Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by KickahaOta »

If you're like me and JUST CAN'T POSSIBLY WAIT to read the full decision after seeing this tantalizing excerpt:
[25] The “:FEDERAL-POSTAL-COURT” decision I have reviewed and “Judge” Miller’s statements to Judge Meyer only hint at scope of Miller’s bizarre claims. For example, Wollongong City Council v Falamaki, [2010] NSWLEC 66 reports representation by “plenipotentiary judge David-Wynn Miller”, who shared “a little secret” with the Court: “Every word that starts in the English language with a vowel, a, e, i, o and u and followed by two consonants is a word that means no contract.” That insight is “astonishing”, or, in “Millerese”, “no contract”.
...then you can view it at

Note to self: Increase daily dosage of antipsychotic drugs.
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by Burnaby49 »

KickahaOta wrote: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:10 pm If you're like me and JUST CAN'T POSSIBLY WAIT to read the full decision after seeing this tantalizing excerpt:
[25] The “:FEDERAL-POSTAL-COURT” decision I have reviewed and “Judge” Miller’s statements to Judge Meyer only hint at scope of Miller’s bizarre claims. For example, Wollongong City Council v Falamaki, [2010] NSWLEC 66 reports representation by “plenipotentiary judge David-Wynn Miller”, who shared “a little secret” with the Court: “Every word that starts in the English language with a vowel, a, e, i, o and u and followed by two consonants is a word that means no contract.” That insight is “astonishing”, or, in “Millerese”, “no contract”.
...then you can view it at

Note to self: Increase daily dosage of antipsychotic drugs.
Or, if you're willing to wait, I'm in the process of writing it up in my usual totally objective non-judgmental style. I had a copy of the judgment but I was waiting for it to be released before reviewing it. It came up on CanLII yesterday and I was planning to do it then but I had a four foot fluorescent fixture to replace in the basement. A job which would have taken me a half-hour twenty years ago but now takes me all night.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by Burnaby49 »

Being old and quasi-senile (Mrs. Burnaby49 would contest "quasi") the life changing challenge of replacing that fluorescent fixture in the basement totally distracted me from following Mr. Potvin's quest to show that holding a true Christian faith, one in accordance with the beliefs of Minister Belanger's Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International, allowed him to stiff all his creditors and get everything for free. When I last discussed Potvin he'd been declared a vexatious litigant at Alberta's Queen's Bench. But who needs Queen's Bench? Canada has a lot more courts than that one! So Alfred decided to take his crusade to the Mecca of all Canadian Freemen, the Federal Court of Canada.

As I've related in this discussion Potvin, after all else failed him in his quest to get out of repaying his debts, thought that he'd found salvation in Belanger's CERI bullshit. According to Belanger a Christian minister can borrow all the money he wants and never repay it if he just follows CERI doctrine. So Potvin tried, and lost badly at Alberta's Queen's Bench. But that was just a momentary setback. Belanger, for reasons completely beyond my feeble comprehension, is a huge believer in the power of the Federal Court of Canada to right all wrongs committed by provincial courts. He had the Volks go there to appeal their losses in their British Columbia home foreclosure but, with victory guaranteed by masses of Belanger's documents, they lost their nerve and ended the lawsuit. Belanger himself, as I've related in this discussion; ... 48&t=11861

