On the Road to Erasmus

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

The strange tale of the Viper King of the WTF? begins with the comments to a post by Gassy Rassy a couple of days ago.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
For those who want to win America back to God, this report is a smart starting point. I presented Christian facts more effectively for most people to understand than most of the Christians do as they do not know how to effectively present credible reasons why to believe in God.
In my Business Plan For The Vatican Endorsed Food Process posted on Nesara News the other day, you will see my regular name given there as well as my usual Pen Name of Erasmus Of America. I however also had several dozen apparent federal murder attempts on my life as corrupt Wash., D.C. does not want this God-given super health food for the American people. As Fortune Magazine reported federal dirty trick operations starting early as 1943 to stop the American people from getting this super health food endorsed by the Vatican even though my father was Protestant, not Catholic, this means that Wash., D.C. for over 70 years has used many criminal tactics including federal murder attempts to try and stop this Vatican endorsed food process from winning in America. This is the obvious proof that Wash., D.C. cannot reform itself into an honest national government until my proposed Omni Law is passed into law in America. It practices the God-given right taught in the Old Testament that God gave to mankind the right of referendum over national government. For those not knowing their Bibles, the Tribes of Israel voted by God approved referendum for what form of national government they wanted under David of Israel.
God is on the side of freedom for mankind on earth!
Pass this report around if you want America won back to God lost by lukewarm churches in America and will be won back by overcomer churches loyal to Christ who soon returns as their King!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for one who dares to propose that the American people be given referendum power over the federal government of Wash., D.C.!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:51 PM


Anonymous June 4, 2014 at 6:28 PM
This piece of shit card carrying member of Satan Inc aint no better then the scumbags in D.C.or the rest of you cowards for that matter, All you Heathens aint never gonna give up that mark, cause you got no balls, may God erase your worthless asses off this planet !

Anonymous June 5, 2014 at 2:06 PM
Anonymous 6:28 Your reply tho this makes you sound like an insane person. What kind of secret information do you have that all of a sudden God has made you a grand puba (remember the grand lodge that Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble went to?) of mankind to enable you to judge who is worthy to live or die? Who are you? Quit cussing, it discredits your stance and makes you appear dumb.

AnonymousJune 5, 2014 at 2:49 PM
The only type of person who would be calling people Heathens (as anonymous 6:28 has done) would be a Jew. And a person who would say "may God erase your worthless asses off this planet" would be someone like a Rothschild who calls himself a Jew but is really of the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

This first comment got Rassy all worked up. And not just because a response to it referenced Fred and Barney neither.

Friday, June 6, 2014
My Answer To The Viper King of the Rothschilds. From Erasmus Of America - June 6, 2014 - 4:02 PM

The viper king of the Rothschilds who are reported worth around $500 trillion or more I think blew his cover by commenting on my report "GOD EXISTS! OBVIOUS PROOFS." In military intelligence work, people often identify themselves by what they state or how they state it. They identify themselves when they had not intended to. Some words that he used identifies that he came from a Jewish background. He identifies that he identifies the members of Congress as scumbags and cowards like the rest of you cowards for that matter referring to you the American people that you are all cowards and scumbags according to him. He says that none of your Heathens are going to give up that mark "cause you got "no balls" which symbolically means no guts in your characters. "May God erase your worthless asses off this planet!" which is a front statement that once he has the upper hand, he is planning to kill off all the Americans who he does not want in America. This man is from Jewish background and thinks that he will hold all the aces in deciding life and death for who lives or else dies in America. These are the words of the viper king of the Rothschilds who got upset when he saw my report "God Exists! Obvious Proofs!" His explosion of vulgar language is provoked by fear that the Christians and their churches might promote this report which could likely win America back to God and Christianity which is the supreme nightmare to all that he stands for in life or cares about.
Also, since the viper king of the Rothschilds has to emotionally express himself with vulgar words of cursing this report, me, etc., he shows that he is scared to death of this report "God Exists! Obvious Proofs!" by Erasmus Of America ( my pen name is like Samuel Langhome Clemens who was better known by everybody by his pen name of Mark Twain not just in writing but in private life also when Americans referred to him!). What the viper king of the Rothschilds is afraid of is that the Christians and churches will mass push my report of "GOD EXISTS! OBVIOUS PROOFS!" He is afraid that if the Christians and churches will do this, they will then win America back to God and Christianity! As old style sounder education is out of style in America today as kids often cannot do math now, cannot write in handwriting but only print in capital and small letters messages on paper, their knowledge of American history stinks in many cases, and many do not even know things like the national anthem, they are poorly trained in independent thinking to find the truth, etc. and easily brainwashed by teaching of the theory of evolution, etc. that there is no God!
I come along with a report so easy to understand why there is a God for real that this viper king of the Rothschilds panics that America might be won back to God and Christianity by this as probably all the adults and youths can understand this report if they see it! If America is won back to God and Christianity again instead of "politically correct" nonsense taught and pushed in the school systems, then suddenly the Rothschild organized brainwashing of the youth and adults of America collapses and the Rothschilds lose control of America as it becomes independent of them again in history where the Rothschilds no longer do the "politically correct" thinking for the American people who now think for themselves instead!
Since by accident the Rothschild clan has endorsed my report as the most dangerous they have ever faced since they judge it can win America back to God and Christianity, I suggest the Christians take this obvious hint from the Rothschilds and mass push my report all over America until the enemies of Christianity have public opinion turn against them and the old values of America become the new values of America again as America has a rebirth into greatness and freedom in America.
I suggest copy my report "God Exists! Obvious Proofs!" By Erasmus Of America posted on Nesara News on June 4, 2014, add this comment summary to the end of the report and send this all over America! Time for the Christians to win for once instead of just hiding from opposing those who want to get rid of Christianity in America and then impose over America their version of tyranny in government as they don't believe in the God-given rights America was founded upon in 1776!
Pass this report around and we will put the report "GOD EXISTS! OBVIOUS PROOFS!" shortly on our website once we can get around to it! We are overwhelmed by things to do now, so a short delay on that!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that Christian leader not only Obama is afraid of now but also the viper king of the Rothschilds is apparently also now scared of me that I will lead the Christians to victory in America! The man who used the cussing to attack my report made mistakes that indicate who the writer is. The king of evil in America is now apparently afraid that I will show the Christians how to win America back from him and his evil allies in America!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:35 PM


