RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

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RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by co-shoot »

Sheldan Nidle has channeled a WHOPPER :arrow: :arrow:
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

11 Etznab, 16 Pax, 7 Ik Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Dratzo! We return! Our main focus continues to be first contact, preceded by full disclosure. Our liaison teams are now busy with getting the governments of your world on board and we have told our Earth allies that the time has arrived for action. Presently, we are helping them get a major government-transition treaty signed by over 140 nations, and a special task force of legal and government groups is implementing this documentation. Further, a group of high-ranking diplomats is currently on a quick global mission to settle any remaining discord regarding the stipulations in these documents. We intend to use our good offices to persuade and coax any influential dissenters to this accord because it is essential for your reality to be transformed, now, for the better. Disclosure is vital; it literally changes everything. Your global society is bordering on collapse, and is kept functioning by the power of a privileged few. These Beings, against all odds, are just barely keeping your global constructs afloat. Our task is to circumvent this insanity and create a new reality for you, which permits each of you to attain your divine potential.

Disclosure is the magical catalyst that swiftly erodes the remaining power of the dark cabal. The pressure we are exerting for disclosure is allowing our Earth allies to move forward on those reforms which will begin an about-face in your society's direction. Announcements addressing these many topics are imminent. We are also monitoring the dark's many secret terror-weapons as it is pivotal that these horrendous devices be kept at bay. This doesn't prevent the karma previously accrued by your society from continuing to manifest in the form of diverse global disasters which you see daily in your newscasts. These are warnings from Gaia for you to mend your ways and adopt policies that support Mother Earth and refrain from harming her. These policies include an end to mindless warmongering and the release of many new, appropriate technologies. We are ready, as always, to assist in the introduction of these devices. The old dark ways of your world are over! And the time has come to present the ways of the Light!

Heaven is maintaining her schedule for changing your reality and preparing your body, mind, and Spirit for full consciousness. One goal is to raise continuously the base frequency of this reality, which has had the effect of transforming the actual length of each day from the traditional 24 hours to a 14-hour day. This accounts for the hectic, driven feeling many of you are experiencing. As your world moves forward, the dark seeks to disrupt this momentum despite the futility of this pursuit. The Earth allies' legal preparations are at the point of completion and still the dark ones chase vainly after some form of miracle solution. There is, of course, only one option open to them: surrender. The Ascended Masters are preparing their allies to begin carrying out the provisions laid out in the documents signed in Europe and agreed to, albeit grudgingly, by several other major governments. These massive transfers of power, coupled with a vast redistribution of your society's wealth, are the last step before disclosure.

Blessings! We are the Ascended Masters! We can report that our many associates have completed the final acceptance agreements which establish who are to take up positions in the caretaker regimes. These individuals are preparing the announcements which will forever transform the way your world operates. A primary stipulation is to be the new state of cooperation between nations, beginning with the immediate return of foreign troops to their respective homelands. We also intend to show ourselves to you and use that moment to spread a message of peace, Love, and universal brotherhood. This time is all about transforming the hate and division now bedeviling the world into Love and mutual acceptance. This flowering of compassion can easily change the way nations relate to each other. We want to use this growing Love and awareness to transform the high levels of global xenophobia into a consciousness that can accept with joy our space and spiritual families.

The ongoing process to manifest your new reality is nearly complete. We are moving those who have been chosen to make the initial announcements into places of safety. In these locations are the communication links which are guarded by our Galactic Federation allies. These sites were chosen for two reasons: first, they are utterly secure, and this is paramount because we fully expect the dark to stage a final flurry of attacks to disrupt the changes in government. Second, we asked that the transfer of key new-government personnel be done immediately once the initial announcements are made. This was agreed to, and we are now rehearsing the actual transfer operations. We are somewhat concerned about a number of major governments, and so the Galactic Federation and each of us have prepared some 'special surprises' for the dark cabalists and their government minions. These surprises will defeat any last desperate moves on their part.

