Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »


Perhaps a specieman such as David does have a place in society.

Perhaps psychiatry & medical students would like to study this fine specimen of a learned man and finally unlock the age old secret of the “Dunning–Kruger effect”.

Even the title of the study specifically points to, David-
. "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments"
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Tevildo »

"Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments"
Is that the original capitalization? [Yes, it is.] It would appear that Messrs Dunning and Kruger's editors (or, at least, whoever wrote their style guide) might possibly be an example.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

Tevildo wrote: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:10 pm
"Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments"
Is that the original capitalization? [Yes, it is.] It would appear that Messrs Dunning and Kruger's editors (or, at least, whoever wrote their style guide) might possibly be an example.
Capitalisation of titles like that is quite a common style and appears in a lot of serious publications.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Tevildo wrote: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:10 pm
"Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments"
Is that the original capitalization?
It's called Title Case. Example rules can be found here. Microsoft Word has an option to convert text to Title Case.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by notorial dissent »

I always thought Dave was filling the niche of village idiot or maybe public spectacle, he certainty qualifies for and personifies both.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:So may it be with Dave. No one has bothered to see if there is anything wrong with him apart from workshyness. He might not be fit for heavy lifting but his output of nonsense indicates that some simple clerical job would not exceed his powers, however modest.
He clearly has the ability to use a computer to type words, but he also seems singularly incapable of doing anything productive or useful. If he were sat at a desk and given a computer to do work, I would not trust him to get anything done. This makes him effectively unemployable despite having the ability.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

notorial dissent wrote: Tue Aug 28, 2018 11:30 pm I always thought Dave was filling the niche of village idiot or maybe public spectacle, he certainty qualifies for and personifies both.
There was a time in this merry olde land of ours, when the village idiot was a respected member of the community. However the internet seems to have changed all that.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor Dave, even in his niche, he's been outclassed by the innerwebs competition.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Dave is now blogging over at the column. It's a long, tedious blog covering his many wins losses, 5G paranoia and just digging at the CLC.

Which brand of bullshit is best? You decide!!! 1!!
Posted on behalf of David Robinson 01/09/2018

David Robinson's Blog 29-08-2018

I decided to write this blog after checking out various you tube video's which claim to provide a history or education regarding the Common Law. The Common law of our land is akin to natural law, it is a concept based on basic human decency, truth and justice. Its simplicity means that everybody naturally understands it because it is inherent within every decent wo/man's heart. Cause no harm, no loss, remain peaceful and honourable within all fairly agreed arrangements made with others. Simple. Natural.

Some people are still not quite grasping the concept of Common Law correctly however (evidenced by the You Tube video's), though I am no expert myself of course. To my understanding the Common Law provides we the people with National Sovereignty, we are all therefore (under Common Law) Kings and Queens, heads of state, equal in stature as all other men and women, our Sovereignty is forever protected by the Common Law. All services (Police, Parliament, councils etc) are supposed to serve the people equally, fairly by observing their Oaths of Office, to serve us under the Common Laws of the land i,e,. honourably. Oaths are more important than most realize, for we the people to maintain justice we must demand that those in service honour their Oaths, especially the police. Sadly we took our eyes off of the ball, or more precisely, we have been misdirected to forget our National Sovereignty and what justice really means, and the power that we the people actually possess.

Exactly what provides the people with the power to claim to be Sovereign is the fact that 12 jurors can and must annul any Act or Statute, even after it may have been granted Royal Assent by the monarch (which is a safeguard for the people as the monarch must only act according to the Coronation Oath that they took), if any government statute does not comply with Common Law the people can and must remove it from the statute books. 99% of the Statutes on the books today are completely illegal/unlawful. The duties of the jurors (whom in fact were the judges in all trials) were overthrown by the cabal in 1688/9 within the Treasonous Bill Of rights. More on that point later.

