Susan Lynne Schwenger

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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Cathulhu »

The_eXchanger wrote:The statements about "gataltic rim"
were made by Cathulhu, AND, not made by ME
~ Susan
It's spelled "galactic". You really don't know anything about astronomy, do you? It's been well-known (hey, ancient knowledge, anyone?) that Sol is on the galactic rim of the Milky Way galaxy (which measures roughly 100,000 light years across the disk) for decades.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by JamesVincent »

Susan wrote:Leap years were only developed by The Creator of The Gregorian Calendar
known as Pope Gregory, which introduced the '24' hour day
Wrong, actually dead wrong. Just about every lunisolar calendar has an equivalent to leap year. From the Julian calendar to the Jewish calendar to the Chinese calendar, all of them have a form of leap year in them. Pope Gregory did not invent the Gregorian calendar, which is named after him, he simply accepted a modification proposal. Point of fact, the Gregorian calendar was not an invention at all, it was a modification of the Julian calendar. The Julian year was 365.25 days long, which meant every few hundred years it was days off. A lot of countries, before the universal adoption of the Gregorian, had to drop off days, weeks, sometimes months of their calendar year to bring their dates back in alignment with the solstice. The main difference between the two is that the Gregorian changed how the century years leap years are calculated. Only every 400 years does a century year have a leap year. Example, 2000 was a leap year but 1700, 1800 and 1900 weren't. 2100, 2200 and 2300 will not be either but 2400 will be. The Gregorian year is 364.24 days long, bringing it more in alignment with the actual solar cycle.

For someone that is supposed to be so good with this stuff, you're really missing quite a bit of facts and knowledge.

As far as your hangup over whether this belongs in NESARA, DK is the moderator. If he feels it should be moved he will happily move it. Get over yourself.

edit: forgot a word
Last edited by JamesVincent on Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by AndyK »

Someone seems to have overlooked, in her calculations, that it takes Earth 365 1/4 days (day defined as one revolution of Earth) to complete one orbit of the sun.

Also overlooked are changes in the rotation of Earth (it's slowing, necessitating adding a second to the official clocks every few years) and in its orbital period.

However, such facts don't seem to matter in Woowoo Land.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Cathulhu »

There you go, throwing inconvenient facts into a fantasy. I don't think I want to know her take on Neil Tyson and reclassifying Pluto.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:
The_eXchanger wrote:The statements about "gataltic rim"
were made by Cathulhu, AND, not made by ME
~ Susan
It's spelled "galactic". You really don't know anything about astronomy, do you? It's been well-known (hey, ancient knowledge, anyone?) that Sol is on the galactic rim of the Milky Way galaxy (which measures roughly 100,000 light years across the disk) for decades.
I too am confused as to why The eXchanger thinks you were referring to time. It may be a knee jerk reaction (you get "lightyears" being used as time all the time, such as "1000 light years ago..."). Your reference was obviously distance, and as far as you know you're absolutely right (we Illuminati have been messing with what folks see in the sky for years, otherwise too many people would know about Niburu crashing into Earth later this week and would stop being our willing slaves). In reality, the Earth is on the back of a giant turtle...
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Thule »

The_eXchanger wrote: i'd suggest you disprove my formula of 9,360,360 ancient days
- which ends on 16 dec 2013
~all information has been provided & can be actually be proven to be correct.
I can make up a bunch of numbers and have them add up to 9 360 360. Heck, I can even have them add upp to 9 360 361, I'm actually that good at counting.

But what is the point. It will not matter. Actually, I will prove this. I will write you a second answer on December 20th, and everything will be pretty much the same as today. (I could write something on the 17th as well, but I guess we should give it a couple of days to see what happens).

See, the world has seen it's share of mystic calculations on how everything will change in the year 500, 1000, 1666, 1912, 1997, 2000, 2011 and 2012 (to rattle up som numbers). You are just another in a long line of people that added up some numbers and got a completely new number.

Frankly, it got boring some 2 500 years ago.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by AndyK »

In actuality, all the gloom and doom forecasters have been correct. They just got the date and time wrong.

All of these massive events have happened between 12:00 midnight and 1:00 AM on the days the world switches to and from Daylight savings Time (or Summer Time for the Anglophiles).

