Brown Supporter Wolfe Pleads Out

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Pirate Purveyor of the Last Word
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Post by . »

Not a peep on libertypost or freedumb4um about Wolffe or, for that matter, any of the clowns involved in this, including E&E family: incarcerated.

Usually the TP-wannabes there have SOMETHING to say.

E&E and their erstwhile cronies seem to be yesterday's news even when they're actually in the news. How soon TPs forget losers they used to cheer and pound the table about.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
Bud Dickman

Post by Bud Dickman »

Not a peep on

There is some gibberish at this site fron Haas ... =3868.6930

Thanks Donna. Plus the post for the sentencing day(*) of Bob being: New Moon day, May 5th, @ 1:00 p.m. fitting from the 1/22 Full Moon signing? And Keith: thank you too for that display of page 23 of 23, Section 18 of: "if any provision of this Plea Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, then the entire Plea Agreement is null and void and no part of it may be enforced." of which I already know for a fact that such is void from the start for a factor other than just this RSA 123:1 jurisdictional issue. And so thank you Bob for putting this in there as you KNOW that it WILL be declared void, the time needed now withOUT a waiver of speedy trial by Danny, to be THE factor for to continue the case.........
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Post by . »

at this site
Delusion at its best. Cheered on and spoon-fed by Ms. VanMeter. Will she come back over here to explain exactly what each rat is up to?

The denizens there seem to be much more delusional than most of the TP-wannabes at libertypost or freedom4um usually were before they all disappeared after the good ship E&E went tits-up and sank.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
VanMeters Revenge

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

. wrote:
at this site
Delusion at its best. Cheered on and spoon-fed by Ms. VanMeter. Will she come back over here to explain exactly what each rat is up to?

The denizens there seem to be much more delusional than most of the TP-wannabes at libertypost or freedom4um usually were before they all disappeared after the good ship E&E went tits-up and sank.
NOPE, not me. 8)
wanna know whats up with the silence?
well thats too bad. We're not gonna tell you.
i guess you will have to spend your time running between our forums and myspace sites to find out. oh wait you waste your time doing that anyways. Dont you people have lives besides trying to ruin everyone elses, oh and making fun of peoples losses? I guess not. I actually think I am speaking to nothing but abunch of heartless cold bots in here. or it could just be your just abunch of ass hole jerks whom were never hugged by their mothers, I truely am starting to think most of you were crawled out from under a rock that have no family at all, and if you did, you ate them.
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Post by The Observer »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:
. wrote:
at this site
Delusion at its best. Cheered on and spoon-fed by Ms. VanMeter. Will she come back over here to explain exactly what each rat is up to?

The denizens there seem to be much more delusional than most of the TP-wannabes at libertypost or freedom4um usually were before they all disappeared after the good ship E&E went tits-up and sank.
NOPE, not me. 8)
wanna know whats up with the silence?
well thats too bad. We're not gonna tell you.
i guess you will have to spend your time running between our forums and myspace sites to find out. oh wait you waste your time doing that anyways. Dont you people have lives besides trying to ruin everyone elses, oh and making fun of peoples losses? I guess not. I actually think I am speaking to nothing but abunch of heartless cold bots in here. or it could just be your just abunch of ass hole jerks whom were never hugged by their mothers, I truely am starting to think most of you were crawled out from under a rock that have no family at all, and if you did, you ate them.
Too bad you take that view of the participants here. But it is even worse that the people sitting in prison took an equally dim view. If they hadn't and had actually read what has been posted here about the failed tactics, schemes and plots of other protestors, and understood that pursuing similar aims would land them in prison, your boyfriend and his co-defendants probably would have been free men today.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by Imalawman »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:
. wrote:
at this site
Delusion at its best. Cheered on and spoon-fed by Ms. VanMeter. Will she come back over here to explain exactly what each rat is up to?

The denizens there seem to be much more delusional than most of the TP-wannabes at libertypost or freedom4um usually were before they all disappeared after the good ship E&E went tits-up and sank.
NOPE, not me. 8)
wanna know whats up with the silence?
well thats too bad. We're not gonna tell you.
i guess you will have to spend your time running between our forums and myspace sites to find out. oh wait you waste your time doing that anyways. Dont you people have lives besides trying to ruin everyone elses,
hhhm, you know now that you mention it....not really. My life's ambition is really trying to ruin as many lives as possible.
VanMeters Revenge wrote: oh and making fun of peoples losses?
Well, this is sort of a side hobby if you will, my main goal is ruining people's lives.
VanMeters Revenge wrote:I guess not. I actually think I am speaking to nothing but abunch of heartless cold bots in here. or it could just be your just abunch of ass hole jerks whom were never hugged by their mothers,
You mean your mother hugged you? Mothers do that? Seems to me that'd be really weird.
VanMeters Revenge wrote:I truely am starting to think most of you were crawled out from under a rock that have no family at all, and if you did, you ate them.
They were tasty too. Actually though, I'm part of a very small sect within the Illuminati that encourages "family feasting". I doubt most of the quatloosians here grew up like that. This is part of the reason that Illuminati within the "rock crawlers" sect wait so long to become parents. I've renounced the sect myself and the practice is now in disfavor. I think Webhick is currently trying to get the persons within the sect to switch to eating interns instead of family members. We have lots of interns, but good family members are hard to come by.