I was fortunate enough to have received a fairly good education of the Common Law from Elisabeth Beckett ... -1924-2009, however, more importantly, she helped me to see what was really happening with regard to the EU, Bilderberg Group, UN, secret societies etc, and how the imposters in Westminster were planning to destroy all of our natural born rights, our Sovereignty and even our health! There was a lot happening back then with regard to the takeover by the Cabal of the Soil Association, and the organic produce markets. Elisabeth had also previously defended the people of Wessex by beating 'Wessex Water' in court, stopping them from fluoridating the water supplies. I think she told me that occurred in 1954?...

I first met Elisabeth in the mid 1990's (she was one of the first Council Tax dissenters) whom became my mentor for approx 2 years. She provided me with documented proof (most of the time) and an understanding of the depth and longevity of the plot to overthrow ALL sovereign nations, and how the EU and UN were going to attempt to achieve that goal in Britain. She sadly still had some faith in the judicial system herself at the time, her father had been a high court judge. She was eventually destroyed both physically and financially by the cabal after she was forced into bankruptcy and had to sell her farm in Wiltshire. She moved from Wiltshire to Cumbria where she kept up her long fight against Council Tax until she died in 2009.

Now, I have used the Common Law practically over the past decade to defend myself (to a degree), and to help others defend their rights against the so called authorities. I say “to a degree” whilst referring to myself, because being disabled has meant that when I had no choice but to claim entitlements they stole much of them for fake court fines that I can prove are completely unlawful. Even after all concerned have been served with Treason Notices the theft has continued, because they know damn well that I cant do anything about it whilst the police and courts aid and abet High Treason. The local police exclaimed that they wouldn't look at the fraud/theft/Treason taking place. I was advised to go to the CAB and get a solicitor pffft. Whilst we act in small numbers we are now subjected to blatant, unashamed tyranny. Unity is the Key.

However, I successfully defended others by keeping things very simple. I used only evidenced facts that cannot be denied without committing a serious crime by doing so. Treason evidence is abundant, to deny the Common Law Constitution (1215 Magna Carta and Coronation Oath Act) publicly is sedition.

“Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.”

Please understand that the above refers to the true authority of a state or monarch under Common Law.

To deny the Common law Constitution after being put on Notice of the Treason that has and is being committed is High Treason. It then becomes a wilful act in full knowledge of the facts. A copy of the Treason Notice served on them individually, as a man/woman, and with a recorded delivery receipt, is evidence that the document was received There is no legitimate plea of ignorance (to ignore something) in a properly convened Common law Court. And they know it.

Treason: “The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.”

To hand over the decision making powers of a Nation to a foreign Nation without first being beaten in open battle is High Treason, and that is what is occurring yet again with PESCO. More on that later.

I had Three major successes by only using Treason evidence, each one I thought would be regarded as massive victories by others yet most people hardly recognized their significance I feel. Please bear in mind that AT NO TIME did I ever grant ANY authority to the Treasonous regime or its agents yet they all backed off completely. They used slippery excuses to get out of the knots that I tied them up in. They could only EVIDENTLY commit High Treason to take further action.

1. I defended a friend against a 7 day committal order to prison hotly pursued by a so called District Judge from Yeovil County Court. Please remember that there are NO courts of law in Britain being used by the cabal, they are all Corporate businesses trading for profit whilst committing Treason, fraud etc etc, deceiving everyone who unaware consents to their services. The only way Richard Bromilow (alleged District Judge - Yeovil) could have executed the order was by committing High Treason against the people. The matter went away after a few desperate attempts to threaten and scare my friend with summonses and other threats of enforcement. We stood our ground well and it just dried up and went away.

2. I defended another client whom was being harassed by HMRC for fines of £1,250.00 for not filing Tax return forms for a few years. She had already paid (under duress) £1700.00 for fear of them attempting to foreclose on her property. She Granted me Power of Attorney so I used the same process to get the HMRC agents dealing with the matter, to quash the fine they were pursuing her for and, to repay the £1700.00 that she had already paid. They politely apologised and told her that if she thought that she had any obligation to pay Tax in future to please let them know. She effectively gained exemption from paying Income Tax ever again, they still attempted to enforce the same the following year when she failed to fill in a Tax return form, but were defeated again by simply referring them to the previous Notices that I had served on them and the outcome.