Since one hour vanishes, or gets skipped, at those times, the catastrophies magically slide into a space-time continuum wormhole.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Deep Knight wrote:Let me take a crack at "debunking" this.
The person who is really Deep Knight is Métis (French for “mixed”) from Manitoba & North Dakota. Not only does he know a lot of Métis history, his cousin got her PhD in this and he has read her thesis. The Métis NEVER used a 260 day calendar or anything but a traditional European calendar with Catholic holidays.
All Metis people - do NOT just follow a 'catholic' calendar
all immigrants that mixed with Native American tribes,
or First Nations tribes were NOT catholic - that is NOT a truth

- every tribe that follows their original teachings
follow The Ancient Year (360 day calendar) PRE; 1582
and, it can be simply calibrated to The Gregorian Calendar
as, 360 + 5 (in a regular year) and, 360 + 5 + 1 (in a leap year)
-thus 4 gregorian years = (360 + 5 x 3) + (360 + 5 + 1)

This 260 day calendar (which is a sacred calendar)
can be calibrated with The Current Civil Calendar,
aka The Gregorian Calendar which was established in 1582 by Pope Gregory,
the 260 days calendars calibrated to the correct dates)
show the start date of 17 dec 2013, as IMIX
and, show the end date of 16 dec 2013, as AHUA
(+/- 260 days)
and, also runs in alignment with the 17 dec 2013 FULL moon,
which runs over a Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar
which runs Full Moon to Full Moon.

All Metis people are NOT catholic, that is NOT a fact
just as, all French people are NOT catholic
just as, all Irish people are NOT catholic
some of the where druid, gaeltic or pict / Pictish
and, followed both sun and moon calendars prior to 1582.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by vkey08 »

The_eXchanger wrote: ~Susan
Did anyone else catch this? For trying to say you aren't Susan, to sign Susan at the end is a dead giveaway that you are.. :violin:
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Cathulhu »

We all knew it was Susan even before she said her poetry was good. What's genuinely pathetic is her attempt to lie about herself in the third person. But I believe we have yet another troll trying to excuse himself in the third person on yet another thread today; fresh meat!
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Deep Knight »

The_eXchanger wrote: All Metis people - do NOT just follow a 'catholic' calendar
all immigrants that mixed with Native American tribes,
or First Nations tribes were NOT catholic - that is NOT a truth
All Metis people are NOT catholic, that is NOT a fact
just as, all French people are NOT catholic
just as, all Irish people are NOT catholic
some of the where druid, gaeltic or pict / Pictish
and, followed both sun and moon calendars prior to 1582.
Not today (I am Métis and no longer Catholic), but in the 19th century French-Indian peoples were. And when they made entries into the family bible or their journals they were referenced to the liturgical calendar (e.g. St. Jean Baptist Day, the 4th week of Lent, etc.). Of course, there were also Scots traders who had mixed families, but strictly speaking they weren't Métis although some melded with the local culture and their families tended to convert to Catholicism. For example, the Ross family of Winnipeg from which my Catholic Great-Great-Grandmother came (if you're ever there, stop by the Ross House Museum and see where she grew up).

There are plenty of historical references to this, starting with published journals (mostly in French) and any history of the Rose/Red River Rebellion (e.g. Revelle's "A Rebellion"). There are also a series of histories of the Pacific Northwest by David Lavender, including "Land of Giants" where he goes into this as it relates to the Métis the Northwest and Hudson's Bay Companies settled in what is now Washington State before the Oregon Trail opened up. Mr. Lavender was an excellent writer and historian, I especially like his "One Man's West." Another source is the Federal Writer's Project travel guide to North Dakota from the late 30's (recently republished and available at most libraries), local cultures section near the front.

By the way, the idea that most native American tribes counted an exact number of days to a year is silly. Not how they related to time and the changing seasons.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by AndyK »

The_eXchanger wrote: All Metis people - do NOT just follow a 'catholic' calendar
all immigrants that mixed with Native American tribes,
or First Nations tribes were NOT catholic - that is NOT a truth
Did you really mean to say "Not all the immigrants who mixed with the tribes were Catholic"? because that TOTALLY is not what you said. Perhaps you should stick to poetry.

- every tribe that follows their original teachings
follow The Ancient Year (360 day calendar) PRE; 1582
and, it can be simply calibrated to The Gregorian Calendar
as, 360 + 5 (in a regular year) and, 360 + 5 + 1 (in a leap year)
-thus 4 gregorian years = (360 + 5 x 3) + (360 + 5 + 1)
WRONG :!: Four Gregorian years = (360 + 5) x 3 + (360 + 5 + 1)
Your calculation results in 375 + 365 or 740 days. Perhaps you should have your work proofread by someone who has progressed beyond the third grade in working with numbers. In any case, why the fixation on 360 days as the basis (which needs to be tweaked) for the year? Is iot because your astrological mathematics don't work out properly if you use the true length of each year -- 365 1/4? You know, it's one thing to derive fantasy results from premises in the real world. It's a totally more serious level of insanity to derive fantasy results which require modifying what can actually be observed.