is suing Judge Rooke at the Federal Court of Canada. So Potvin followed the teachings of the master and started an action at the Federal Court. It began with this; MINISTER ALFRED POTVIN v. JOHN D. ROOKE et al;
2018-08-21 - Statement of Claim and 2 copies filed on 21-AUG-2018 Tariff other action - $150.00
with the response;
2018-09-14 - Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of Danielle Gallo confirming service of Defence upon Defendant, John D Rooke by fax all parties by mail on 14-SEP-2018 filed on 14-SEP-2018
The Federal Court obviously thought that a case of this national importance required special treatment;
2018-09-20 - Order dated 20-SEP-2018 rendered by Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Letter from Defendant HMTQ in Right of Canada dated 18-SEP-2018 Result: 1. This matter shall proceed as a specially managed proceeding and be referred to the Office of the Chief Justice for the appointment of a Case Management Judge. 2. This proceeding shall remain in abeyance and no further steps shall be taken by any party pending the appointment of a Case Management Judge who, when appointed, will provide such directions as are necessary for the conduct of any further steps in the proceeding. Filed on 20-SEP-2018 copies sent to parties entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1385 page(s) 28 - 29 Interlocutory Decision
Leading to;
2018-10-23 - Order dated 23-OCT-2018 rendered by Chief Justice Crampton Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Order dated 20-SEP-2018 Result: IT IS ORDERED pursuant to Rule 383 that Prothonotary Kathleen M. Ring is assigned as Case Management Judge in this matter. Filed on 23-OCT-2018 copies sent to parties entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1388 page(s) 478 - 478 Interlocutory Decision
This provoked almost immediate action on the part of the defendants to sweep everything under the carpet before the nation became aware of this massive strike against the tyranny of Queen's Bench;
2018-10-25 - Written directions received from the Court: Kathleen Ring, Prothonotary dated 25-OCT-2018 directing that "Upon being assigned as Case Management Judge in this proceeding, and being informed that the Registry has received, but not filed, two motion records in writing to strike out the Statement of Claim , one on behalf of the Defendants, Master J.T. Prowse, Master James R. Farrington and Master A.R. Robertson, and the second motion on behalf of the Defendants, Chief Justice Mary Moreau, Associate Chief Justice John D. Rooke, and Justice McVeigh (collectively the tendered motions to strike) - pending the appointment of a case management judge, in accordance with the Order by Prothonotary Aalto dated September 20, 2018, the Court hereby directs the Registry to accept the tendered motions to strike for filing. The Plaintiff, Minister Alfred Potvin, who is self-represented, shall serve and file his respondent¿s record within 10 days of the date of this Direction. The Defendants who have tendered motions to strike shall serve and file any written representations in reply within 4 days after being served with a respondent¿s record. The remaining Defendants, or any of them, may bring motions to strike prior to the disposition of the tendered motions to strike. However, no further steps shall be taken by any party pending the disposition of the tendered motions to strike, unless otherwise ordered." placed on file on 25-OCT-2018 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
Anyone else smelling cover-up? Then in a frantic effort to end this before it became public knowledge;
2018-10-29 - Notice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendants Chief Justice Mary Moreau et al. in writing to be dealt with in the Calgary local office for an Order 1. Striking the entirety of the Plaintiff's Claim filed by the Plaintiff for: (a) disclosing no reasonable cause of action; (b) beings scandalous, frivolous or vexatious; or (c) for otherise being an abuse of process of the Court; 2. An Order prohibiting the Plaintiff from re-filing or amending the Plaintiff's Claim against the Applicants pursuant to Rule 221 of the Federal Court Rules; 3. In the alternative, an Order granting the Applicants a 30 day extension following the date of the Order to file and service the Applicants' responding pleading; 4. Costs of this motion on a solicitor-client basis; and 5. Such further and other relief as to this Honourable Court may deem just. filed on 25-OCT-2018
And yet, and yet, . . . . . Nothing from the plaintiff. It's almost like, having filed his lawsuit, he had absolutely no clue how to forward it. There's mention of a "letter" from the plaintiffs but no hint of what was in it. /then another panic-driven strike by the defendants;
2018-11-02 - Notice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendants Roger Chaffin, Bob Ritchie and Naheed Nenshi in writing to be dealt with in the Calgary local office for 1) An Order striking the entirety of the Plaintiff's Statement of Claim without leave to amend pursuant to Rule 208 and 221 of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106 ("Federal Courts Rules") as: (a) Disclosing no reasonable cause of action (b) Scandalous, frivolous or vexatious; or (c) For otherwise being an abuse of process of the Court; 2) An Order prohibiting the Plaintiff from re-filing or amending the Plaintiff's Claim against the Defendants pursuant to Rule 221; 3) Enhanced costs, up to and including solicitor-client costs, of this application, payable forthwith; and 4) Such further and other relief as this Honourable Court may deem just. filed on 02-NOV-2018
Note that defendant Naheed Neshi is the mayor of Calgary, Alberta's largest city. I have no idea what he has to do with this lawsuit. On to some inter-party squabbling;
2018-11-05 - Written directions received from the Court: Kathleen Ring, Prothonotary dated 05-NOV-2018 directing that "This is further to correspondence dated October 30, 2018 from the Plaintiff stating, among other things, that he has not been served with any of the motions to strike his claim. The Court will not entertain correspondence from the Plaintiff unless he has first consulted the other parties in an attempt to resolve the issue in dispute." placed on file on 05-NOV-2018 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
Then this bizarre attempt by Potvin to make all his problems just go away by stopping the defendants from, well, defending;
2018-11-07 - Memorandum to file from Amanda Dunn, Senior Registry Officer Vancouver Local Office dated 07-NOV-2018 noting that on this date, the Plaintiff faxed to the Vancouver office a Ex Parte Motion for Default Judgment. Noting the Directions of the Court made on 25-OCT-2018, no action on this document will be taken placed on file.
Default judgment means an immediate decision in the plaintiffs favour without any more input from the defendants. Why was the motion filed in Vancouver when the case is being heard in Calgary? Ask legal genius Belanger, it's beyond me.

