Big arrests in the Brown case

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Post by LPC »

Demosthenes wrote:At least Elaine reminded everyone in this evening's audio blogs to remember to bring their "liberty tools".
Never leave home without them.
Dan Evans
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Post by LPC »

Elaine, repeating what she has been told by others: ... REYWd9.mp3 ... REYWd8.mp3 ... REYWZ0.mp3

Elaine asks that everyone make a "lot of noise." (And that would be different how?)
Dan Evans
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Post by Demosthenes »

News story on Reno and his weapons.

Post by TheSaint »

The Observer wrote:2) There will be a call for more money to be sent to Ed and Elaine,

3) There will be a call for any money leftover from #2 above
Money left over after Ed Brown gets his hands on it? Surely you jest.
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Post by webhick »

The Operative wrote:Did I win the Constitution Ranger mousepad?
gezco said Reno and Reno is listed first. Or are we waiting for a date/time stamp on arrest?
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Post by webhick »

Concord Monitor wrote:Plainfield

Supporters of Browns arrested
Marshal: The four obstructed justice

By Margot Sanger-Katz
Monitor staff
September 13. 2007 12:26AM

Four supporters of Plainfield tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown were arrested yesterday and charged with helping the Browns obstruct justice, according to the U.S. Marshal for New Hampshire.

The four men, who were arrested outside of New Hampshire, include Cirino Gonzalez, the longtime Brown blogger who boasted of bringing a .50-caliber rifle to the house; and Daniel Riley, the Albany electrician who was Tasered by marshals in June after stumbling upon a surveillance team while walking the Browns' dog.

The four men have all spent time at the Browns' fortified concrete home over the last eight months while the couple has refused to surrender to authorities. The Browns were both convicted of tax crimes and sentenced to more than five years in prison. But they have remained holed up at home, thanks, in part, to a rotating cast of supporters bringing them food, supplies and cell phones. The Browns contend that there is no law requiring them to pay federal income taxes, and they have vowed to die before turning themselves in.

"These men are alleged to have helped the Browns in their ongoing refusal to surrender to authorities," Marshal Stephen Monier said. ". . . Anyone who aids the Browns is subject to investigation, arrest, and prosecution for serious felonies, which carry very heavy prison sentences."

The four men arrested were Gonzalez, 30 of Alice, Texas, Riley, 40, of Albany, Jason Gerhard, 22 of Brookhaven, N.Y., and Robert Wolffe, 50, of Randolph, Vt. The marshal did not specify what each man was charged with but described a range of felonies, including accessory after the fact and possession and use of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence.

The men are expected to be arraigned today in their local federal district courts. Monier said he would provide more details about his investigation in a press briefing today.

On an audio recording posted online last night, Ed Brown said he did not know why his friends were arrested, but he thought the marshals had behaved improperly.

"It's all nonsense, as usual. They always pick the wrong targets, and they picked the wrong targets again," he said. "They don't really do anything. They're just friends."

On another recording, Elaine Brown urged supporters to call the police to ask for answers and to come to the house with their "liberty tools."

Monier has repeated since the Browns' sentencing in April that his office would investigate any supporters who helped the couple obstruct justice, but yesterday's arrests are the first officials have made in the case.

Monier has not detailed the allegations against each man, but all have engaged in public acts of support for the couple.

In the case of Gonzalez, he lived with the couple for several months, providing internet updates on the couple's status, shopping for the Browns and bringing weapons to the house. Gonzalez is a former Navy weapons expert and military contractor, and he sometimes described his role as a security advisor to the Browns. According to his father, Jose Gonzalez, who also visited the couple briefly, Cirino Gonzalez was asked to leave the house after an argument with Ed Brown over security measures.

He recently returned to his Texas home and has posted on his blog that he hopes to return to Iraq to protest the U.S. mission there.

Riley was visiting the Plainfield house on the June day when federal and local law enforcement agents swarmed the area with swat teams and a bomb squad. Riley was walking the couple's shepherd, Zoe, early in the morning when he discovered a marshal hiding in the bushes near the foot of the driveway. According to a lengthy internet video, Riley said he greeted the marshal and was Tasered and detained after trying to run away. Since June, he has been back to the house, one time claiming that he heard shots fired behind the house.

Riley has also been involved in efforts to raise money to help the Browns. He and Shaun Kranish, of Illinois, have set up a Paypal account and asked for checks and money orders in addition to credit card payments. Kranish was not arrested yesterday.