Reality's a bitch huh, VanMeter?
"Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs" - Unknown
Judge Roy Bean
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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

VanMeters Revenge wrote: ...NOPE, not me. 8)
wanna know whats up with the silence?
well thats too bad. We're not gonna tell you.
i guess you will have to spend your time running between our forums and myspace sites to find out. oh wait you waste your time doing that anyways. Dont you people have lives besides trying to ruin everyone elses, oh and making fun of peoples losses? I guess not. I actually think I am speaking to nothing but abunch of heartless cold bots in here. or it could just be your just abunch of ass hole jerks whom were never hugged by their mothers, I truely am starting to think most of you were crawled out from under a rock that have no family at all, and if you did, you ate them.
Actually, until you've actually HELPED someone avoid these utterly nonsensical wanderings in the wilderness that result in financial disaster and even incarceration, you have no room to complain about "jerks."

The real jerks are people to promote schemes that bring harm to or ultimately destroy people who fall for them, and not just the originators; the sycophants who keep trying to paint lipstick on the pig share responsibility for the misery some families wind up in.

You're little more than part of a mob; prodding others even more ignorant than you out to the front line into a fruitless battle. Then when they're felled, you try to round up others to support them, hoping more will take their place.

Mobs usually disperse when the majority of participants come to the conclusion that it just isn't any fun anymore, and they look around and the instigators have all run for cover.

But there's always a few truly foolish, ignorant and simply not very aware rioters who we see in newsclips as they emerge from a cloud of tear gas and disappear under a forrest of police batons.

They usually only do it once in their lifetime.

Learn from it.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Joey Smith
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Post by Joey Smith »

We'll probably see a lot more of this as the TP's last great hope, Ron Paul, continues to go down the flusher.
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"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to
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Post by grixit »

Since we use the Irony Meter to measure the most preposterous verbage posted here, can we use the Van Meter to measure the most pathetic?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Doktor Avalanche
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

grixit wrote:Since we use the Irony Meter to measure the most preposterous verbage posted here, can we use the Van Meter to measure the most pathetic?
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
Doktor Avalanche
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:
(tripe deleted)
Pipe down over there! Intelligent people are trying to have a conversation!

Ok, gang; now that Van Meter's been put in her place we can get back to the serious business of destroying people's lives.

The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
VanMeters Revenge

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

CaptainKickback wrote:
VanMeters Revenge wrote: I actually think I am speaking to nothing but abunch of heartless cold bots in here. or it could just be your just abunch of ass hole jerks whom were never hugged by their mothers, I truely am starting to think most of you were crawled out from under a rock that have no family at all, and if you did, you ate them.
You gutless, useless piece of cr*p. My dad spent 28 years in the United States Marine Corps, served in Korea during the Korean War and in Vietnam during that war all so you could be a whiny-assed, mealy-mouthed load. And by the way, my dad was a real Marine, a real soldier, not some candy-assed, pretend wanna-be pretend soldier like that wasted piece of spooge Cirino, who would probably poop his pants in real combat.

And Cirino, Ed and all those other feckless pieces of sewage you worship are NOTHING compared to my dad's gardener, who as an ARVN Airborne captain, was shot twice, bayoneted twice and regularly beaten and starved for ten years in a "reeducation camp" after the South lost. As he put it, "my country surrender, I never did."

Those are real heroes, not those steaming piles of effluent who you follow. You (Van Meters Revenge) are a sad, pathetic, little twit who will do anything, say anything because you are a gigantic attention whore and too ignorant/stupid to better yourself, or just too lazy and too full of yourself to actually want to improve yourself.

Remember that in 20 years as you are still working some sh*tty little near-minimum wage, dead end job, I will be retired (not expecting a damned thing from Social Security), completely debt free, owning at least two nice houses and a monthly income (in today's dollars) that is three times my current income.

You and Reno deserve each other, you are both stupid, ignorant, lazy, obtuse nothings - contributing nothing and leaving nothing to improve society, so p*ss off.

My dad can kick your dads ass, ohhhhh you are so tough, wait, you werent a marine, your father was.

you dont know what I have contributed to society, especially in my own community.

