Attack on Heterosexuality

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Attack on Heterosexuality

Post by Deep Knight »

Let's not get so focused on one insanity that we ignore the others. An insightful article on Foulwinds10 by Bellringer, a rabid hetrosexual, or he would be if he had sex, which he believes is a sin unless for procreation, and that horse left his barn years ago.

Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism
Henry Makow, Ph.D.

The essence of satanism is to substitute the perverted mindset of the Luciferian central bankers for God-given reality.

This means that all that is natural and healthy must be deemed sick; all that is true is false; and all that is good is evil.

This applies to the promotion of homosexuality and the disparagement of heterosexuality.

Recently a tiny state-funded daycare in Stockholm was in the news for adopting heterophobic policies including the promotion of gender confusion and homosexuality.

[And what exactly are these policies? From their own link.

...addressing the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.
From the color and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes.
Lego bricks and other building blocks are intentionally placed next to the kitchen, to make sure the children draw no mental barriers between cooking and construction.
...efforts to engineer equality between the sexes...
There are no "Snow White," ''Cinderella" or other classic fairy tales in the children's books.
...a story about two male giraffes who are sad to be childless — until they come across an abandoned crocodile egg.

Wow! Pretty radical hetero-hate there! No wonder their 1 to 6 year old children all harbor resentment against their heterosexual parents when they have to turn off cartoon, eat vegetables, or go to bed at bedtime!]

The action of a lesbian daycare director with 33 pre-schoolers is not significant. Significant is that the Illuminati mass media heralded it as a "progressive" experiment rather than child abuse. The same thing happened in May when Marxist trendies in Toronto decided to mess with their newborn's mind by denying his/her gender.

[That's right, forcing them to read a story about giraffes instead of Snow White sounds like the worst form of child abuse to me! Hangin's too good fer 'em!]

The promotion of heterophobic acts without labeling them as such is a veiled assault on heterosexual society. It is an ongoing psy op designed to destabilize society and weaken its resistance to the NWO by undermining marriage and family.

It also reveals the true Communist and satanic nature of the NWO. Yes, the NWO is designed to concentrate all wealth and power on the hands of the Illuminati central bankers.

But more than that, it is a state of mind, a satanic spell characterized by homosexuality, pornography, money-lust, violence, deception and death. We are all being inducted into this satanic cult which is based on the Kabbalah.


The essence of satanism is to substitute the perversions of Lucifer-loving bankers for God-given reality. This means that all that is natural and healthy must be deemed sick; all that is true is false; and all that is good is evil. And vice versa.

Thus, we have a vicious mindless attack on gender, and male-female love, things that are healthy, natural, god-given and necessary.

Male and female gender spans all of nature. Gender differences are documented in science.

"There has seldom been a greater divide between what intelligent, enlightened opinion presumes - that men and women have the same brain - and what science knows: that they do not," writes Neuropsychologist Dr Anne Moir.

"Conclusive scientific research presents an irrefutable truth: The difference between men and women is not merely physical. It is neurological, too. Male and female human brains are wired differently, causing us to think, feel, react and respond in strikingly different ways."

Common sense tells us that women are different because they have babies. Children must be conceived in love and raised in a secure and wholesome environment. Men and women have complementary roles based on different skills and temperaments.

The satanist Illuminati attack on gender is an attack on heterosexuals and on love itself. Obviously, the economic elite and media are complicit. They are controlled by the Illuminati banking cartel.


Under Communism, science and art were repressed if they did not conform to "revolutionary" truth. Revolutionary refers to the overthrow of God (reality, truth, morality) and the replacement with the rule of Illuminati bankers fronted by the State.

These perverts are instituting their Communist satanism in the form of the NWO. You can see this by the pervasiveness of "political correctness" a term that is Communist in origin.

You can see it in their denial and suppression of God and Intelligent Design.

You can see it in their promotion of promiscuity and deviance ("sexual liberation,") pornography, satanism, violence and obscenity in the mass media.

You can see it in their brutish "feminism" which pretends to champion women but, in fact, despises femininity and deprives women of natural fulfillment as wives and mothers.

You can see it when male and female genders are deemed "stereotypes" except when they are reversed, i.e. women acting like men or vice-versa. When gay men pretend to be female or transsexuals switch sexes, then somehow they are no longer "stereotypes."

You can see it in the bankers' financing of gay marriage, which implies homosexuals and heterosexuals are identical.

Apparently heterosexuals do not have human rights. It's fine to deny a helpless child his gender identity, but don't interfere with a youth who is gay.

"Human rights" and "gay rights" clearly are ruses to deny human rights to the vast heterosexual majority.

But that's typically satanic, communist and kabbalist. Light ("The Enlightenment") is darkness. Lucifer, the Light-bringer, is God. "Human rights" are a mode of human re-engineering and enslavement.

Yes, this reality shift extends to language. The term homophobic is widely recognized. The term heterophobic is not. Heterophobia garners 250,000 references on Google Search. Homophobia over 10 million - 40 times as many to denote opposition to practices of 1/50th of the population.

