Law of Non-intervention

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Law of Non-intervention

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Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----

From: KH
To: Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 9:00 PM
Subject: Patrick.... question ... 1300634715

Patrick...... ET friends in all places?? Does this mean literally what it says? I am courious. If we have such friends why on Earth is the awful mess (world mess, such as what is happening in Lybia) being allowed. Oh I understand not being involved and interfering ... and I do not want any other governing body telling us how to run this country... but... we could appreciate watching the scum, who I imagine are not human anyway, fall into a deep sleep for several hundred years. We need more opportunity to put this country back to the Constitution where it belongs. The bad guys have too many toys... I grieve for this planet.. it can't be acceptable to the ET friends to watch the destruction of a member of the galaxy in it's innocence and beauty. I want to scream.. and I do... at anyone who will listen and those who will not. I have spent so much time talking to the members of congress.. all of them... just to be ignored... and then to deaf or suspicious ears who don't want my "ravings" any more. I network, pass along pertinent information and encourage all those on this same path. I feel inadequate most days.

Most of us know who the real culprits are in this struggle and it goes far beyond this worthless administration. Most of us understand the true driving force behind the big guys.. and that is where we could use the extra help. Those vile creatures are not as affected by us as we would hope.

I encourage Casper but fail to understand why all this nonsense is tolerated.

Could you help me understand?


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: March 23, 2011

Dear KH:

Thank you for your letter. There is a basic Cosmic Law, the Law of Non-intervention that applies to all 3D freewill societies. Only in very limited circumstances will Creator God allow the Forces of Light to intervene in our affairs, such as destruction of the planet or of soul essence.

This is our world created by our freewill choices or allowance, and which causes our karma or mess which we now have. Our E.T. friends are here, but they can only help us when we ask for their help. We must give them permission to cross that freewill line, or they violate Cosmic Law. That, they will not do.

We have the power within through our God Spirit, and also Divine assistance, to overcome all evil on our planet, but few know this or believe it possible. Evil has been allowed so long to destroy our planet, that Sananda says she has passed the point of no return. Only Mother Earth can save herself by major earth changes to cleanse the toxins and negativity from her.

We are not here at this time to save our world and her people. We must first learn our lessons in soul growth, and, by living The Laws of God and Creation, save ourselves. We are to share Truth with those, who will listen, and help where we can, but each souled-being must save himself by doing the same.

Being stressed over those, who refuse Truth, has no value. We must create positive energy by being happy ourselves, finding peace within, and reaping the multiple effect of the return to us of the positive energy of Love and Light that we send out both to the planet and to her people. The Cosmic Law of Returns, you reap what you sow, but in multiple amount still holds true.

Just know that Creator God Aton of Light has a Plan, too, and He is in control of Shan. The Darkness shall not win!

We honor you for all you have done to make a difference. Your efforts to bring Goodness shall not go unrewarded. The Laws of returns assures that. In spite of what we do or may want, people choose what they will do, and their choices must be honored for their own lessons, but in the end God wins and Truth triumphs!

Relax, my friend, and live in peace and hope, as this last drama plays out on Shan. Victory is here!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

Yes, mine own dear ones, I know I told you that Ashtar and Hatonn would intervene, but there is this basic Cosmic Law that says we get to make up excuses based on other basic Cosmic Laws to explain why the things we promise don't come true. Victory is here!
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Re: Law of Non-intervention

Post by The Observer »

But even Captain Kirk violated the Prime Directive several times in a season. Especially if it involved a blonde in a red convertible on Planet Schwartz.
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