Gerhard, who was arrested in Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, was out shopping for the Browns when he hit a teenager's car with the Browns' SUV in July, according to the mother of the girl who was hit. Ed Brown described the accident as a "fender bender," but Judith Dunham said that her daughter's car had been totaled and that the driver identified himself as Gerhard. Marshals seized Brown's vehicle after the accident.

Wolffe, a friend of Ed Brown's from before Brown's arrest last year, invited supporters to send packages for the couple to his Vermont home after marshals cut off postal delivery to the Brown residence. At the time, the Browns were requesting cash and weapons. Wolffe, who is running for a seat in the Vermont House, is the Vermont director of the U.S. Constitution Rangers, a national anti-government group that Ed Brown once led.

News of the arrests filtered slowly onto the blogs and internet radio shows frequented by Brown supporters last night.

Valerie Wolffe, Robert Wolffe's wife, appeared on We the People Radio Network last night to describe the arrest. On the show, she said marshals did not tell her husband what the charges against him were. She said she was asked about his offer to deliver packages and about whether they had stayed at the Browns' house.

In an interview last night, Valerie Wolffe confirmed that her husband had been arrested and said she knew little more.

"I really don't have anything to say because I don't understand it all yet myself," she said.

Donna Van Meter, a friend of Gonzalez's, described his arrest in a MySpace blog posting.

"The ATF the US MARSHALS and the local boys came in at 11:43 this morning and took reno into custody WITHOUT A WARRANT and WITHOUT TELLING US FOR WHAT CHARREGES, THEY TOOK ALL GUNS ON THE PROPERTY, Reno was asleep and i was showering when i heard a banging and yelling i got out of the shower with only a towel, to find a handful of officers beating him, they will not tell him on what charges," she wrote.

Marshals have done little day-to-day monitoring of the Brown property, but they have taken steps to increase pressure on the couple. In June, the day Riley met agents, marshals seized a commercial building belonging to the couple and cut phone and utility lines to the house. The home was designed to function "off the grid," with solar panels and a wind turbine. The Browns have said they're not bothered by the shutoff. The Browns have also not suffered much from their loss of phone service. Supporters have brought them prepaid cell phones, which have allowed the Browns to stay in touch with allies and appear on an hourly radio show most weekdays.

They have used the show to describe their political and legal theories, and also to call for the killings of law enforcement figures who have interfered, or in some cases failed to intervene, in their case. Yesterday, Monier said that these threats have altered his view of the Browns' status.

"This was a tax case," he said, "but over the last seven months, the Browns have allegedly obstructed justice and encouraged others to assist them. Ed Brown has threatened to kill law enforcement officers and other government officials. So, our message to the Browns is clear: Do the right thing, call us, and surrender peacefully."

In a letter recently posted on the website of an alternative Maine newspaper, a federal official said surveillance had revealed traps and dangerous devices on the Browns' property. At various times during the standoff, they have requested weapons, night vision goggles and body armor.

The Browns are planning a concert and party at their house on Saturday. The "Fall Freedom Fest" is scheduled to run from noon to 10 p.m. and will include live music, barbecue and games of horseshoes and bocce, according to an internet flier signed by Riley.

------ End of article

The article
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Post by Dezcad »

Shaun "Come and get me too" Kranish's take on the arrests:
Show Me The Law -- Or Arrest Me Too!!!
Dear Agents of de facto Illegitimate Government,

I see that you've arrested four men today. What I don't see is that these men have committed any crimes. Who have these men victimized? Who has a claim against them? Who has been threatened, harmed, robbed, or defrauded? Where are and who are the accusers of these men? I want to know -- NOW.

It appears to me that you're digging your graves even deeper. Instead of simply coming out and SHOWING THE LAW that requires specifically Ed and Elaine in their former positions as productive, contributing members of sovereign American society, to pay a TAX on their labor. This would amount to slavery, aka involuntary servitude (unless it were VOLUNTARY). Maybe this is why the IRS always uses the term "voluntary compliance?" After all, something cannot be simultaneously voluntary AND mandatory at the same time.

Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

There isn't much room to debate this particular amendment. There also isn't much room to debate that the 16th Amendment was not ratified properly. Nor is there room to debate the various court rulings which have never been overturned that say the 16th Amendment did NOT confer any new powers of taxation to any new subjects. Nor is there room to debate that even if the previous evidence were flawed, CONGRESS HAS NOT PASSED ANY LAW TO TAX OUR INCOME!!! If such a law exists (and the aforementioned is not applicable or correct), then why can't they simply SHOW US THE LAW? Is this too much to ask? If it's there in the law book somewhere, let's see it and we can all stop arguing.

This thing has been blown wide open by the many people involved -- patriots like Aaron Russo, Sherry Peel Jackson, Irwin Schiff, Bob Schulz, Ed & Elaine Brown, and of course Danny Riley, Bob Wolffe, Cirino Gonzales, and Jason Gerhard -- the four men you arrested today -- among countless others. When more, and more, and ever more men and women across this wonderful land realize the fraud of the income tax, that THERE IS NO LAW, how are you going to justify your actions? "I'm just doing my job," or "I'm just following orders," does not work. The Nazis tried these excuses and they failed miserably. You follow in their footsteps -- committing war crime, after war crime, after war crime. You work for the wealthy, power elite who have declared war on US -- the American People. You're on the wrong side!!!

This is how it was in 1775 and the years before the revolution. We're back at that same point again. As JFK said -- before your employers killed him -- "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." You men and women are our brothers and sisters -- just as the British (and their loyalists) were. Why are you making peaceful revolution impossible? Do you CRAVE war? Is that why you dress up as warriors, in black, in sniper suits, with body armor, masks, face paint, and automatic rifles? We certainly don't. We wish for peaceful revolution.

Ed and Elaine have proposed peaceful resolutions to this whole mess. A) You leave them alone and they will continue their peaceful, productive lives not harming anyone as always or B) You can show them the law that required them to pay the tax, and they'll surrender. You seem to want to choose C) Ignore the Constitution and our laws and arrest, hurt, and kill anyone who goes against you.

Option C is tyranny.

You have admitted to Danny Riley that you folks in your black SUVs and BDUs (battle dress uniforms) are fully aware and acknowledge the nonexistence of this elusive law. So how then can you enforce it? Don't you have a conscience? Didn't your parents teach you right and wrong. Indeed, one doesn't even need parents -- right and wrong comes from the HEART. Have you worn those uniforms so long that they've squashed your hearts? Are your hearts just a few sizes too small like the Grinch?

No, I don't think so. I think you just get paid too well. I think you are mercenaries -- the same type of mercenaries that have been around for many thousands of years. You are hired guns -- willing to commit VIOLENT CRIMES for money. Your paychecks and pensions are all too precious to you. You've sold out that which makes you human to begin with -- a sense of honor, love, kindness, and righteousness. You've sold your families, your kids, your grandkids, and the rest of your country. You've sold US out -- for money.

You make us sick and disgusted. You make us ashamed to call you our countrymen and women.

"May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget ye were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams

I am so saddened that I live in this land with you folks. I'm sure I could find more honor and decency in places all over this globe. But to have been raised in THIS land -- the land of my forefathers -- the land won with the blood of free men, with even the price of the innocent blood of its inhabitants, to have been raised in THIS land and taught the virtues of freedom, and to live and witness these transgressions -- it is unthinkable.

You have arrested four innocent men. As you read this, they are most likely being treated badly -- food and shelter conditions, interrogations, terrible threats such as life in prison, decades in prison, you name it. Perhaps you are even using some of the other torture techniques you commonly employ around the world and in THIS land. You have arrested these men for the ultimate crime: following their hearts. These men were moved by their hearts, from the very depths, to help and assist and older couple whose lives have been turned upside-down by your unwillingness to follow the law.

This help might have meant bringing them food from the grocery store or candles from supporters. It might have meant spending time with them and sharing their love. It matters not how these men supported the Browns. They did it from their hearts. They did it and, to my knowledge, never hurt anyone -- including unlawful mercenaries like you. This means they are not criminals -- as they've harmed no one and violated the rights of no one. Why, then, did you arrest them? Oh yes, your paycheck.

I don't know what the future will hold. I do know that if fate looks unfavorably upon freedom, and our generations are doomed to a tyranny that even surpasses what we have now -- you all will regret your actions deeply. Your paychecks will not buy salvation from your own guilt. You have an opportunity to stop committing unlawful acts of violence against the People, and to utilize your so-called positions of "authority" to SECURE our unalienable rights like the Declaration says. If this is too much to ask -- then arrest me and the others. For we stand with love, freedom, and truth. We follow our hearts, not the paychecks of evil masters. We stand with and support the Browns no matter what you do. So show us the law, or arrest us too.