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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

A single comment about Gassy Rassy's Viper King post at Nesara News

1 comment:

Anonymous June 6, 2014 at 10:15 PM

this is for the Viper King. I AM one of many we are the watchers. we speak with the voice of the Creator as Prophets of the most high. . you have shaken your fists in the face of the Most High one too many times. behold i see all things and hear all things spoken or thought. this is the sign i speak the truth from now on the secret plans you form in your bedroom that you spoke to no one will be published by my servants the prophets your secrets will be on the internet in detail. the secret places you have hidden stolen assets will be revealed. the truth will be exposed where you buried the bodies and the remains will be found. this begins now. when the first reports begin you will know i have spoken the truth. this is the day the Sons of God will manifest on the Earth with the full Anointing of Christ. to enforce the law of God upon the Earth to reprove the works of the wicked. the stench of your deeds have arisen to the heavens. this time you have gone too far. your judgement is at hand. that which you fear most shall overtake you. you are given a space of grace to repent if you dont your fate is upon your own head. you have been warned. i am watching.

Both "I AM" and "i am" were links -- to Liberty Mutual Insurance ads. Not sure what that means, but this whole thing cries out for a new Deep Knight Adventure ...

The Viper King
A New Deep Knight Adventure and first book in the Rothschild Conspiracy Trilogy

"Who are The Watchers, and how close are they to manifesting the Sons of God on the Earth?" This was the question posed to Deep Knight by The Viper King at a White House Cocktail Party seconds before he disappeared, and now the Powers that Be want to know if the final judgement is at hand because the stench of their deeds had risen to heaven. All eyes are on Deep - eyes that want answers, eyes crying out in fear, and eyes saying "your animal magnetism overwhelms me, I'm available regardless of how ridiculously short the time." But Agent Knight was only concerned with one set of eyes, the ones that looked like hotly glowing coals that were emitting the sulfur reek. The obviously unhappy eyes of "he who must not be named," the Prince of Darkness and CEO of the NWO, Lord Satan.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:your secrets will be on the internet in detail
Whatever happened to handwriting on the wall?

They don't make Gods like they used to.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

wserra wrote:Whatever happened to handwriting on the wall?
We used to have problems with disembodied fingers appearing and writing all sorts of graffiti on the wall of the royal palace. Mostly cryptic messages telling us we had been weighed in the balance and found wanting, but we have this new program where we use this special paint on the wall and clean any new messages off with this spray first thing every morning. Looks like it's working!

In other news, there is yet another strange comment to Gassy Rassy's Viper King post by Earl Grey (first time I've seen the nickname).

Earlgrey June 8, 2014 at 1:38 PM

My answer on his comment as well.: Decadence makes possible to live in a continuously state of orgy. Wars and the economical depletion, hunger and food wars, water wars and making people suffer for each bit of matter that makes them survive this life.All this is an orgy, and the elite walks around as apes with a hard on, thinking they all got it under control. Yes, the folks are fooled beyond believe, and yes, as all them materials used to affect our brains are given through medication, chemtrails and processed food, vaccination programs and finally an education system that makes one a total moron once finished. The evolution of soul and awareness is chemically stopped. And you low life scumbag dare to call those victims useless? They made you or those leaders yo admire this rich. But hey, the scams and such are being uncovered. So, remember Weimar Germany when a bread was worth a billion Mark? How many breads can be bought with 500 trillion dollars? May the breath of the WDS scorch your neck. You Illuminati are history, Lemuria's revenge! Understand this, Lucifer is pissed off beyond your imagination..And that means troubles for you parasites. Satan is all pussy today.The Source will slide you into the dark forever.Maybe to late to change things, from malevolent into benevolent, but if you f*cks destroy this planet into a nuclear nightmare, this nightmare will be the place you'll reincarnate into. Those surviving will make children, and them children will be you. There will be not enough vessels to incarnate all those billions gone. Stupid dumb asses. As a matter of fact, even eliminating humanity, this is the best joke ever. Eternity heals our wounds. It is your choice. gnagnagna.. You should have talked to Musashi Miyamoto..tsss tsss, bad strategics huh?You see, it is just flesh and blood threatened..lmao. Greed has made you stick in this 3d, you cannot escape. Illuminati...pffff, what a joke.

