Paranoia runs deep in the Ed Brown case

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Post by TMoore »

Demosthenes wrote:
TMoore wrote:That's not trash talk, but seriously you guys do seem like a bunch of militant H&R Block employees.
Russell Kanning was an H&R Block employee. They hire seasonal nitwits with little or no training. In comparison, many of the people trying to help you with your questions have doctorates in law. No one is paid to be here, they all volunteer their time to help people like you and to get some amusement at the expense of arrogant ignorant assholes like Ed Brown.

The people posting here come from a variety of political beliefs; we have everything from knee jerk liberals to knee jerk republicans, big L Libertarians, and little l ones too. What you won't find here is any tolerance for stupid internet myths surrounding the tax laws. Just because people here show that A = A doesn't mean that we like A and wouldn't much rather see B take center stage.

For example, I sincerely doubt that Dan Evans (LPC) and I agree on any single issue in politics. But we do agree that the arguments peddled by tax protesters are not only wrong but kind of pathetic and rather than sit back and watch people like you jump off a cliff yelling "Gravity is a scam" we feel oddly compelled to try to explain that gravity is not just a good idea, it's the law. You may not like gravity (I certainly take issue with it now that I'm over 40...) but that doesn't change it's existence.
Oh god, Russell a H&R Block employee? xD That I have such a hard time seeing, but eh, okay.

OKay, well, like I said, I thank you for your opinions and arguments. I must say, you do a far better job at this than the IRS who seems to reward questions with guns. I mean, why not hold a press conference at the end of Ed's driveway and read off the law to him. I've yet to see that done, though Title 26 was invoked I assume, in his indictment.

What do I want with it? Nothing. =P I'd almost repost it to my LiveJournal, but I don't want anymore trouble.

Post by grammarian44 »

TMoore wrote:No, I found all that. But I wanted to see vote, per vote records, because, yes. I don't trust an "ya, we passed that" wave from some government source, but like was said before, you'd have to go physically into the archives for that, so the point is moot.
So all along you knew where to find the records, but you didn't want to take the trouble to look? That's strange, because here's what you said before:
I'm asking, where are the records that the state's legislatures passed the amendment. I don't care of spelling, or what not. Just the records that it was voted on, because I was unable to find them. It may not matter, just curious.
So which is it? Is it that you made a diligent effort to locate the records but were "unable to find" them, or is it that you know darn well where they are, and you just didn't bother to go look at them yourself or ask someone at the Archives to provide them for you?

If you want to see the actual votes, then make the effort. If you don't want to take the trouble, then admit that. Don't say, "I was unable to find the records," as if someone is making an effort to hide them from you. I don't think the federal government has an obligation to provide you something that you never even really asked for in the first place.
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Post by Demosthenes »

TMoore wrote:I must say, you do a far better job at this than the IRS who seems to reward questions with guns.
Ed and Elaine have been shown the law several times. It doesn't matter what the IRS says or how many times they point to the tax code, Ed doesn't give a shit. He started to fight this same "I'm going to barricade myself in my home and shoot to kill anyone who comes to get me" game four years ago when he quit paying property taxes but in the end, he caved and paid up the past due taxes at the last minute.

The DOJ also showed Ed and Elaines the laws that made them liable in the court filings that preceeded the trial.

And just look at that silly million dollar reward that Ed offered. "I'll give a million dollar property that I no longer own to anyone who can show me the law, but I won't accept the 16th Amendment and Internal Revenue Code as an answer."

Hmmm, I'll give a billion Quatloos to anyone who can tell me what one plus three is, buy I won't accept four as an answer!
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Post by Demosthenes »

Question for you, Tyler, what was it like meeting Sonny, Ed's Body of the Lord guru from Hawaii?
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Post by The Observer »

Demosthenes wrote:Hmmm, I'll give a billion Quatloos to anyone who can tell me what one plus three is, buy I won't accept four as an answer!
One plus three is five minus one.

I'll take my billion Quatloos in Key Lime pie wedges, please. Thank you.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by Demosthenes »

The Observer wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Hmmm, I'll give a billion Quatloos to anyone who can tell me what one plus three is, buy I won't accept four as an answer!
One plus three is five minus one.