Creating this new conscious reality is what Heaven expects of us. Hence, we watch over you as your physical bodies shift upward and as Gaia alters your physical reality. The former dark ways of your world are irrevocably transforming and a new era of Light is swiftly manifesting. The dark can plainly see the writing on the wall, while our joy mounts as more and more of you awaken to our messages of Light, wisdom, and hope. Heaven has assembled many souls from worlds in this galaxy and from others across this vast Creation. All of you are here to anchor in a new realm of consciousness dedicated to the Light and to fulfilling the sacred decrees of Lord Surea and the grand Seraphim of Aeon. We daily bless these eloquent ones of the Light and their powerful decrees. Rejoice in the Light and its mighty ways!

While your dark-oriented world teeters on the point of collapse, our programs to bring the Light-oriented realm into being are manifesting. The dark thoroughly comprehends its dire predicament, but nevertheless is still unable to disengage from its blind arrogance and let go of what is now clearly a failed venture. All the while, the Galactic Federation and the Ascended Masters continue to offer the cabalists the option of grace to redeem themselves by immediately broadcasting disclosure and effecting their resignation by admitting what they have done over the past 200 years. They are highly unlikely to do this as they strongly believe that the anger of the masses cannot be so easily quenched and are convinced that the enormity of their crimes can only end badly for them. We believe differently, and are ready to oust them from power.

Today, we march to victory. A great triumph is being made possible by several events that happened last month. The dark's reality draws closer to collapse, and the divine moment :arrow: has come for the first changes to be unveiled. Let us prepare to rejoice! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Another losing entry in the 2011 New Age Piffle-Writing Contest.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't know what that one has been smoking, but they have definitely inhaled way too much, way too often.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Deep Knight »

Dratzo! Is it 11 Etznab, 16 Pax, 7 Ik already? Time really flies when you're having fun.

I hate to tell you this, but this is a pretty typical Sheldan Noodle posting, well, except that this one fulfills the sacred decrees of Lord Surea and the grand Seraphim of Aeon. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for "We speak garbled Malay")
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Olsenfin »

"It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide."

- Alfred E. Newman
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Deep Knight »

My Sheldan Nidle Story:

About 5-6 years ago Sheldan had just moved from Hawaii to an address in San Mateo, CA, where my sister-in-law's family lives. We were planning a visit, so I wrote to him from a dummy e-mail account as if I was considering sending him money. One question I asked was whether he was a real person, I complained that I had given money to people in the past and later found their names were aliases and addresses mere drop-boxes so that people couldn't find them to complain. Think Dove or A&A. Of course, I used an alias and fake address far away from California so that he wouldn't be concerned about my showing up on his doorstep. It's high spiritual wisdom to lie. Anyway, he answered with a very firm statement about how his address was really his apartment and not a postal box, no ifs, ands or buts. So, a couple of months later while the wife was having fun with her sister, I took a drive by the address just to see what was what. If he had been there, I planned on claiming that I HAD sent him money and demanding it back based on the lack of the First Contact he promised as a result, or something. Never had a chance, it was a postal box. The brochure from the place stressed that they used box numbers that looked like apt. or office numbers so people couldn't tell that it was a drop, and that you could use any name you wanted as long as the number was correct. I sent him an e-mail response to his earlier response complaining about his lying (and posted the info here), but never got a response from ol' Sheldan.

Selmat Jarpoop!
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Deep Knight »

Who is Sheldan Noodle?

Sheldan Nidle was born in New York City on Nov. 11, 1946, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as accompanying manifestations - light-form communications, extraterrestrial visitations, and teaching/learning sessions on board spacecraft. During most of his life, he has enjoyed ongoing telepathic communications and direct 'core knowledge' inserts (etheric and physical implants). Sheldan has visually observed and physically experienced spacecraft throughout the years.
Around the age of fourteen, Sheldan requested that the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies discontinue communications with him because he was experiencing overwhelming conflict between their scientific knowledge and what he was learning here on Earth. They left, but the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies told him that they would be back when it was time to complete his mission for planet Earth and her people. In high school, he was placed in advanced science programs in subject areas such as physics, chemistry, and calculus.

