Local NH press starting to get irritated

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Post by No_Name1 »

I also find it very hard to believe that the sniper "missed". Trained snipers generally don't miss, if they are fearful of missing, they'll wait for a better shot. Snipers know full well their limitations, and the limitation of their weapon. The good ones practice daily. It's part of the training.

I know there was plenty of blame to go around when it ended, and rightfully so, but it still disgusts me.
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Post by Demosthenes »

And all the death and destruction at Ruby Ridge boiled down to a typo on a court form.
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The Observer
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Post by The Observer »

Cobalt Shiva wrote:Problem is, the government didn't have an arrest warrant for Koresh--they only had a SEARCH warrant for the Branch Davidian compound. (Of course, they forgot to bring the damn thing with them, but that's another story.)
My information shows that arrest warrants were issued for Koresh. Even Koresh was informed of that. In one of his exchanges with the negotiators, he complained about the fact ATF had decided to raid the compound instead of using the arrest warrant - he pointed out that ATF agents had been following him around for weeks prior to the raid and had ample opportunity to arrest him in town.

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