I'll take my billion Quatloos in Key Lime pie wedges, please. Thank you.
See, no one can show me the answer to one plus three!
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Post by The Observer »

And Demo demonstrates the ease of succumbing to the kool-ade.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by Demosthenes »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
a. 2 squared

b. the square root of 16

c. the cube root of 64
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. The Quatloos reward is still available!

Post by TMoore »

Demosthenes wrote:Question for you, Tyler, what was it like meeting Sonny, Ed's Body of the Lord guru from Hawaii?
First of all, who is this Tyler Moore you speak of. I am the House of Israel, appointed by the Body of the Lord.


I HATED that guy. Answer your question?
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Post by Demosthenes »

TMoore wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Question for you, Tyler, what was it like meeting Sonny, Ed's Body of the Lord guru from Hawaii?
First of all, who is this Tyler Moore you speak of. I am the House of Israel, appointed by the Body of the Lord.


I HATED that guy. Answer your question?
Good answer, Mr. M. Any theories on why Ed and Elaine would find him credible?

My favorite thing was his claim to have Queen Elizabeth's direct phone line written in his Bible so he could call her up at any time.
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Post by Demosthenes »

And in case you weren't aware, when Ed spouts the "I'm the true House of Israel", he preaching Christian Identity dogma, the funky religion of the white supremacists of the Posse Comitatus group.

Post by TMoore »

Demosthenes wrote:
TMoore wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Question for you, Tyler, what was it like meeting Sonny, Ed's Body of the Lord guru from Hawaii?
First of all, who is this Tyler Moore you speak of. I am the House of Israel, appointed by the Body of the Lord.


I HATED that guy. Answer your question?
Good answer, Mr. M. Any theories on why Ed and Elaine would find him credible?

My favorite thing was his claim to have Queen Elizabeth's direct phone line written in his Bible so he could call her up at any time.
Elaine.. Eh, I don't think she would, except she goes along too much with whatever Ed says half the time.

Ed is.. Like I said, a little on edge. When I met Cirino, I found him to be much more intelligent and level headed than Ed. He left pretty much because the Brown's were setting themselves up for martyrdom, instead of seriously considering how to fight back. Ed seems to think this is Tombstone or some 1950s spaghetti western, and he can sit in his front yard and pop off shots at feds as they run out of the woods like wild Indians. Cirino is a much more focused and intelligent individual.

(Ja, and he wouldn't be filmed and I had to stop filming because Sonny said that it was making a graven image of the Lord by filming him or Ed. O.o Of course, women are exempt as they aren't the image of God. Want to talk about making me angry? Most of his hired [or, I guess volunteer] guns up there were women! :evil: )

I'm not in this really for Ed, or for the existence or non existence of a law. To me, its about liberty and retaking America (by whatever means necessary).

I think I've used up my productive time here, so I'm going to make this my last post (unless someone really wants a response to something).

For more post, hopefully none you'll laugh at me with (just with me) see

Warning though, I don't take kindly to predatory post. So, if you come to insult, I will delete. My property.

Other than that, another blog to look over written by one of those nutjobs.

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Post by Dezcad »

Demosthenes wrote:
TMoore wrote:I must say, you do a far better job at this than the IRS who seems to reward questions with guns.
Ed and Elaine have been shown the law several times. It doesn't matter what the IRS says or how many times they point to the tax code, Ed doesn't give a sh*t. <omitted>

The DOJ also showed Ed and Elaines the laws that made them liable in the court filings that preceeded the trial.
Keep in mind that since Ed earned no income, he wasn't even convicted Under Title 26 of any tax crimes. He was convicted of crimes under 18 USC 371, 31 USC 5324(a)(3) and 18 USC 2 (structuring).

So even if Ed and Elaine's delusions about there being no income tax liability were true, they were convicted of non-Title 26 crimes also.

A point far too often overlooked by many.

