Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:Julian's channeling hours (doesn't give a time zone)

Monday 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Tuesday 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Wednesday 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Thursday 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Friday Day off
Saturday Day off
Sunday Day off

I've heard of "bankers hours" and no offense to Wells Fargo, but I like channeler hours better!
I bet that is when he can get free wifi in Morocco.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Bob Wright reports on this week's OPPT/I UV Exchange propaganda call that he is yet again trying to "deposit his value," this time after being told he was nuts and that he was asking them to do something that didn't make any sense from his previous bank. We interestingly have not been given that many details, except that this is the same bank that Bob Wright previously tried to "redeem his strawman account" at (this was before OPPT when he was into soverign remedy myths) and apparently the bank treated him nicely then although of course his previous attempts to "redeem his strawman" also failed.

The level of insanity here is truely astonishing. It appears as though even Bob has now failed three times:

- Failure #1: Failed to "redeem his strawman account" for a car at a dealership in 2011.
- Failure #2: Failed to "redeem his strawman account" to get free property owned by Bank A in 2012.
- Failure #3: Failed to "deposit his value" for millions at Bank B.

Never fear though, clearly this time when he "deposits his value" at Bank A they will SURELY accept it because so far they haven't told him directly hes nuts like Bank B did. It couldn't possibly be that hes engaging in bank fraud based on mythologies that have no connection to reality...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh, I wish you wouldn't leave so many straight lines lying about unattended.

Bob Wright trying to "deposit his value" is just almost more than I can bear, and all the possibilities it conjures up. So many wonderful and tasteless possibilities to explore/exploit.

I would say the bloom has worn off'n the bush. I really am amazed that the banks haven't had him arrested for trying to deposit fraudulent instruments with them. They are way more patient than most of the banks I know of.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

It would seem the New Agers are getting a bit peeved that "love & light" aren't achieving their goals, and are now justifying (in the kindest way possible, of course) aggressive action. Kind of odd coming from someone using the name "Sophia Love."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

Why doesn't someone suggest to Bob Wright that he would have better luck trying to redeem his strawman account at Scarecrows-R-Us?
thunter wrote:It would seem the New Agers are getting a bit peeved that "love & light" aren't achieving their goals, and are now justifying (in the kindest way possible, of course) aggressive action. Kind of odd coming from someone using the name "Sophia Love."
Just the natural course of human behavior. The minute that instant gratification fails, we immediately knee-jerk into "somebody-done-me-wrong-and-so-someone-must-pay." Of course most won't got to DEFCON6 - they have enough sense to realize that taking any kind of physical action will get them squashed flatter than a pancake - but the sad thing is there could be a minority of fools who will decide it would be a great idea to escalate the rhetoric into something more physical.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:Of course most won't got to DEFCON6 - they have enough sense to realize that taking any kind of physical action will get them squashed flatter than a pancake - but the sad thing is there could be a minority of fools who will decide it would be a great idea to escalate the rhetoric into something more physical.
And, I think you are being overly generous. Most, if in fact not all, of the OPPT crowd "true believers" have long since gone past the stage where they have anything like critical thinking or impulse control, let alone action discrimination functioning, as they continue to show on a daily basis for one and all to see. They want their bazillion dollars, and they want it right now! They are tired of being patient. It's theirs, dammit, momma Heather promised, and so it should be theirs right now.

The fact that the money never existed, never will exist, isn't theirs by galactic, mystic, right, and that it ain't never gonna be there's doesn't exist in their thought processes, the concept that they have been had, does not, and will not exist in their thought processes, but the fact that "someone/thing" is keeping them from getting it does, and they will ultimately vent their pent up rage and frustrations on that "someone/thing". We are not dealing with anything resembling "normal" behavior here, and as it progresses, it will become less and less "normal".
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:And, I think you are being overly generous.
With all due respect, I think you are forgetting what has happened before. As an example, please show me in any instance where the crowd who got cheated in these various scams resorted to using violence in significant numbers to get what they thought they had coming to them:

(a) Omega Trust by Clyde Hood.
(b) NESARA by Dove
(c) HYIP and various other "debenture" trading programs

We will skip to the answer - there aren't any to count. Most people, regardless of their lack of judgement and impulse control in making financial decisions, are not going to lash out with physical violence, once they find out they have been had or are not going to recoup their investment. Instead, these people are either going to be (a) embarrassed to admit their gullibility, (b) afraid to admit to relatives that they have lost money/need financial assistance, (c) have no real desire to enter into a personal confrontation, and/or (d) ignorant of how to pursue legal justice or apathetic to attempting to recover their loss.