Then Judge Rooke's favorite tactic;
2018-11-22 - Notice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendants: CJ Moreau, CJ Rooke, J McVeigh in writing to be dealt with in the Calgary local office for An Order prohibiting the Plaintiff from instituting further proceedings, or from continuing proceedings previously instituted by him, in this Court, on the basis that the Plaintiff has persistently instituted vexatious proceedings and has conducted this proceeding in a vexatious manner. filed on 22-NOV-2018
Canada's ex Minister of Justice pipes up;
2018-11-27 - Notice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant Attorney General of Canada in writing to be dealt with in the Calgary local office for an Order 1. Striking the action without leave to amend against the Applicant the Attorney General of Canada, named as Jody Wilson-Raybould, pursuant to Rule 221 of the Federal Courts Rules; 2. In the alternative, an Order for an extension of time for the defendant to serve and file a Statement of Defence; 3. In the further alternative, such order as this Court may find appropriate; and 4. Costs. filed on 27-NOV-2018
Sensing problems Belanger steps in with his unanswerable winning argument pointing out that the King James Bible is on Potvin's side;
2018-12-03 - Letter from Plaintiff dated 30-OCT-2018 "I greet you in the name of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ I am taking this opportunity to inform and Notice the court of several errors and inappropriate actions and inactions concerning my case, file # T-1546-18 ("claim"). I have reached out to the Federal Court with a number of issues related to management of my claim T-1546-18 and (...)" received on 03-DEC-2018
and letting the court know that, as per Belanger's standard operating procedure, Potvin will not allow the defendants to be represented by Crown Counsel;
2018-12-03 - Letter from Plaintiff dated 26-NOV-2018 "Attn: Kathleen Marie Ring, Prothonotary case management for file T-1546-18. This notice is to remind you that claim T-1546-18 is a private matter involving people in their private, individual capacities. (...)" received on 03-DEC-201
Potvin tries his pre-emptive strike yet again;
2019-01-20 - Notice of Motion made ex parte on behalf of Plaintiff in writing to be dealt with in the Calgary local office for 1. Judgment agianst the Defendants as claimed in the Statement of Claim on the basis that the Defendants have not filed and or served a Statement of Defence; 2. The Claimant's costs of this action; 3. Punitive damages, sanctions, and 4. Such further or other orders as the Honourable Court may deem just. received on 20-JAN-2019
Tired of all the gibberish the court calls for a time out;
2019-01-22 - Written directions received from the Court: Kathleen Ring, Prothonotary dated 22-JAN-2019 directing that "A motion for default judgment tendered by the Plaintiff, Alfred Gerard Potvin, was referred to the Court for directions as to filing pursuant to Rule 72 of the Federal Courts Rules. The motion for default judgment shall be received but shall not be accepted for filing pending the disposition of the Defendants' motions to strike currently under reserve as there will be no extant proceeding if the Statement of Claim is struck out without leave to amend. A moving party's rights (in this case the Defendants) cannot be defeated or prejudiced by a subsequent step taken by a responding party: Bruce v. John Northway & Son Ltd., [1962] OWN 150. In the Direction dated October 25, 2018, the Court specifically stated that "no further steps shall be taken by any party pending the disposition of the tendered motions to strike, unless otherwise ordered". placed on file on 22-JAN-2019 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
and tells Potvin to stop swamping the court with truckloads of Belanger's moronic documents;
2019-02-06 - Written directions received from the Court: Kathleen Ring, Prothonotary dated 06-FEB-2019 directing that "a bundle of documents including an ex parte motion for an injunction, tendered for filing on January 30, 2019 by the Plaintiff, Alfred Gerard Potvin, under cover of letter dated November 16, 2018, was referred to the Court for directions as to filing pursuant to Rule 72 of the Federal Courts Rules. The bundle of documents shall not be accepted for filing as the Direcions of this Court dated OCtober 24, 2018 states that no further steps by any party pending the disposition of the tendered motions to strike, unless otherwise ordered." placed on file on 06-FEB-2019 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
Then, after tamping down Potvin's exuberant expectations, the Federal Court of Canada drops the hammer on him big time;
2019-03-01 - Order dated 01-MAR-2019 rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Mosley Matter considered without personal appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing Doc. No. 25 Result: "THIS COURT ORDERS that: 1. The Plaintiff shall be declared a vexatious litigant; 2. The Plaintiff shall not institute any new proceedings in the Federal Court and shall not continue any proceedings previously instituted in the Federal Court except with leave of the Federal Court; 3. The Defendants Madam Chief Justice Mary T. Moreau, Mr. Associate Chief Justice John D. Rooke and Madam Justice Glennys L. McVeigh shall be awarded solicitor-client costs to be paid by the Plaintiff forthwith." Filed on 01-MAR-2019 copies sent to parties Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1401 page(s) 297 - 300 Interlocutory Decision
So he won! At least to the extent that he hasn't, as the defendant's requested, had his Statement of Claim struck out without leave to amend. He just can't continue the present lawsuit or start any new ones. Sure, feel free to call it a distinction without a difference but in Belanger's world you take your victories where you find them. Although it's hard to gloss over those punitive solicitor-client costs awarded against Potvin.
Solicitor and client costs are set at a higher scale compared with party and party costs, and approach complete indemnity to the successful litigant.

