Once again the old saying; Birds of a feather holds true.
At great personal risk of being 'disappeared' by mysterious men in sinister silver vehicles Neelu has ventured down the M4 all the way to Glastonbury. She and fellow-adherents have arrived in a sunny field where someone has put up a
marquee or two and for once there appears to be quite an attendance - Neelu says there are about 70 people present. There were no expected roadblocks or massive police presence which I sense was a minor disappointment, probably because the plods have better ways to occupy their valuable time.
Neelu is quite pleased to be there (chemtrails excepting which are blocking her signal blah blah). None of the defendants have turned up so they are all guilty she says. So that's the first part of the proceedings taken care of even tho the chemtrails are denying entry to the angels. But a few fluffy clouds are on the horizon.
Next, Council tax is unlawful. No officials have turned up, the claim is unrebutted so they too are all are guilty.
The comments are encouraging but I loved this one from "Jules Freedom" (not a duff name on FB? Surely not?).
I am injured, back pain so debilitating sometimes, that I can hardly walk.
Poor luv, what happened?
Shoulders and thumb from where the piglet ripped the phone from my hand to stop me commencing recording of them.
So an interaction with plod it seems. The story unfolds;
I later found out that he was only a traffic cop who arrested me for a minor speeding offence, all because I refused to give him my details, because there was no harm or loss caused.
Ah, a magnificent effort, turning a small infraction into a major one.
They forced me to undress in front of many female "officers" and also to give my DNA. --They said if I refused I would be held down. --They tried to get me on so many things, but all their breathalisers and drugs tests came out negative, as I don't drink alcohol or take drugs, dont' even have caffeine!
Although with this attitude the cops might have been forgiven for thinking along those lines....
The piggie on the desk said I had no rights whatsoever!
I'd be asking for the CCTV in that case. More;
They really believe they were at least, sympathetic and shocked by my treatment. Was this done on purpose? They also said I was suicidal, was this in case I "died" during the period of time 12 HOURS, they held me against my will? They finally let me go at 2am! They refused me a phone call to my really worried son, but at 8pm the nurse insisted I was allowed to, as he was expecting me home at 1.30pm, for us to go out! I chanted shiva and krishna mantras the whole time I was there and did my pranayama exercises to keep my blood sugar stabilised, as I am unwell! They thought it was funny and I said how ignorant they were of the planet's most ancient language and how they were tools of demons and "el-ite" minions. They are completely inhumane!
I had to look up what pranayama means, my children used to watch bananas climb into them I think but perhaps I'm becoming confused.... Google says its the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises, all far too New Age for me I'm afraid. Let's just say £300 and six points on her licence at the end of all this unpleasantness.
Anyway, back to the action in a field that will be forever the CLC.
Neelu is filming again but not the proceedings themselves as that'd be a contempt (Tommy Robinson, are you listening!) but you can here dulcit Pictish tones waffling on. This is a bit waffly and boring even for Neelu so she has to leg it. There's about 100 folk in attendance now, John Smith who clearly has taken the Low Road to be here is himself presiding.
But to what end?
None of their rulings, edicts, verdicts, findings or judgements are worth a balloon. They are about as worthless as a Re (a Re probably shaves it, value-wise - just) to 100 crusties in a field - so what?
Anyway Neelu - stick to the speed limits there and back or you'll go all Jules Freedom on us, subjecting us to more hilarious videos of pointless efforts to stop the seizure of your latest common-law conveyance.