Gene Chapman returns

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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by wserra »

Gene Chapman wrote:1) ... Clearly, I am being stalked on the Internet for about a decade, now.
And I, as the "American Gandhi", should not be criticized. Let alone mocked.
2) they are concentrated in our nation's capital.
Except those of us (like me) who are in New York. And the group in the Boston area. And (like the site owner) California. And Canada. And Wolverpus Central in New Hampshire. Not to mention the well-armed bunker complex.

Wait! I've got it! They've dispersed to facilitate the takeover!
3) this person had exhaustive knowledge of every perceived error of my life at hand from over ten years.
You have high amusement value.
4) his reply was not rational.
"Not rational"? Oh, no! Congressman, you must investigate this!
5) The Quatloos website is too slick ... it's just a little to professionally done to think it's not organized by government.
Why, thank you, Gene.
6) And who the hell organizes people from work to sit around after work thinking up ways off the clock to assassinate the characters of citizens, who are simply trying to gain redress of grievance from their supposed servant government?

The Illuminati, of course. Everybody except Gene understands that.
I say it's an IRS funded hit squad
But then, you said you needed a permit to burn yourself up.
I look forward to testifying and helping to bring this out of control IRS funded subsidiary under the control of We the People.
"Testifying"? Denny's!

Y'know, Gene, you really ought to deliver this to Burgess' office in person. It would be worth paying admission to see his response. "Mr. Smith, put this in Mr. Chapman's roundfile immediately! It's the one wrapped in the sheet with 'Patrick B. Harris Psychiatric Hospital' stamped on it."
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by AndyK »


Before you send this letter, it would behoove you to do some fact-checking and correct the errors to (1) save yourself more embarrasment and (2) avoid wasting the time of the Congressman and his staff.

I've indicated some of the errors, below:
Gene Chapman wrote:Gene Chapman
This letter is to request a Congressional examination of a possible abuse of power and use of federal tax dollars by the Internal Revenue Service, funding As we've pointed out MANY times to you and many others, Quatloos receives absolutely NO funding from any government organization. Not from the IRS, not from the FBI, and not even covert funding from the CIA. Any simple examination of Quatloos' books will reveal that fact and begin to show your stream of errors. an Internet-based character assignation organization targeting Tea Party Republicans, Libertarians, Tax Honesty, Slave Freedom, Freedom Movement, Christians and Gandhians, to name a few. As you and many others have been told MANY times, the puropse of this forum is to expose and debunk various illegal and/or scam-based activities and to help potential victims avoid problems. The name of this organization is

For several years, I've been following their activities here and there, noting several problematic dynamics of the Quatloos organization.

1) They, from time-to-time, indicate that they either are or were IRS employees on their postings. One of them (AndyK) noted just yesterday that he met me while employed at the Main IRS Building in Washington, D. C. and spoke with me during some of my protesting at the IRS Headquartes Building there, almost a decade ago. Clearly, I am being stalked on the Internet for about a decade, now. Gene, I, and others, spoke with you during your vigil in front the IRS building. You were very happy to share your views with anyone who wasn't laughing at you. As to 'stalking', I believe it ws YOU who came back here and resumed contact. As far as I can recall, everyone here has been totally ignoring you for quite a few years. Had you not decided to return and resume posting, you would only, possibly, be mentioned as a comparison example against others.

2) They had a posted cocktail party at a local Washington D. C. hotel about a year ago, as I remember, telling all that they are concentrated in our nation's capital. First, it was not a posted or hosted "cocktail party". It was a group of people getting together at a bar to socialize over a few drinks -- all of which were paid for by each person. If you doubt me, I can recover my credit card receipts to document that fact. As to 'concentrated in the nation's capital', you seem to have conveniently forgotten that the event was concurrent with an American Bar Association meeting being held in DC at that time. Since several of the members here were in town for the ABA meeting, it made sense to get together then. Also, you might want to check to see from whence Quatloos is hosted. Hint: It's about as far from DC as you can get ans still remain in the United States

3) They have a file on citizens they target for character assassination. When I went online to interact with AndyK, I found that this person had exhaustive knowledge Can I help it if (1) I have a good memory and (2) I know how to use Internet search engines to pull up old web pages -- including your own? There's no 'file' on you or anyone else. of every perceived error of my life at hand from over ten years. (I disagree with the proposition that these were errors, but that is a discussion for another venue.)