They are exceptional and, to some, useful mostly to punish a litigant. ... Costs.aspx

All I can do is wish Judge Rooke and the other defendants good luck collecting their costs award. Potvin initiated and pursued the entire series of lawsuits for the purpose of finding a way to screw his current creditors. I can't see there's much chance of any new creditors getting even any loose change out of him.

You can read the court record here; ... _court=All
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by Burnaby49 »

When I last posted on this discussion, eight months ago, Alfred Potvin had gone down in total defeat at the hands of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta. He'd taken his creditors to court claiming that, thanks to the magic of minister Belanger's CERI religious gibberish, he no longer owed them any money. Unfortunately the court he took it to was Queen's Bench and Belanger's old nemesis, Judge Rooke, squashed Potvin as flat as a bug and declared Alfred a vexatious litigant in all of Alberta's courts. Undeterred Potvin took Belanger's resoundingly idiotic legal arguments to the Federal Court of Canada and, in short order, was declared a vexatious litigant there too. My last post, on March 2, 2019, related the Federal Court disaster.

However Potvin had chosen to fight on in the face of all this adversity, trying to attain the goals promise by Belanger's god-given CERI alternate laws, the goals of being a deadbeat and stiffing his creditors. Clearly a true Christian's sincerely held religious right! So, late last month, he counter-attacked judge Rooke with this submission to Alberta's Queen's Bench
[6] On September 25, 2019, the Court received irregular communications from Potvin, who now titles himself in this manner:

Alfred Gerard Potvin
General Executor
Office of the General Executor of the
Fred Potvin, General Executor/
Office of the Executor
Nation Alberta
General-Post Office
Southwest 5th Ave – 639
Calgary Potvin Province
[T2P2G8] - 9999

[7] In his email, titled “Notice of Judicial Interference with an Equitable Trust”, Potvin wrote:
Dear Sirs and Madams,

This is a formal request for assistance in regards to Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench orders/ file # ABQB652, and ABQB 834, issued by Associate Chief Justice John D. Rooke.

This plea for relief is being made on behalf of a trust that has been settled by the Grantor to the Executor of the trust of the ALFRED GERARD POTVIN Estate/Trust.

The Executor has been named, known as Fred Potvin.

I am challenging Justice Rooke’s orders in chancery jurisdiction pursuant to sections 5, 6 and 7 of the Judicature Act of Alberta, as I am seeking leave to appear in court for the matter of the trust as Executor, notwithstanding Justice Rooke’s orders barring me from accessing the Alberta Court of the Queen’s bench without representation by a lawyer; which is in violation of my fundamental legal rights to self representation.

I would request a timely response to this correspondence, in the absence of which you will be deemed to have declined to have conducted yourself under the protocols of your office in conformance with your oath of office, in which case I will request the Supreme court of British Columbia to hear this matter, as your actions or lack thereof will constitute a act of selective discrimination and a denial of due process of law and denial of access to the courts all of which is against well established law and well established precedents. Also, denial of access to the courts is interfering with the execution of the General Executor and trustee of an equitable trust.

I attach a copies of the will and supporting documents pertaining to the trust as evidence that Fred Potvin has been appointed General Executor of an equitable trust.

