Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by LordEd »


2. If *I* and/or PERSONS and/or FRIENDS OF THE COURT and/or OTHER SUCH PARTIES ACTING IN MY INTERESTS have led the COURT and/or STATUTORY BODY and/or GOVERNMENT SERVICES and/or AGENTS and/or OFFICERS of such bodies, to believe, by responding to "YOU" and/or "AMY LEIGH COLLINS" and/or OTHER SUCH IDENTIFICATION, such bodies HAVE ADDRESSED ME AS, that I am PARTY WITH SURETY in this matter, then that would be a MISTAKE. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

3. If *I* and/or PERSONS and/or FRIENDS OF THE COURT and/or OTHER SUCH PARTIES ACTING IN MY INTERESTS have led the COURT and/or STATUTORY BODY and/or GOVERNMENT SERVICES and/or AGENTS and/or OFFICERS of such bodies, to believe, by responding to "YOU" and/or "AMY LEIGH COLLINS" and/or OTHER SUCH IDENTIFICATION, such bodies HAVE ADDRESSED ME AS, that I am, in ANY CAPACITY, a Pro Se litigant and/or LEGAL PERSON in this matter, then that would be a MISTAKE as I DO NOT CONSENT and WAIVE THE BENEFIT to such titles (Waiver of the CHANGE OF NAMES ACT OF NEWFOUNDLAND). PLEASE FORGIVE ME.


As such, *I* am returning your OFFER, DECLINED, for immediate DISCHARGE and CLOSURE.

Clearly she does not consent to pronouns. However, by extension, who is this "I" or "me" and by what authority does "I" or "me" have to choose to decline offers?

What would the Abbot & Costello "who's on first" routine look like with freemen?
notorial dissent
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by notorial dissent »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Amy was scheduled to be sentenced yesterday. Media reports are that she didn't show
Well color me shocked and amazed.

I wonder if her "Notice of Mistake" will get read at her next hearing(which will certainly be held without her consent) as premeditation?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Whoops! Amy’s been caught:
I have to give the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary credit – they’re pretty efficient! Amy was picked up at a bus stop, and taken to court this morning. Naturally, she had things to share:
"I reserve all rights," Collins said as she sat in the courtroom, and appeared to refuse to recognize what Judge Pamela Goulding was saying as Goulding read new charges against her.

As Goulding told the court that new charges, including failure to attend court and two breaches of undertakings, were being laid against her, Collins spoke over her.

"Point of order," "I do not consent," and "do not address me as such" were some of the comments that Collins made during a court appearance.
The court ordered a brief psychiatric examination before Amy was returned to court this afternoon. However, the doctors who examined her thought it would be better to study her for a week. So – back to court on Nov. 1, 2013!

I’m sure she won’t consent to that either.

In other news… Amy has changed her name on Facebook from “Leigh Collins” to “Leigh Temple”. No idea why. She has also posted a couple manifesto messages ( ... 7337352722) ( ... 5574021565)
[October 24, 2013] at 6:36am

I am NOT anti-government. I am against terrorists hijacking the government and masquerading as government. This is NOT a government for the people. It is a CORPORATION for PROFIT!

[October 24, 2013] at 5:08am

I do this for MY offspring...and YOURS. You are welcome!
But most curiously of all, she has linked without explanation to two Canadian court cases:
Naturally I was interested as to whether I could discern a litigation strategy from these citations, and I believe I can. Both cases address when a judge has an obligation to provide assistance to an unrepresented person in court. So I think Amy is going to argue that her court proceedings to date have been improper because the judges did not help her enough. As she shouted at them. And denied court authority. And didn't consent. And stuff.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Yep, Amy is indeed trying to use her "Notice of Mistake" ( ... -warrant/1).

Whatta mistake:
As Judge Pamela Goulding was reading the new charges — failing to attend court and two counts of breaching court orders — Collins again tried to speak over the judge.

“I believe there has been a mistake,” Collins said.

“I have no idea who you and your Amy Collins are.”

Later, she said, “What authority do you have to address me as Amy Collins?”
Yes Amy, mistakes have been made. By you.

Amy's guru, Kent Barrett, has posted a dramatic account of Amy's detention, which has drawn many excited responses from Canadian Freemen-on-the-Land (and associated types) ( ... 0557052213)
Kent Barrett
[Oct. 25, 2013]

Amy is in the mental hospital now for seven days observation. They put her in a "suicide watch" cell (rubber room, no blanket, light on, etc.).