3. My friend was busted for growing 30+ cannabis plants in her garden, she was a 'juicer' and grew organic hemp (cannabis) for juicing. She granted me power of attorney to deal with the matter for her and so I used the same simple process. They offered her a caution at first, I advised her to accept the caution under duress thereby not accepting liability. The police didn't like that so they pursued her on charges of cultivation of cannabis via the fake courts. The end result after successfully rebutting their summonses and threats, was a short letter from the criminals running the Crown Prosecution Service which stated that due to lack of evidence no further action would be taken. 30+ well established plants must have somehow just vanished?

So there is some basic history of how I have used the Common Law successfully. Each victory was elating then deflating as few people seemed to take any Notice, despite my attempts at promoting the victories. Those I had worked for could have also done more to promote their victory, but people who achieve a success of that nature are naturally wary of pushing it further. I can understand that to a degree, but they should have gone viral to get the word out, we are going to run out of time eventually, and decisions made in fear are rarely good decisions made.


Those who know me personally will know that I have always had my reservations at creating our own Common Law Courts why?....simply because, why go all around the houses when we at some point MUST unite to put an end to all of the illegal courts operating today? There is no chance at a peaceful resolve unless and until we the people unite (even under the notion that we must unite to have the collective power to remedy the situation), and to demand that the police honour their Oaths of Office to the Common Law. We have allowed things to progress for so long now that a peaceful remedy is certainly not assured. But it is still possible to resolve the crimes with the least amount of violence and casualties.

Now, after some long conversations that I had with John Smith in the early days with regard to the Common Law Courts that he was creating for his own use and, to help others defend themselves against the regime, and to help educate others of the Common Law, my only sticking point was always the enforcement of the Common Law Court Orders that would certainly be made by a proper jury after hearing all of my evidence (council Tax). I was assured that enforcement would be possible but there was little discussion on strategy to do so, which is fair enough on the telephone. Enforcement is be possible once the movement is large enough of course, its always going to come down to numbers. It ran in tune with my thinking that UNITY is KEY to a achieving a remedy and, as it could no harm I would support it. The more that register their birth details under the Common Law Court the better, and of course The New Chartist Movement too. What harm can it do? At least people would be receiving an education of the Common Law and how it is supposed to operate I thought. I decided to give John the benefit of the doubt.

I took my Council Tax process to a Common Law Court hearing in Somerset. The jury deliberated and decided that the Manager for Revenue and Benefits at Daventry District Council (Michael Pullan) had committed both Sedition and Treason at Common Law. The Police In Daventry (I was told) would be granted 21 days to look into the matter and to arrest M. Pullan.

I have reluctantly recently withdrawn my support for John Smith. I felt that I had no choice but to do so after John stated on the Caroline Stephens interview (approx 1 month ago) that Magna Carta 1215 hardly gave the people anything (or words to that effect). I have sent John a rather blunt email reminding him that Article 39 ensures that the people are Sovereign which is massive in itself. All properly assembled jurors are above parliament and the monarch simply because they have the last say (even after the king may have granted royal assent to a government Bill) for any Act or Statute to remain on the Statute books. He had also stated that publicly at the Guildford event. I pulled him up on it there.

He also does not mention (despite being informed) that the 1689 Bill of Rights is a Treasonous Statute. William of Orange demanded that the government present him with a Bill Of Rights. The Estates (cabal) seized on the opportunity to bring in wealth restrictions for jurors and to make the royal assent (a powerful safeguard for the people) automatically assumed by parliament, effectively overthrowing the Office of Sovereign (monarch), which is Treason. That is why parliament claims Sovereignty today. That was a clear and blatant breach of the Coronation Oath.

Please understand that the Coronation Oath has been apart of Common Law for a very long time. King John in the 13th century was also bound by his Coronation Oath, which is what the barons and the people held him to account for when MC 1215 was sealed. The Coronation Oath is merely reasserted (or was) when a new monarch came to the throne. It was breached in 1688/9 and since then Britain and the Commonwealth has been subjected to creeping tyranny. Boiling the frog.