I expect your reply most expediently.[sic]
Potvin had raised the ante by threatening to take his cause to the Supreme Court of British Columbia, a court that does not have the jurisdiction to hear his complaint about an Alberta court order, if Judge Rooke didn't hustle to make a prompt response. However the threat itself was sufficient to jolt Queen's Bench into action! Realizing the power of Potvin's new trust based arguments Queen's Bench cravenly capitulated to his demand for an expeditious reply by issuing a decision on it on October 8th, less than three weeks after he'd contacted the court! Unfortunately it wasn't quite the response Potvin was hoping for. And, while Albert Queen's Bench does not have the power to declare Potvin a vexatious litigant outside of Alberta the court did have the power to do this;

2. Prohibiting Forum Shopping

[31] If that were not enough, Potvin has now indicated that if his demands to this Court are not satisfied, he will “forum shop” his complaints to another jurisdiction in addition to the Federal Courts, where he is already subject to litigation gatekeeping as a vexatious litigant. Forum shopping, advancing a complaint in a different jurisdiction so as to evade litigation management, is a serious form of litigation misconduct that warrants court intervention: Unrau #2, at paras 679-685.

[32] Courts may take steps to manage abusive litigants like Potvin based on their statements of intent: Unrau #2, at paras 587-591. While control of abusive litigation in British Columbia Courts is the sole jurisdiction of those courts, this Court has, starting with Callow v West Vancouver Teacher’s Association (Local School District Number 45), 2019 ABQB 353 (CanLII), imposed an auxiliary court access restriction developed by the Ontario Courts (Peoples Trust Company v Atas, 2019 ONCA 359 (CanLII) at paras 5-9) to assist in management of abusive litigants across multiple jurisdictions. I adopt this approach, and now require that Potvin submit the Potvin (Re) #1 and Potvin (Re) #2 decisions, and this decision, Potvin (Re) #3, along with the October 5, 2018 court access restriction order resulting from Potvin (Re) #2, and the court order resulting from this decision, Potvin (Re) #3, when Potvin seeks to initiate or continue court, tribunal, and police complaint activities. Specifically, I order as follows:

Alfred Gerald Potvin is prohibited from, on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person or estate:

(i) commencing, or attempting to commence, or continuing any appeal, action, application, or proceeding in the Federal Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal, the Tax Court of Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada, and any Court outside of Alberta;

(ii) conducting or continuing any proceeding before any Canadian administrative tribunal, including, without limitation, complaints to any professional or regulatory body, or claims to a human rights commission or tribunal;

(iii) submitting an information to a justice per Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46, s 504; or

(iv) making a complaint to any peace officer;

except where Alfred Gerald Potvin simultaneously provides a copy of the decisions in Potvin (Re) #1, 2018 ABQB 652 (CanLII); Potvin (Re) #2, 2018 ABQB 834 (CanLII); Potvin (Re) #3, 2019 ABQB 785, and the court Orders resulting from Potvin (Re) #2, 2018 ABQB 834 and Potvin (Re) #3, 2019 ABQB 785.

[35] In light of Potvin’s stated intentions, I direct a copy of this decision be forwarded to the Chief Justice of the British Columbia Supreme Court.
In other words if Potvin tries to start any action of any kind in any court, commission, tribunal, regulatory body or any other organization anywhere in Canada that can issue legally binding orders he will be required to provide that body with a complete set of his prior court judgments so that they are aware of his abysmal, completely vexatious, meritless legal history.

Potvin (Re),
2019 ABQB 785

But before Judge Rooke could give Potvin another hammering he had to dispose of Potvin's demand that his vexatious litigant orders be lifted. As Homer Simpson would say, done and done;
III. Potvin’s Leave Application is Rejected

[16] To the degree that Potvin’s September 25, 2019 correspondence is intended to seek permission to initiate a proceeding in the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, that application is rejected on multiple bases.
The first two reasons given were quite concise;
A. Absent Required Documentary Materials

[17] First, Potvin has failed to provide the documentary materials required by Potvin (Re) #2. There is no affidavit in support of his application. He has not provided any potential application or other pleading that may be filed with the Court. What he intends to do is vague to the point that the Rule in kisikawpimootewin v Canada, 2004 FC 1426 (CanLII) (referenced in Unrau #2 at paras 629-630) applies: the Court has no obligation to respond to gibberish.