4) Internet Bullying: They redirect to personal attacks on the most mundane interactions. For example, I wrote at one point about deciding not to peruse law school: "Tolstoy taught me that . . . ," and his reply was not rational. Please don't attempt to change history. You never said "Tolstoy taught you ...". What you actually said was "I am nine classes form law school, and Tolstoy convinced me" The reply was intend to be ironic, which totally went over your head. there is a gread difference between "Tolstoy convinced me" and "I became convinced from reading Tolstoy". Think about it. Andy K responded with a question about whether I had ever had a conversation with Tolstoy in a kind of rope-a-dope fashion, designed to frustrate my attempt to get to the facts of our exchange. Tolstoy has been dead over 100 years, Congressman Burgess. AndyK was trying to make everything in our Internet interaction an assault on my character and education. He was not trying to get to the root of a problem; rather, he was trying to bring down people who do not agree with the taxation of labor, as an IRS employee (former or current). Gene, and wnyone else who might be reading. It's been demonstrated innumerable times -- via citations of both law and court decisions -- that the income tax is NOT a tax on labor. Even though you went through many Quixotic chases down that rabbit hole, you always came up empty-handed and rebutted. Even your own tax issues failed on that point years ago. Clearly, you have an immutable, one-track mind.

5) The Quatloos website is too slick. For a bunch of off duty IRS employees, drinking beer and attacking political and religious opponents of the personal income tax, it's just a little to professionally done to think it's not organized by government. Slick? Compare Quatloos to a couple of other sites such as Freedom Law School, We The People Foundation, and the late Clarkson's Patriot Network. In any case, just because you can't comprehend how easy it is to build and maintain an Internet site doesn't mean that there is some nefarious, covert conspiracy behind this one.

6) And who the hell organizes people from work to sit around after work thinking up ways off the clock to assassinate the characters of citizens, who are simply trying to gain redress of grievance from their supposed servant government? No one organized anything. Aside from the couple of people who established Quatloos, almost everyone else here came across the site by accident while looking for something else. Gien that, what does it matter what ANYONE does on their own time, after work as long as it is not illegal?

Something stinks in D. C., Congressman Burgess, and I say it's an IRS funded hit squad on the characters of citizens trying to bring their government under control. I look forward to testifying and helping to bring this out of control IRS funded subsidiary under the control of We the People. Gene, you've been down this road several times before and, every time, hit the same dead end. Should a miracle occur and you DO end up testifying, I will be happy to join and provide FACTUAL, DOCUMENTED testimony to refute every one of your errors and misstatements. Perhaps you'd like to bering along your "FBI handlers" (as you called them) from way back when to join in the testimony. By the way, did you ever get that propane tank repaired?

Most respectfully, but not most factually

Gene Chapman
Gene, in closing -- one suggestion: Don't show up at a gun fight with just a pea shooter.
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gene Chapman wrote:Please forgive me for the oversight of calling myself "The American Gandhi." In the future, please refer to me as "Your Holiness The American Gandhi."

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by AFTP »

Sounds like Gene just declared war on Quatloos! :whistle:
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Death and Taxes. Ya Think?
Gene Chapman

Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Gene Chapman »

As for the above post, we'll let Congressman Burgess decide what is and isn't pertinent.

To explain my extreme faith of the past, I want to suggest you go to the AP Archive and query Gene Chapman. (I'm not bragging, just being factual, so you can see into my mind a bit.) You will see an article about some people challenging Pope John Paul's theology, and my name is there as the billboard campaign's head. I WAS 19 YEARS OLD.

We hit news on five continents, and I didn't need an appointment to see anybody (I mean anybody) in South Carolina for years afterward. I was Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell all wrapped up into one man, at the tender age of 20, at least in my mind. Leaders of nations knew my name, and some news organizations attributed a massive decline from 750,000 people to as low as 60,000 people present at the papal visit at William's Bryce Stadium to our work.

We did that with $500 in the bank.

I thought God had given me a magic wand; when you are that young and see the Red Sea part for you like that. (I'm not being literal, of course.)

So you understand that I had to plumb the depths of my then Christian faith when I began taking on the IRS?

If you look at me in that context, you see the whole story in full color.

At DBU, I was tested "genius level" (their words) in "foresight" and gifted in "analytical reasoning, etc." You can understand what that does to a young man's faith in his own ability?

You Quatloos guys had me question my sanity for a time, so I went back to college and the drawing board in 2009. I got "Physics Student of the Year," and "Pi Theta Kappa Honor Society," so I went on the UNT for economics after an Associates degree and a Motion Picture diploma in 2011. My Economics and Sociology professors at UNT thought I was very bright and gave me strong "B's." My Political Science professors gave me "A's." No longer was I questioning myself.

