Reno's daddy arrested

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Post by Demosthenes »

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Death Warrant For...
Current mood: calm


Death Warrant For…

As I am sure you all know by now my father was arrested by the US Marshals. If the info was accounted for correctly, then you should also know that when the US Marshals came. They intended to kidnap my little brother as well, under the "color of law" of arrest.

The charge is a ludicrous and a laughable one. So much so that my brothers Chief of Police stepped in on at least for my brothers sake.

The US Marshals are claiming that MY father and brother drove over 3 hours out of their way to assault a rail of a girl. Who the US Marshals claim is a C.I. (Confidential Informant).

The purpose of this informant as stated in my discovery is to aid in the building of evidence to persecute "Brown Supporters"; I read that as "Patriots." How about you?

Amy is the only woman I met from (claimed to be from) Roundrock, Texas. Everyone seems to know this already, so I am not putting out anything new. ( Hear about the asteroid that recently came so close to the earth it fucked with the weather pretty bad? Least that was what I heard; the mainstream news was restricted from broadcasting it, least, that is, what I heard in here. Maybe I can get into trouble for this then, thought I'd just throw that out there….)

Only I have met Amy, Donna did see her from my car but her eyesight is bad, ( hence the large type seen on my blog as that).

I did not even know where Amy even lived. Nor did I really believe her that Round Rock was her home. I only wonder now cause it could help my fathers case and again if not for my brothers Chief, it would have been my brothers case too. Once "they" arrest you, no matter how evidence that you are innocent, "they" hold you till they are done with you! Again, I thank the Chief for saving my brother from the mistreatment of "our" legal system. (there is no JUSTICE there!)

The day of my fathers arrest, I received a letter from him he also sent me another letter, from someone else…(Fuck Yeah, I got it.[ hint, hint ])…I bring this up because, I wonder what the real reason is for my father being charged. (when I get into my fathers letter, you will understand better.)

But before we get into that, let me tell you why Amy is important to my case, not only this case to E+E, but also for my "Terrorist" case by the FBI.

She (and the feds most likely) has exculpatory evidence to both of these cases on my behalf. That means I get to go free. Anyone trying to scare her to "shut up" or threatens her with death if she doesn't keep quiet is unaware of her importance to my case to divulge all her information.

My father knew she was this important. After all my father went through to protect me, letters to the government (both state and federal), letters to the newspapers (who have sealed lips now that they realize how important this case it to the future of "our" country.) I can go on, but you all know my father calculates; this accused act by the US Marshals is just ANOTHER LIE by them.

Just like they LIED at my bail hearing about my arrest. Which by the way, I called Amy that morning, believing it was "SHE" who was warning me about the raid that same morning of my arrest. Donna was next to me at that time too, My phone records can also concur this fact. I covertly hinted to Amy I knew/understood already so to stop calling me. At which time the call dropped, and I spent the rest of the morning with Donna beside me until she showered.

US Marshals also lied AGAIN when Mr. Monier went on video interviews, and lied his fucking ass off for the whole nation to see, when he said that day when Danny was kidnapped off the Browns property, but not before he was shot at TWICE!

We now have the discovery to prove that the US Marshals did in fact "fired" on Danny as he ran away, running for his life," as Danny told us.

Why are the US Marshals so pissed off? Because that was their 2nd day in a row in their attempt to steal the life force and liberty from old couple. They couldn't even do it with the NH Air Guard's "Black Hawk" UNIT helping them. Its true, it is in our discovery!

I cannot even call that a "Police State" event…I do not even know what to call that still…Oh before we forget, lets not forget that Mr. Monier LIED to my father about it I left the Browns home.

Wake up. Please realize the time to stand can and went a long time ago, But it is never to late to protect yourselves and your future.

A patriot just sent a loving letter to me via my father. It hit me in the guts pretty hard. It ripped my heart out right from my chest. So many emotions were running through me, I could not stop myself from crying.(All this before I realized or should I say was informed that my father was arrested.)