B. Only Remedy is an Appeal

[18] Second, if indeed it is Potvin’s intention to challenge Potvin (Re) #1 and Potvin (Re) #2 “in chancery jurisdiction pursuant to sections 5, 6 and 7 of the Judicature Act of Alberta”, then he is in the wrong court. What he seems to want is to appeal those decisions. The appropriate forum is therefore the Alberta Court of Appeal. As for his complaint regarding him being required to submit leave applications via a lawyer and the argument that this is a “violation of my fundamental legal rights to self representation”, that too is only a possible basis for an appeal. The law in this Court is clear that mandatory lawyer representation is a valid response to abusive litigants, particularly those, such as Potvin, who engage in “offensive” OPCA litigation intended to harm others: Unrau #2, at paras 817-826.
The third reason involved minister Belanger, Potvin's religious teacher and OPCA guru;
C. Use of Pseudolaw and the “Strawman” Theory

[19] Finally, there is a deeper and more fundamental issue. Potvin is once again attempting to enforce imaginary pseudolaw on the courts. He appears to be trying to establish a claim that he, “Fred Potvin”, is the trustee for a something else, the “ALFRED GERALD POTVIN Estate/Trust”. This is familiar territory, both for the Court and for Potvin. He is attempting to apply “Strawman Theory”, the pseudolaw concept that individuals have two parts, a flesh and blood aspect, identified by a name in mixed case text, and an immaterial legal aspect, which uses the name in all uppercase letters and is associated with birth documentation and a secret government-operated bank account containing large sums. The non-human uppercase letter doppelganger is often called the “Strawman”, hence the name.

[20] Strawman Theory is universally rejected by all courts. I have previously reviewed Strawman Theory in some detail for Potvin in Potvin (Re) #1 at paras 83-92, 110-120, so he is very well aware that this concept is false and pseudolaw.

[21] Strawman Theory is so deeply flawed and universally rejected that simply invoking this concept creates a presumption that the litigant who employed this motif appears in court for an ulterior, abusive purpose: Fiander v Mills, 2015 NLCA 31 (CanLII) at paras 20-21, 40, 368 Nfld & PEIR 80. I make that finding here. Potvin’s “Trust/Estate” claim is abusive. Worse, Potvin knows that. He has been told what the law is. He simply ignores it.

[22] There is another very interesting aspect to Potvin’s September 25, 2019 correspondence, and him now claiming to be the “Grantor, Settler and sole living heir to the ALFRED GERARD POTVIN Estate”. Potvin not so long ago emphatically denounced any linkage to ALFRED GERALD POTVIN and declared that being associated with ALFRED GERALD POTVIN is contrary to his deeply and sincerely held religious beliefs.

[23] During some of his earlier Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench and Federal Court litigation, Potvin argued strenuously that he, as a “minister” of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International [CERI], must never be linked to or interact with a “Person”, an entity identified in all uppercase letters. CERI is a fake religious group led by Edmonton resident and long time OPCA guru Edward Robin Jay Belanger. Belanger has a long history of criminal misconduct that he unsuccessfully attempts to evade via pseudolaw and claims of religious immunity.

[24] CERI members purport to be King James Bible literalists and say that they can basically ignore any law they like because the King James Bible trumps all Canadian law: see Meads at paras 134-139, 183-188; Potvin (Re) #1, at paras 102-134. On the same basis, CERI members also claim to enforce foisted unilateral “private agreements” with people they do not like. For example, a group of CERI members, including guru “minister” Belanger himself, demanded $150 million from me in a recent Federal Court action that was terminated as having no lawful basis: Williams v Rooke (12 August 2019), Ottawa T-2015-18 (FC).

[25] CERI’s ideas include Strawman Theory, and specifically reject any linkage to the Strawman. Potvin wrote to do so would put his very soul in jeopardy:

The fraud Lies in the alteration of my name to a dead corporate format for a financial purpose without my consent. That altered version of my name used without consent by these so named private men and women is referred to as a legal fiction, This representation of an all caps name is not me the man redeemed by the blood of Christ but is personation using my name and fleshly body for surety to create a security bond instrument for trading on the stock exchange by altering my name to a legal fiction* is used to increase the jurisdiction and convenience of the court and violates my faith in an attempted enforcement under duress and threat of harm, of a "debt" which doesn't exist, and in the refusal of my lawful offer to pay under protest of duress in full ... and by the threat of force, that I consent to be a "Person" and a "respecter of persons"
The private men and women named in this statement of claim have failed in their duty to accommodate by forcing me to be a "person" and a respecter of "persons". In so doing, they are deliberately, and knowingly attempting to make me break Gods law, as outlined in the KJB, which the Queen has sworn to uphold and defend. They have sworn an oath to Her Majesty Therefore, they are in breach of their own oaths, and laws, applicable to them. ... They must rebut my assertion that I am not a "person", consistent with my desire to obey GOD, and prove that I am a "person".