Sheldan received an M.A. in Political Science from the University at Buffalo in 1968. He also received an M.A. in Southeast Asian Government from Ohio University in 1970 and an M.A. in American Politics and International Public Administration from the University of Southern California, where he also pursued a Ph.D. program (1974-76). In the 1970s, he was Vice-President for Scientific Programming at Syntar Productions, where he co-created a documentary on the life and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla. From the 1970s through the mid-1980s, he was involved in scientific research on alternative sources of electrical energy. In the mid-1980s, his extraterrestrial contacts resumed. Currently, Sheldan is a representative and lecturer for the Galactic Federation of Light and, in November 1997, founded the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO).

Others have different opinions...

Scam Alert
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sheldon Nidle and the Photon Belt...

Sheldan Nidle is still hawking his wares. When I met him in the mid-90s he was telling us of the photon belt and how it would catapult us into the 5th dimension.

Never happened.

Nevertheless, according to him, the photon belt has already come and we are currently enveloped in one of it's "donut-shaped" portions. However, the last time I looked, we were still firmly anchored in the 3rd dimension.

In one of the Q&A sections of his website, he promises that, "At the appropriate time, we will briefly enter the main photon belt and then join the Sirius star system."

And if you believe that, I've got a bridge I can sell you for a couple of bucks...

Back in 1995 I was very skeptical of him and still am. After the photon belt failed to appear when promised, he disappeared for a while, then popped up with a new website and an armful of new books and, presto, he was back in business. He has all the moves. He is to the New Age what Sylvia Browne is to psychic predictions. Both have their loyal followers and every now and then they actually hit the mark.

It's unlikely, but Nidle may be an indication of what might happen after 2012 comes and goes without anything significant happening. There will be a regathering and then a string of unbelievably lame excuses.

The major difference between what was happening in the 1990s and what is happening today is that there are far more people in sync with what is being said. And then, more importantly, there are the ancients who have pointed to this timeline thousands of years before scamster Nidle caught wind of these concepts and cleverly widdled them into his own personal cottage industry, duping people along the way and laughing all the way to the bank.

It's interesting to note that Nidle has altered the spelling of his first name. In the 90s it was Sheldon, now it's Sheldan with an "a." Maybe this is an attempt to cloud his past in some kind of numerology mumbo-jumbo. It may work for people who don't know him. But for me, regardless of how he spells his name, he is and will forever be, Nidle the Scamster.

Below is a video showing Nidle in action. Makes you wonder why his space contacts haven't fixed his dental problems, doesn't it? After all, these guys build starships! You'd think if they can put implants into his brain that they'd have a dentist or two on board to cap his teeth.

What is it about the guy that gives me the willies? It happened when I first saw him in person over fifteen years ago, and it happens every time I see him or hear his voice.

By the way, don't stop with that one video. After you watch it, check out other videos with Nidle shoveling the b.s. in heaps; roll around in it, and if your gut feeling tells you the guy's a fraud, don't fight it, go with the flow because you couldn't be more right.
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Cathulhu »

Gee, why aren't the dinars in with the rest of these?

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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Deep Knight »

Still waiting for that darn divine moment.

A small part of a transcript from Rumor Mill News, Posted June 24, from June 20.

Last monday, Dutch lightworker and radio host Maarten Horst interviewed Sheldan Nidle on his BBS Radio show. After Mike Quinsey and Steve Beckow, this is a third guest that the visitors of our site will be very familiar with.

Maarten: Yes. What I want to ask you, because there is a lot of speculation, I want to start with the ‘hot’ news, the hard news, because there is a lot of speculation about tomorrow, about the 21st, the solstice, what’s your insight about it?

Sheldan: Well, it’s a wonderful day, there’s going to be a lot of energies shifted tomorrow. To me it’s the beginnings of the final stages of what is going to happen on, which I call, the road to First Contact. As for Disclosure tomorrow, no. It requires really a friendly government to do it, we won’t have that tomorrow. So, what I look at right now is, what is happening because of the administrative glitches created, in trying to get these transformations done, as far as moving governments, which is no easy thing, it’s going to take a little bit longer. But, tomorrow is really the start of a lot of energies, there is the whole concept that they gave me, the ascended masters, about bringing our soul force in so we can bring in the sovereignty for the new age and also the whole process of allowing us to move another step closer to re-integrating ourselves in becoming fully conscious beings. So I really see tomorrow as the beginning more of that. The other more, I call it wonderful stuff, is going to take a little bit longer, but not that much longer. So I’m very confident that the ‘soon’ I’m talking about now isn’t really years or anything like that, it’s going to be very close. We are actually in a period right now when those in charge of us for over the last series of millenniums are now beginning to understand that their reign, which to them was to be infinite, is now actually quite finite and that there is not much longer to go. They are starting to begin to panic and understand the process of the process of what is happening, and they are ready to finally, at the appropriate moment, give up. But they’re trying to stay for the last possible second that they can get out of it.