The title starts off with, "You're the Only Leader…" It caught my attention, but I have read and heard this type of stuff before. Hell even Amy has told me I could make it finally happen…But of course, I have always put myself in check, and I did so again, "I cant hold everyone's hand!'

There has always been a continued rise in personal awareness of the masses, I call this "awakening".

I also agree, that it is everyone's DUTY to defend this country's freedom as well as our own freedoms.

I thank you for giving your hearts all for the movement back then and I am glad that you never lost touch with it.

I understand what you mean about a "very unique personality" and how it is needed to be able to relate to the diversity of the people. I am honored to know that a few of you out there believe me to be such a person.

I also see how individual differences create cracks in the unity of our movement. Then when you blink, the crack widens to yards apart and most times before anything can be said, there is a sea of space in its spot.

Race, social class, sex (sexual preferences), ideology, personal belief's, for crying out loud! It never ends, this list of differences.

I can smooth out a racist when given a chance. I can even argue "there is a God" or "Nope, you are free to choose." But I choose to focus on TRUTH, and TRUE FREEDOM. Anyone who does not want that simply does not understand.

The "Rat Race" does have everyone absorbed into their own little worlds of job, school, social affairs; so on and what nots. Win or lose, you were still a "RAT," and the "FAT CATS" will keep everyone in line that way too, too self absorbed from noticing it is "their game" they play in. A rigged game.

Hence, I call for the "reset button" to be pressed. I'm working at it. Everyday.

I know that something must be done now. Do not think for one second, not even for one fucking second, that I do not already know this! I have taken action to help secure my children's future, and that God willing, my own too. I am taking action!

I had no "leader" to follow. I had no real history to guide me on what reformers are, or what makes a revolutionary so far seeing…. I was just laying in bed, thought "enough is enough" and got up.

I had no "Army of Truth Warriors" behind me. I had no one that I knew of to follow; or ever so much as to encourage me.

But don't misunderstand, I wanted to help. I did not want to be alone. I keep hearing the same thing, "I am ready to help you fight for…" over and over since I got up.

I do not intend to put anyone down, but, it has just occurred to me, what really do you mean "ready to help you fight?"

I mean, I am fighting new, and if you all are ready, then just what are you all waiting for? What I always say is, "you determine your own level of involvement."

So if my actions move you all in some way to look favorably on me, them follow my example. I "initiated" my own actions based on what I knew. Believe me, no one was happy about it. Even the Browns did not trust me. Am I that rare? If so then that shakes my faith in my Patriots. But I maintain my hope, and my belief in TRUE FREEDOM is renewed every time I learn others deem themselves ready.

Which now brings up the title of this entry. "Death warrant For…", I have maintained over and over and declined request that amount to me becoming a "LEADER." My public reason was I am better off educating small groups of people. So they may go off to do the same.

My private reason, "accepting" or "declaring" myself the Leader of the movement, is in essence a Death Warrant for not only myself, but for my loved ones as well. My Ex-wife and our 4 children, my brother, and sisters, my father, My Donna, my friends and family. Most of whom do not understand yet, what TRUE FREEDOM means.

It is a selfish reason; I know, I suck.

Please don't judge me on that fact alone. I AM fighting. I have lost everything. But do judge me on this. I am here. While one has declared his fight over and bowed before his master. While another has instincts to survive; he jumps back and forth over his own line. (Survival, I do not fault him, he fights still.) While the last understands, but in his youth, watches confused, confused what would be the best move. ( He will learn…) I am here, because I fight, I am standing up already. I bow to no man!

You want to join the fight with us? ( that's right, "us".) Then come on!

You have a team or network in place then present yourself. Confused or unsure how to go about an action, ask, I have always helped people, teams, networks, organizations in such ways. Has anyone ever seen me not help anyone in NEED?

For Gods sake, I was going to return to Iraq to further the peace movement here in the U.S. to reach out to the Iraqi people because a friend needed help doing it.

If action is what you want be careful of what you ask for. In the Navy my shipmates had a joke about me, They say I had two speeds: Slow and Stop. They said this because I did things slowly to be done right, I stopped when I had to rethink things. My joke back was when I reacted to a threat, it was over with. Done. I win.