What God says about persons in the King James is relevant to this case ...that clearly says I am not to respect persons lest I fall under the conviction of the law ... Altering my name for a financial purpose turns it into a person and it has been used as a surety to create a security without my knowledge or consent

So, clearly, I am not, nor do I consent to be a person, nor will I be a respecter of Persons, as defined by your law, for to do so would place me in opposition to God, and being involved in commerce with a dead, or corporate entity is to be in commune with the dead, which is necromancy, and places me in Danger of Hellfire.

[26] Now, Potvin demands this Court acknowledge he is the “Grantor, Settler and sole living heir” to his Strawman, despite complaining only several months ago that to do so would be necrophilia and necromancy, would damn him “to Hellfire”, and would breach his most fundamental personal beliefs.

[27] One might view this abrupt reversal in allegedly fundamental religious beliefs as evidence of hypocrisy. I would suggest the matter is simpler than that. OPCA litigants are simply mercenary and very “results oriented”. They adopt and discard pseudolaw theories, and their teacher/promoter gurus, like so many used napkins. Potvin has to date employed at least four distinct pseudolaw schemes, as documented in Potvin Re #1, at paras 13-52. The September 25, 2019 materials are his fifth major shift. His fellow (for a time) CERI peer, James Knutson, went through at least six different schemes in a two-year period: Knutson (Re), 2019 ABQB 858, court access restrictions imposed Knutson (Re), 2019 ABQB 1050.

[28] Potvin’s sudden and dramatic apparent shift in faith is therefore nothing unusual, and certainly confirms my conclusion in Potvin Re #1 at paras 121-134, that courts do not need to accommodate purported OPCA religious beliefs, CERI or otherwise. These claims are legally absurd and factually nothing more than a flag of convenience.
However, with Potvin's dream of screwing all of his creditors seemingly almost in his grasp if he can just forum shop a court willing to agree with Belanger's unintelligible nonsense, I have no doubt that he will struggle on and file a lawsuit against Rooke in British Columbia. Unlike Alberta's Queen's Bench the Supreme Court of British Columbia is very reluctant to impose vexatious litigant designations so he may get a good run at wasting court time here. However the Federal Court of Canada has also historically been reluctant to bestow vexatious litigant designations but they designated Potvin as one almost as soon as he filed his first case there. So court attitudes might be changing and the halcyon days of endless frivolous sovereign litigation may be drawing to a close here in British Columbia too.

Normally I try to be objective in my case reviews but, frankly, I'm appalled, no, outraged at this decision. It reeks of judicial unfairness. Other OPCA litigants have to wait months, sometimes years, to have Queen's Bench shit on them. All that golden boy Potvin had to do to get red-carpet treatment was to send the court an email and he was ushered right to the head of the line. So much for the charade of equal access to justice in Canada!

Of course the real victim in all of this is the man who gave Potvin his game plan, minister Belanger. If you take the comments made about him by judge Rooke in just this one decision and lay them out in a logical squence this is what you get as the opinion of Queen's Bench regarding Belanger's sincerely held religious beliefs;
Minister Belanger, is an "OPCA guru" with a "long history of criminal misconduct" who leads a "fake religious group" which promotes "legally absurd pseudolaw". "The courts do not need to accommodate purported OPCA religious beliefs, CERI or otherwise. These claims are nothing more than a flag of convenience."
Harsh words indeed for a humble Christian minister just tending to his flock. He's God's watchman from Ezekiel 3-17 tasked with the duty of guiding them through the treacherous shoals of an evil world of creditors, police, courts and hostile government actors and agencies. He carries the burden of leading them to a paradise of mandatory religious accommodation where their oppressors will give them whatever they desire because the law, God's law, requires that they do so. But, while Belanger clearly sees the path to this goal, his nemesis Judge Rooke blocks him at every turn by insisting on treating him as if he were a person. We can only wait to see what Belanger's next attack will be in his titanic war to overcome Rooke.
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by notorial dissent »

He's going to stamp his feet and get very cross and send a very sternly worded ecumenical rebuke. And the angels will laugh uproariously and point.
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by AndyK »

Just out of curiosity, which specific version/edition of the King James bible is relied on by these zealots?