Musashi Miyamoto was the most famous Japanese swordsman of the feudal era and wrote "The Book of Five Gold Rings" about the 12 days of Christmas and partridges in pear trees. As for Lucifer being pissed off "beyond your imagination," that's very old news. He's always that way, but be fair - how would you feel if you lived in Hell and your job was managing unruly demons who couldn't be demoted any further?

And as for the Illuminati being a joke - you don't call us a joke when you whine about our blocking NESARA, prosperity deliveries, and the RV now do you?

But what interested me most was his "decadence makes it possible to live in a continual state of orgy" comment. First of all he said it as if it was a bad thing. Second, this is the notion that Deep Knight has dedicated his life to. And you thought my claiming millions of super model lovers a week was simply the voice of my ego and manic delusions, but there was a deeper method to my madness! Those apes aren't walking around with tents in their pants for nothing!
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JamesVincent »

There was an orgy and no one told me? WTH man.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by morrand »

JamesVincent wrote:There was an orgy and no one told me? WTH man.
Pretty sure that it was a clam-plate orgy, actually.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »


Ah yes, Wilson Brian Key, whose books "Subliminal Seduction" and "Media Sexploitation" were classics in paranoia. For example, he not only saw an orgy in a plate of clams, he saw "sex" written all over the wrinkles in a Ritz cracker. Very big in certain new-age circles.


You can't make this stuff up.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

We hadn't heard from Gassy Rassy in 10 days, so I figured that the Viper King might have struck, but unfortunately he's back with his solution to the water crisis. Aquedects, er, aqueducts.

Monday, June 16, 2014

… Your body is not designed to function without water for long periods of time. Also, most crops need pretty regular water to keep them healthy and alive. … The ancient Romans were clever at engineering of water for the city of Rome. They built systems of aquedects both above ground and below the ground and all were gravity driven by a slight slope downwards aimed towards Rome. They could bring water from mountains many miles away by this system to Rome. So long as the water was sloped towards Rome, they needed no pumps to move the water. Maybe with a sloping system, no pumps would be needed to move most water in America to where it was intended to go to. This could save a lot in energy and building of equipment which could occasionally break down in use and create extra costs to move water from one location to another.

If water can be moved from one location to another, this might make it much easier to farm in America in dryer areas with systems of irrigation of water for dry land.

I also have leftover military technology from Nazi Germany in World War II. With major modifications to it, it could be turned into a safe weather modification system for use with nations. It could help produce rain where needed in America or elsewhere. It could be used to drive rain away from areas that are going to flood if the rain locally there cannot be stopped before it is too late. It could be used to make temperatures warmer in some area or else colder in some area. It would be much safer to use than Tesla version weather control used by secret locations of Wash., D.C., etc. … We have trade secrets about water we do not intend to share with Wash., D.C. nor other nations. This will help make the American economy stronger in the process once our answers with water are used in America.

Wash., D.C. does not have the answers America needs to solve the future water problems and water crisis facing America if water policy leadership is not fast carried out in America. We have the water answers that Wash., D.C. does not! …

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American who descends from two of the most brilliant inventive geniuses of America. It apparently runs in the family! My parents were shocked when as a small boy I started inventing things with no one instructing me how to. Later on one of the top inventive geniuses of America and one of the top engineers in military defense during the Cold War both commented that I had a unique gift in inventing and coming up with new angles in engineering that others did not see until I showed them this new engineering angle that I came up first with! They always said that I made good technical sense, just no one saw the angle until I saw the engineering angle first! And I under legal agreement cannot say what backing is apparently now appearing but I may later be one of the most influential leaders in America due to things now happening but I cannot openly talk about now! And when my proposed Camelot is built, I intend to see taught in our Inventor Institute I will set up there the Tesla system for inventing, the Albert Einstein system of scientific logic for new answers in science, and the Thomas Edison Inventor Factory system for mass producing inventions not taught in any engineering school in the world. And when our Camelot is built, we will set up the finest school system in the world from those starting as small children and up to new angles for universities not taught in regular universities. The children of our people of Camelot will become the brightest children in the world I predict and their parents if they want to further educate themselves will study under some of the most brilliant teachers in the world. Among other systems of knowledge, I will have available the Davis system of how to fast educate yourself in different fields of engineering. He became a world class engineer by using his own system he explained to me later on. When I explained the Davis system to engineers and scientists, they said this was very smart and they caught on right away to how this worked!

Camelot is going to be the world leader in a number of fields including engineering, science, economics, political science, military science, religious history, etc. Those who want to live there once built, back me now so I know that you are one of us in thinking and spirit! Our numbers are growing and so many people are now backing us!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:22 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

Ya know, given a little more time and encouragement, I'll bet Gassy could re-invent and patent the wheel, if he'd just try a little harder, and maybe next he'll work on fire, have to have some patented way to bake that Vatican approved bread, donchaknow!!!.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus wrote:Camelot is going to be the world leader in a number of fields including engineering, science, economics, political science, military science, religious history, etc.
It's true! It's true! I, Erasmus, have made it clear.
All my claims must ring true all the year.