The wealth restrictions made it easier for jurors to be made to tow the line so the judges gradually took over the duties of the jurors and assumed power in the illegal courts. The situation has all been progressively down hill since then.

The only forever binding Common Law Constitutional documents that we can and must by law, and many of us have been applying today, are those created between the people and the monarch. As far as I am aware (and as said I'm no expert) Magna Carta 1215 and the Coronation Oath Act are all that we need.

Please note that not all Acts are unlawful, those created correctly under Common Law are still binding (pre 1688/9), parliament theoretically could change those Act but to do so would be blatantly Treasonable. It could only occur if we allowed it, which today it seems we (collectively) would because the people are mostly running around like headless chickens, so misinformed that they attack our own Common Law Constitution quoting propaganda, or continue to use their illegal rules against them which, if not done correctly keeps the cabals judicial system turning profits.

So to briefly clarify. I support the Common Law Courts but I cannot possibly now support John Smiths latest information after he practically denounced our Common Law Constitution MC 1215). Now to be fair we are all allowed to make errors, we all do from time to time. I trust that John will see the error in his statements or provide me with clear evidence as to why the 1215 Magna Carta was more beneficial for the barons than the people so that I can continue to support his work whilst standing by the truth in law. I've asked him to redact what he stated, because it is clearly wrong so that we can move on.

Lets take a step back and look at the bigger picture shall we? Many of us have been fighting the child stealing, genocidal, treasonous imposters for years. Yes we have successfully told them to sod off may times now by using Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 and Treason evidence. We have gained evidence of treason being committed against many traitors within our midst, but has anything changed? Well yes its changed, but things have got progressively worse within this lawless state. Our power becomes mighty once we the people unite and stand united with the truth.

We are now evidently standing on the precipice of annihilation. If you've done no research into what 5G can do to all of us, and on a global scale, then please do some. Hundreds of well qualified academics from all over the world are warning us of what is to come if we remain complacent. They petitioned the genocidal UN in 2016 with their concerns yet were completely ignored of course. People really need to check out what the UN is really about. Agenda 21 is all completely evidential and going ahead as I write. The Earth Summit 1992 book reads like a statement of confession written by the UN. They blatantly tell us in that book what they are going to do to us, and what they are doing to us. The Georgia Guidestones are also a blatant and arrogant monolith to a New World Order under a vastly depleted population. We should be afraid at first so that we band together, drop the fear and use indignation to oppose their arrogant plans they drew against us. Together we are very strong indeed.

I urge you to employ your common sense here. To achieve a remedy against our imminent depopulation/genocide, we need to agree on a way forward. What is the short path to success? Who are the people acting as the gatekeepers for the genocidal, perverted cabal? my understanding its the police Officers (not a constable amongst them with any sense of decency or loyalty to the people they are supposed to serve these days).

There are less than 200,000 police and maybe 50,000 private security that they could possibly employ? There are potentially millions of us if we can only unite together for to change the planned future. If we had only 2 million people intent on saving our lives, and those of our children we would be powerful enough to demand that each and every police constable act according to their warrant card and therefore their Oath of office. They MUST act according to Common Law, their Oaths are to the Common Law Constitution not illegal Statutes or their evidently treasonous superiors.

Power never concedes anything without there being a threat to it, it never has and never will. We ALL have the Common Law DUTY to arrest anyone aiding and abetting or committing crime. Treason is a very serious crime and ALL policy enforcers today are committing it. That would be the last resort but it may be a necessary action that we will need to take, so that conflict with police can be averted. We the people have more powers of arrest than the police under the current circumstances. We also have to be somewhat sympathetic because any good cop (and there are some) that pokes their head above the parapet at this time will become a target of the cabal to deter others.

