Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones »

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NYGman »

Bones wrote:Image
Of course, we will not accept a WeRe check for the "Legal Tender notes" or the Re-Movement Dues, so you are going to have to go to a real bank and pull out that toxic money, and send it to PoE like a good boy.

The fact that you have to use up the old checks first is absolutely ridiculous. Isn't the whole reason for the Legal Tender notes is that the checks are being rejected, and in order to cut out the "middle man" (Other Banks) WeRe is now going the legal tender route.

So Peter, you admit there is a problem with using the checks, but want your suckers account holders to issue them until they run out. Who sees the problem here? [Obviously not WeRe Members]
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

Here's a link (via The Fogbow, thank you) to download the conference call Peter took part in on Sunday with his American punters. I haven't listened to it so I don't know what the quality is like. But apparently he's now gone from saying that he wouldn't call in the promissory notes to telling people that they can pay them off in whatever currency their nation uses when they fall due. ... M5R2M/view

Anyone fancy losing two hours of their lives to listen to this gem and fill the rest of us in?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

mufc1959 wrote: Anyone fancy losing two hours of their lives to listen to this gem and fill the rest of us in?
Why not. I'll take one for the team.

[Time stamps are approximate, quotes paraphrased. I'm trying to work while listening so this isn't comprehensive by any means]

0:10 - Dear god, the regular bleeping noise on this phone call is driving me insane. I'm not going to get through all of this if it continues. Speaking of which...

3:00 - "I don't want this to be a long winded affair, 45 minutes tops," says Peter. It goes on for two hours.

5:50 - "The purpose of the cheque books was simply to get people's attention" Well, you managed it. The authorities are well aware of your con.

8:30 - Does the whole "these cheques have cleared! Look!" routine, showing letters demanding payment as proof of clearance. Explains a bit about how he 'clears' cheques, which as we all know is simply PoE sending an email or fax saying "this is cleared". If the bank insists they received no funds, it's up to the WeRe customer to 'forcefully' state that they must have and that there'll be a paper trail if the payee looks hard enough.

15:00 - Apparently lowly bank staff are stupid because they don't understand that if Peter debits something on his side, a credit entry MUST appear on their side. Derrrrr. Obviously.

22:00 - Peter's assistant who seems pretty close to the inner ring of the operation (no idea who he is but apparently called "Dijon") explains further how they clear WeRe cheques are cleared. Keeps on saying the phrase 'Swallow Code' without any trace of laughter.

28:20 - A lady, assumedly black (I don't want to leap to any conclusions but she sounds exactly like the 'ain't nobody got time for that!' woman) interrupts the stream to briefly rant about the banking kabal and NWO or something. She swiftly gets muted.

29:00 - Oh for crying out loud. PoE is now recommending people watch the quantum-woo movie that is 'What The F*** Do We Know?'. Zeke strongly considers cutting his own wrists.

34:00 - Dijon claims that customers should ignore all threatening letters from banks etc., since they're just computer generated pieces of paper. Apparently WeRe bank itself has only ever had one wet ink letter from a bank, to which PoE issued a Cease and Desist. More talk about the class action lawsuit follows, so that joke hasn't been forgotten yet.

35:00 - Dijon interjects to point out that the cabal will "fight dirty and close down your accounts and credit lines, so make sure you have other means to survive. You wouldn't go into a war without armour!"

38:00 - PoE wants to hear of any organisation that uses words like 'fakery' or 'forgery' in relation to WeRe bank, so he can sue them for hurt feelings or whatever.

45:00 - Some guy asks about promissory notes, and PoE replies with some bunkum about how nobody can prove you don't actually promise to pay it, so it's totes legit and will be for ten years by law. With regards to the prom notes issues to WeRe Bank itself... mumble mumble safety catch mumble mumble don't worry about it.

47:00 - Dijon jumps in to say that verbally accusing WeRe Bank of fraud is one thing, but putting it to writing with a signature is another. "Peter has actually spoken to central banks and major media outlets to challenge them on this, and nothing ever comes back."

51:00 - The inevitable recruitment drive to set up franchises in America.

56:00 - Nobody is having any problems processing WeRe cheques with any of the major American banks. Everything is going fine here, yes sir-ee! Don't look at the man behind the curtain!

01:01:04 - No one on this call has any knowledge of headphones, it seems. The mic feedback has made the last ten minutes almost unlistenable, but Peter has just stated that banks are being cheeky by 'monetising the cheques' while denying they've been processed. Erm... no.

01:07:00 - Guy asking reasonably pressing questions: "What's the deal with the 88888888 cheques?" According to Peter: "Feel free to carry on using them... or get the new cheques... or something. Just crack on." PoE then goes on to cite some bollocks about how CitiBank have paid £75 in compensation for each WeRe cheque that they've lost.