Also, what happens if a new version/edition is published?
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

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And how long before Belanger distances himself and CERI from Potvin's loss by pointing out that Potvin is a heretic for not sticking to the CERI regimen?
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by Burnaby49 »

AndyK wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:42 pm Just out of curiosity, which specific version/edition of the King James bible is relied on by these zealots?

Also, what happens if a new version/edition is published?
First, a correction on your comment. A zealot is;
a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.
I accept that Belanger himself meets the definition. I've come to the conclusion that he's a sincere believer in CERI's theology and its interpretations of the law, demented they are. He's dressed up his church's doctrine into a blatant tool for self-interest to get people to sign up but I think that he truly believes it.

However I wouldn't use the plural in asking your question. I've been following him for years and I haven't yet run across one of his ministers who I think actually believes in CERI's doctrine or is truly religious. It's my opinion they all consider CERI as just another tool to fight authorities over non-religious issues. Every one I've followed has joined CERI to make immediate non-religious use of it's doctrine to confront police, creditors, government agencies like the CRA, or the courts. Potvin's a good example. He joined CERI solely to try and evade paying his debts. He'd tried other sovereign remedies first and became one of Belanger's ministers only after they failed. He doesn't believe in Belanger's theology any more than I do. Belanger doesn't require that his followers have any theological knowledge whatever as long as they accept him as the unquestioned head of CERI. I don't think that any of his ministers, a term that generally means an individual knowledgeable and trained in a specific doctrine, know anything at all about his religion. He just passes out ministerial designations to anyone who wants one.

That said, on to King James. There are a number of different versions. As far as I'm aware all versions since the first edition in 1611 are just modifications of the text to update the often obscure and archaic English of the original. Belanger has not said, at least as far as I'm aware, what version he uses. Since he's a biblical literalist who believes that the King James is the actual word of God I assume he uses an unmodified 1611 version.
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:07 pm And how long before Belanger distances himself and CERI from Potvin's loss by pointing out that Potvin is a heretic for not sticking to the CERI regimen?
That used to be his approach in addressing his followers inevitable failures but it started getting too repetitive. Why join his religion if everybody fails because they are unable to employ his gibberish properly? So his new tactic is to make no mention of his followers attempts at all. He used to make reams of videos supporting his ministers' actions, he did at least a dozen for the Volks. He's stopped that. As I've noted he's never mentioned his own lawsuit against Rook in his social media. Nor has he ever mentioned Potvin, or Williams, the vagrant in Thunder Bay who sued the Governor-General of Canada. If one of his suckers ever wins he'll be trumpeting it to the world but, until then, he's being silent about their attempts.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by notorial dissent »

I think, that the Paracyte, novel concept that it is, has actually learned a teeny bit from his past failures. Now rather than at first defending them and declaring them martyrs for the faith, and then later blaming them for their inevitable failure, he now simply ignores failure and pretends it NEVER HAPPENED. Doesn't work any better than the prior method but avoids some of the inevitable public humiliation and derision it heaped at his door. Teeny tiny false baby steps Paracyte, teen tiny baby steps.
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Re: Alfred Potvin - Belanger's Sock Puppet screws Belanger in Court

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Burnaby49 wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:55 am The Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta's relentless campaign of denying OPCA-Freeman litigants their god-given rights to abuse the court system has claimed another victim. Alfred Potvin has been declared a vexatious litigant....

Now that's what I call really putting the boots in. It's like Associate Chief Justice Rooke really, really doesn't want to see Potvin in his courtroom again, ever. Not that any of us didn't see it coming after the prior decision I reported in this discussion. Queen's Bench has decided to go scorched earth on OPCA litigants and not only deny them their demands in their vexatious legal proceedings but deny them the right to come back to try again. ...

And, had he been allowed to continue, he would have been back again and again with more idiotic OPCA legal theories. Obviously there is no end to the various arguments that vexatious litigants can utilize to overwhelm the courts with nonsensical pleadings. There's no natural limit to stupidity. Queen's Bench was apparently getting overwhelmed by this garbage hence the brass-knuckle approach to handling them.
Hurrah for ACJ Rooke, and for The Chronicles of Burnaby. A wonderful read.

I dare not hope that one day we'll see the English High Court adopt a similar view of timewasters like Neelu Berry and EWE. Sadly our native judiciary seem quite complacent about this so far.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.