Please don't forget that YOU (as well as all other law abiding people) are Sovereign (King or Queen) in our own land. We are supposed to be enjoying a system of service yet we have been under a treasonable regime for the past 329 years at least. I don't think the people have ever truly enjoyed their Sovereign status in Britain, maybe when King Alfred the Great (who hung judges who overstepped their authority in the courts back in his day) was at the helm?....obviously I don't know as I wasn't there. The point is that WE ALL need to take responsibility for our lives and our children's lives. I do not recommend that we march down to all the police stations Nation wide with burning torches and pitch forks (that's if we can even unite to start with?). We can use simple evidenced facts of Treason (PESCO – Permanent Structured Cooperation) PESCO will bring British armed forces under the command of the EU. That is High Treason. We can still use Article 61 within our processes too but the Treason is the point and, because of the controversy with Article 61 we can leave it there and move on with PESCO...Keep it simple. The remedy can only work when we get off our asses together and work together as said, the first step is to unify as many groups as possible who at least recognize that we can only change the regime and return to Common Law by first uniting and, that we can achieve success (if we work together) in a relatively short period of time. I'm just talking about securing Britain and the Commonwealth from the imposters within, there are other considerations and problems that we will still need to face on the International stage.
So.....I could go on but I expect I may have lost like 90% of those who began reading this blog due to attention spans etc. If anyone wants to make a video with the same message of what I am saying here please do. That is of course anyone else agrees with my proposal for remedy? I'm happy to hear others proposals of course.

The remedy is so simple really, and simplicity is what we need in these extremely dangerous and confusing times. Many people have been concept controlled by the main stream media its not their fault, and others kept too busy to look at the facts, so keeping things as simple as possible will make the necessary unification of mankind quicker. They are fervently rolling out 5G across the country as I write. Its scary stuff! once its fully installed (only a matter of months it seems?) they can simply turn it on and amp it up.....the thickness of the cables on the towers, and the thickness they require if it 5G is merely for internet connection should be of some concern to us all. we could all be simply microwaved and its game over.

I suspect they will use their fake alien disclosure method on the masses before hand however?...just to coerce our conformity and for us to forget about what really needs to be done. Please don't fall for it as it will be propaganda.....there may well be creatures/aliens living underground? possibly genetically modified I don't know?...lets face it they have been using genetics since the 1940's....they could have created anything for their 'end game' plan. There may even be aliens from other planets or dimensions but you can be sure that they will be in league with the psychopathic, genocidal maniacs about to attempt to cull the earth of around 85% of the population, or they would have taken them out by now wouldn't they?

I'll end it there as theories, hearsay and supposition is the mother of all screw ups...... the last paragraph is only my opinion based on what little I know about those subjects, the rest is my opinion based on reliable and evidential facts. We are the leaders of our future reality, its up to us to sort this mess out. We are the people we have been waiting for ….realize and exercise your Sovereignty and please join the peaceful resistance whilst you still can. Peace.

David Robinson.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

The fact he cites U.K. Column as a source says all we already know about Dismal David.

And as for the deceased old crow-
I am old and now seriously ill. I cannot die without making clear to you, that you have broken your oath to us your people. - from Elisabeth Beckett's last letter to the Queen, 21st January, 2009
As we’ve said before, these kind of idiots gravitate towards one another as if by universal devine cohesion.

Truly delusional people and as for the coronation oath- ... h_Act_1688

Perhaps they need to read the history behind that before they start proclaiming it an “Oath to the people”.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

What they all completely fail to recognise is the fact that HMtheQ rules by divine right and The Coronation Act says the oath 'may be administred*' at their coronation. Not shall.

To the best of my knowledge coronations are a simply tradition and not a requirement for the office of monarch. The monarch becomes monarch at the instant of the death or abdication of their predecessor not at the time of their coronation.

Perhaps the biggest hole in their argument is the fact that there is no legal process** by which a monarch can be deposed if they break their oath... Or commit murder or do anything else in breach of the law. They have absolute immunity to the law.

* Given the penchant these nuts have for quibbling over capital letters and semantics I'm surprised they've not noticed that the word is spelled 'administred' rather than 'administered'. Obviously 'administred' must have a completely different meaning to 'administered'.

** There are non-legal processes that have the same effect of course. As Charles I and Edward VIII found out.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

longdog wrote: Sat Sep 01, 2018 4:16 pm What they all completely fail to recognise is the fact that HMtheQ rules by divine right and The Coronation Act says the oath 'may be administred*' at their coronation. Not shall.

