he was risen. Just as Pilate was finishing his report of the case to the Emperor, the night following "the fatal catastrophe," he heard the long-desired reinforcements, two thousand legionaries, marching to his relief--just too late to enable him to save Jesus.

Mr. Mahan accompanied this "Report" with a circumstantial account of how he came to know of the work and to become possessed of it. He stated that while he was living in |44 De Witt, Missouri, in 1856, a German scholar named Henry C. Whydaman was icebound there and spent several days at his house. In the course of their conversations Mr. Whydaman told him of the existence of these "Acts of Pilate" in the Vatican Library, and thought a transcript of them could be obtained. Mr. Mahan became interested in the matter, and afterward, on September 22, 1856, he wrote Mr. Whydaman for a copy of the text. Mr. Whydaman had1 returned to Germany, but answered from Westphalia, promising to do what he could to secure one. Some months later he wrote that Father Peter Freelinhusen, the chief guardian of the Vatican, would provide a copy of the Latin text for thirty-five darics, or sixty-two dollars and forty-two cents. Mr. Mahan sent him a check on the Foreign Exchange Bank of New York, and on April 26, 1859, Mr. Whydaman's brother-in-law, Mr. C. C. Vantberger, of New York, reported the arrival of the document, and offered to translate it for ten dollars. Eight letters in all are printed in explanation of how the document came into Mr. Mahan's hands. The eighth is a letter from Father Freelinhusen to Mr. Whydaman certifying to the accuracy of his copy of the Latin manuscript.

Mr. Mahan does not explain what he did with the "Report" during the twenty years that followed. But in 1879 he did at last publish it in the modest pamphlet above described. It seems to have met with gratifying success. Mr. Frederick W. Ashley, chief assistant librarian of the Library of Congress, informs me that it was republished within a year at Shelbyville, Indiana, by the Rev. George Sluter, A.M., who accompanied it with almost a hundred pages of introduction and notes, calling it "The Acta Pilati." In 1880 William Overton Clough republished it at Indianapolis, as the "Gesta Pilati." Mr. Clough went so far as to print several passages from it in Latin, but without saying whence he obtained the Latin form, and it must be admitted that the Latin has a very modern sound.1

There are obviously some grave difficulties with Mr. Mahan's document and his story of how he secured it. To begin with, the name of Henry C. Whydaman does not have a German ring. As Professor Schmiedel, the distinguished scholar of Zurich, has since pointed out, Whydaman is no German name, and Westphalia is not a place but a province. No such name as Vantberger appears in the New York City directories from 1853 to 1863, and the "Foreign Exchange Bank" does not appear among New York banks of 1858. The name of Father Peter Freelinhusen is unknown to the annals of the Vatican Library. The use of darics in Rome in the nineteenth century is a surprise to most of us, who know that coin best from its use in Xenophon's "Anabasis." It is noteworthy that Mr. Mahan had to have the document translated for him, though it was in a language as well known as Latin. It is also noteworthy that Father Freelinhusen made no announcement of the discovery to the world of scholarship, although the extraordinary importance of it, if it was genuine, could not possibly have escaped him. The learned Mr. Whydaman, who transmitted the Latin text to America, must have been aware of its importance, and even the mysterious Mr. Vantberger, of New York, should have known that the transaction left him possessed of a Latin text of extreme interest.

The misgivings raised by the story of how the "Report" was obtained are not relieved by the contents of the "Report" itself. The remark of Pilate that Herod "then reigned in Galilee" is a strange thing for Pilate to write to the Emperor the night after the Crucifixion; the Emperor must have known who was governing Galilee, and, as a matter of fact, Herod's tenure of office outlasted Pilate's. The excited words of Pilate's wife, "The statues of Caesar are filled with gemonide, the columns of the interium have given way," are certainly obscure. At this point, the translator, Mr. Vantberger, seems to have done his work very imperfectly. The crowd that hurries Jesus away to crucifixion utters such cries as "were never heard in the seditions of the panonia." The mob "streams out of the funeral gate leading to the Gemonica." This looks like an allusion to the Gemonian stairs at Rome. Dionysius the Areopagite, the Athenian mentioned in the Acts, is in Jerusalem on the day of the Crucifixion. The picture of Jesus in his interview with Pilate is romantic and theatrical, and the Pilate reflected in the "Report" is historically improbable. The whole work is a weak, crude fancy, a jumble of high-sounding but meaningless words, and hardly worth serious criticism. It is difficult to see how it could have deceived anyone.

The strangest part of the story is that it did deceive a great many people. Of course there were some who immediately declared it a fraud, but Mr. Mahan came boldly to the defense of his "Report" in advertisements and letters to the Boonville paper.