Maarten: And of course everything is in the ready, the galactic personnel is saying in your latest message that everything is in the ready and the new governments are ready, the printed money for the new financial system is ready, everything is ready, it’s just for the divine moment to occur.

Sheldan: Right, and that divine moment I think is getting very closer every day. And the period between when it should happen en where it looks maybe like say ‘now’ is also every day we go by getting closer. So, I feel this is really this summer/fall is going to be finally where we end this. And I’m hoping it’s in the summer because I would like it to happen sooner rather than later, I’ve always been that way. And that’s one of the things that I want to get done, is to get this happen as soon as divinely possible.

Maarten: Yes, and you wrote in 5 or 4 messages ago that June 21st would be the deadline for Disclosure, so, they will have to intervene then?

Sheldan: What they are going to do is, there is a process right now, there is final sets of negotiations, there is this little final administrative glitch going on right now, and once those fully get done, we’ll have a change. And I think that’s not too far in the distant future, so, we just have to stay tuned as they say and keep our hope up and our frustration in the backside and just keep moving forward to give all the energy for this all to happen. Like I said, as soon as divinely possible.

Maarten: You know what, we have a caller on the line, would you like to take it?

Sheldan: Sure.

Maarten: Here’s a question. He’s from Colorado, and we can bring him in now.

Caller: Sheldan?

Sheldan: Sure.

Zack: Hi, this is Zack, I’m from Colorado.

Sheldan: Hi Zack.

Zack: I just had few questions for you. I’ve been reading your channelings for a while and in one of your channelings you did say that Disclosure would come before the solstice in the northern hemisphere, which is June 21st, so you kind of said that pretty definitely…

Sheldan: It was very much supposed to happen.

Zack: OK.

Sheldan: But as always happens when you deal with humanity and this temporal world, things don’t quite happen exactly as you would want them to happen, so, we’ve got these last minute negotiations which are going to lengthen the whole process out, and so hopefully very soon all this will indeed happen.

Zack: OK, and then a couple of other things. So, there are divine deadlines, it that correct?

Sheldan: There are. What they are exactly, they’ve never really told me, because they said that people on this planet have to know that it is happening and there is a certain time at which heaven will actually say ‘it’s enough’. The decrees from the Creator are such that they must now be followed with no glitches and the process will then move along swiftly. I don’t know what they are, but they keep telling me that we’re very close to them.

Zack: OK, and then there’s one more thing. I notice in your channelings, as opposed to other ones like Mike Quinsey, you tend to focus a lot on Nesara, or the monetary system and a transitional government, well wouldn’t that be unnecessary if we are going to reach ascension?

Sheldan: Well, there is a period between that and when the landings happen. In order for the landings to happen we have to create a situation on this planet where the actual switch-over from ‘humans believing they are the centre of the universe’ to ‘humans now seeing themselves as part of a greater set of humans that are all across the galaxy, and seeing themselves as fully conscious beings’ as to being their destiny, that’s a huge leap. And we need an interactum, a period, a gap, between that happening, and where we are now. And that requires that we have a different government that is willing do those particular things, or to institute certain specific programs that allow that all to happen in the way that both heaven and the galactic federation want it to happen, which is easy, swift, with a minimum of fear and a maxim amount of expectation and joy as it all occurs. In order to do that most governments on this world are, especially the major governments of this world, are all about fear, manipulation, and basically not telling you the truth. The whole concept that the President of Prime Minister, or whatever tells you about transparency is just words, and unfortunately, this government as well as all the other major governments are not yet ready for that process. So that’s why there has to be this change, and we’re very close to all that happening right now.

Zack: And you believe it’s going to be by 2012, because a lot, in all your channelings there seems that you think it’s by 2013.