A law was made a by a silly loon here:
My Vatican-approved bread feeds millions.
And there's free energy all through the year
In Camelot.
Inflation is forbidden to rear its ugly head
And gold is produced every hour on the dot.
By order, the laws of physics simply do not exist
In Camelot.
Camelot! Camelot!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But in Camelot, Camelot
That's how conditions are.
My economic prowess knows no end..
By eight, the dinar has RV’d a thousand times again
In short, there's simply not
A more ridiculous spot
For crazy silly pretending than here
In Camelot.

Camelot! Camelot!
I know I should be on parole,
But in Camelot, Camelot
This is how I roll.
The thoughts I have are simply not sane
But I have millions more, never fear.
In short, there's simply not
A more conniving spot
For grift and scamming than here
In Camelot.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

"Don't let it be forgot that there once was a spot for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot!"
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Write Down This Date:
July 1st, 2014 . Forwarded With Comments By Erasmus Of America Who Has No Association With Stans Berry Research. But For America's Survival Better Hear This Message And Fast To Keep America From Collapsing As An Economy And Nation Potentially Soon After July 1, 2014. Please Pass This Message To All To Awaken America Now And Not Before It Is Too Late To Awaken And Save America !

... I Erasmus Of America (pen name for an outspoken national economist) refer to the section of HR Bill #2847 Title V which is called FATCA. Under FATCA, colossal pressure is put on foreign banks to drop U.S. currency and not allow American citizens to have foreign bank accounts abroad. Obama and members of Congress who wrote this FATCA up may not realize this, but uunder the terms of the Nuremberg War Trials of 1945-6, this is labeled "Crimes Against Humanity" as Hermann Goering was charged for basically the same legal practice as this under peacetime in Nazi Germany prior to World War II and the Nuremberg War Trials of 1945-6 labelled this a hanging offense under international law and a policy of genocide against a targeted group.

...Easier than telling Obama and members of Congress to read the legal transcripts of the Nuremberg War Trials, look up the movie "Nuremberg" which aimed for factual presentation of the legal side of the Nuremberg War Trials and excellent performances were delivered by such as Alex Baldwin who played the key American prosecutor there nailing Hermann Goering for "Crimes Against Humanity" by legal decrees done under Hermann Goering ... federal officials behind FATCA are put on trial for their lives and then hung from the gallows for "Crimes Against Humanity!" ...Then we straighten out the problems of Wash., D.C. and life returns to a good, normal and prosperous life for Americans instead of this living like inmates in an insane asylum run by the arch crazies called federal leaders.

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that economist who believes in free enterprise and other founding concepts of America not believed in now by Wash., D.C. Passage of the Omni Law is a return to the founding principles of America in 1776 and that Americans have God-given rights which no government on earth can take away from us!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:55 PM

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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by JennyD »