01:14:00 - Lady has a problem with clearing a cheque through a specific US bank (PNC?). Dijon tries to brush this under the carpet, saying it'll be dealt with later once the US hub is set up. PoE actually surprises me by asking her name, before seeming to genuinely pause for thought as to whether he'd come across her case. He concludes that it was a different name that struck a bell with that particular bank. "But that cheque was cleared?" the lady enquires. "Yeah, of course."

01:19:00 - Peter claims that foreign banks not accepting WeRe payments is like Apartheid. Yep, he went there.

I'm done for tonight. Only 26 minutes left to wade through, but I fear this post has gone on long enough anyway. Will try and do the last bit in the morning, especially since we've just gotten into the free-for-all question asking and Peter seems to be flailing.

G'night, chaps.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by pigpot »

Still free. :snicker:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Brilliant summary, Zeke. Much better than mine. But here's mine, anyway. Trivial correction to yours: Djon spells his name with no "I".

Hmm, interesting audio. Morcambe and Wise, Laurel and Hardy. Terrible quality audio, with echoes and bleeps and crossed lines. What century are we in?

It had the usual format: a junk presentation followed by Q&A. But the presentation was a double act between Peter and Djon, probably more from Djon. I don't know if Djon is the same person as Paul Henderson. And the callers were American. The question were the usual ones: the cheques don't work.

Peter confirms that when he "clears" cheques he debits the amount on his computer and send as a Swallow code to the payee's bank. If the payee's bank doesn't credit the payer's account, that's not Peter's fault.

Peter keeps insisting his new notes are "legal tender". Djon seems to be the operations director; wants any emails that banks send about cheques being rejected to him.

Djon: they will shut down your credit, so just make sure you have other means to survive.

The mechanism on the notes seems to be identical to the cheques: the payee's bank send it to WeRe Bank who "pay" it. But Peter doesn't explicitly say this.

45m 45s: ten years after PN: pay it down in notes of your local currency, or in Res.

48m Peter confuses fraud with forgery.

Peter's document on Fraud
links to CPS guidelines on fraud, , so I now believe Peter understands the difference between fraud and forgery. His protestations of being innocent of forgery (which I believe) are no defence against accusations of fraud (of which I believe he, and now also Djon, is guilty).

Djon: looking to set up local hubs, rather than the whole world sending stuff to Ducie Street.

1h 2m: before the cheque has cleared, the customer can put a cheque on hold.

Peter: about 3-5% of issued cheques get back to WeRe Bank.

1h 5m: American asks: can we still use the 88888 chequebooks? Peter: yes.

Djon: aims to clear all outstanding cheques between about 8 and 9 am every morning.

1h 30m: Djon explains to a customer that when WeRe have sent their transmission, the money has been paid. But the transmission uses the Swallow system, and no other system. It like sending something down a pipe, and the recipient has to know which pipe to look in to find the result.

Djon: will release a tape of a conversation Peter had with the Financial Times.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Skeleton »

Geoff. Waterhouse This is truly gobsmacking, as Yves Fourie says. Have you also thought about this? When you order the units from Keshe, you allow a donation of 300 Euros to "your government and YOU choose "the contribution location." I wouldn't give my government (New Zealand) the time of day nevr mind 300 Euros. I shall nominate Iceland to receive my contribution, look what they did to the banksters Think how our 300 Euro contributions could help Iceland

Like · Reply · 1 · 23 hrs
Peter Of England

Peter Of England Or WeRe Bank for that matter!

Like · Reply · 4 · 18 hrs

Yves Fourie What do you mean Peter? Can we choose to donate to WeReBank? I'd love that. Our government is ... Rather not say. Lol

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Geoff Waterhouse Are you saying Peter, that Keshe will agree to let us donate he 300 Euros to WRe Bank? I would certainly go for that, NO PROBLEMA!

Like · Reply · 2 hrs
It is just sheer madness, they can't seriously think that Kesche is going to donate 300 Euro's to a Govt of their choice every time they buy something, surely? Piss Take is straight in their though, send it to him instead and they buy it!! :Axe: :Axe: :Axe: :Axe:

(PS if anyone knows why I am getting blank lines please advise thanks)
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Philistine »

pigpot wrote:Still free. :snicker:
I'll take what is "the Sword of Damocles" for 500 Re Alex.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Pox »

Nothing new - just a sucker in Ireland finding out that the cheques don't work - ... 60&t=93351
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Hyrion »

mufc1959 wrote:he's now gone from saying that he wouldn't call in the promissory notes to telling people that they can pay them off in whatever currency their nation uses when they fall due.