The success of the "Report of Pilate" led Mr. Mahan to further discoveries of the same kind. In 1884, five years after the appearance of the "Report," he published a considerable volume containing nine such works, under the appalling title, "The Archaeological and the Historical Writings of the Sanhedrin and Talmuds of the Jews, Translated from the Ancient Parchments and Scrolls at Constantinople and the Vatican at Rome." A series of letters at the beginning reports visits made by Mr. Mahan first to Rome and then to Constantinople, to study original sources for the life of Jesus. He secured the aid of two great scholars, otherwise unknown-- Dr. Twyman, of England, and Dr. McIntosh, of Scotland. At the Vatican these three had no difficulty in seeing the manuscript of "Pilate's Report"; it was brought to them promptly the moment they called for it. They were thus able to expand Mr. Mahan's earlier form of it (which Father Freelinhusen had declared so exact) by about twelve hundred words, including a conclusion strongly resembling the corresponding part of the Gospel of Matthew, and ending with the inimitable words, "I am your most obedient servant, Pontius Pilate." The sad incident of the death from grief or fright, at the Crucifixion, of Balthasar, an aged and learned Jew of Antioch, now found a place in the "Report."

With "Pilate's Report" thus embellished were combined reports of interviews with the shepherds, Gamaliel's interview with Joseph and Mary, Caiaphas' reports to the Sanhedrin, Eli's story of the Magi, Herod Antipater's defense before the Senate for the slaughter of the innocents, and Herod Antipas' defense before the Senate--all with the claim that they were copied and translated from ancient manuscripts in Rome or Constantinople.

Like the "Report of Pilate," these bristle with childish blunders. There is no such Greek philosopher and Roman legislator as "Meeleesen" (p. 6). The supposed references to Josephus' "Jewish Wars"--"Senect. 15, in brut. 15, quintil. 3 and 12"--simply do not exist. That Josephus in his "Antiquities" refers to Jesus in more than fifty places is false; the supposed references given for finding these have nothing to do with Josephus or Jesus; they are "Suet. in dom. 13, Martial 9, v. 4." The statements that Philo's works were translated into Greek by a Jewish rabbi named Simon, that he often refers to Jesus, and that he began to write about A.D. 40 are groundless; it was at about that time that he ceased to write. That Tacitus wrote his history of Agricola in A.D. 56 is of course an error; Tacitus was born in 55, and even if he had been able to write his father-in-law's biography at the age of one year, there was as yet nothing to write, for Agricola himself was only nineteen. Mr. Mahan is not aware that the "Agricola" was written in Latin. He says it was translated by Marcus, a Jewish rabbi; "and so were all the histories written in this age. They were written in the languages of those days, and the scribes of those days were most all Rabbis." Mr. Mahan's statement that when Mohammed took Constantinople he had the fifty Bibles prepared for Constantine "all nicely cased and deposited in the St. Sophia Mosque" where "they look more like rolls of narrow carpet wound around a windlass than anything else" is baseless. Mr. Mahan thought that parchment was made out of vegetable pulp, reduced to a paste and dried in the sun, after which it was called papyrus! He gives no reference to manuscript numbers which might aid anyone to find and examine the books he claims to have found. The mention of Hilderium with Shammai and Hillel (p. 215) may be a reminiscence of Ilderim in "Ben-Hur"; there is no such Jewish name. As in "Ben-Hur," the Wise Men are a Greek, a Hindu, and an Egyptian. This with the story of Balthasar's death on the afternoon of the Crucifixion, which was absent from the original form of the "Report," had important consequences.

For Mr. Mahan's colleagues in the ministry were not slow to perceive his indebtedness, in Eli's "Story of the Magi," published in 1884, to "Ben-Hur," published in 1880. Chief among them was the Rev. James A. Quarles, then head of the Elizabeth Aull Seminary at Lexington, Missouri, and afterward professor in Washington and Lee University. Mr. Quarles was quick to observe that whole pages of Eli's "Story" were copied verbatim from "Ben-Hur." One detail that struck him with peculiar force was the mysterious word anuman, in this sentence: "Egypt is satisfied with her crocodiles and anuman, holding them in equal honor." On comparing this with "Ben-Hur," page 272, Mr. Quarles saw that Mr. Mahan in transcribing "Ben-Hur" had accidentally omitted a line. "Ben-Hur" reads:

Egypt was satisfied with her crocodiles and Anu-
bis; the Persians were yet devoted to Ormuzd and Ahri-
man, holding them in equal honor;

which of course made everything plain.

A detailed comparison of Eli's "Story of the Magi" with "Ben-Hur" betrays Mr. Mahan's method and limitations. His strange reference (p. 121) to "the lawn of the Khan"--about the last thing anyone acquainted with a Syrian khan would expect--is explained by the mention in "Ben-Hur," p. 73, of "a lewen of the khan," in the very same connection: the Wise Men are resting there late at night. The description of the Virgin is also appropriated from "Ben-Hur," but her "drooping lids" are unhappily altered to "dropping" ones (from ibid., p. 47). The freedom and extent of Mr. Mahan's copying of "Ben-Hur" are almost beyond belief.