I wonder how ERASMUS will tie in his Vatical Approved Food Process to this whole mess, I really wanna read that..... :D
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Stans berry research does an excellent job of predicting with accuracy coming events good and bad in the American economy. They were exposing how Obama's planned FATCA was to be enforced by the I.R.S. starting July 1, 2014 and stated that this could not be stopped, so plan how to survive under a collapsed economy created by Obama's FATCA. We were collectively apparently the only source in America who believed that it could be stopped. All sources I had access to were resigned to that it could not be stopped and so no use trying. Just plan to somehow survive with the collapsed economy that stansberryresearch.com and other sources were predicting for America that it would engineer. I don't believe in surrendering to evil and those supporting me also think identically, so we just formed an action committee and used some connections to get the best angles to clobber FATCA with. In military intelligence and in engineering, I learned to gather together positive thinking team players and keep away negative players who believe that they can never win, so why try to win? I saw the evidence that indicated that we could win on something we aimed to do so collectively on behalf of my supporters as we are a team committed to victory, I posted the report "Crimes Against Humanity" With Obama's Law. Within a few hours after posting, our team for victory including John at Nesara News won! On June 19, 2014 NESARA NEWS now had the surprise news of what had just happened after posting of this legal report on FATCA. Thursday, June 19, 2014 - Scoop.it - FATCA - The Illegitimate Revenue Agency (IRS) has just announced that the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) has been postponed from July 1, 2014 until January 1, 2016.
Just before our report totally exposing FATCA on June 18, 2014, the I.R.S. had been reported stating that they would severely threaten anyone resisting FATCA in America with a 30% tax for resisting it. And all of a sudden the I.R.S. collapsed and while not admitting the entire FATCA was totally illegal under international law as established by the Nuremberg War Trials of 1945-6 and the international tribunal called this "Crimes Against Humanity" and was to be punished by hanging from the gallows for leaders of governments trying this tactic first used by Adolf Hitler against Jews of Germany. This same tactic was later copied by Obama through FATCA which apparently he did not know was a hanging offense under international law for him and anyone in the government who voted for it in Congress, any federal official or employee of any federal agency trying to enforce FATCA against the American people. It was a basic copy of the Nazi law signed into law by Hermann Goering for Adolf Hitler while Nazi Germany was at peace before the outbreak of war. The Nazi law outlawed German Jews from depositing any money outside of Nazi Germany or buying or owning any property outside of Nazi Germany unless permitted by the Nazi Government of Germany. The Nuremberg War Trials followed the lead of the Truman White House and declared this type law and policy tried by any nation on earth against any people of any nation "Crimes Against Humanity" and an automatic hanging offense under international law for leaders and their personnel trying to do this type policy anywhere on earth. Hermann Goering was to be hung for this offense but committed suicide just before he was to be hung for this policy followed and pushed by Obama in FATCA.
Our report of June 18 also suggested for federal leaders, etc. to see as a documentary movie as it was easier than reading the legal transcripts of the Nuremberg War Trials on this subject the movie "Nuremberg" starring excellent stars who did excellent performances in it such as Alex Baldwin as the key American prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Trials on behalf of the Truman White House. This movie aimed to be factual and show the legal side of the Nuremberg War Trial and was praised for its accurate legal presentation of the Nuremberg War Trial such as the trial of Hermann Goering, successor to Adolf Hitler, who was charged and convicted at Nuremberg and sentenced to death by hanging by the judges representing America, etc. FATCA is the Americanized version of the Nazi law labelled "Crimes Against Humanity" by the first of the Nuremberg War Trials after World War II was over. For bringing up this massive attempted violation of the genocide laws of nations ruled upon at the Nuremberg War Trials and for other massive violations of law if the IRS and Obama White House tried to follow through on FATCA, they slammed on the brakes like lightning and by the following day we posted our report exposing the total illegality of FATCA under international genocide law, they already had abandoned it and I predict that Jan. 1, 2016 as the new date they would later try to enforce it will never happen in American law. The changing of date and year was a way to wiggle out of the legal jam they were suddenly in due to us knowing how to stop them and this way they didn't have to admit that they were in massive violation of international genocide law as ruled upon in Nuremberg in 1945-6 and being violated anew in FATCA until we caught them and exposed them to America and also people in other nations of the world saw our report of June 18, 2014. Also, by unhinging FATSA as claimed law for this year, we saved all those with dinars and dongs, etc. being held in America for pending RV currency exchange from potentially losing all their money increases through an RV because FATSA was designed to collapse the American dollar and confiscate any potential profits from an RV of foreign currencies for Americans!

We pulled together as a team and just gave to Obama the most damaging legal defeat that he has suffered since entering the White House. Team members, we won because we played as a team and were committed to victory, not defeat! Thanks supporters! Without you, there would have been no victory against Obama. He needed FATCA so he could potentially collapse the American economy and then with a demoralzied people become a dictator like Maliki in Iraq.
As you all know the economy is tough but almost no one is so poor that they cannot send in at least $10 (or more!) to put the Omni Law Drive into high motion and quick passage in America. If we received from like one million people sending in $10 each to advance the Omni Law Drive, that is $10 million folks! With no more than that right now, we judge that we can have the Omni Law passed even this year and so plan to have it passed this year! This is by use of power tactics such as just won national victory to fatally cripple and block FATCA for now in America.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American patriot who believes in the God-given rights of the American people which were outlined in detail in "A Treatise On Natural Law" written by Professor George Tucker of the University of Virginia around or in 1842. This was the finest lawbook maybe ever written on the true legal concept of law America was founded upon in 1776! If anyone has a copy of this book, let me know so the American people can gain back their legal roots of 1776 taken away from them in 2014 by corrupt Wash., D.C. I will reprint this book if I can find a copy of it. I had it in my earlier library of first American books I had bought from rare book sources which covered during and after the American Revolution of 1776. However, Wash., D.C. destroyed that library along with rare economic books left me by six of the top economists of the world I had studied under! Reminded me of book burning by the Nazis in Germany to censor the educational knowledge permitted available to the people!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:10 PM
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by morrand »

Deep Knight wrote: Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American patriot who believes in the God-given rights of the American people which were outlined in detail in "A Treatise On Natural Law" written by Professor George Tucker of the University of Virginia around or in 1842. This was the finest lawbook maybe ever written on the true legal concept of law America was founded upon in 1776! If anyone has a copy of this book, let me know so the American people can gain back their legal roots of 1776 taken away from them in 2014 by corrupt Wash., D.C. I will reprint this book if I can find a copy of it. I had it in my earlier library of first American books I had bought from rare book sources which covered during and after the American Revolution of 1776. However, Wash., D.C. destroyed that library along with rare economic books left me by six of the top economists of the world I had studied under! Reminded me of book burning by the Nazis in Germany to censor the educational knowledge permitted available to the people!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:10 PM
E of A needs to learn how to use his local library.

Man, massive government censorships really haven't been the same since '45.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

morrand wrote:E of A needs to learn how to use his local library.

Man, massive government censorships really haven't been the same since '45.
According to the link there is a small library near my home that has a microfilm copy of this book, you know the one that's so rare nobody can find it.