I laugh at you people as my intellectual equals now.

Today, I'm full blown Gandhian. My questions are answered.

If I have an ego beyond others, I work to control it, as we all do. But you must admit I have a powerful CV. And I can prove most of it with news articles.

Gene Chapman

Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Gene Chapman »

Gene Chapman
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029


My life goal is to become a positive influence upon World Peace.

Primary Experiences:

Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor (2013-Present). ( Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age).

Creator: The Nature of Slavery and the Path Toward a Credible World Peace. Dr. Arya Bhardwaj, a Gandhian intellectual from India speaks for the Distinguished Lecture Series at the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas (2012).

Founder and CEO, Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange (2011-Present).

Converted from Inerrant Christianity to Gandhian Philosophy (2011).

Assisted Legendary Award Winning Producer Aaron Russo in scene development and promotion of motion picture, America: Freedom to Fascism (2006).

Founder: Slave Freedom Movement (2003-2006).

Letter and Billboard Campaign: Worked with/ on Texas Governor George W. Bush, Senator Phil Gramm, House Majority Leader Dick Armey and the Trucking Industry to push for new hours-of-service regulations respecting the circadian sleep rhythm. New hours-of-service regulations became law under President George W. Bush, January 1, 2004, estimated to save 210 lives per year in fatigue related truck wrecks (2000-2004).

Personal Advisor: At his request, provided weekly advisory to Kirk Thompson (then President and CE0), current Chairman of the Board of J. B. Hunt Transport (stock symbol: JBHT) on "how Warren Buffett would run the company." In one email, saved company $600 per unit x 15,000 = $9,000,000 x 10 p/e ratio = $90,000,000 stock valuation. Combined input saved company approximately $500,000,000 to $600,000,000 in shareholder price valuation over five years (1997-2002).

Advisor: Promoted non-violent solutions and assisted FBI Chief Negotiator and Special Agent Byron Sage in picking through David Koresh's theology during the Branch Davidian Situation outside Waco (Elm Mott), Texas. Later provided written testimony to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jack Brooks at the request of Senator Phil Gramm (1993).

Founder and President of IBBM, a Christian outdoor advertising ministry: (Notable board members: Dr. Jack Hyles, Dr. Lee Roberson, Dr. Harold B. Sightler). Challenged theological views of Pope John Paul II and hit news headlines on five continents, based on Martin Luther's Ninety-five Thesis: (Notable cohorts: Dr. Bob Jones Jr., Dr. Ian Paisley). Radio report years later shared: "Vatican publicly states that Luther was correct on all points," ending the theological conflict and bringing Protestants and Catholics closer into agreement (1986-1994).


BAAS -- Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas (2011-2012--nine classes to go).
Concentrations: Art, Sociology and Philosophy/ Religion
Career Specialization: Economics (Pre-Law)

Diploma -- Motion Picture Production, Hollywood Film Institute, Hollywood, California (2010-11).

Internship w/ Two Certificates, Motion Picture Production, Studios 121, Ft. Worth, Texas (2010-11).

AAS -- Welding Technology, Mountain View College, Dallas, Texas (2009-11).
(Pi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Welding Student of the Year -- 2010-11, Physics Student of the Year -- 2010-11)
Certificate: MIG (GMAW)
Certificate: TIG (GTAW)
Certificate: Stick (SMAW)

Gandhian Philosophy, Mentored by Arun Gandhi, Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi (1998-2003).

Financial Analysis, Trained by David Clark, who was trained from childhood by Warren Buffett (1995-1997).

Major: Law, Concentration: Philosophy, Baylor University, Waco, Texas (1992-1993).

Major: Pre-Med/ Biology, Concentration: Psychology, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, Texas (1991-1992).
[Tested "genius level" (their words) in foresight (the ability to project out future probabilities) and music; gifted in ideaphoria (brainstorming/ rapid flow of ideas) and analytical reasoning (organization of ideas and information logically and quickly). ]

Major: Biblical Theology, Tabernacle Baptist Bible College, Greenville, South Carolina (1985-1986).
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You forgot to mention how modest you are.
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by wserra »

Gene Chapman wrote:I was Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell all wrapped up into one man, at the tender age of 20, at least in my mind.
A candle flickers in the darkness.
you must admit I have a powerful CV.
Oh, well.
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by GlimDropper »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:You forgot to mention how modest you are.
He didn't even brag about his singing voice. Dum da da Dumb.
Gene Chapman

Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Gene Chapman »

And bye the way, did you see how modest I am? And I have a wonderful singing voice.