Sheldan: I would indicate to you right now that there’s an excellent chance that this will all happen before this year is out. So, let’s just go with that and put our energies toward that happening and then, when it all happens as it should, then we can rejoice in it with our joy and with our anticipation and expectations of what’s all about to happen.

Zack: Alright, thank you for your time Sheldan.

Sheldan: Sure. Thank you.

Dratzo! June 21 came and went and nothing changed! And even the day before he tried to squirm out of it, as if he KNEW it was BS, no doubt due to his higher conciousness. Sheldan needs to remember the first universal law of oneness, don't give no firm dates!
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Deep Knight »

An update from Sheldan. It's still 7 Ik (which explains the icky) but Cauac & Kayab instead of Etznab & Pax. Time flies.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Cauac, 17 Kayab, 7 Ik

Dratzo! We return! Our Earth allies have issued many orders to begin the final implementation of the transformation of your reality. The major governments of your world are busily putting together 'quick fixes' with which they hope to continue delaying what is now underway. However, a series of legal decisions has recently been handed down by several international courts which permit a rapid change of government, but these major governments' legal counselors are pursuing a quick appeal process, as a way of doing their part in staving off the inevitable. This flurry of sudden activity is another indication of how close you are to the changes long promised you by our Earth allies. The last dark cabal is in full panic mode. It has seen its once formidable empire whittled away by court decisions, which now threaten its very existence. Those who, in the past, were able to use their power to hammer all opposition are in full retreat, bringing disclosure ever nearer. Our liaison teams and those of the Agarthans are meeting to discuss in detail how best to announce our presence and help the new governments.

Disclosure, for us, is the cornerstone of why we are here. The time has come for your societies to put aside their childish behavior and accept the broad mantle of maturity. This one act banishes wars and distrust from your inventory and replaces them with Love and cooperation. Societies in limited consciousness often make the mistake of following models that are either dysfunctional or that were foisted on them by a supposedly superior and wiser group of individuals. In your case, you were literally drowned in the 'advice' of the Anunnaki and led astray by the ill-advised decisions of those minions placed in power long ago. You now have the opportunity for a major global course correction, which not only reverses the misfortunes of war and avarice but also heads you into prosperity and a joyous reunion with your spiritual and space families. We have watched, over the millennia, as you blundered into one misfortune after another, most of which were craftily arranged by a handful of beings who were given power over you by the Anunnaki.

[being lectured about "putting aside childish behavior and accepting the broad mantle of maturity" by Sheldan "makes this sh*t up to get attention and money so he doesn't have to work" Niddle?]

The transformations you are now passing through will enable you to get a truer picture of the reality you reside in. This information becomes the basis for collective decisions that can quickly resolve any problems that come up. We have known these things for what seems like forever to us. Think about the wisdom you are about to acquire as a huge resource that is easily accessed whenever you need it. Our task is simply to assist you in taking up the wondrous garb called full consciousness and mentor you judiciously in the use of the 'user manual'. Then your natural capabilities will kick in, providing you with the insights that characterize and illuminate this most amazing tool which was given to us in such Loving grace by the Creator. You are destined to be a most beloved member of this Galactic Federation of Light. We look forward to your advice and the coming skill of your Science and Exploration teams. Your Agarthan kin is keen to meet you and teach you the history and wisdom that was lost in the fog of your amnesia.

[I also have an "amazing tool" but I don't go around bragging about it. Wait a tic, I DO go around bragging about it, but at least it's real and I can prove it, although when I do so in public it tends to get me arrested.]