This 260 day calendar (which is a sacred calendar)
can be calibrated with The Current Civil Calendar,
aka The Gregorian Calendar which was established in 1582 by Pope Gregory,
the 260 days calendars calibrated to the correct dates)
show the start date of 17 dec 2013, as IMIX
and, show the end date of 16 dec 2013, as AHUA
(+/- 260 days)
and, also runs in alignment with the 17 dec 2013 FULL moon,
which runs over a Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar
which runs Full Moon to Full Moon.
How did we get from the 360-day calendar to a 260-day one? Are you basing this one on a 13-month Lunar calendar of 20 days per month? Also, given a start date of 12/17/2013 and an end date of 12/16/2013, the resulting time span is negqative 1 days. Perhaps you should wait to enter your posts until your current hallucinogen has worn off for the day.

All Metis people are NOT catholic, that is NOT a fact
just as, all French people are NOT catholic
just as, all Irish people are NOT catholic
some of the where druid, gaeltic or pict / Pictish
and, followed both sun and moon calendars prior to 1582.

1 - Take some time to proofread and edit your posts before submitting them. That way, it will be much easier for us to debunk them on content rather than form.

2 - Try to write in complete sentences and paragraphs -- it makes your inanity much easier to read. If this is an issue for you, perhaps you should investigate ESOL classes at your local community college.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:
By the way, the idea that most native American tribes counted an exact number of days to a year is silly. Not how they related to time and the changing seasons.
If memory serves most Native Americans measured time in seasons, not days. This is the time of planting, this is the time herds move, this is the time of harvest etc etc.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Cathulhu »

JamesVincent wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:
By the way, the idea that most native American tribes counted an exact number of days to a year is silly. Not how they related to time and the changing seasons.
If memory serves most Native Americans measured time in seasons, not days. This is the time of planting, this is the time herds move, this is the time of harvest etc etc.
This is correct, at least here in the pacific Northwest. No real astronomy evolved here, as it's always cloudy. Official motto, (I think it's Tlingit, but might be Lummi) of city of Seattle is "Al-Ki" meaning "by and by" which tells you everything right there.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Cathulhu wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:
By the way, the idea that most native American tribes counted an exact number of days to a year is silly. Not how they related to time and the changing seasons.
If memory serves most Native Americans measured time in seasons, not days. This is the time of planting, this is the time herds move, this is the time of harvest etc etc.
This is correct, at least here in the pacific Northwest. No real astronomy evolved here, as it's always cloudy. Official motto, (I think it's Tlingit, but might be Lummi) of city of Seattle is "Al-Ki" meaning "by and by" which tells you everything right there.
You're correct about the Native Americans. Seasonality becomes important in terms of an agrarian social order and eventually counting moon cycles gets out of alignment with the season of planting and harvest.

Having said that, there are structures that are placed in alignments that would indicate they had the solar cycles accurately accounted for.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by AndyK »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:You're correct about the Native Americans. Seasonality becomes important in terms of an agrarian social order and eventually counting moon cycles gets out of alignment with the season of planting and harvest.

Having said that, there are structures that are placed in alignments that would indicate they had the solar cycles accurately accounted for.
Perchance, an agrarian society somewhat similar to the Mayans? Nah, couldn't be.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

The_eXchanger wrote:The Mayan master timeline spans five great cycles of longcounts;
each longcount being comprised of 13 baktuns,
each baktun encompassing 144,000 kin or days,and as 20 katuns of 7,200 kin each.

It is the 65th and final baktun, which defines the 'birth of the starhuman' archetype
to replace the older 'human' archetype initiated 5x13x144,000 kin
or 9,360,000 days before
the nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees,
the Maya calculated the ending of their longcount in the last cycle
of the winter-summer solstices as a function of
the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 kin
(or civil Gregorian days).

A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856.x365.2425 days
and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession
and the galactic synchronisation at the winter solstice
will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years for the solar transit across the galactic centre.