We are being brainwashed by the mass media, inducted into a sinister satanic cult whose goal is to enslave mankind, spiritually, mentally and physically. This is the true nature of the New World Order.

June 29, 2011

International bankers finance gay marriage? Hell, I had problems with them financing my car! And you know what religion these bankers are. Not to mention their ethnic origin. Come on, it's easy, after all we're talking something written by Henry Makow here, whose PhD was given to him by AOU (Antisemitic Online University) for his thesis, "If it's bad, it's the Jews fault."

I for one am outraged, and suggest that all right-thinking individuals make sure that preschoolers are forced to watch male-dominant heterosexual sex 24/7!
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Re: Attack on Heterosexuality

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

50 years ago, I first encountered the name Henry Makow. While still very young, he talked an Ottawa (Ontario) newspaper into running an advice colum, to be called "Ask Henry", in which he would be asked for advice on children-related topics, and he would understand the child's point of view and give his best answer. The column was a success for as long as it ran; and some of his columns went into a paperback book which I encoutered and read. I thought that Makow was pretty intelligent, and wondered if I'd hear of him doing bigger and better things when he (and I) were grown.

Unfortunately, I found him again on the Internet; and I'm wishing that I hadn't.
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Re: Attack on Heterosexuality

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:Let's not get so focused on one insanity that we ignore the others. An insightful article on Foulwinds10 by Bellringer, a rabid hetrosexual, or he would be if he had sex, which he believes is a sin unless for procreation, and that horse left his barn years ago.
Thanks a lot for that imagery. All I can think of now is Rule 34 and Mr Hands. :oops:
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Re: Attack on Heterosexuality

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Let's not get so focused on one insanity that we ignore the others. An insightful article on Foulwinds10 by Bellringer, a rabid hetrosexual, or he would be if he had sex, which he believes is a sin unless for procreation, and that horse left his barn years ago.
Thanks a lot for that imagery. All I can think of now is Rule 34 and Mr Hands. :oops:
I had to look both of these up (why doesn't anyone tell me these things?).
Rule 34

Generally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any conceivable subject.

Additionally it is accepted that the rule itself has limitations and you cannot be too specific on the content of the item in question.

Most commonly used on various message boards for various reasons, from humor to cruelty.
The Enumclaw horse sex case was a 2005 incident in which Kenneth Pinyan (June 22, 1960 – July 2, 2005), an American Boeing engineer residing in Gig Harbor, died from receiving anal sex with a stallion at a farm in an unincorporated area in King County, Washington, near the city of Enumclaw. He had videotaped previous sex acts with the horses and distributed them informally under the name Mr. Hands.

During a July 2005 sex act, videotaped by a friend, he suffered a perforated colon and later died of his injuries. The story was reported in The Seattle Times and was one of that paper's most read stories of 2005. It was informally referred to as the "Enumclaw horse sex case".

Pinyan's death rapidly prompted the passing of a bill in Washington prohibiting both sex with animals and the videotaping of the same. Under current Washington law, bestiality is now a Class C felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

A documentary of the life and death of Pinyan, and the life led by those who came to the farm near Enumclaw, debuted at the Sundance Film Festival 2007 under the title Zoo. It was one of 16 winners out of 856 candidates for the festival, and played at numerous regional festivals in the United States thereafter. Following Sundance, it was also selected as one of the top five American films to be presented at the prestigious Directors Fortnight sidebar at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.
"That horse left the barn years ago" is an old Midwestern saying, no doubt somewhat derived from "It doesn't help to shut the door if the horse has already left the barn." Basically the same as "that train has already left the station," something that's well done and over with, like Bellringer's erection (present or not, now that's a disturbing image).

As for having sex with horses, as a one time cowboy I take umbrage at the notion. Not only is it insulting and horrid, everybody knows that real western men live good, moral lives and anyway prefer sheep.

True story. Many, many years ago a roommate had unpacked a bunch of stuff from his childhood from a box, and put the books on a bookshelf in our living room. One book was called, "A boy's book of good humor," (or something close) and I pulled it out and opened it to see what kind of drivel it contained. It was a bunch of short stories and the one the book naturally opened to was the tittle page of one called "Pleasure in the Stables," a boring thing about a boy at first hating taking care of horses but later getting into it because riding was so manly. No bestiality or even a hint of anything sexual anywhere. For a bit of humor, I wrote "By Queen Catherine the Great" under the title and put it back in the bookshelf. For those of you who don't know the reference, the Russian queen had a reputation as an enthusiastic hornmuffin and one rumor popular in my Jr. High locker room was that she not only had sex with stallions, she had died when the rig (pulleys and slings) suspending one above her broke, crushing her. Now that's an image you can take to the bank. Anyway, it was nothing but slander, she collapsed from a stroke, but a good story, like a good stallion, has legs.