To the best of my knowledge coronations are a simply tradition and not a requirement for the office of monarch. The monarch becomes monarch at the instant of the death or abdication of their predecessor not at the time of their coronation.

Perhaps the biggest hole in their argument is the fact that there is no legal process** by which a monarch can be deposed if they break their oath... Or commit murder or do anything else in breach of the law. They have absolute immunity to the law.

* Given the penchant these nuts have for quibbling over capital letters and semantics I'm surprised they've not noticed that the word is spelled 'administred' rather than 'administered'. Obviously 'administred' must have a completely different meaning to 'administered'.

** There are non-legal processes that have the same effect of course. As Charles I and Edward VIII found out.

I think most things we do in modern Britain are pomp and ceremony. Like Queen opening parliament.....

Imagine if Queeny never did that one year? I wonder how the Freelosers would interpret that?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Gregg »

I'm actually surprised they haven't picked up on the 'sekrit' reason HM didn't wear the State Crown this year.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by TheHallouminati »

Dismal Dave has failed to see how things have improved since the 1689 Bill of Rights. Jurors are no longer chosen according to their wealth - any pauper can be a juror nowadays.
So things haven't gone "progressively downhill since then".
The wealth restrictions made it easier for jurors to be made to tow the line so the judges gradually took over the duties of the jurors and assumed power in the illegal courts. The situation has all been progressively down hill since then.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

TheHallouminati wrote: Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:53 am Dismal Dave has failed to see how things have improved since the 1689 Bill of Rights. Jurors are no longer chosen according to their wealth - any pauper can be a juror nowadays.
So things haven't gone "progressively downhill since then".
The wealth restrictions made it easier for jurors to be made to tow the line so the judges gradually took over the duties of the jurors and assumed power in the illegal courts. The situation has all been progressively down hill since then.
I don’t understand what he means when he says “tow the line”?

I’ve been a juror and the only stipulation the judge gave us was a unanimous guilty/not guilty verdict.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

"Tow" the line?... Presumably tugs pull other vessels with a toe line.

Can't spell, can't read, expert on law... Or should that be "lore"?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Bright spark Dave wrote:
I took my Council Tax process to a Common Law Court hearing in Somerset. The jury deliberated and decided that the Manager for Revenue and Benefits at Daventry District Council (Michael Pullan) had committed both Sedition and Treason at Common Law. The Police In Daventry (I was told) would be granted 21 days to look into the matter and to arrest M. Pullan.
Call me cynical but I would suggest that the word "deliberated" does not mean what David thinks it means.
As for the court hearing......with no video evidence showing it didn't happen.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

longdog wrote: Sat Sep 01, 2018 4:16 pm The monarch becomes monarch at the instant of the death or abdication of their predecessor not at the time of their coronation.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

rumpelstilzchen wrote: Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:24 pm Bright spark Dave wrote:
I took my Council Tax process to a Common Law Court hearing in Somerset. The jury deliberated and decided that the Manager for Revenue and Benefits at Daventry District Council (Michael Pullan) had committed both Sedition and Treason at Common Law. The Police In Daventry (I was told) would be granted 21 days to look into the matter and to arrest M. Pullan.
Call me cynical but I would suggest that the word "deliberated" does not mean what David thinks it means.
As for the court hearing......with no video evidence showing it didn't happen.

Hmmm... "The Police In Daventry (I was told) would be granted 21 days to look into the matter and to arrest M. Pullan." after which something, something, something... Errrr... Something.

This is what I like most about these common-law 'courts' of which there have been so many. They carry with them the seeds of their own demise. After a year or so it becomes obvious to all but the most credulous tossers that 'courts' don't have any power unless they can enforce their judgements.

I give Jock McSmith's Common Law McCourt another six months at best.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
notorial dissent
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by notorial dissent »

What I want to know is what his precious "common law court" of fools, is going to do when in 21 days the constabulary have done NOTHING because they have never heard of their "common law court", let alone care, stamp their feet and pout maybe?? Since that is going to be the best/most they can do?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.