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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

wserra wrote:
Gene Chapman wrote:...
2) they are concentrated in our nation's capital.
Except those of us (like me) who are in New York. And the group in the Boston area. And (like the site owner) California. And Canada. And Wolverpus Central in New Hampshire. Not to mention the well-armed bunker complex.

Wait! I've got it! They've dispersed to facilitate the takeover!
Including to this side of the Pecos. Which is about as close to Chapman as I'd want to be. 8)
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Cathulhu »

I haven't commented previously because I'm trying to be kinder to the mentally challenged. However, the size of your massive ego sets you up as a legitimate target, albeit one that cannot spell or correctly punctuate. Gene, you are paranoid and delusional, and you really, really need to get help. Professional help, the kind that tells you the truths you're having such difficulty accepting.

Or just go ahead and self-immolate. Why worry about a permit? Are you afraid someone will fine your toasty carcass?

This is my main difficulty in being kinder. The world is full of idiots with self-aggrandizing agendas, and generally they're a waste of time. You're a waste of my valuable time, Gene, and when the senator sends you the letter telling you nobody at the government is funding us, you'll have wasted the time of his staff as well. Fortunately, the senator won't waste any on you; that's what his staff is for. I've handled a few congressional letters in my time, and yours isn't even witty enough to be a Letter of the Week for the staff. It, like yourself, is delusional and self-serving.

Morons like you always have this fantasy of how their letter reaches the senator, who promptly gasps with astonishment at it and immediately starts an undercover investigation. In real life, (y'know, the nasty one that wants you to pay your bills and own up to your actions) it means a clerk opens it and assigns it to the staff member doing the correspondence from unimportant people, which intern will later perhaps spend about ten minutes researching this online and send you a standard "you have it wrong" polite reply.
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gene Chapman wrote:And bye the way, did you see how modest I am? And I have a wonderful singing voice.

Kinda sounds like the way Granddad sounded when Dad, as a boy, dropped a full quart can of paint on his foot.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Gene Chapman

Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Gene Chapman »

Well, a congressman is not a senator, but who's asking Quatloos to be factual.

Gene Chapman

Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Gene Chapman »

So let's get past the introductions. If you were trying to design a civilization based on Truth and non-violence, how would you all proceed?

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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by AndyK »

Gene Chapman wrote:Gene Chapman
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029


Advisor: Promoted non-violent solutions and assisted FBI Chief Negotiator and Special Agent Byron Sage in picking through David Koresh's theology during the Branch Davidian Situation outside Waco (Elm Mott), Texas. Later provided written testimony to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jack Brooks at the request of Senator Phil Gramm (1993).


I believe that when you first made that claim ElfNinosMom (one of your favorite people) followed up on it. She contacted the FBI authorities in charge of the situation at Waco. In a word, they your claim was a flat-out lie. If you'd like, I can go to the Internet WayBack machine to recover copies of that conversation OR I can submit a simple FOIA request to the FBI regarding your alleged involvement in the Waco situation.

In either case, I'd be happy to forward that information to your Congressman as a little background on your veracity and memory.

By the way, weren't you involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation around the time of your one-man march on Washington in your RV with the leaky propane tank?

See, Gene, some of us do have good memories and don't have any interest in warping the truth.

We look forward to hearing from your Congressman.
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gene Chapman wrote:So let's get past the introductions. If you were trying to design a civilization based on Truth and non-violence, how would you all proceed?

That's not the purpose of Quatloos, and you know it. Please don't waste our time with posts like this.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gene Chapman wrote:Well, a congressman is not a senator, but who's asking Quatloos to be factual.

Okay, so he mentioned the wrong half of Congress. Big deal. Now, how about answering the question squarely, without evasion or distortion?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by The Observer »

Gene Chapman wrote:At DBU, I was tested "genius level" (their words) in "foresight" and gifted in "analytical reasoning, etc." You can understand what that does to a young man's faith in his own ability?

By any chance, are you related to Martin Hunter, the "Erasmus of America", from Seneca, South Carolina? If not, I think you should look him up and touch bases with him. You and him seem to have a lot in common.
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Re: Gene Chapman returns

Post by notorial dissent »

Gene, I thought you'd stormed out of here in a low dudgeon, please don't disappoint us by waffling again.
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