Several stories about the circumstances of her death at the age of 67 probably originated soon after. A common story states that she died as a result of her voracious sexual appetite while attempting sexual intercourse with a stallion—the story holds that the harness holding the horse above her broke, and she was crushed. Another story, that she died on the toilet when her seat broke under her, is true only in small part: she did collapse in a bathroom from a stroke, but after that she died being cared for in her bed.

Anyway, my friends parents came by to pick him up to take him to dinner, but he wasn't home from work yet, so I entertained them in the living room. While talking to his mother, his father saw the book in the bookshelf, said something about remembering it, pulled it out, and opened it. Of course it opened to that same page. He looked at if for a few seconds and started laughing out loud, no doubt hearing the same story while in high school in Nebraska or at the Naval Academy in Annapolis. His wife wanted to know what was so funny and he hemmed and hawed while turning a bright red. No doubt he didn't want to explain the joke to her or burden her with that image.

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Re: Attack on Heterosexuality

Post by Deep Knight »

Attack on Bestiality is Satanism
Henry Mookow, Ph.D.

The essence of Satanism is to substitute the perverted bedroom practices of the Luciferian Central Highschool for reality. This means that all that is natural and healthy must be deemed sick; all that is true is false; and all that is good is evil. This applies to the promotion of human-on-human love and the disparagement of bestiality.

Recently a large state-funded daycare in Stockholm was in the news for adopting bestialphobic policies. The action of a daycare director who took down the picture of Little Bo Peep is not significant. Significant is that the Illuminati mass media heralded it as "normal" rather than child abuse. The promotion of bestialphobic acts without labeling them as such is a veiled assault on Western society. It is an ongoing psy op designed to destabilize society and weaken its resistance to the NWO by undermining real men and masculinity.

It also reveals the true Communist and satanic nature of the NWO. Yes, the NWO is designed to concentrate all wealth and power on the hands of the Illuminati Central Timezone. But more than that, it is a state of mind, a satanic spell characterized by heterosexuality, pornography, human-lust, violence, deception and death. We are all being inducted into this satanic cult which is based on parking, necking, and heavy petting.


The essence of satanism is to substitute the perversions of Lucifer-loving traffic cops for God-given reality. This means that all that is natural and healthy must be deemed sick and vice versa. Thus, we have a vicious mindless attack on sheep, and barnyard love, things that are healthy, natural, god-given and necessary.

Interspecies copulation spans all of nature. Species differences are documented in science. "Conclusive scientific research presents an irrefutable truth: The difference between species is merely physical, it is not sexual. If God had not wanted men to go gaga over sheep, he wouldn’t have made their butts so fuzzy." – Some famous PhD science guy I met in a bar in Casper Wyoming.

The satanist Illuminati attack on gender is an attack on barnyard sex is an attack on love itself. Obviously, the economic elite and media are complicit. They are controlled by the Illuminati bus driver cartel.


Under Communism, science and art were repressed if they did not conform to "revolutionary" truth. Revolutionary refers to the overthrow of God (reality, truth, inter-species love) and the replacement with the rule of Illuminati bellhops fronted by the State.

These perverts are instituting their Communist satanism in the form of the NWO. You can see this by what passes as a joke on the internet.

An easterner had just arrived in an old Western town when he noticed a curious lack of women. Walking into the local saloon he asked a cowboy, 'What do you fellas do around here for entertainment?' 'Ya mean women?' asked the cowboy. 'We ain't got none. 'Round here folks do it with sheep'. 'That's disgusting,' cried the eastern dude, 'I've never heard of such moral degradation'.

However, after a few months the sheep were looking more and more attractive. So he finally went out and found himself a comely sheep tied up behind the jail. He untied and escorted his four-legged paramour to the saloon for a drink. As the easterner and his woolly date entered, a hush fell over the patrons and the anxious couple became the object of many stares. 'You goddamn bunch of hypocrites!' the dude yelled. 'You've been having sex with sheep for years, but when I do it up right you look at me like I'm some sort of crazy pervert!' One cowboy in the back of the crowd spoke up, 'Yeah, but that's the sheriff's fiancée!'

You can see it in their brutish "feminism" which pretends to champion women but, in fact, despises femininity and deprives women of the peace and quiet they get when hubby is getting his jollies Ol’ Bessy’s calf. "Human rights" and "hetero rights" clearly are ruses to deny animal-loving rights to the vast majority. At least it’s the majority where I live. But that's typically satanic, communist and humanist.

Yes, this reality shift extends to language. The term “horndog” is widely recognized. Actually getting horny with a dog is not. Doggy sex garners 250 references on Google Image Search. “Blondes with Big Hooters” over 10 million – 40,000 times as many. Disgusting.

We are being brainwashed by the mass media, inducted into a sinister satanic cult whose goal is to enslave mankind, spiritually, mentally and physically, and take away their chance to have a good time on Saturday night. This is the true nature of the New World Order.

June 29, 2011
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