They picked her up this morning on the street, she never even made it the two blocks to her house from where she was dropped off. Two plainclothes had been waiting all morning for her to appear. They grabbed and arrested her. They refused to identify themselves to her. So much so that a passer-by even stopped and demanded they produce id or he's calling the cops, so they finally did.

Anyway, she's at the Waterford now and they have a week to prove she's crazy because she won't agree to be Amy Collins.

Stuart Pearce
Her Name is Her Property, to force someone to identify one's self, is an Assault, (Police Manual) Salhany .
[Oct. 25, 2013]

Mika Sovereign Rasila
holy shit its the whole george of the family hugh thing again
[Oct. 25, 2013]

Kent Barrett
Actually title to the name is held by the Government of NL dept of Finance or whatever, so if she claims it as hers she's committing fraud. That's their ace-in-the-hole. Their black magic only works on persons and the name is the person. And the government owns it.


SO if she claims she's AMY COLLINS she's guilty and if she claims she's not, then she's "crazy". Nice, eh?
[Oct. 25, 2013]

Stuart Pearce
She has Waived her Right to be recognized as a Person, they have no Jurisdiction now!
[Oct. 25, 2013]

Who-are You Frisbey
I was texting her back and forth as it was happening god damnit I couldn't do anything about it


does someone have a telephone number of the place is being keep I'm call and make myself a nuisance


the guards in prison did the same shit to me but they chained me to a concrete slab in sprayed me with water because I wouldn't sign documentation


they also called it suicide watch


make sure when you call to inquire for leigh temple. and that they have mistakenly identified her as amy Collins. and that you have a phone recording of the conversation
[Oct. 25, 2013]
So, gentle readers, do you think the best way to convince the staff of a psychiatric facility that a particular patient is not insane is to have crazy-sounding persons persistently call up that facility?

Mmm. Me neither.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by fortinbras »

It turns out that Leigh Temple is a fictional character in a soft porn novel, BRANDED, published by Ellora's Cave, which prides itself on being the prime publisher of porn for women. ... 22&f=false
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by grixit »

No, no! Please don't brand me! But the hooded figure in the black robe merely chuckled and repeated "I can do as I please with you; you have no rights here!"

His strong hand shot out and gripped her scalp, forcing her head back. She wriggled in her chains and tried to scream but no sound came out. And then the glowing iron descended on her exposed throat. Pain so intense it blotted everything else out filled her every sense. It seemed as if she was engulfed in featureless white light. She could feel her will shriveling even as her flesh burned.

After what seemed like an eternity, her surroundings returned. The man in the black robe carressed her face, a strangely thrilling contrast to the throbbing agony of her neck. "Who are you?" he asked, in a purring voice. "I- i don't know" she croaked. It was true, all sense of identity was gone.

"Please, who am i?" Her tormentor produced a mirror. "See for yourself!" She puzzled out the reveresed letters blazing in red on her skin. "Amy Collins" she said.

"Yes!" He hissed. "You are Amy Collins now. And you belong to me!" As he said this, she realized it was true. She now belonged to him. Body and soul.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Please don't turn this into a Gorean pastiche. Please. I beg of you! The mere thought of John Norman's prose, real or imitated, is like phenol on skin...

SMS Möwe
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by grixit »

Gorean? Oh i hope i didn't make it that bad.

I actually forced my way through book 5 of that series, but only because of the fantasy elements.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Okay, I know I shouldn't try to introduce logic or rationality to such proceedings*, but this still makes me giggle:
Two plainclothes had been waiting all morning for her to appear. They grabbed and arrested her. They refused to identify themselves to her. So much so that a passer-by even stopped and demanded they produce id or he's calling the cops, so they finally did.

. . . [logic-disconnecting ellipsis] . . .

Her Name is Her Property, to force someone to identify one's self, is an Assault, (Police Manual) Salhany .
I hope that they will now be requesting that the police lay some charges on Her Ladyship and the anonymous passerby for Assaulting a Police Officer by Asking for Identity, as per the police "manual".

* I'm 100% convinced that freemanism etc. is a gut feeling that is then wrapped in the ragged logical trappings that we enjoy so much. Or, for a more vivid metaphor, picture Lyssa, the goddess of "emotion", setting forth in her ecclesiastiacal pursuit sandals, with a truly maniacal rictus on her face, dragging the poor corgies of "redemptionism", "strawmanism", etc. behind her. I wish I could draw...
notorial dissent
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by notorial dissent »

I think "Lady Whoever" she is this week may have a hard time convincining the nice men in the white coats that she really doesn't belong there under close watch, from the way she has been carrying on. She's exhibiting a number of text book symptoms, none of them good.