Mr. Quarles attacked the genuineness of Mr. Mahan's discoveries in the Boonville Weekly Advertiser, with great keenness. He pointed out that Mr. Mahan was back in Boonville on November 6, 1883, although he claimed to have been discovering manuscripts in Constantinople on October 22, 1883.1 We may add that the best opinion today in Boonville is that Mr. Mahan did not get farther away than Rome, Illinois, a little village north of Peoria, and that his foreign letters were dispatched from that place. He was absent from Boonville less than two months in the autumn in which he claimed to have visited Rome and Constantinople, discovering and copying manuscripts.

On November 13, 1884, Mr. Mahan answered Mr. Quarles, admitting that there were misprints in the book, but saying that he hoped to get "Lyman Abbot" to revise and enlarge it. "Even in its present condition," he goes on, "it is paying us about twenty dollars per day. . . . . You are bound to admit that the items in the book cant do any harm even if it were faulce, but will cause many to read and reflect that otherwise would not. So the balance of good is in its favor, and as to the truth of its MSS I stand ready to defend them."

In his reply to this in the Advertiser, Mr. Quarles said, February 14, 1885, "I assume the responsibility of declaring that his nine manuscripts are, one and all of them, spurious." Largely in consequence of his criticism, Mr. Mahan was summoned before the Lebanon presbytery in September, 1885, to answer charges of falsehood and plagiarism.

In gathering evidence to lay before the presbytery, General Wallace, who was then American minister in Turkey, was consulted. The matter is fully discussed in his "Autobiography," although it falls in the part of the book written by Mrs. Wallace after the general's death.1 General Wallace certified that no such Hebrew manuscript of the "Story of the Magi" as Mr. Mahan claimed to have used was known to him, and further that no one connected with the United States legation in Constantinople in October, 1883, had any knowledge of a visit of Mr. Mahan to the city, nor could any of the American missionaries about Constantinople, of whom General

Wallace had inquired, "recall at any time such a visitor to the capital, although few clergymen, especially those conducting such a research, . . . . stopped at Constantinople without making themselves known" (p. 943). "General Wallace received permission from the Sultan to visit the library" of the mosque of St. Sophia, in order to inquire for the manuscripts Mr. Mahan claimed he and Dr. McIntosh had found there. He was accompanied by Dr. Albert A. S. Long and others. "No book answering to the description given by Mr. Mahan was found, nor was there any trace of Hebrew manuscript in whole or in part relating to the story of the Magi. Zia Bey, the librarian, assured General Wallace that he had been in charge of the library for thirty years, and it contained no such manuscripts as Mr. Mahan professed to have seen." Dr. Long wrote to General Wallace confirming all this. "The librarian also certified that during his long incumbency of thirty years, but three or four parties besides that of General Wallace had visited the library, of whom he recalled the Emperor of Austria and the Empress Eugénie." It should be remembered that this investigation by General Wallace was |56 undertaken with all the prestige of a minister of the United States, so extraordinarily popular with the Sultan that when his term as minister expired the latter invited him to enter his service. It was made within eighteen months of Mr. Mahan's supposed visit to Constantinople and the St. Sophia library, yet even then no one could be found at the legation, at the library, at the college, or among the missionaries who had heard or seen anything of Mr. Mahan or Dr. McIntosh. There is a strange irony in the fact that at the very time when Mr. Mahan was supposed to have visited Constantinople and there to have read the story of the Magi from an ancient manuscript, the author of that story was residing there as United States minister to Turkey.

In the light of this and of other evidence, Mr. Mahan was found guilty of falsehood and of plagiarism, and suspended from the ministry for one year. He left the meeting of the presbytery, promising to withdraw the book from circulation. But it was reprinted in St. Louis in 1887, in Dalton, Georgia, in 1895, and in Philadelphia, by the Antiquarian Book Company, in 1896. This edition had a strange sequel.

On August 1, 1898, the American minister to Turkey, James B. Angell, long president of the University of Michigan, reported to the Secretary of State that he had been asked by the Antiquarian Book Company to inquire whether the librarian at St. Sophia would supply a statement that the documents described in the book as found in the library of St. Sophia had been found there. Copies of the correspondence that followed have been sent me by Mr. Ashley. At the instance of Mr. Angell, the Turkish Minister of Public Instruction had taken the matter up, and on July 26, 1898, made the following report to Mr. Angell:

"From the investigations and examinations which have been made on the inquiries contained in the personal letter of His Excellency Mr. Angell, American Minister, it has been ascertained that neither the copy of any Bible ordered by the Emperor Constantine, nor any Report of Gamaliel on a conversation with the parents of Jesus, nor any report of Caiaphas on the crucifixion of Jesus, does exist in the Library of St. Sophia nor in any other of the libraries."

