Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

Random look at Menard's page and he has brought up his letter for the dine + dash. He seems to think its valuable as evidence that the government doesn't want to admit ACCP is legal.

He seems to take pride in the harm he caused to a few businesses and waitresses by paying with monopoly money. Funny that he won't accept the same for his 'work'.

Edit: You beat me to in Burnaby, with extra detail.

From recollection, one of his attempts was in Alberta, possibly in Calgary.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

What a complete crock.

Menard said in early ACCP Youtubes that he planned to set up escrow accounts to make sure that any merchants caught up in disputes over the legality of his system could be paid promptly.

So, on the one time we know he tried his system, Menard either didn't do what he said he was going to do, or he did and he's now realized that having paid the bill out of the escrow account looks bad.
. . .after that first time, I did it [ACCP dine & dash] two other times, but after sending this letter along with my own to the police and Crown Prosecutor. The result was when the police showed up, they walked away, stating that it was a civil matter, and as far as they were concerned, the bill had been paid, and if the restaurant did not like it they were free to take me to court.
This is just another of Bobby's in-artful helpless, narcissistic lies. Like the times he said he waved the cops off with his C3PO badge or talked down a Vancouver cop.

Bobby's turned into a booze addled fool who doesn't realize realize that the better lie would have been that the two other restaurants got paid through the ACCP process and not that he simply managed to escape a criminal charge.

I repeat my suspicion that Menard plans to use initial ACCP fees to pay off a couple of merchants caught up in the first wave of the ACCP, the same way he paid off the restaurant. That way a few ACCP early adopters get to say they got out of the store with their goods, Menard escapes early prosecution and based on the seeming success of what is essentially a ponzi scheme the second wave of donations roll in.

If the plan ever gets to the next stage Menard can paint its eventual and certain failure as the powers that be moving a step behind his brilliance and illegally shutting down the project. In reality as soon as Bobby runs out of escrow funds (plus his profit), or there becomes more angry merchants than he can handle the ACCP will shut down.

Bobby can say "remaining" ACCP funds will be allocated to legal challenges. That way he doesn't have to pay anybody back and for the next few years (assuming he doesn't go to the big house) he can say he's still fighting the powers that be in court.

The whole scam can be short circuited by freemen growing some and insisting that Bobby make the ACCP books public.
Last edited by arayder on Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

I don't really know what Menard's mind frame is here.

Is he bragging about stealing food from a restaurant, does he think that is a laudable act on his part? Or does he think that the decision on the part of the Canadian Government not to prosecute him for fraud on the condition he does not do it again makes the government look bad? Would he prefer he get his hand cut off for theft?

What exactly is his point?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:I don't really know what Menard's mind frame is here.

Is he bragging about stealing food from a restaurant, does he think that is a laudable act on his part? Or does he think that the decision on the part of the Canadian Government not to prosecute him for fraud on the condition he does not do it again makes the government look bad? Would he prefer he get his hand cut off for theft?

What exactly is his point?
The I-did-it-two-other-times-and-the-cops-said-it-was-a-civil-matter story is aimed at ACCP subscribers and potential subscribers.

The manipulative Menard wants his dupes to think that the worst that will happen after they run up a bill at a restaurant or grocery store is that the cops will be called but sent home with their tails between their legs.
Last edited by arayder on Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Ahh, yes. At one time, there was a popular scam based on writing NSF checks for an amount one cent lower than the criteria for a criminal matter. Of course, the banks the checks were drawn against put an end to it by keeping track of the volume per month on certain accounts. The fraud may have been against the merchants, but the banks managed to get the DA to prosecute on the idea that the person was also attempting to defraud the bank--a rather more serious matter.
When State law (this was in CA) was changed to give the vendor triple damages on the amount of the check, the practice stopped.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

This is the usual Menardian narcissistic tale.

He has a project based on what he claims is his, and only his, brilliant research.

He seeks out people he sees as less intelligence than him to be subscribers.

The most gullible of the early investors/subscribers/adopters are asked to assist in the project.

He develops a story about an early success of his project, which happened after his sending brilliant legal correspondence to government authorities who, of course, are not as smart as he.

He is the only person who has details of the success story.

Inconsistencies in his stories are denied.

He refuses to fully and publicly disclose the progress of the project, or its books, saying the project and all the money subscribers have put into it are his, and only his, business.