Sincerely in Love, Freedom, and Truth,

Shaun Allen Kranish©
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Post by webhick »

The Marshals should really videotape these arrests.
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Post by Imalawman »

Well, its about damn time something happened. I can only hope that this means that the end of Ed's little tantrum is over. Good job Monier, now let's get the Browns.
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Post by . »

Or Arrest Me Too!!!
Can't happen soon enough.
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Post by Truthstalker »

"liberty tools"
Do women have liberty tools, or just guys?
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Post by The Observer »

webhick wrote:The Marshals should really videotape these arrests.
They really shouldn't - I have these fears that Richard Simmons would find some way to appear in them.
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Post by silversopp »

Dont touch the Browns. They are doing a great service to the country.

We get potential murderers to identify themselves before they start shooting. Heck, the Browns should make a deal with the Feds to root out more of these dangerous individuals in exchange for a lighter sentence.
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Post by webhick »

The Observer wrote:
webhick wrote:The Marshals should really videotape these arrests.
They really shouldn't - I have these fears that Richard Simmons would find some way to appear in them.
"Sweatin' to the TPs"?
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Post by Imalawman »

All those stories about evading the Marshalls and showing how stupid and incompetent they were come to mind about now. Looks like they really were able to throw them off huh?
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Post by Demosthenes »

Robert Wolffe
Count 1: Accessory After the Fact 18 USC § 3
Danny Riley
Count 1: Conspiracy to Prevent Officers of the United States from Discharging Their Duties 18 USC § 372

Count 2: Conspiracy to Commit Offenses Against the United States 18 USC § 371

Count 3: Accessory After the Fact 18 USC § 3

Count 4: Carrying and Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence 18 USC § 924(c)(1)(A)(i)
Cirino Gonzalez
Count 1: Conspiracy to Prevent Officers of the United States from Discharging Their Duties 18 USC § 372

Count 2: Conspiracy to Commit Offenses Against the United States 18 USC § 371

Count 3: Accessory After the Fact 18 USC § 3

Count 4: Carrying and Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence 18 USC § 924(c)(1)(A)(i)
Jason Gerhard
Count 1: Conspiracy to Prevent Officers of the United States from Discharging Their Duties 18 USC § 372

Count 2: Conspiracy to Commit Offenses Against the United States 18 USC § 371

Count 3: Accessory After the Fact 18 USC § 3

Count 4: Carrying and Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence 18 USC § 924(c)(1)(A)(i)

Count 5: Carrying and Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence 18 USC § 924(c)(1)(A)(i)

Count 6: Carrying and Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence 18 USC § 924(c)(1)(A)(i)

Count 7: Carrying and Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence 18 USC § 924(c)(1)(A)(i)

Count 8: Carrying and Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence 18 USC § 924(c)(1)(A)(i)
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Post by Demosthenes »

§ 3. Accessory after the fact

Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.

Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571 [18 USCS § 3571]) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years.
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Post by Demosthenes »

§ 372. Conspiracy to impede or injure officer

If two or more persons in any State, Territory, Possession, or District conspire to prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat, any person from accepting or holding any office, trust, or place of confidence under the United States, or from discharging any duties thereof, or to induce by like means any officer of the United States to leave the place, where his duties as an officer are required to be performed, or to injure him in his person or property on account of his lawful discharge of the duties of his office, or while engaged in the lawful discharge thereof, or to injure his property so as to molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede him in the discharge of his official duties, each of such persons shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six years, or both.
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Post by Demosthenes »

§ 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor.
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Post by Demosthenes »

§ 924. Penalties
(c) (1) (A) Except to the extent that a greater minimum sentence is otherwise provided by this subsection or by any other provision of law, any person who, during and in relation to any crime of violence or drug trafficking crime (including a crime of violence or drug trafficking crime that provides for an enhanced punishment if committed by the use of a deadly or dangerous weapon or device) for which the person may be prosecuted in a court of the United States, uses or carries a firearm, or who, in furtherance of any such crime, possesses a firearm, shall, in addition to the punishment provided for such crime of violence or drug trafficking crime--
(i) be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less than 5 years;