Gnostic Illuminati

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Gnostic Illuminati

Post by Deep Knight »

Ben Fulford: Desperate Sabbatean mafia tries to bribe Putin with offers of world power: gnostic Illuminati

April 30, 2013

The Satan worshiping mafia that seized control of the West’s financial system is literally offering the world to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a desperate attempt to keep in power, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster and an MI6 agent.

Are we Gnostic Illuminati, Bavarian Illuminati, or just Plain Illuminati? And just what is an Illuminati Grandmaster, one who plays chess really, really well on the side?

I always figured that Bavarian Illuminati were to the Plain Illuminati much like Bavarian Cream Pie was to Plain Cream Pie. Never had Gnostic Cream Pie. At least we're not pasty and white like the Gnocchi Illuminati.

You'll note that I haven't yet asked about the Sabbatean Mafia, a worldwide criminal organization that takes their inspiration from the Sabata Trilogy, a series of classically-bad Spaghetti Westerns released from 1969 to 1971 and directed by Gianfranco Parolini. And I won't be doing so here, so there.

Since we've been outed as Dark Agenda, New World Order, Zionist Occupation Government, Illuminati types here, it would be good to know exactly who and what we are so everyone is on the same page. For example, how many times have we had duplications of effort, like blocking up the toilets in the building and putting a powerful laxative in the coffee, only to find the entire workforce in the building was given the engineered bird flu virus the day before and are drinking very little coffee because they're dead? Simply embarrassing. So help the right hand know what the left hand is doing and blab about who and what we are here. Either that or the perverted things Fulford does in the privacy of his own website.

It is also clear that a big showdown has secretly taken place in the US and the Zionists have blinked first and are now in a state of fear and submission. ... All male descendants of the Original Saudi King will be targeted for assassination if they do not cease and desist immediately, according to several different secret societies, including the Green dragon.
...The gnostic illuminati say they want to remove Kim Jong-un from power. ... It is also clear that the Zionists are no longer supported by the vast majority of Europeans and Americans, including the Jews. Instead people are waking up to their plans to create a one world “New World Order” totalitarian dictatorship....The same sources say the Chinese government believes the earthquake seen in China last week was caused by an earthquake weapon and was part of a failed attempt to extort money from China. ... I may also mention to Bill Gates that I am sick and tired of my Hotmail account being censored and controlled. People who I meet and ask to send me e-mails call me on the phone regularly to say the mail has been bounced back with a message saying “there are problems with that e-mail account.” The only mails that do seem to get through contain warnings of nuclear terror attacks. My Skype account has also been similarly hacked. You are wasting your time Mr. Gates and Satanic friends, the only important messages I send are hand-written and hand delivered by personal envoys.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:50 AM 0 comments
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Re: Gnostic Illuminati

Post by Thule »

Deep Knight wrote: Are we Gnostic Illuminati, Bavarian Illuminati, or just Plain Illuminati? And just what is an Illuminati Grandmaster, one who plays chess really, really well on the side?

I always figured that Bavarian Illuminati were to the Plain Illuminati much like Bavarian Cream Pie was to Plain Cream Pie. Never had Gnostic Cream Pie. At least we're not pasty and white like the Gnocchi Illuminati.
The Bavarian Illuminiati split off after the 65-affair. They they teamed up with the Westfaler Illuminati to form the Sauerkraut Illuminati, but it all went sour. Haven't heard from the Gnostic Illuminati since he moved to New Zealand.
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Re: Gnostic Illuminati

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:...The gnostic illuminati say they want to remove Kim Jong-un from power. ...
Shows how much he knows. We are up to Kim Jong Un 7.1. The field training department in the political management section have been ruling North Korea for decades. It's a classic "keeping the peasants downtrodden" set up, ideal for training top operatives to have a go at being a dictator with the minimum of repercussions. In fact, if you were to meet KJU 1.0 and KJU 7.1 in the flesh you'd notice several differences, but in practice everyone close to KJU keeps their mouths shut for fear of being "offed" and the general public only see edited and Photoshopped stuff so they can't tell any different. No one suspected anything even when the guys started the internal competition to see who could come up with the "most outrageous international threat while pretending to be a superpower when you're obviously not".
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Re: Gnostic Illuminati

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I like my own Illuminati section. The Quabbin Section is headquartered in a secret bunker on Pottapaug Mountain in the former town of Dana; but the main infrastructure is located beneath the waters of the Quabbin Reservoir. For years, there have been rumors that buildings were left standing, in 1939, to be flooded when the dam was completed. These rumors are always dismissed as "urban legends" -- but that is how we want it. We don't want snoopers seeing us drive down the old roads, in our submersible cars, and wondering where those cars go....
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Re: Gnostic Illuminati

Post by The Observer »

All of the above only goes to show why there is a Conspiracy Central unit operating in the first place. What with the Bavarian, Gnostic and Westfaler chapters (among many others) as well as affiliates (such as the Sabbatean "mafia" more properly known as the Sabbatean Zevites) there was widespread confusion and chaos in the early years as each of the organizations competed with each other in trying to control and oppress the world population.

As an example, many historians have been deluded into believing that the cause of the Thirty Years's was a result of the Reformation when in actuality it was a direct result of too many franchises being issued to by Illuminati HQ to anyone willing to send in the franchise fee and enter the already too competitive market. The so-called Hanseatic League (in reality the Baltic Illuminati) found itself hemmed in and eventually devoured by surrounding Illuminati franchises and the Rothschild banking clan. There were other equally undermining competitions that passed up numerous opportunities to enslave and exploit the masses. All of this came to a head when World War I broke out (again, traditional history misleads one into believing that it was the various European governments that were to blame, those on the inside really know it was a result of direct head-to-head competition that got entirely out of hand). Between the Bavarian Illuminati, two French Rosicrucian chapters, the Sicilian Mafia, the Papal States (who never really dissolved, they just went underground), several weaker Russian Cossack leagues, and a whole host of central European Masonic lodges, there was simply no way to avoid a war breaking out.

After the end of the war, HQ decided that it needed to start providing a guiding (and iron) hand in ensuring that would avoid watching Illuminati funds being wasted on killing each other and wrecking the cities they controlled. Conspiracy Central was set up and HQ immediately started revoking franchises of any chapter that failed to submit intended plans or conspiracies for approval and implementation. Those that defied the ban - and there were a few - fell victim to the wrath of HQ, being quickly eliminated and erased from the annals of written history.
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Re: Gnostic Illuminati

Post by The Observer »

And on a related note, today is the 237th anniversary of the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati.
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Re: Gnostic Illuminati

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The Observer wrote:And on a related note, today is the 237th anniversary of the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati.
an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776 to oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life, abuses of state power, and to support women's education and gender equality.
And people think the Illuminati are a bad thing.
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Re: Gnostic Illuminati

Post by texino »

From the Illuminated DK
And people think the Illuminati are a bad thing.
Considering the era when those lofty goals were laid out, a person might imagine that powerful enemies (like the church) would be quick to enter into a confederacy to discredit them. It seems to have worked too.
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