Over the millennia, the Anunnaki and their minions literally sold you a 'bill of goods', and the Agarthans' primary task is to set the record straight by relating to you your true off-world origins and your long history as a member of this Galactic Federation. The Anunnaki's perfidy has burdened you with half-baked fallacies concerning your origins and the birth of your numerous societies. You would also benefit from a complete study of how life functions and survives in your realm. Much of what you are taught is based on principles that are only partially true. The Agarthans would like to remedy this and offer you a life science that can prepare you for what lies ahead: full consciousness. This end game you are going through needs a quick primer on physical life and information of how the energy of your soul enters and maintains your beingness. The new connections that are almost ready to manifest are to change how you are presently put together, which is why it is essential to give you the understanding that can easily banish the remaining uneasiness about your transformation into full-conscious Beings of Light.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Everywhere, this reality, forged long ago by the dark and its Earth minions, is collapsing. The greed, hatred, and general discord are no longer able to keep the world's population at bay. We are seeing defiance, aided by a growing virtual network of support, take the offensive and demonstrating to the dark that the guidelines used to rule you no longer hold. The initial answers proposed by many governments to counter this growing insubordination are proving to be ineffective, and the dark is stunned by the strength of your desire for freedom, sovereignty, and prosperity. This shows how strong the need within you is to regain full consciousness. Within this energy lie the means by which you can finally throw off the yoke that you were saddled with some 13 millennia ago. The dark sees what is happening yet remains in a sort of prophylactic shock, unable to accept the inevitable.

Your work to bring in your Soul Force is succeeding. You are a remarkable group of Beings! The energy you have put into this effort has helped to fuel others to keep moving forward with their demands to transform the governance of this world. As this pressure continues, the programs set in motion by our associates are ready to manifest. We are instructing them to use the various divine time decrees of Heaven as the instrument for final implementation of their agenda. New governments are prepared to issue a series of announcements that are to change forever how your world operates, and we stand at the ready to help our comrades carry out a full disclosure that leads to your grand reunion with your Inner Earth brethren as well as your spiritual and space families. These celebrations are really imminent!

[Will one of those "new governments" be the Restored Republics with Tim Turner as President? If so, I'll pass.]

As the time comes for your ascension into full consciousness, you need to look at this world in a new light. The realm of the dark has held you in check ever since your fall just before the last days of Atlantis. Now, you are preparing yourselves to transform this world into Light and assume positions of grace and wisdom. You have survived! This feat comes with a knowing that your Inner Earth brethren are prepared to welcome you to an array of spectacular crystal cities and other wonders you can scarcely imagine. We also reside in these cities of Light and know at first hand what awaits you. In these final days, see the dark cabal as Beings who are to undergo a great fall, and forgive them their ghastly trespasses. Soon, you are all to be one again, and the horrible events these ones created are to fade into history. Be gentle and above all, wise in how you carry out your affairs!

Today, we continued our talks with you. Much is about to happen. We can feel how close your new reality really is! We are in joy that first contact is the element that finally turns the tables on the dark and its horrendous plans. You are to receive many positive surprises! Be ready to celebrate with us! And to be morphed into a great joy! The time for this great joy to become your eternal now has come! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

And, exactly how long do we have to wait for "now" and "soon?"
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Deep Knight »

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Archive

Reader PJ: 'What the #%#* is "Dratzo"?'

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 9-Feb-2011 00:07:39

In Response To: Reader B, fwd: Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation (hobie) (Thanks, P. :)

Reader PJ writes:

Re: Reader B, fwd: Update by Sheldan Nidle for....


What the #%#* is "Dratzo"? Sounds like another made up word to me....

Perhaps "in the future/soon" we will all be saying "Dratzo" when "in the future/soon" the Galactic Federation decides to land "in the future/soon" when the "earth allies" have figured out what is going on "in the future/soon"...

Why don't they just land if they are going to save us??? These posts are really getting annoying. Maybe "in the future/soon" I'll be proven wrong , but this guy is worse than Nanci Leider and Zetatalk. At least she provided (incorrect) dates for the arrival of Planet X (remember 2003 and the buzz around Plantet X?)

Speak to you "in the future/soon..."

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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote:Rumor Mill News Reading Room Archive

Reader PJ: 'What the #%#* is "Dratzo"?'
One of the Marx Brothers wasn't he?

Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zeppo, Gummo and Dratzo....
Deep Knight
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Re: RICOLA Krauter-zucker_the divine moment

Post by Deep Knight »

Omne wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Rumor Mill News Reading Room Archive

Reader PJ: 'What the #%#* is "Dratzo"?'
One of the Marx Brothers wasn't he?

Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zeppo, Gummo and Dratzo....
Wasn't Dustin Hoffman's character in Midnight Cowboy Dratso Drizzo? And wasn't the basic plot of that movie about the workings of the Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command?

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