Monday, June 23, 2014

What does that mean "The American Dream" today? Herbert Hoover said that with right political leadership in Wash., D.C. there would be a chicken in each pot and a car in every garage. ... When growing up I was able to talk to people in America who said they had never locked their homes at night as there was no reason to. Now as people live in defended castles called their homes and armed to the teeth against intruders in barbarian jungle neighborhoods in America, it is obvious that something has gone terribly wrong in America with the collapse of a prior civilized society in America. ... A national economic study done around 1987 concluded that likely one trillion dollars a year or more is lost in wages each year because prayer and the Bible are forbidden in the public schools whereas old U.S. supreme Court decisions when the court was honest and not "politically correct" said prayer and the Bible were legal in American public schools. ... Use "America's God and Country Encyclopedia Of Quotations" by William J. Federer to find massive quotes to show that original American law was founded upon Christianity and the Bible. ...
In the tradition of John the Baptist, I hit like a sledgehammer the corruption behind FATCA which was headed up by Obama and other corrupt allies of his in Congress, in the I.R.S., etc. My frank observation is that this report put too much heat on them and I doubt that they will ever try to enforce it now. I dug up old legal material on the Nuremberg War Trials of 1945-6 and showed that this FATCA was an Americanized version of an old Nazi law signed by Hermann Goering on behalf of Adolf Hitler and the Nuremberg War Trials labelled this 'Crimes Against Humanity" if any nation tried to set up this so-called law like FATCA and international law called for the hanging of any leaders of any nation trying to set up such as law in their nations. Under such deadly legal peril, the I.R.S. promptly dropped the stated enforcement of this genocide conspiracy law against the American people starting July 1, 2014. Top business sources predicted that FATCA would probably bankrupt America as a nation if FATCA was actually enforced by Wash., D.C.
God uses us all for His purposes. I was the spokesman for good people all over America. The people were my strength and it was the people of this movement that made the I.R.S., etc. scared for their own necks and so suddenly FATCA was dropped from Obama support at this time. This victory is the victory of my people as I have no power separate from the good people who back me as we grow in ranks. ... I try to always be honest as a leader and spokesman for my people. They are my strength and I am their public voice that they want to tell the truth in America.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who dares to state the truth when others are scared to. And we have a super hero in our ranks. John Machaffie at Nesara News who believed in freedom of the press being used for freedom and so posted my reports showing the truth to the American people! No wonder he uses the emblem of John Wayne as his symbol! Okay, reborn spirit of John Wayne in America, help lead us to victory as we owe so much to you!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:26 PM

Love that MacHaffie!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I wish to praise the genius displayed by Stans berry research. They have called correctly turn after turn in the American economy for a decent track record of years now. They warned that FATCA which was scheduled by Obama through the I.R.S. to be enforced starting July 1, 2014 would within months likely collapse the American economy making American money worthless in international trade or even totally finish America off as a nation to exist no more. Their reasoning on FATCA was accurate and likely what they predicted under FATCA would have happened to America if we of the Omni Law Drive had not intervened. They did not foresee us with legal angles having a way of stopping FATCA from being enforced starting July 1, 2014. We brought out the legal rulings of the Nuremberg War Trials of 1945-6 which judged it was "Crimes Against Humanity" and should be punished internationally by hanging from the gallows for leaders of any nation trying to duplicate this type system set up by Adolf Hitler through his right hand Hermann Goering during the peace years before Nazi Germany went to war in World War II. Hermann Goering on behalf of Hitler signed the Nazi law making it illegal for Jews from Germany to deposit money outside of Germany without permission of Nazi Germany nor own or buy property outside of Germany without permission of the Nazi national government of Germany. FATCA was the Americanized version of the Nazi law making it illegal for Americans to deposit American money outside of America or buy outside of America without permission of the Obama Nazi style White House! Foreign banks were to be punished so badly by the Obama White House if they accepted deposits of American money after that as pointed out by Stans berry research that soon banks across the world would refuse to accept American money in their banks which would trigger off either a massive depression in America far worse than the American Depression of the 1930's or else totally collapse the American economy and maybe end America as a nation.
Thanks to the brilliant warning of Stans berry research we saw the extreme danger to letting FATCA be carried out starting July 1, 2014 and we knew how to use law to change the direction of what Obama was up to that legal angle Stansberryresearch did not realize could be done to stop the FATCA law Obama was trying to ram down the throats of the American people. People congratulated us for our sizzling report on FATCA we posted with John at Nesara News on June 18, 2014 titled "Crimes Against Humanity" By Obama Law. This generated panic in federal legal circles and the following day it was announced that the I.R.S. would not enforce FATCA starting on July 1, 2014 as originally stated but rather start on January 1, 2016 which was just a face saving way of not admitting that they had broken a major genocide ruling of the Nuremberg War Trials and officials in Wash., D.C. including members of Congress who voted for this law and even Obama himself at the White House could all be executed under international law and by hanging from the gallows as the standard punishment for violations of this Nuremberg War Trial ruling binding on all governments on the earth.
It is dangerous to mess with us as we know how international law can be used! C.I.A., N.S.A., etc., it is an open question if you will survive such international genocide investigation or else be abolished as Washington intelligence agencies, guilty officials and personnel be executed under international law, and the rest of these personnel of these intelligence agencies all be legally fired from federal employ and under legal ban may never work for the federal government again! Also, members of Congress may be internationally investigated for genocide conspiracy and arrested if supporting such criminal activities of federal intelligence agencies under order of Obama at the White House.
And for official record of the Hague, Wash., D.C. stole $525,000 from me to stop the reestablishment of this Vatican endorsed trade secret industrial food process and refused to ever return to me the federally stolen $525,000 even though theoretically this theft of this key money could kill off the entire human race on earth if it were the key to restarting the Vatican endorsed food process or not. I publicized again many times the federal theft of this $525,000 from me in national reports to show the criminal intent of Wash., D.C. to stop the reestablishment of this Vatican endorsed food process at all costs no matter how criminal in act! I have witnesses to the $525,000 federal theft when it occurred and that they were definitely federal operatives who stole it as witnesses can confirm! Refusal to ever return the federally stolen $525,000 to me gives clear legal grounds for international genocide tribunals to sentence all federal sources guilty as being part of the federal theft operation and conspiracy to be punished with execution under international law. Since this is "Crimes Against Humanity" during peacetime, the standard method of execution according to the Nuremberg War Trials should be death by hanging from the gallows. I had over the years suggested a way that the federal operatives of Wash., D.C. could return the money without admission of guilt and I at one time was willing to drop criminal charges against involved federal personnel of Wash., D.C. But they did not accept my offer when available. Now this offer is not available and I will press criminal charges regardless at this time under international law.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader whose strength is you the American people. Like in an army, we are strong because we are a team all committed to victory for what we believe in and are determined to win for. By the way, not solid yet but sounds likely, may soon have a special project fund financed by one source or two to start building our proposed Camelot Project with! Have lots of good news but can't make it all public yet! Without the support of you the American people, none of this would be happening now! People power is starting to win where it counts in America now!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:41 PM 0 comments
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Can anyone recall what the real story is about the "federally stolen $525,000"?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Can anyone recall what the real story is about the "federally stolen $525,000"?
Like all of Rassy's stories, it's both vague and changes over time. Here's what he said in April of 2013.