And this is why I find that so funny:
  • he won't pay the members debts in anything but Re, they know that
  • he won't accept any payment from them in Re, they know that
They not only agreed to pay PoE 150,000 in real money for the privilege of having their debts paid with Re's, they've agreed to pay him real money for all his services including the privilege of continuing to be an on-going member.

It's the exact kind of material presented in Monty Python scripts where someone would pay for the privilege of being clearly abused. But... it's real life with people like that lady in the US who thanks PoE for helping her learn "how the system really works" even while she's got an immediate eviction notice to comply with - time to organize her belongings and get them moved somewhere before the enforcing authority comes along and throws everything out on to the street.

And she thanked PoE for that lesson in life: the lesson that if you don't pay your rent, you get evicted - although I seriously doubt that's the lesson she took from the experience, it should have been.

If these people weren't bringing their pain and suffering upon themselves in such an absurdly ridiculous way - it wouldn't be anywhere near as entertaining as it is.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Daft Ada »

I still don't understand the rationale behind Piss Pot creating his "bank"

I don't think he did it out of the kindness of his heart to help people pay their debts.
The income he probably makes from it surely can't justify the effort he appears to be putting into it and creating his little videos.

There has to be a reason behind it somewhere
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Pox »

Daft Ada wrote:I still don't understand the rationale behind Piss Pot creating his "bank"

I don't think he did it out of the kindness of his heart to help people pay their debts.
The income he probably makes from it surely can't justify the effort he appears to be putting into it and creating his little videos.

There has to be a reason behind it somewhere

Coupled with a whole host of psychological abborations? (Previously commented upon)

My own view is that it's not about the money I.e not about financial gain for himself but what the hell do I know? :shrug:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

Daft Ada wrote:I still don't understand the rationale behind Piss Pot creating his "bank"

I don't think he did it out of the kindness of his heart to help people pay their debts.
The income he probably makes from it surely can't justify the effort he appears to be putting into it and creating his little videos.

There has to be a reason behind it somewhere
He said he's signing up 65 people a day in the USA, at $80 a go. So that's about £3,400 flowing into 83 Ducie Street per DAY. It's certainly not costing him anything like that to run WeRe Bank, so he's trousering a nice wodge of cash.

Of course, he's a damn liar, so that might just be more bluster from him. But even if it's only half that number, he's making a few grand a week, tax free, in cash.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

As the private forum has only about 7 new members/day, I can't believe 65 people pay to join every day, from the USA alone.

Peter's motivation? He clearly hates banks, oil companies, government, the justice system, Zionism, and so on. He wants to throw spanners into the works. The fact that the spanners are happy to be thrown, and even pay Peter for the privilege, is an added bonus.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote: 56:00 - Nobody is having any problems processing WeRe cheques with any of the major American banks. Everything is going fine here, yes sir-ee! Don't look at the man behind the curtain!
151058KM wrote:Have deposited 4- were bank checks into my business account all four have been returned to Bank Of America, many phone calls and no solution or resolution to the returned checks, Bank of America refuses to present the checks to WeRe bank.Have e-mailed Peter twice and no response, it looks like this might be bullshit as Peter is not giving any support as far as I can tell.
110860JW wrote:KM

I would need to agree with you. Peter has left us out to dry. I have had the same problem with BoA. I feel the videos he is showing with BoA checks are rubbish.

Have you seen the post from 111090MH? Its in returned checks. He posted a letter from Peter regarding this exact problem today.

We have been feed a line of BS...we get told to not moan fight. Fight for what? Not one creditor is willing to do what he is suggesting. Swallow right!! Try emailing someone at
161147KS wrote:Bank Of America Returned Check claims item Rejected For Can Not Process Check. 10/09/15
The company I send the check to charge me $25.00 processing fee. I got a copy of the check.
The employee said she saw on the screen WeRe Bank didnt have enough money to pay it.
112749FA wrote:I submitted my mortgage payoff check On 10/07/2015 as per exact instructions to Bank Of America In Texas. Pay Off Department. Along with the check I included the allongue and a letter including the (4) Four ways to present Phone, Fax, E-mail and snail mail. They received my check 10/08/2015 10:58 AM BofA issued me a letter Dated 10/09/2015 Stating they do not accept foreign checks. My payment must be drawn on us banks and in us dollars. I submitted another check to my personal banker who has known me for years and she accepted the check but uttered under her breath "We will have to run this through the fraud department" Wells Fargo also took a check from me, however they refused to do anything with the check and told me they were holding it as evidence. When I demanded the check back they told me I was on camera and went into my account and the Payee's account and froze all assets.