Post by TMoore »

Dezcad wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
TMoore wrote:I must say, you do a far better job at this than the IRS who seems to reward questions with guns.
Ed and Elaine have been shown the law several times. It doesn't matter what the IRS says or how many times they point to the tax code, Ed doesn't give a sh*t. <omitted>

The DOJ also showed Ed and Elaines the laws that made them liable in the court filings that preceeded the trial.
Keep in mind that since Ed earned no income, he wasn't even convicted Under Title 26 of any tax crimes. He was convicted of crimes under 18 USC 371, 31 USC 5324(a)(3) and 18 USC 2 (structuring).

So even if Ed and Elaine's delusions about there being no income tax liability were true, they were convicted of non-Title 26 crimes also.

A point far too often overlooked by many.
Gak, have to respond.

Structuring, as I understand it, isn't a crime. It's cause for an investigation, because it's used by drug dealers and tax evaders to hide income.
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Post by Demosthenes »

TMoore wrote:Structuring, as I understand it, isn't a crime. It's cause for an investigation, because it's used by drug dealers and tax evaders to hide income.
Nope. It's a crime. Elaine used it (more than a hundred times)to hide assets from the evil IRS. Kind of like when she set up the pure trust and asked one of her employees to be the trustee so the IRS wouldn't see any money going to Elaine for her dental services.

Elaine didn't pay required state business taxes either (there's a $340,000 business tax lien on the properties.)
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Post by Dezcad »

TMoore wrote:
Dezcad wrote: Keep in mind that since Ed earned no income, he wasn't even convicted Under Title 26 of any tax crimes. He was convicted of crimes under 18 USC 371, 31 USC 5324(a)(3) and 18 USC 2 (structuring).

So even if Ed and Elaine's delusions about there being no income tax liability were true, they were convicted of non-Title 26 crimes also.

A point far too often overlooked by many.
Gak, have to respond.

Structuring, as I understand it, isn't a crime. It's cause for an investigation, because it's used by drug dealers and tax evaders to hide income.
I'll make it easy for you, just read the Statute at 31 USC 5324 on structuring ... -000-.html

which has criminal penalties in subsection (d)
(d) Criminal Penalty.—
(1) In general.— Whoever violates this section shall be fined in accordance with title 18, United States Code, imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.
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Post by jg »

Demosthenes wrote:The Quatloos reward is still available!
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Post by LPC »

TMoore wrote:In the end, I'd really like to know why you all want them to go to prison or die so badly.
Where did you get that idea?

As Demo as already pointed out, most of us here have spent hours (perhaps hundreds or thousands of hours) trying to convince people to comply with the law so that they do NOT go to jail.

But it's difficult to remain benevolent when confronted with arrogant, obnoxious, ignorant, selfish, and self-destructive a**holes like Ed Brown. After a certain point, when the guy continues to point the gun to his own head, there's a strong temptation to tell him to pull the trigger. Some of us yield to the temptation, but other's don't.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Post by Demosthenes »

jg wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:The Quatloos reward is still available!
No, that might be an plus ān plus þrīe, though.
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Post by LPC »

TMoore wrote:When I met Cirino, I found him to be much more intelligent and level headed than Ed. He left pretty much because the Brown's were setting themselves up for martyrdom, instead of seriously considering how to fight back.
I don't know whether Ed is planning intelligently or reacting unconsciously, but I think that his course of conduct has been very successful so far, and is like to continue to be.

Ed wants to be a rebel, and he wants to fight the government, but he doesn't want to die. What's the best way to do that? To do exactly what he's doing, which is to talk big, carry a little gun, and don't set up any defensive measures that would require the government to use lethal force if they decide to capture him. Ed *wants* to be vulnerable, because it's the best way to insure that, when and if the feds come in, they will be able to come in easily, will not be trigger-happy, and Ed and Elaine will come out alive.

The way to die is to make sure that you are so heavily armored, armed, and fortified, that the government would have no choice but to use extreme measures to get in, which ups the chances of someone on the inside dying.
TMoore wrote:Cirino is a much more focused and intelligent individual.
Which is why he is much more likely to die violently.
TMoore wrote:I'm not in this really for Ed, or for the existence or non existence of a law. To me, its about liberty and retaking America (by whatever means necessary).
Retaking America from whom? The voters?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.