Now is the time for action, and I am going all out with what I got and who I got. The only things I am holding back is hurting an killing people. That is all I am holding back.

You want to join my fight but feel you need to focus and direction, ask. I do what I can, with what I got. You have a network, get this case front news, I will work with what I have.

You have a team to protest? Well get to it. I will have info sent out. I will work with what I have.

Hell, if you have an Army, be careful of what you ask for, I will work with what I have.




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Post by LPC »

Did anyone see any particular point to that rant?

All rants are somewhat meaningless, but that one seemed especially devoid of any identifiable purpose for existing. He seems to be trying to be both angry and reflective at the same time, and the effect for me was a sense that he is totally out of touch with both reality and his own thoughts and feelings.
Dan Evans
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Post by Demosthenes »

My private reason, "accepting" or "declaring" myself the Leader of the movement
He fancies himself the new leader.

Otherwise, it's a call to arms to the "patriot" flakes on MySpace.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Ironically, the government submitted their witness list for the Fab Four on 1/21/2008. No Confidential Informants, and no one by the name Amy Williamson.

Meanwhile, no federal charges have been filed against Jose, and no terrorism charges are pending against Reno.
Last edited by Demosthenes on Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by grixit »

Wow. He's not just a single loser quickly being forgotten, no, he's the one who has selflessly declined the call to be leader!

As the Van Meter hits 25, it plays "Burning Heart".
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Post by Gregg »

I have taken action to help secure my children's future,
left unsaid but maybe important....

"by depriving them of my own direct influence over it, hopefully they'll see that being a loser like me isn't really a very good prospect...."
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Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:Ironically, the government submitted their witness list for the Fab Four on 1/21/2008. No Confidential Informants, and no one by the name Amy Williamson.

Meanwhile, no federal charges have been filed against Jose, and no terrorism charges are pending against Reno.
Do you know if Jose was really arrested? Seems like the only information I'm seeing on this is from the TP camp, and they have a tendency to contort reality to suit their own wants.
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Post by Demosthenes » ... news02.txt
Gonzalez accused of assaulting 'informant'

Warrant out of Round Rock stems from alleged attack on woman

Christopher Maher, Alice Echo-News Journal

The Round Rock Police Department released details this week of the arrest of Jose Gonzalez, an Alice tax protester who is charged with assaulting a Round Rock woman.

Gonzalez was arrested in Alice on a warrant on Feb. 1, in connection with a Jan. 29 incident in which he allegedly grabbed a woman in Round Rock by the throat and threatened her.

Gonzalez is the father of Cirino "Reno" Gonzalez, an Alice native who is currently in federal prison awaiting trial on charges he aided two fugitives last year.

Reno Gonzalez joined those fugitives, Ed and Elaine Brown, in their Plainfield, N.H., home in the spring of 2007. The Browns refused to surrender to U.S. Marshals after they were convicted in absentia of various tax-evasion charges in January 2007, and informed law enforcement they would kill any federal agents who attempted to arrest them.

Eric Poteet, a spokesman with the Round Rock Police Department, released information regarding Jose Gonzalez's Feb. 1 arrest this week.

According to that information, the victim in the case is a woman identified as Amy Williamson.

In a Dec. 11, 2007 discussion between several tax protesters on Reno Gonzalez's Myspace page, several individuals mentioned Williamson and made derogatory remarks about her, including calling her a "traitor." In that discussion, Jose Gonzalez said, "I hope for and sanction only peaceful acts on the part of our members. The thug-like tactics of those abusing their authority is what we have been trying to expose/change."

Poteet said Williamson contacted the Round Rock Police Department on Dec. 14, 2007 complaining that threats had been made against her on several Internet sites by people who claimed she was a confidential informant for the federal government and had infiltrated various militia groups and tax protester organizations to spy on them.

Williamson identified one of the individuals who had allegedly threatened her as Jose Gonzalez, and said that Gonzalez had specifically targeted her as a government informant in the case against his son. She also told investigators Gonzalez had spoken with her by telephone and had said he would visit her in January at her home.