... the $525,000 they stole from me to keep me from starting up again my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America. I had several times in communication to Washington sources which were never answered back as I anticipated, I said if they paid me back the federally stolen $525,000 from me and said it was a "federal grant" for the food process, I would play the game with them and not file criminal charges on this federal $525,000 theft of my money which I think was January, 2004 without looking at my records. The federal theft of the money was to continue a federal genocide policy of suppressing my father's Vatican endorsed food process causing the death by now of likely even 2 1/2 billion to 3 1/2 billion human beings murdered across the earth and including in America by secret but deliberate federal policy going on for 52 years from my father's time through mine. These federal bastards are the bloodiest boys in human history making even the Nazis and Communists look like Sunday School choir boys in comparison in numbers of humans they murdered of their own people and also foreigners from other lands. There is no statute of limitations on the federal theft of $525,000 from me as it was an operation to perpetuate a federal policy of mass genocide against the American people and people in all nations of the earth. They may have called it a "population control" policy, but it has been the biggest mass murder genocide policy carried out by any government on earth since history began for man on earth! By the way, on the federal theft of the $525,000 from me, I have witnessed to this federal theft and where they even identified themselves as federal operatives while doing this and told us secrets about ourselves from intelligence files to make sure that we knew that it was Wash., D.C. which was "screwing" us by stealing our money from us. I say us as they by error thought someone else was with my fund and so also stole $25,000 from him and threatened him with murder like I was if either of us tried to stop them from stealing our money from us. Also, I think they stole from 6,000 to 20,000 American citizens as well as foreigners in maybe 130 member nations of the United Nations as Wash., D.C. pocketed all this money to divide between themselves in federal circles.

In his response to "The Ripoff Report" assertion that his NIFI was a ripoff, instead of returning the person's money he gives a classic list of excuses. One has to do with the $525,000, but the date has moved by 2 years.

They did steal $525,000 from us in January, 2006 and when we demanded return of this federally stolen $525,000, two of us were threatened with federal murder to let the matter go unchallenged. ... Need we say more? Complaint is answered!

The incident I believe actually started Rassy on this line was his "investment" group being shut down by the State of South Carolina in May of 2007 which references the "investment group" as being founded in Jan of 2006. http://www.scag.gov/securities/securiti ... rs.C&D.pdf I imagine he thought he would make $525,000 from the scam and is using that figure. Then again, since it's all imaginary, who knows what nonsense he might be talking about?
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by notorial dissent »

From the looks of the enforcement order got nailed by SC for attempting to run what amounts to poorly planned and run(it’s Marty, so of course it’s poorly planned, executed, and run) MLM Ponzi scheme, if I read a bit between the lines of the enforcement order. The only thing I can tell for sure is that it looks like they nailed him for at least $5k, and offered to double that if he wanted to contest the action. I can’t tell if he actually ever had any victims, but it doesn’t sound like it, or they would have been included in the restitution order, I would think, so sounds like this is just another in a whole long list of things Marty couldn’t get up.