I have outlined (3) checks all with the same result one for 59,500 WF one for 27837.33BofA and one for 3,000 BofA
All with the same results. I noticed someone pointing out that Peter is holding up several checks some from BofA and saying they cleared.
To date I can not vouch for that.
Is there anyone here in the States who has an attorney to fight this insanity?
Does anyone have a strategy?
I am going to my personal Banker ans demanding she submit it to the international foreign department.
110380mb wrote:Hi folks,
I've had checks sent back to me by two companies. American Express claims the checks are non-negotiable. Bank of America says my check "must be drawn on a U.S. bank and in U.S. currency."

I remember reading somewhere on here about the claim that a payment must be from a bank in one's own country, but not finding it now. Could there possibly be this restriction laid out somewhere in the cardholder agreement?

For the "non-negotiable" claim, I can reiterate that this is a negotiable instrument, drawn upon my account with WeRe Bank, which has funds on deposit in my name to clear the check.

Any fuel or inspirations to support me in standing strong in my response?
Yep, in America everything is just going fine Peter :haha:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

110380mb wrote:Any fuel or inspirations to support me in standing strong in my response?
This is perhaps PoE's greatest achievement. To convince people that banks and public bodies can be forced to accept bogus cheques just by 'standing strong', demanding a crime number or waving an "allonge" at them.

I cannot imagine that it has ever been successful, or could be. Imagine a cashier in a bank explaining to their manager that they decided to accept a bogus cheque because the customer adopted a stern tone of voice and threatened to make a citizen's arrest.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor dumb US bunnies, they are in for a world of hurt and unhappiness. I will repeat again, that US banks cannot process foreign checks other than by sending for collection through a correspondent bank, of which there is none for WereNOTABANK, so dead item, and therefore NOT NEGOTIABLE. The idiot who tried to pay off his mortgage as well as scam his bank has just committed felony check fraud, and probably a whole host of other crimes as well, and for the size of those checks, they will prosecute, which is to say file charges with the state. If the fool is really lucky all he'll get hit with is a massive fine and all his accounts closed and never being able to get another bank account ever again. As it is the bad checks will be reported to his credit bureau and to the inter bank reporting group and then no one will ever touch him again. WF doesn't tolerate bad checks, they close accounts and prosecute as a standing policy, BA is pretty much the same last I heard, if not even stricter. They'll also keep the checks as part of the criminal complaint.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Daft Ada wrote:I still don't understand the rationale behind Piss Pot creating his "bank"

I don't think he did it out of the kindness of his heart to help people pay their debts.
The income he probably makes from it surely can't justify the effort he appears to be putting into it and creating his little videos.

There has to be a reason behind it somewhere
There probably is a reason, although I doubt it is one that most would consider to be rational. As others have posited Peter exhibits a number of behaviours that can be likened to bipolar disorder (manic depression), this can easily place a person into an elated state where they have the wildest ideas, often they feel they can accomplish absolutely anything and it's common for this to feed into various delusions, all of which seem to be evidenced by Peter's writings.

At the same time Peter is dishonest, he knows this doesn't work, he knows cheques aren't clearing, but he's hiding from that, at the same time he acknowledges it by refusing to be paid in anything so long as it isn't Re. It's why he doesn't help people who complain on the forum, why he ignores a lot of requests and why when someone complains he attacks them for doing it wrong. He doesn't like complaints because ultimately they would trigger his depressive phase.

This is when he vanishes from posting, it can last a short while or much longer. Eventually he'll cycle out of depression, well unless he develops a strong suicidal ideation and doesn't get or isn't encouraged to get help, when he does he goes back into full on posting spree mode.

Peter is doing this because he thinks it will change the world, he wants it to change the world. At the same time it brings him in a small amount of money, which he thinks is helping to change the world. At the same time he knows he isn't changing the world and that the small amount of real money is pretty nifty because he can buy a slightly nicer tin of beans at the supermarket.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

pigpot wrote:Still free. :snicker:
I did consider that for a thread title, but thought I'll make it sound like that when spoken aloud because then it's a pun (and I like puns), the reason was mostly because of your protestations that he hadn't been arrested, yet.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Wells Fargo has told everyone not to accept WeRe cheques. Sun Trust are paying a commission their own employees and possibly other banks to not accept WeRe cheques, and give everyone the run-around. WeRe Bank is not fraudulent or a scam, and a class action suit will be settled out of court.

New branches of WeRe won't open until after Nesara.

I know all this because Willie told me, on Willie's Truth Call. This is the truth, right? The clue is in the name. ... xb7B/ufZGA

This is Willie Collins. Not to be confused, he says, with Willie Bradon who runs a similar show on the same topics.

At 64m: a caller says the new books cost $15 for the book plus shipping and handling, $42 US dollars total. The next caller asks, "is that 42 dollars UK or 42 dollars US?"