The representations of Mr. Mahan as to his discoveries in Constantinople have thus been twice investigated in Constantinople by no less a person than the American minister, and with the same result. Nothing could be found of the manuscripts he claimed to have seen there.

A summary of this correspondence was published in the Washington Star of September 23, 1898, but the reprinting of the "Archko Volume," as it had come to be called, went steadily forward. It was republished in Topeka, Kansas, as the "Archko Library," in 1904; and in Philadelphia, as "The Archko Volume," in 1905. The "Autobiography" of General Wallace, with its exposure of Mr. Mahan's claims, appeared in 1906, but did not affect the circulation and acceptance of the book. It made its third appearance in Philadelphia in 1913, and was reprinted in Chicago in 1923, by the De Laurence Company, which does a large mail-order business in charms, talismans, amulets, and such things as most of us associate with the Dark Ages. It has been printed more than once in Grand Rapids, Michigan; most recently (1929), in the face of serious protest, by William B. Eerdmans. These are only a few of its printings.

The original core of it all, the "Report of Pilate," was republished in Zion's Watch-tower, Volume XIII (1892). It has also been translated into German and published apparently with some additions, at Barmen, Germany, for the "Ernste Bibelforscher," and a second German edition, 1919, attracted the critical attention of Professor Paul W. Schmiedel, of Zurich, who pointed out some of its manifest weaknesses in a tract entitled "Pilatus ueber Jesus bei den Ernsten Bibelforschern; Eine Faelschung entdeckt."

It was recently published as a tract, under the title "Letter of Pontius Pilate to Caesar," by the Free Tract Society, Inc., of Los Angeles, California, from whom it may be had at twenty cents per dozen. It was read over the radio from Davenport, Iowa, Sunday evenings in the summer and autumn of 1926, and the bulk of it was published in the American Weekly Magazine of December 4, 1927, with the statement that it was found in the Vatican Library in 1897.

What is the explanation of this curious story? The late seventies were the years when Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll was very much in the public eye, with his attacks upon the Bible. In 1876 he made his famous speech before the Republican National Convention nominating James G. Blaine for the presidency. In 1879 his lecture on "The Mistakes of Moses" was published. Hundreds of men rose up to answer him, and a country preacher like Mr. Mahan may well have felt stirred to help in defending the Bible. The Book of Mormon had appeared in 1830. The Mormons came to Missouri from Ohio in 1837, and settled in Caldwell County, next to Carroll County, where Mahan afterward lived. Knowledge of them and their book may have contributed to his strange writings. He perhaps knew something of the amazing discoveries made by Tischendorf in the fifties in the libraries of the Levant. The suggestion of a letter or report to the Emperor doubtless came to him from the brief apocryphal pieces of that kind translated by Alexander Walker in the Edinburgh edition of the Ante-Nicene Library, Volume XVI, which appeared in 1873--the "Letter of Pontius Pilate to Tiberius," the "Report of Pilate to the Emperor Tiberius," and the "Acts of Pilate," in the Gospel of Nicodemus. All three of these titles--Letter, Report, Acts--have, it will be observed, been applied to Mr. Mahan's document. But the general color of his pamphlet is very different from those old fictions of the fourth and fifth centuries, and often suggests the wild hysterical remorse of George Croly's Wandering Jew "Salathiel," a book better known in Mahan's day than now. It was probably to establish for his document a date prior to that of Walker's volume that Mahan built up the elaborate Whydaman-Freelinhusen-Vantberger correspondence with which he prefaced it, which was meant to prove that the "Report" had been in his possession since 1859.

At all events, in the late seventies, when attacks on the Bible were most violent, this uneducated man, fully convinced that such documents as would support his views of it must exist or have existed, saw no harm in inventing a document calculated as he supposed to confirm the statements of the New Testament as he understood it. Hardly had it appeared in print (March, 1879) when in 1880 Lew Wallace's "Ben-Hur" made its sensational appearance. This gave wings to Mr. Mahan's imagination, and in 1884 "Pilate's Report" has grown into the twelve chapters of the "Archaeological and Historical Writings." He writes without taste or skill; his unrefined fancy sometimes descends to the vulgar and the indecent; his book is as Montague James calls it a "ridiculous and disgusting volume." Yet it has been printed and reprinted, however obscurely, in a dozen places, and actually welcomed as an aid to faith by earnest but uninformed people who should have been protected against such deception. The lesson is clear: We cannot dispense with the methods and resources of exact scholarship without exposing ourselves to pious frauds.
"Follow the Money"