We can be certain that consistent with his narcissistic personality and avoiding any responsibility Menard will eventually blame the failures of the project on subscribers, who do not possess the superior intelligence, knowledge and abilities he claims.
Last edited by arayder on Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

I was going to comment point by point on arayder's remarks, but what's the point, it is easier to just sum it all up with "When hasn't /wasn't Menard lying?", since I'm sure the number of actual occasions when he wasn't are so vanishingly small as to be readily kept track of. I'm equally certain that the only "escrow" account he ever had was his other pocket, always assuming he ever went that far. I think the comment about Bobby's investors is spot on. although I think you might as well expand that to say that he thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Narcissist here. he is right in one respect, the only ones attracted to his schemes really are dumber than he is, as any one with a functioning brain just laughs at him and walks away. The former of which strangely enough just happens to be a goodly portion of the FOTL crowd, guess he gauged his audience well.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

A professor of mine once said, "The true measure of intelligence was in learning from past efforts and mistakes."


the FOTL version of let's repeat the same experiment over and over and over again until we get a different result.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

There is one thing that puzzles me. If it is the right of every Canadian citizen to obtain goods FOC simply by writing on a piece of paper "Consumer Purchase Note" why do they need Menard? Why give him $250 per month when you can do it all yourself at no cost? What extra clout does Menard bring to the table if the law supports the scheme anyway? Why limit yourself to $2500 per month? Why not write out your own notes up to any value you want? If it is all legit Menard is superfluous to requirements.

Having read the Icke thread I must say the idiocy displayed by kiwi1 is incredible.
First he says that the scheme is "probably not a scam". Yeah right. Any sane individual would see it is kosher :brickwall: You have to wonder can anybody really be that thick? And then kiwi1 shows us he really is that thick. He suggests that because Menard is not legally trained he might have trouble understanding the Di Iorio decision. Is kiwi1 seriously suggesting that you have to be a fully lawed-up lawyer to understand what this means:
"The appellants’ documents have no commercial value whatsoever. Accordingly, the appellants’ debts to T-D Bank remain unpaid.
[4] The appeal is dismissed."
I can only assume that kiwi1 does not possess a brain.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

No Menardian project ever gets beyond the shoddy business plan stage.

In this case the great Menard is stumped by the challenge of getting Canadian banks to accept his notes and have the process in place for the use of the debit cards he has promised ACCP subscribers.

Bobby's ACCP executive group, comprised of his secret Facebook group, has probably begun to realize that the deadlines and timelines set for the ACCP are not being met. If these poor folks knew Bobby like we do they'd realize it's just like when the land for freeman valley never quite got acquired and when the registration and training of the C3POs never really happened.

This being the case Menard is compelled to keep the ball rolling by inventing a tall tale about having used his phony notes twice more with some degree of success.

It's about the con, not the doing.

The next story telling task for the Great Fezzed One will be to invent the tale of the powers that be, fearing his greatness, amassing all their resources to set back the implementation of his brilliant ACCP plan.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:There is one thing that puzzles me. If it is the right of every Canadian citizen to obtain goods FOC simply by writing on a piece of paper "Consumer Purchase Note" why do they need Menard? Why give him $250 per month when you can do it all yourself at no cost? What extra clout does Menard bring to the table if the law supports the scheme anyway? Why limit yourself to $2500 per month? Why not write out your own notes up to any value you want? If it is all legit Menard is superfluous to requirements.
Oh, it's worse than that. Bobby is building a pyramid scam on top of his con. Early subscribers are getting lower fee rates than later subscribers and they are getting further reduced rates and/or cash awards for signing up new subscribers.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I could be wrong but I am convinced that Rob is posting on the Icke forum under the name of "winteral" If it's not Rob it's his biggest fan.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

ACCP investors and subscribers should sleep well at night knowing that their CEO, who should be working day and night to protect their investments, is busy sockpuppeting at Ickes.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Winteral certainly seems to have issues with Quatloos;
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Originally Posted by felixk
Then please go ahead and try it. But, as I have already said, you don't get to decide what the law is. The court does.

Yes, if you read the Quatloos thread on him you will see that a long time ago he claimed on this forum that when he was helping a chap in court by the name of Christie that they were successful and they "kicked ass". You will see in the Quatloos thread that is incorrect.
I would believe less that I read on the Quatloos Forum then I would on Menard's FB Page. People over there have an obvious bias, operate anonymously, have been caught in more than a few lies and assumptions of their own, and have invested so much in their paradigm that they are incapable of logical analysis of other points of view. They mock people for believing things without evidence, and then strenuously defend their own beliefs, even though the same lack of evidence exists.

You can believe the Quatloos Forum posters if you want. But bear in mind, you have no idea who there are. Personally, I would not buy anything from folks who hide their identity. Especially ones with such obvious mental disorders and obsessions.