Plus, I think she is just plain bed bug crazy, but by the legal definition, maybe, maybe not, time and a good thorough evaluation will tell.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

grixit: no, it was not nearly up to the Normanesque level of (il)literary horror. For one, it was much less repetitive. Very very much much.

Since you suffered through a significant amount of Gor I suspect this may amuse you – it always makes me giggle:
The media has provides some more Amy tidbits. It appears she has filed four peace bonds against unspecified persons, and the hearings for those would have been yesterday (Oct. 29, 2013). Three of the targets showed up.

Since Amy is having her head examined she was not present, and instead the hearing judge ordered those applications will be heard at a later point when Amy is 'better' ( ... ce-bonds/1) ( ... 0&latest=1).

I have also located a CBC radio interview with Amy that occurred shortly before her detention for sentencing ... 414216119/. The interview itself runs from 4:30-12:30, and is pretty fun. The interviewer takes the soft and gentle approach, and lets Amy's nuttiness gradually emerge for the listener's appreciation. Definitely worth a giggle.

(edited to fix that last link --grixit)
SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by grixit »

I wish he'd gotten her to expand on her "affidavit of private law".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Well, well, well.

Amy's figured it out:
This reports that Ms. Collins pled guilty to her not attending court (Oct. 23, 2013) and received a 48 day conditional house arrest sentence for her various offences. She also has apparently seen the light:
Collins wrote a letter of apology, indicating she had been taking bad advice and that she now recognizes the authority of the court.
Bad advice: otherwise known as the Human Rights Defenders League In Canada.

SMS Möwe

P.S. - Thank you for fixing the link grixit!
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

My conclusion was premature.

Amy has most definitely not figured it out ( ... 0526248403):
Leigh OftheHouseof Collins
November 15 at 5:20am

I am an official peace officer, again...damn I wish they would pay me and/or stop arresting ME when I am doing my job!
And though it's a stressful life, at least she has good friends, such as Kent Barrett, guru of the Human Rights Defenders League In Canada ( ... 9324591221)

Kent Barrett
November 26 at 3:30pm

I was over at Amy's place today. They got her drove half-mad with various bulls---, house arrest and all, and now her insane bitch neighbor is adding to the worry. A HIGH SHERIFF showed up today, and she was looking for AMY COLLINS and that predictably scared Amy badly.

But I explained that that chick only *thinks* she's scary because her business card (BUSINESS CARD) says "sheriff" when it should read "errand boy slave of the corporate f---heads", and that she only has a piece of paper with her. If they wanted to *arrest* Amy they'd have sent COPS, not a middle-aged, over-dressed sparrow-fart with a SHERIFF badge pinned to her knickers.

Anyway I called the sheriff and we determined that it's just a notice of a court appearance and deduce it's a peace bond thing brought by the insane neighbour.

Why accept the paper?
1) No fear. There's nothing to add, Amy is ALREADY made a Peace Officer by her agreement to the conditions of the house arrest, so the insane neighbour is now interfering with a Peace Officer. Think about that.

2) The record. I said "Go, and bring all the paper you sent the housing people that documents this crazy bitch's actions, and tell the court you'll be DELIGHTED to agree to a peace bond... IF IT WORKS BOTH WAYS. "

Then we had tea and read about Dean on TTFL.
[Newfie-isms redacted.]

I bet that next door neighbor could tell some tales...

Hey Kent, when is that long-delayed ( ... 5150655053) nation-shattering lawsuit ( going to be filed?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by notorial dissent »

So she's now a peace officer??? because she is under house arrest??? That is a new one on me, just as I am sure it will be to the rest of the legal establishment.