-The Mathematics, you are asking for; is all here: ... ageindex=6
If you read my info, you would have seen,
we did address 365.2425 days in our calibrations

The formula in 'ancient' days AKA simple day counts
9,360,360 ancient days aka simple day counts
= (5 cycles x 13 cycles = 65 cycles x 144,000 ancient days= 9,360,000 ancient days)
+ (6 seasons x 60 days = 360 ancient days)
= The end of The Grand Cycle as 16 December 2013
(which is the evening of the day before the full moon)

The ancient day-record-time-wisdom keepers
- started The Winter Cycle always,
on the last full moon, in the month of December
- in 2013, this date is 17th December 2013
In 2012, the 21st December 2012
is NOT the evening of the day before a full moon,
and, the 22nd December 2012
is NOT the day of the full moon
(if you take
21 december 2012 (+360 days) = 16th December 2013
22 december 2012 (+360 days) = 17th December 2013
To put this into simple terms for people
if you look at 27th May 2010
- it was a full moon; and; the start of a cycle
if you look at 16th Dec 2013
- it is the evening of the day before the full moon
it is also, +1300 days from 27th May 2010
in 1300 days, an Ahua (aka end of cycle date) occurs once every 20 days
so, this creates an equation of: 1300/20 = 65 cycles

Dr. Calleman, had 28 oct 2011
- this was The 26th Ahua (26x20=520 days) in a cycle of 65

John Major- Jenkins, had 21 dec 2012
- this was The 47th ahua (47x20=940 days) in a cycle of 65

Terrance McKenna, had 21 dec 2012
-this was The 47th ahua (47x20=940 days) in a cycle of 65

Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger, had 16 dec 2013,
-this is The 65th ahua (65x20=1300 days) in a cycle of 65
~and, also The evening of the day before a full moon
-The 17th of December 2013 is The Date of The Full Moon
and, also The Start of The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi

~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

also - your tore apart the work of Susan Seymour Hedke
(as, my work)
she simply, made a statement
about my date of 16th December 2013 aka 16 DEC 2013,
as, the end of the current grand cycle,
and, about my date of 17th December 2013 aka 17 DEC 2013.

(please do NOT confuse my work with her work)

and, also i posted some work of John Major-Jenkins (with a link)
and, someone made a post, that 'i' said something,
"i" did NOT say - but quoted

(please do NOT confuse his work with my work)

-if you are going to pick my work apart,
please bear in mind,
we are NOT a computer,
nor, an expert in english !!!

In fact, it was very likely due to all the fighting
of the assortment of people, trying to solve this puzzle
~that the very obvious answers,
about ancient day - record - time - wisdom keeping was missed

-if you wish to ask questions, etc.,
we would be very happy to entertain the opportunity to do so

- if there is anyone with 'good computer skills'
who is willing to help me, with the english - computer skills i am sadly lacking
i would sincerely welcome, that type of exchange

Thank you

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Part of the problem of calibrating calendars
is the vast assortment of different calendars
utilized by day-record-time-wisdom keepers in an assortment of different cultures
- some of the ones, we have worked on are listed below:

Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger have also aligned the following calendars:

The Maya aka The Mayan Tzolk'in aka Tzolkin Calendar of 260 Days

The Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar of 260 Days

The First Nations of Canada aka The Turtle Island Calendar of 260 Days
(too many tribes to mention, since, all of them use this ancient calendar)

The Metis of Canada aka The Turtle Island Calendar of 260 Days

The Native American of USA aka The Turtle Island Calendar of 260 Days
(too many tribes to mention, since, all of them use this ancient calendar)

The Cherokee Calendar of 260 Days

The Maori of New Zealand Calendar of 260 Days

The Aboriginal of Australia Calendar of 260 Days

All 260 Day calendars have cycles of 13 cycles x 20 days = 260 Days
(and, they also have weeks of five day, NOT seven
thus 5 days x 4 weeks = 20 days)

260 Days is The Gestation Period of a baby in its mothers womb

The Six (6) Season Calendar of 360 days = 6 Cycles-Seasons x 60 days)
9,360,000 Days/180 Cycle = (52,000 Cycles/2=26,000 Ancient Years)

The Thirteen (13) Moon Calender
- starts on The Day of The Second (2nd) Full Moon of December

The Ancient Year Calendar ( 360 days = 6 Cycles-Seasons x 60 days)

The Mayan Mucmuchumil (52 Days), aligned to 9,360,000/52=180,000 Cycles

Maya aka Mayan Tzolkin aka Tzolk"in aka Cholq'ij = 260 days

Maya aka Mayan Momtun =180 days x 2 Cycles = 360 days

9,360,360 Days/180 Cycle = 52,002 cycles/2=26,001 Ancient Years

The Mayan TUN = 360 days
9,360,000 Days/360 Cycle = 26,000 Ancient Years
9,360,360 Days/360 Cycle = 26,001 Ancient Years