So can you tell me how to do what Rob says he intends to do, so I don't need him? Because if you can't then maybe that is why he is needed.
The first issue to address is the scurrilous claim that we mentally disordered Quatloosians cowardly hide behind fake identities. Speaking for myself "Guilty as Charged your honour!" As followers of my court reports are aware I deal first hand with these guys. I had a chat with Master Gee yesterday while attending a Poriskyite tax evasion hearing. I met Charles Norman Holmes at a prior hearing for the same guy. I'm well know, at least by sight, to many Vancouver area Freemen. Most of them seem ok types but there are some that seem irrational and possibly prone to violence. I'm not popular in Freeman circles and If they had my name and address some might consider doing more than just defaming me in posts. While that might be excess caution on my part I prefer not finding out.

It's a limited anonymity. Numerous Quatloosians, Crown counsels, private practice lawyers dealing with Freemen, etc know who I am. I have an extensive email correspondence with people who know I am both Burnaby49 and that other guy.

Now, as to the comment;

"People over there have an obvious bias, operate anonymously, have been caught in more than a few lies and assumptions of their own."

Examples please? Vague unsubstantiated comments are worthless and have an air of desperation to them.

Winterall could well be Rob's alter ego, he's pushing Rob's scheme as hard as he can while being very vague as to the actual details. Just like Rob! But let's be fair to Rob and these charges that he is lurking in Ickes under a false name. I could be too!

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Originally Posted by winteral Just so I understand, you reject the concept, not because you studied the law and found that his interpretation is wrong, but because you believe he has previously lied. Is that right?
In law I look at court decisions. I do not look at a law dictionary, I do not look at barrack room lawyers' opinions. It is not your interpretation of statute that counts, it is not Rob's and nor is it mine. It is the court's. The Di Iorio decision, imo, rejects the concept. If Rod argues his CCPNs in court successfully then I will change my opinion.
Exactly what I've said in numerous posts. And I think the 1930's Felix the Cat logo is great. Much better than my stodgy Vancouver City seal in Q.

"If Rod argues his CCPNs in court successfully then I will change my opinion."

Exactly my position too. If Rob wins in court I'll be right in there forking over $250 a month for the magic beans. But, until Rob's scheme gets court approval, only an idiot would believe that Rob can get you $2,500 a month on a bank debit card at a cost of one-tenth that amount. I'd say "see you in court Rob!" but that's an awkward topic at the moment. But, while we're on about it, how did your Toronto court hearing go Rob?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

I don't think you can consider yourself a real freeman until your trial has been visited and reported on by Burnaby49. Something like how artists know they've made it when they've been parodied by Weird Al.

When your case is going down in flames, use only genuine Burnaby 49. Accept no substitutes.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote: I'm not popular in Freeman circles and If they had my name and address some might consider doing more than just defaming me in posts. While that might be excess caution on my part I prefer not finding out.
Menard wants it both ways. After he tries to track down his debunkers (often subjecting folks he thinks are us to possible harm in the process) and threatens us he opines that we don't tell him who and where we are.

Frankly, I wouldn't mind one bit if Fists of Fury Fez Boy came up my driveway uttering threats. But I don't think Bobby is going to do that, or anything else, face to face.
Burnaby49 wrote:But, while we're on about it, how did your Toronto court hearing go Rob?
You expect a straight answer?

Dope Clock II
It has been 37 days since Robert Menard announced the revival of the Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers. So far there is no documentation of a successful purchase using Menard's system.
Last edited by arayder on Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The absolute last thing I need is to have the crazies out there know who and where I am. Our old friend Harvester, for example, evidently lives close enough to me for me to worry about him showing up on my doorstep, eager to discuss Remedy, Refusal to Endorse Private Credit, and other Planet Merrill/Sooey fables. I also don't need any sovruns/freemen, especially the gun-toting variety, paying me a personal visit.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by bmxninja357 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:The absolute last thing I need is to have the crazies out there know who and where I am.
this is actually a two way street. in my time as a fotl i originally used my name. i stopped because of certain anti freeman folks contacting my family members, friends, employer, local authorities, stalk my non freeman related webcams, sites, and basically be real asshats. none of them ever had balls enough to try me face to face. just anonymous cowards.

so its not just the folks here that have to pay attention a little. its the same on the other side of the coin.

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:The absolute last thing I need is to have the crazies out there know who and where I am.
this is actually a two way street. in my time as a fotl i originally used my name. i stopped because of certain anti freeman folks contacting my family members, friends, employer, local authorities, stalk my non freeman related webcams, sites, and basically be real asshats. none of them ever had balls enough to try me face to face. just anonymous cowards.

so its not just the folks here that have to pay attention a little. its the same on the other side of the coin.

Fair comment. My only contact with these guys is sitting in court watching them or chatting with them during the hearings. Sometimes I attend their seminars. Apart from that I would not consider intruding into their private lives.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:

And I think the 1930's Felix the Cat logo is great.
Are you sure? That looks more like the 1960s Felix that i watched as a child.
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