I left the security and comfort of my nice sized home to go down to Texas to help build a shelter for homeless troops, when Reno was wrongfully arrested.

i dont see or hear you doing such a deed. No you laugh at others misery, i bet you go widow kicking and give shit sandwhiches to the hungry, oh wait, i dont see you as the kind person to give away bread like that. you would just shit on them instead.

Your dad may not be a candy ass, but you sure as Hell are!
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Post by Demosthenes »

you dont know what I have contributed to society, especially in my own community.
Out of curiosity, are you receiving any government welfare, Donna?
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Post by wserra »

Here is Wolffe's actual plea agreement.

A few interesting points:

(1) The factual recitation notes that Wolffe was observed with handguns on various occasions, but he was not charged with any weapons offenses. This omission avoids mandatory consecutive sentences. There are a couple of possible explanations. Perhaps the govt did not believe that his possession of them amounted to a violation of 18 USC 924(c), which does require a crime of violence (or drug offense) as a predicate. Others, however, are so charged on similar facts. Or maybe his cooperation was in the cards for some time, and the govt didn't want to bind its hands.

(2) He agrees to be sentenced within the Guidelines, which contain sizeable enhancements to base offense levels for weapons - unless he cooperates.

(3) There is a section expressly noting that the govt can release the provisions of (2) - if and only if he does cooperate.

(4) Wolffe acknowledges a possible maximum sentence of 6+5+42.5 years. He acknowledges that the 6 years could become 20 due to the weapons. Not that he would get it, but that's a good deal of time. I don't think the cooperation language is there for nothing.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
VanMeters Revenge

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

Demosthenes wrote:
you dont know what I have contributed to society, especially in my own community.
Out of curiosity, are you receiving any government welfare, Donna?
No, actually, I don't.

Even with a disability such as epilepsy.
I don't take ANY government assistance: such as welfare, disability, food stamps, ect.

I don’t give to the government, I DONT TAKE FROM THE GOVERNMENT EITHER!

I spend my time trying to help where I can, when I can, and able. To you all TIME equals money, to me I have been given nothing but time to apply it to things that matter to me more than a paycheck of you lol fiat money, which the last time I checked was going down in flames, sorry, I have bigger worries than spending all day slaving away in a no where dead end job that I would lose with my first or second seizure on the job anyways. Besides I feel that I shouldn’t have to hand over 4 months of my paychecks to the crooks and criminals of the IRS and their mercs.
To me I care about what is happening to other people besides me and mine, hell I am also helping my family at the same time with my disabled mother, whom was injured working to put food on the table to only have all her and my stepfather had worked so hard to get and achieved taken by The IRS. Our family has been left with nothing but you know what I carry the fuck on.

While you are more focused on petty things such as dictation, punctuation, spelling and grammar which is from being a neurological disability, not from being stupid, it’s a reflection on how you as human beings, do you make fun of those wheel chaired bound too, or how about those with autism, where are your limits? Where do you stop this herd mentally and going against the weaker species of the bunch. I am sure face to face I would talk circles around most of you. Which, I may not be so affluent in the written language, but I can speak Chinese and Cantonese enough to carry a converstation, not to mention Spanish, so chinga tu madre!

Oh yeah, attention hog? Hmmmm. Lets see whom brought up my name first? You all did, and keep doing. Hell you guys even posted my picture!

While I don’t really like the attention, I feel I must bring it to peoples attention that they should be paying attention to this case. That’s is what I am here for, and apparently it is working. All I set out to do when I went to Texas was build a place for returning vets from the current wars. The wars that are funded by taxtion. Taxation that is leading to Americans homelessness.
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Post by Imalawman »

VanMeter - did Reno commit a crime - yes or no? If no, then under what circumstances would anyone ever commit the crime of aiding and abetting a fugitive? If yes, why shouldn't he be punished for that crime.

The way we see it is this - Reno et al. wanted to play "patriot". He committed crimes and now is unwilling to do the time. That doesn't sit well with us law abiding citizens here.

Look we don't like taxes, how many times do we have to say this - but ITS THE LAW! in fact, I was really complaining last night when I realized what I had to pay this year...grumble grumble. Just because you disagree with or dislike the laws doesn't repeal them, its still the law and if you break it, you're going to pay. Now quit whining and convince reno to plead out before he spends the rest of his life in jail.

You do realize that Reno is very very likely to spend the rest of his functional life in prison right? Even if he pleads, he'll still get 30 years, but its better then spending the rest of this life in the slammer. Talk to him and convince him to plead if you care about him. The same with the others. Wake up.
"Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs" - Unknown
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Post by Prof »

This "discussion" needs to be locked now.
"My Health is Better in November."