Weston White's CTC Forum

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Re: Weston White's CTC Forum

Post by Famspear »

LDE wrote:
Designated area for entrenched debates with so-called "tax professionals" (TP). Here it is cold-reality, the facts and law mono a mono with the lies spouted by agent provocateurs, propagandists, and the socialist establishment.
Weston, honey, always mount a scratch monkey.
Webhick, I think he's ahead of you. Mono a mono is Spanish for 'monkey to monkey.'
I thought "mono a mono" was the opposite of "stereo a stereo."

If you are over a certain age, you may understand this. Otherwise, please just move on, and wait patiently for my next lame joke, which might come at any time.
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Re: Weston White's CTC Forum

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I thought "mono a mono" was the opposite of "stereo a stereo."

I thought that it was physical affection between two people with the "kissing disease"....

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Re: Weston White's CTC Forum

Post by Famspear »

CaptainKickback wrote:..........My self, I can only take reading things on the Lost Horizons forums for about 5 minutes, as huge waves of stupid emenate from every thread. Holy Christ, what an amazingly useless babble of pointless, false and potentially very costly and expensive, misinformation.
(emphasis added).

Yes, and it's amazing to think of all the misdirected energy that the dimwitted Hendricksons Heroes have expended, to see all the useless work that those people have done, to collect, organize, and conveniently place all that pointless, erroneous stupidity in one web site.

Memo to the Pontificating PeterEricBlowhard Meister and His Harem of Hendrickson's Heroes: The Universe is laughing at you, and The Universe will indeed have the last laugh.
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Re: Weston White's CTC Forum

Post by Quixote »

Weston has banned Gimmer.

His last post:
Weston way to go you f u c k t a r d.
You are just as retarded as Mnstix is.

What a looser weston you demonstrate you are no different than Hendrickson is.

i can do this all day long weston
Purge my account weston.

get the idea weston?

I do not want anything about me on this website. I've asked nicely to purge me and you didnt.
i can do this all day long and waste your bandwidth weston.

nice little trick to not allow me to edit my posts, so now you have to deal with me this way.
Last edited by Guest on 22 Aug 2009, 16:53, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Approximately seven duplicate posts, have been deleted by me.
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Re: Weston White's CTC Forum

Post by Famspear »

Weston White has posted this in his forum:
I had been refraining from posting this information, as I had been waiting in favor of some good news, but it looks like that will not be coming anytime soon. A couple of weeks back I had emailed Peter Hendrickson kindly requesting a full copy of the Lost Horizons archived database scheme he claims to have kept, so as to port it over onto this forum into a private archive, privileged access only. After a week of no response I sent a follow up email requesting the same, to date Peter Hendrickson has still remained silent.

This brings me to the conclusion that if Mr. Hendrickson would have chosen to provide me with an answer it would not have only been no, but hell no! I suppose I should not be all that surprised… Although I must admit I am still more surprised that there are quite a few CtCers who are still posting on Lost Horizons, while knowing full well that Peter Hendrickson has a history of purging his forum, and without any forewarning to boot. I guess some people like seeing their research tossed out like unvalued trash. Personally for myself I can say it damned pissed me off! To me Peter Hendrickson’s actions speak louder than his words ever could, which is why his chosen method of silence hold no consequence.

Hey though if perhaps enough CtCers decide to vote with their feet, it just might push Hendrickson to reconsider?
http://ctcwarrior.us/Forum/viewtopic.ph ... p=306#p306

EDIT: Weston White wrote:
I guess some people like seeing their research tossed out like unvalued trash.
Weston, my boy, the mountain of "research" that had been posted at losthorizons -- and deleted by the Blowhard in Chief -- is indeed trash, and has no value, except maybe to federal prosecutors and people like me who enjoy reading the stuff for its comic effect.
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Re: Weston White's CTC Forum

Post by notorial dissent »

I really do think this should be retitled as “Weston White's CTC Comedy Forum or Classics, since he certainly is providing a great deal of, albeit admittedly unintentional, comedy relief with his pontifications. The spectacle of an even bigger buffoon than Pete trying to justify his vaporings is just too rich to pass up.

I don’t suspect that it has occurred to our all knowing friend here is that the last thing the great windbag wants is more evidence of his illegalities, or equally, that Pete would ever share his "work" with anyone at any time, unless of course they paid him lots and lots of money, and despite the fact that it has all long since been archived not only on the internet somewhere, but most assuredly in some Justice Department electronic file just waiting for the proper time when prosecution begins, I really don't think Weston has to worry about the loss of the wit and wisdom of Pete the blowhard or his coterie. The really nice part is that they won’t even have to bother subpeonaing anything since it was all made publicly available for use. I would suspect this little fact has managed to go missing in both their little minds. I guess at least in one sense that Pete will have unintentionally achieved a certain immortality, since his writings will at least be preserved in the criminal evidence section of his upcoming criminal trial. That is after all a kind of literary immortality, just not one I would want to aspire to.
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Re: Weston White's CTC Forum

Post by Joey Smith »

like unvalued trash
That more aptly describes the value of Weston's years and years of research more than any phrase that I could have come up with for it.
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