Oil Investment Fraud via Stolen Valor

Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc. Includes the Jim Norman Project and the Michael Dotson Project and similar HYIP scams.
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The Observer
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Oil Investment Fraud via Stolen Valor

Post by The Observer »

Probably one of the most scummiest type of advance fee scams.

https://www.justice.gov/usao-edtx/pr/sm ... -investors

Wall Street Journal article for those who can get past the paywall.

https://www.wsj.com/us-news/law/derek-h ... n-2cb18913
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Re: Oil Investment Fraud via Stolen Valor

Post by JamesVincent »

I have no words that are printable.
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