If this was the triggering incident, and I am betting it probably was, I still don’t see why he’s blaming the Feds when it was his home state that did it to him. Then again, when has rational had anything to do with Marty in the same sentence? I guess it goes back to the old thing that if Marty has a choice between a lie and the truth, he'll take the lie any day.
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Re: On the Road to Erasmus

Post by Deep Knight »

If your e-mail to Gassy Rassy is blocked, send him an e-mail about it.

Monday, June 30, 2014

We received several emails of our website being blocked on the Omni Law Loan Program on our website. If this happens to you at any time, contact us at our email. We try to be merciful and the Obama White House in utter dumbness won't let us be merciful to them on legal issues. We inspected our website and found our PayPal button on the website sabotaged by damage to the code (HTML) that makes it work. We corrected the code and the pay button now works again fine! It took the software of such as C.I.A. or N.S.A. to put "dirty trick" operations like this as Snowden told us the N.S.A., etc. did to Americans that they want to target.
For our Mickey Mouse amateurs in law in Wash., D.C., this is a direct violation of the Nuremberg War Trials ruling of 1945-6 on "Crimes Against Humanity" during peacetime in a nation and is a hanging offense under international law for any national government trying this and thinking that they won't be legally punished under international genocide which is a death sentence attached to it for officials and governmental employees thinking that they can get away with criminal acts like this both illegal under national and international law.
For our legally ignorant goons working for Obama, we are committed by public record seen all over America and the world that we are going to revive and reestablish as a food industry the great trade secret food discovery ... This hacking attack from federal goons and acting on obvious orders from Obama is a direct attempt to block the finances which will make possible the reestablishment of this Vatican endorsed food process in America and also give America a huge enough world industry to maybe even restore full employment and decent wages to all the citizens of America who want to work in America today!
We want to post this on Nesara News as we know it will be widely seen across America and in foreign nations including all sorts of foreign intelligence services are right now watching every big national report like this that we post on the internet blogs to learn the real character of Wash., D.C. under Obama and not the propaganda image put out by White House propaganda as to what Obama and Wash., D.C.really stand for in 2014!
We will be forwarding this to the International Court Of Justice at the Hague as part of a building filing on moves of genocide conspiracy by Obama, federal officials and employees, and members of Congress backing Obama in genocide conspiracy moves like this. With records filed like this, maybe even 200 foreign nations can file genocide charges against Obama and his goons and Congressional allies backing him trying to block the reestablishment of this Vatican endorsed ...
For the filing with the Hague, I repeat follow the money and see how Wash., D.C. stole $525,000 from me to block me from reestablishing this food trade secret process and never returned the money to me when I had witnesses to them stealing the money and how they stole it. They threatened me with murder if I tried to stop them from stealing this money from me and I had this witnessed also! I publicized this $525,000 federal theft from my funds a number of times in national and worldwide reports to show the criminal nature of too much of the national government under Obama today. I had at one time offered I would not file criminal charges over this if they returned the federally stolen money to me and told them under law how to return it to me without admitting guilt to theft of this $525,000 from me as witnesses watched this while they stole the money and had their way of boasting how as federal operatives they couldn't be touched by the law as they were protected from criminal law applying to them!
This report as part of a much larger collection of reports available to the Hague will now be filed with the Hague and as time goes on many other international sources of law.
Obama better tell your goons to lie low and no more "dirty tricks" or who knows how far international law goes when they start hanging from the gallows those in Wash., D.C. who performed these "dirty trick" operations or else ordered them from Wash., D.C. to perform these criminal acts in violation of national and international genocide law and other laws as well!
People pass this report all over America which puts intense legal heat on Obama and all those in government he has turned into criminals in the federal government encouraging and secretly telling them to commit these criminal acts which when done against me are also automatically under law criminal acts against all the American people all 7 billion people on earth as well!
By the way, Hague, we saved copies of the hacking on our website to show you some of the criminal tactics of federal operatives and you can see how they altered our code to our pay button in order to try and cut us off from financing the reestalishment of the Vatican endorsed food process in America or the rest of the world. The passage of the Omni Law neutralizes the criminal elements in government without further threat of trying to block the reestablishment of this overwhelminging important industrial food process in America again and this time not stopped by Wash., D.C. from becoming the world food industry it is necessary to become to save the human race from pending biological extinction on earth.
It shows that Obama does not care about booming the American economy because he uses criminal tactics to block what might become the greatest industrial blessing seen in 100 years or more of American history!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American who refused to be crushed by the criminal tactics of Wash., D.C. trying every trick they knew trying to block him from reestablishing his father's Vatican endorsed food process crushed once by Wash., D.C. policy paid $20 million in bribes to members of Congress to engineer that federal sources would not enforce the federal laws which required national backing for this Vatican endorsed food process also endorsed by many other promiment sources including Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture, who was an honest man in government when he served in his federal post then! Years ago Senator Everett Dirksen supplied my father the figures for the bribes paid to members of Congress, but said this figure was off the record! But now this figure is on the record with this report!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:04 PM

The government stole Rassy's $525,000 by giving out $20 million in bribes? No wonder we're in debt!
"Follow the Money"