The Mayan IK TUN MOON - Difference between New Moon & Full Moon Cycles in Days

The Mayan Mucmuchumil (52 Days), aligned to 9,360,000/52 day cycles=180,000 cycles

The Mayan Kit Jeb (400 Days), aligned to 9,360,000/400 day cycles=23,400 cycles
which came from previous calendars of The Aztec, Meso-American & Olmec Tribes,
which also dovetails into the ancient calendar works of:
The First Nation Tribes of Turtle Island, now known as Canada,
mainly, The Cree, Ojibwa-Ojibway-Ojibwe, Algonquin, Mi'Kmaq aka MicMac,
Chippewa aka Chipewyna, Chippewa Ojibway, Woodland Cree, Nipissing,
Odawa of Ottawa, Potawatomi, Saulteaux, Missississagua, Tingit, Tahitan, Tagish,
Kaska, Han, Innu of Labrador, Maliseet, Passamaquoddy, Haudenosaunee aka Iroquois,
Cayuga, Mohawk, Onedia, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscaronia, Wyandot aka Huron,
Tli Cho, Slavey, Haida, Sahtu, Yellowknifes, Dunneza, Gwich'in, Dene, Nakoda,
Yakama, Blackfoot~Kainai aka Blood, North Peigan & Siksika, Coast Salsih, etc.etc.etc.,
(there are just too many different tribes to mention all of them).

The Metis aka The Metis Tribe of Canada,
and, The Native American Tribes of The United States of Turtle Island
(known today as The USA or, The United States of America
mainly, The Catawba, Cherokee, Chippewa-Ojibway, Ojibwa-Ojibway-Ojibwe,
Dakota, Lakota, Nakota Tribes etc.etc.etc.,
(there are just too many tribes to mention all of them).

The Calendars of The Maori of New Zealand,
and, The Calendars of The Aboriginal of Australia.

The Grand Cycle of Macha is 9,360,000 days
(5 major cycles x 13 minor cycles) =
65 cycles x 144,000 days=9,360,000 days
+ The Grand Cycle of Pacha is 360 days
(6 seasons x 60 days = 360)=9,360,360 days

9,360,360/360 Days=26,001 Ancient Years

9,360,000/360 Days=26,000 Ancient Years

360/360 Days=One (1) Ancient Year

360 = 1 degree precessional advancement per day
x 360 Days= 1 (One) Ancient Year
which is, now modified to:
The Gregorian Calendar which consists of:
(3 years of 365 days )+ (1 leap year of 365 + 1 day)= 1461 days or 4 Gregorian Years

There are also yearly cycles:
The Mayan Chol Tun (260 Years),
aligned to 9,360,000/360=26000/260=100 Cycles

The Mayan Kutan (520 Years),
aligned to 9,360,000/360=26000/260=52 Cycles

The Mayan Ajau Tun (20 Years),
aligned to 9,360,000/360=26000/20=1300 Cycles

The Mayan Ekomal Jun (520 Years),
aligned to 9,360,000/360=26000/520=50 Cycles.

The Mayan Ox Lajuj Baktun (5200 Years),
aligned to 9,360,000/360=26000/5200=5 Cycles.

The Mayan Tikitun
22 Cycles of 52 Years = (9 x 52 = 468) Darkness-Hell
+ (13 x 52 = 676) Light-Heaven

The Mayan Bolon Tiki = 9 x 52 =
468 Years of Darkness-Hell

The Mayan Oxala Juj Tiki = 13 x 52 =
676 Years of Light-Heaven
(468 YEARS+676 YEARS=1144 YEARS=
( 9 Darkness/Hell x 13 Light/Heaven) =
22 cycles x 52 YEARS)
also Fits into The Greater Cycle of:
26,000 Ancient Years/500 cycles = 52 Years
500 cycles x 52 Ancient years = 26,000

The HAAB (360 + 5 DAYS)
The Dead Days occur, two times per year:
- middle of the year
- 27 Dec, 28 Dec, 29 Dec, 30 Dec & 31 December
known as o vayeb, 1 vayeb, 2 vayeb, 3 vayeb, and, 4 vayeb

~ Susan Lynne Schwenger ... 5795198653

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

now, why don't you tear apart my work on this:

2010 - Mayan Dresden Codex Super Code Number 1366560
cracked by Tony Bermanseder - Susan Lynne Schwenger
which mathematically proves that we live in a 12 level universe ... A397C1A988