I can't but help feel sorry for the neighbor, she must have the patience and perseverance of a saint.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

notorial dissent wrote:So she's now a peace officer??? because she is under house arrest??? That is a new one on me, just as I am sure it will be to the rest of the legal establishment. ...
Amy has been searching for further advice on this dilemma from the folks on the "Sui Juris Law for Beginners" group on Facebook ( ... 266649407/), and as you see below, it appears that Amy has interpreted the "keep the peace" part of her conditional sentence instruction "to keep the peace and be of good behavior" means that she is now a peace officer - she 'keeps the peace'. And presumably she is instructed to be a well behaved peace officer, too.
Leigh OftheHouseof Collins
Hey All,
My crazy neighbour applied for a peace bond against me. I was served by high sherriff. I notice it is a summons to a person charged with an offense.
How did i get charged with an offense and/or not be arrested for it? Is it because it is one of my conditions to keep the peace and now with this allegation from crazy bitch, they automatically charge me.?
[Nov. 28, 2013] at 5:59am


I am currently contracted with the courts and am on house arrest. I am to keep the peace and be of good behavior.
I have a crazy neighbour who applied for a peace bond. ( hell bent to get me evicted)
I received notice yesterday. The notice I received was a Summons to a Person Charged with an Offense, attached to her explanation of the peace bond.
MY Question1: in order to be charged, should I have been arrested?
MY Question 2: Why am I automatically charged?
We have yet to be to court about this . Dec. 3, 2013
[Nov. 28, 2013] at 6:14am


So, is the crime what she is alleging or is it the breach of my conditional sentence order and/or conditions attached. Are they are just being prepared with the paperwork? I don't know. A few weeks ago she filed a complaint with the police , to allow the allegation of loud noise to carry more weight, and I never seen an officer. This is just another scare tactic, which carries weight. And what will happen should she succeed with securing a peace bond against this criminal under conditional house arrest?? I am too familiar with corruption...
[Nov. 28, 2013] at 2:21pm
It seems to me that Alexander Ream would be very excited if he were to discover this alternative mechanism to become a peace officer. After all, he IS on parole.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Sometimes I wonder what a Freeman-on-the-Land imagines when they intone the word "Freedom". "Freedom!" "Freedom..."

A fistful of dollars? (or Dinars?) An open road, thundering truck, and welding gear? A mountain-side homestead, with rows of carrots and lettuce?

And sometimes, just sometimes, the Freemen directly share their vision of that imagined future of Freedom - total Freedom.

In this case its Human Rights Defenders League In Canada guru Kent Barrett, best bud and guiding mind for Our Lady. Seems for him, freedom is the absolute right to get drunk, and pass out on the street in mid-winter, unmolested by agents of the state ( ... 1024183641):
I'm a funny motherf---er. Sometimes I even amuse myself.

Sorry. That's the rum talking. And there's little left. Rum, I mean. Sure, I could walk up the street to buy more, but it's middle of the night. And I'd need money. So I'd just be like, standing there gasping for air all broke and s---. And like a cop would come to protect me and take me downtown. And I'd wake up on a p----covered rubber mat under a disintegrating dome ceiling for my own good... no thanks.


I'm sixty-one years old (allegedly) and I have been drunk more than once, the record is clear on that, but I can can only recall--and no one can show more--than three times when I never made it home. Three times. In my entire f---ing life. That's what? Once every two decades?

EVERY F---ING TIME it was because POLICE decided they were afraid I wouldn't make it home. So, instead of allowing me to have a difficult time getting home (at lst occasion about 500 feet away) they instead take one downtown, three MILES from home, and throw you in the concrete 'drunk tank', thus *ensuring* that you will not make it home.

This is to prevent you from possibly not making it home. Why they do not just drive you home (less than half a kilometer let's remember) I dinna ken.

Something to do with booking points I suppose.

But at some point, soon, like this year, arresting the progress of Kent Barrett will become a real HIGH YIELD F---ING HEADACHE.

My head's not entirely stuffed with straw.
[Forthright rum-fueled rage redacted for the sensitive souls.]

Sometime this year, Kent? Mmm... I guess you have 20 days left. Plenty of time.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Burnaby49 »

A prior post by Mowe also related to a Freeman who equated "Freedom" to the right to be drunk. I suppose ifyou limit your ambitions enough they are reasonably achievable.

I have two observations. First, what qualifies as “ridiculous” is, I believe, relative. That said, I have enormous confidence Alex will still achieve that standard, at least from my perspective. Two? I like paperwork! Putting paperwork before a judge often triggers written judgments! Reams and reams and Reams for me to read…

A snippet on the new player in our game, Brady Kirk. Here is his theory of how the only valid law is law that makes sense when you are drunk:

SMS Möwe
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Amy Collins - "Call me My Lady"

Post by Lambkin »

I find myself wanting to send Kent Barrett a handle of the cheapest rum in Canada for Christmas.