Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by ashlynne39 »

searcher wrote:To:ashlynn39
I am going to call the 800 number on Monday,unless something unforseen happens,& ask IF there is or ever was a Penny Payton. I wish I knew to begin with,what the inquiry asked of the Attorney General, who sent the inquiry to the "RIGHT" agency to answer, IF he did,that is. Anyway, many quatloos comments are strong evidence to me that this S.S.N. could very well be the mark of the Beast,e.g., that no man might buy or sell unless he has the "number." If we have to have the "number" to work so we can earn money, so we can buy what we need. We cannot sell anything we don't have, & if we can't buy anything because we don't have the "number" we won't have anything to sell.
I seriously doubt you will be able to find out that info from calling the 800 number. You would be better off googling her name along with the government agency to see if anything comes up.

A far as the SSN and the mark of the beast, I won't scoff at that suggestion. I will say that you might re-read the book of Revelation and then read some commentaries by some legitimate theologians and pastors before buying into that completely. Personally, I don't believe that to be true in part because I don't think there would be any question or doubt about it. In reality, your letter aside, it is not impossible to live and work, buy and sell without an SSN. I can think of several jobs that would pay under the table.
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by fortinbras »

The letter is dated 1990. The chances that someone from HHS in those days is still there is slim (but not impossible).

No Penny (or Penelope) Payton mentioned in any court decision (whether or not it involved taxes or Soc.Sec.) since WW2, in Lexis or WestLaw. I would daresay that her letter used in court, wiothout any doubt of its authenticity, would get the rejoinder that, while she might be right that nobody MUST have an SSN, she was out of her depth in speaking about the tax liability.
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by Famspear »

searcher wrote:...I am going to call the 800 number on Monday,unless something unforseen happens,& ask IF there is or ever was a Penny Payton. I wish I knew to begin with,what the inquiry asked of the Attorney General, who sent the inquiry to the "RIGHT" agency to answer, IF he did,that is.
Searcher, at this point you should probably be asking yourself why you are obsessing about Penny Payton. Who cares whether there is or ever was a Penny Payton? Do you not understand anything that the rest of us just wrote?
Anyway, many quatloos comments are strong evidence to me that this S.S.N. could very well be the mark of the Beast,e.g., that no man might buy or sell unless he has the "number." .....
Yeah, sure.

So, "searcher," you're seriously trying to tell us that you actually believe that something someone wrote here in this internet forum about social security numbers somehow constitutes "strong evidence" in your mind that a social security number could very well be the "mark of the Beast" as described in The Revelation to John......
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six [some ancient authorities read "six hundred and sixteen"].
--Revelation 13:16-18 (Rev. Stand. Vers.).

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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by searcher »

To famspear:
@ >"This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number..."

The right hand is symbolic of work. The forehead is symbolic of the intellect. When people are asked,what is your social security number, it is given/said from the intellect. I have been with people who were asked that question & some had to "think" for a couple of seconds befor they could answer it. Anyway, some Quatloos members, have almost, if not flat out said that at least for the most part, no S.S.N. = no income, with rare exceptions. I think this is also why the scripture say that no man "MIGHT" buy or sell. We have to have an "income" to buy merchandise, but if we don't have a S.S.N., it is "almost impossible" to have an income.
I brought up something, don't remember now how I did it, but I will bet my life ALL Quatloos members will APPROVE of every word. You probably already have it, but in case you don't,it is called: "The Truth about Frivolous Tax Arguments" & it covers everything from A 2 Z. I promise you, you will like this. I'll see if I can find the link. I do have access to some links

Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by searcher »

To: Famspear,
This is the best I can come up with.I discovered this, last night. I cannot find the link.
The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments - Internal Revenue Service - - Cached - Similar pages THE TRUTH ABOUT FRIVOLOUS TAX ARGUMENTS, February 16, 2012
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by Famspear »

searcher wrote:The right hand is symbolic of work. The forehead is symbolic of the intellect. When people are asked,what is your social security number, it is given/said from the intellect. I have been with people who were asked that question & some had to "think" for a couple of seconds befor they could answer it. Anyway, some Quatloos members, have almost, if not flat out said that at least for the most part, no S.S.N. = no income, with rare exceptions. I think this is also why the scripture say that no man "MIGHT" buy or sell. We have to have an "income" to buy merchandise, but if we don't have a S.S.N., it is "almost impossible" to have an income.
That's it? That's your basis for concluding that you have found "strong evidence" right here in this internet forum that a social security number could be the "mark of the Beast"?

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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Anyway, some Quatloos members, have almost, if not flat out said that at least for the most part, no S.S.N. = no income, with rare exceptions."

No -- that's not what any Quatloos member, with a knowledge of the law, has ever said. Reread the earlier posts on this thread again; and you will find at least one which says that, if you work "under the table", you still earn taxable income. If, for example, I sneak into this country from overseas and engage in some sort of illegal enterprise, I still receive taxable income -- and that is how more than one person has been sent to prison. Al Capone was sent to Alcatraz, before the days of Social Security, not for his crimes of violence, his bootlegging and so on, but for tax evasion.
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by searcher »

@ >That's it? That's your basis for concluding that you have found "strong evidence" right here in this internet forum that a social security number could be the "mark of the Beast"?
Well read ALL of the responses !!!
The S.S.N. has the "MARKings of a number needed IF he/she wants to buy or sell. I am not saying that the S.S.N. IS FOR SURE that needed number, but I am convinced it is at least the forerunner of it. IF we become accustomed to having & using numbers, it won't be difficult to accept the "next" number ahead, that's "waiting to be "issued."

Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by searcher »

I don't believe this "mark or number" will be "branded" in the forehead like cattle are"branded."
I believe it will be a "mental branding." A number issued that will be branded in the brain, the forehead, the seat of the intellect. I hope this does not offend you. I believe that "this beast" as spoken of in Revelation, will have a "name & the "value in roman numerals" of that name will total 616 or 666. A Vicar of Christ is close to it, for example,& when we also take into consideration that at one time the word court was spelled c-o-V-r-t, not, c-o-U-r-t.

Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by searcher »

".........with a knowledge of the law, has ever said."
With a "knowledge of the law", ohhhh kay. Then there is no use for me to cut & paste ANY quatloos comments to show you what was posted, is there?? Are you referring to Common Law of which the source is the Holy Bible,when you say "law" OR do you mean Statutory law? Which it Be?
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

searcher wrote:Famspear,
".........with a knowledge of the law, has ever said."
With a "knowledge of the law", ohhhh kay. Then there is no use for me to cut & paste ANY quatloos comments to show you what was posted, is there?? Are you referring to Common Law of which the source is the Holy Bible,when you say "law" OR do you mean Statutory law? Which it Be?
"Common Law", as we know it, is NOT based on the Bible. It is based on court precedent; and it can be changed by subsequent court decisions, by law/statute or by constitutional amendment.

Your true colors are showing.
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

searcher wrote:...& when we also take into consideration that at one time the word court was spelled c-o-V-r-t, not, c-o-U-r-t.
Which would mean what, apart from absolutely nothing except a spelling variation?

The right hand is symbolic of masturbation. The forehead is symbolic of the lack of intellect.
There you go, that's my interpretation. Why is yours correct and mine wrong?
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by searcher »

Re:"Common Law", as we know it, is NOT based on the Bible. It is based on court precedent; and it can be changed by subsequent court decisions, by law/statute or by constitutional amendment.

"As we(Quatloose members) know it, is NOT based on the Bible."
I believe you,i.e., as YOU & others know it.BUT,I have a court case that says in pertinent part: "By the common law & by the Bible which is the source of the common law."
BEFORE you AGAIN imply AGAIN, that I am lying, in your nice way, I will presume that the Court that "uttered" those words did so as dicta. As I have said before I could care less if it's dicta or dictum which is ALL you want & care to see, unless somewhere down the the line the dicta previoulsy used reverses the previously held DICTUM opinion & that which was dicta NOW is dictum. This has happened you know, or don't you?

@Your true colors are showing.
That's good. I like that statement. I indeed feel honored. IF you have any integrity at all you will have to admit sooner or later that ol dumb, ignorant, but mostly STUPID searcher was at least honest. I know the derogatory traits will be easy for you to say,but if you are hell bent & determined not to say ANYTHING good about me. I can & will accept it.I am to you, whatever you think I am. I already know I am stupid, etc., but I am honest. I also know that liars also say they are honest too. I to this day,painfully find this out.Another proof, of my stupidity. There is no "sad face" sad enough for me to place here.

Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by searcher »

ArthurWankspittle » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:19 pm

You are incorrect, for one reason, because I am a "southpaw." That at least at one time meant left handed. I regret you have to have pleasure that way but maybe if you were a little more, let's say, well endowed,as I am, you would not have that problem.
V has a value of 5, I don't think U has any numerical value. PERVERT !!
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by Number Six »

Those who have gone down the path of no SS number financial transactions or use of "the number" in government related activities have been severely restricted and in some cases paranoid about what the government might do to them once they get caught engaging in government regulated activities. At one point I did my best to avoid use of the SS# but it became difficult to do anything but twiddle the thumbs in the real world. You file because the body snatchers are after you.


And then everything will be fine once you come into compliance and will have nothing to fear.


There are many theories about what the MOB is some say it is literal, like the paytriots who say it is the SS#; the SDA church say it is a national Sunday law and others say it is something to come. Once lawlessness reaches a certain critical mass with the anti-government people, terrorists, paytriots, dirty money dealers and the like; then they may want to insert an encodable chip in your palm for all commercial activity. The word for mark is the same for stigma. I would advise you do proper research as others have recommended. There are lots of Bible commentaries online....
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by webhick »

Just a reminder to everyone (and a notice to those who didn't know): There is no religious or political discussions on this forum, so save the mark of the devil stuff for another site.
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by LPC »

searcher wrote:The S.S.N. has the "MARKings of a number needed IF he/she wants to buy or sell. I am not saying that the S.S.N. IS FOR SURE that needed number, but I am convinced it is at least the forerunner of it. IF we become accustomed to having & using numbers, it won't be difficult to accept the "next" number ahead, that's "waiting to be "issued."
searcher wrote:Famspear,
I don't believe this "mark or number" will be "branded" in the forehead like cattle are"branded."
I believe it will be a "mental branding." A number issued that will be branded in the brain, the forehead, the seat of the intellect. I hope this does not offend you. I believe that "this beast" as spoken of in Revelation, will have a "name & the "value in roman numerals" of that name will total 616 or 666. A Vicar of Christ is close to it, for example,& when we also take into consideration that at one time the word court was spelled c-o-V-r-t, not, c-o-U-r-t.
More gibberish.
searcher wrote:Famspear,
".........with a knowledge of the law, has ever said."
With a "knowledge of the law", ohhhh kay. Then there is no use for me to cut & paste ANY quatloos comments to show you what was posted, is there?? Are you referring to Common Law of which the source is the Holy Bible,when you say "law" OR do you mean Statutory law? Which it Be?
And still more gibberish.

Nothing to see here. Time to move on.
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by Duke2Earl »

Actually, long past time to move on.
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Re: Not a person and no SSN De-Tax scams

Post by ashlynne39 »

I would like searcher to provide a case name and cite to the case that says the Bible is the source of common law. A cursory google search didn't turn anything up.