Shortly after 11 p.m. on Jan. 29, Williamson went to retrieve an item from her vehicle parked in her driveway and she was approached by Jose Gonzalez, according to the report.

Gonzalez allegedly grabbed Williamson by the neck, threw her to the ground and began yelling at her that she need to "prove (her)self to the movement," and told her "this is your final warning," "next time will be your last."

Gonzalez then left the scene, Poteet said.

Investigators took a statement from at least one neighbor who witnessed the alleged attack and police recorded "visible injuries" on Williamson's neck that were consistent with her statements, according to reports.

On Jan. 30, a warrant was issued for Gonzalez charging him with felony aggravated assault, because of Williamson's possible role as a federal witness.

On Feb. 1, U.S. Marshals arrested Gonzalez at his daughter's home in Alice. He was later released on $100,000 bond.

In a posting placed on his Myspace page Feb. 2, Reno Gonzalez wrote that the charges against his father were "ludicrous and laughable."

Reno Gonzalez also reiterated his belief that Williamson was a confidential informant working against him, but then said his family would not threaten her because she had evidence he was innocent.

"The purpose of this informant as stated in my discovery is to aid in the building of evidence to persecute 'Brown Supporters,'" Gonzalez wrote.

"She (and the feds most likely) has exculpatory evidence to both of these cases on my behalf. That means I get to go free. Anyone trying to scare her to 'shut up' or threatens her with death if she doesn't keep quiet is unaware of her importance to my case to divulge all her information."

In a posting on his Myspace page following his release on bond, Jose Gonzalez called the charges "bogus," and said that he had been framed.

"I don't know if I'll be able to win this case but the focus must remain on greater cause; toppling the IRS," Gonzalez wrote.

Williamson has continued to receive threats against her, Poteet said this week, and Jose Gonzalez may be linked with several other cases being investigated by local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.

Reno Gonzalez stayed with the Browns from April to July 2007, until a visit from his father and brother prompted Ed Brown to ask them to leave the home.

Reno Gonzalez was arrested in Alice in September 2007 and charged with multiple federal counts related to his time spent supporting the Browns.

The Browns were arrested without incident in October 2007, when undercover officers were able to gain their trust and take them by surprise.

Reno Gonzalez is currently being held in a federal prison in New Hampshire, awaiting trial in March.
Bud Dickman

Post by Bud Dickman »

Jose seems proud of his incarceration, using his mug shot for his myspace profile. If he is found guilty hope he and Reno get plenty of father and son time in the "Big House".
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Post by grixit »

If he did it, i hope that he gets sued for her medical bills and any loss of work time. And i hope the cops sue him for the cost of protecting her.
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Post by Joey Smith »

"I never touched her!"
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Williamson County

Post by LDE »

His facing trial in Round Rock, Williamson County, Texas is a bad fate.

Williamson County, the northern suburbs of Austin, defines itself as the anti-Austin: Extremely right-wing, lily-white, utterly conformist, nearly all Baptist (except for a few Pentecostals). Police are the biggest heroes except for Bush, Cheney, and their war.

Penalties (according to the Austin paper, IIRC) run about 40% higher for the same offense compared to Travis Co. (Austin).

I take martial arts at a school in Round Rock, the only reason I would ever set foot in that butt-ugly knot of freeways, infested with giant SUVs. About a year ago, the news reported that someone had flooded one of the local subdivisions with white-supremacist flyers. I mentioned it to some of my classmates, who live in Round Rock, and they said, "Again?"

If he weren't a "Messican" from South Texas, he might have a shot at pulling jury members who were similarly anti-government, anti-tax, and pro-Bible. But being a Latino will just add another 50% to his penalty. That's true even in relatively liberal, tolerant, multicultural Austin.
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Post by notorial dissent »

That, and if what they say about the area is true, he will be considered an anarchist and anti-government, which he is, which probably won’t do his odds any particular amount of good, and then let’s not even go into his opening his mouth about anything like a certain idiot dogwalker.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.