It is for the reasons above that most scamsters do not have any concerns about their marks turning on them. The ripoff artist know that a high percentage of his victims will do nothing to report him to authorities or even to confront him over the loss of their money. So why should we think such timidity will instead express itself against the government and armed authority in mass numbers? If you really think there is a serious chance of all these OPPTers staging some sort of armed insurrection, then perhaps I can interest you in buying some dinars?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

In the good old days there were more than a few cases of con artists meeting an untimely end as part of their craft. My wife is from Rochester, where the Eastman Museum has (or had) an exhibit about some guy who literally sold a "snake oil" tonic that was a actually petroleum product that made people sick. He didn't survive the tar and feathering.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LaVidaRoja »

There are occasions where we might decry the absence of the old-fashioned "frontier justice". Exhibition and expression of absolute disdain did have it's benefits. Of course, that was true of the stocks and pillory too.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

I fall somewhere in the middle on the whole violence thing. While its true that historically most of these groups have simply existed in their own little reality and the only harm the believers have done has been mental and emotional, I do think the type of mindset that lures people into believing the OPPT makes them have a higher capacity for violence. Even if the OPPT true believers are not mentally ill in a clinical sense, their willingness to suspend reality and totally embrace the delusion means they are are innately more likely to have the potential for violence. I truly believe if Heather or one of the Gurus said the word that somewhere a OPPTer would do something like stalk court personnel or engage in property damage crimes against courts, government employees or buildings, or banks. To them it would be justice, in their deluded world.

For example, I have posted in this thread the youtube videos of Shane Bennett, who almost assaulted a process server because to him shes an agent of the Powers That Be and an enemy to Lightworkers. Granted she called the police before he could do anything, but the capacity is there. A key point to me is that many of the OPPT true believers are only now facing the consequences of their actions, since most of them stopped paying their mortgages and other bills in January of this year. They are just now beginning to see that, despite what Heather told them, they WILL lose their homes. That is going to make a lot of people very angry and want to "do something about it."

Now how likely is that? I wouldn't write it off completely. Remember, Heather is in Morocco and is staying there - shes is beyond the research of the US government and she knows it. She has no fear of government retribution for egging on her true believers. And she is mentally unstable to begin with, so she is hard to predict in terms of future actions.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:I fall somewhere in the middle on the whole violence thing. While its true that historically most of these groups have simply existed in their own little reality and the only harm the believers have done has been mental and emotional, I do think the type of mindset that lures people into believing the OPPT makes them have a higher capacity for violence.
If the OPPT movement were to become a cult in the same way as the Peoples Temple did under Jim Jones, there would be justification to believe that the risk for violence had gone up. But a cult environment is far different than OPPTer's calling in and listening to a guru far away in Morocco. Cult leaders typically seek control and isolation of their members from society, family and other relationships so that the follower will have no other evidence to weigh against what they are being told by the leader. Once the followers only have information coming from above, the leader has far greater influence to move and direct them towards becoming militant, fanatical, and violent. Another difference is that violence is usually imposed first on the followers in order to punish, discipline and establish that the leader is in charge.

None of that has ever surfaced in the NESARA, Omega Trust or the other various scams out there. And it doesn't appear to be happening in OPPT. If I had to bet money, I think there is a bigger chance of Scientology adherents initiating an act of violence than seeing organized violence come from OPPT.

That doesn't mean that no OPPT follower is incapable of starting violence on their own. But they are not going to be able to stand up in court and say, "Heather made me do it." It just won't fly. There will be far more evidence to show that this individual made his or her own choices, had mental issues or was just plain dumb in acting out.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

According to the OPPT gurus September 1st would be the beginning of the new financial system/our ascendance to 5D/whatever else. They have been pushing this since the Pope removed immunity from the Vatican's internal justice system due to the Vatican's sexual abuse problems - a decree that goes into effect September 1. Although this action has nothing to do with the rest of the world or anyone outside of the Vatican's internal justice system, this is a HUGE deal in OPPT land. Somehow, someway, this decree has been warped into a global order that will enforce the arrests of the Dark Cabal, all judges, Congress, etc. How? Well remember its dangerous to try to find logic when it comes to insane people and their mythology, but it seems to be because they also have decided that the Vatican secretly rules the world (along with the other members of the Dark Cabal) and so its orders now have magical international force of law and that the decree will magically expose all the evil banks, corporations, etc.

When nothing happens come September 1, the excuse will be of course that the arrests occurred but it was ins secret, or that the Dark Cabal stopped the decree. And then we will have another date to get the masses excited about. Its very much turned into a Dinar-esque type thing now where the true believers are worked up about 5D ascendance on X date, which never happens, and then a new date is made up.

By the way, in case you all wondered, it appears as though the gurus and Heather are now getting really tired of being asked where everyone's $5 billion now and have dropped it entirely. Instead of having a "transition" period where everyone realizes they are ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED and WE ARE THE VALUE and where we all get $5 billion to tide us over, we are going straight to 5D ascendance. We will simply be able to walk around and "manifest" whatever we want with our 5D powers. When will this happen? Well, September 1 starts it, and then when that fails, we'll have a new date from the gurus.

So see you all on September 1! I plan to teleport myself to Hawaii and manifest myself a beach villa, how about you? By the way, its not clear what happens if someone is naughty and manifests nuclear weapons exploding or manifests the murder of everyone on the dont get to carried away here with your new powers please...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

This is just the nuttiest stuff I've ever heard. I think "D" has decided she's a god or something, knowing all the secrets of existence, instead of the dead-beat she actually is. These folks are just really messed up.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Burnaby49 »

thunter wrote:This is just the nuttiest stuff I've ever heard. I think "D" has decided she's a god or something, knowing all the secrets of existence, instead of the dead-beat she actually is. These folks are just really messed up.

Skype Discussion from RTS:Postive Energy Questions and Answers
I'd argue not as nutty as the Dove of Oneness and her NESARA scam. Below is the text of Dove's last NESARA website post revealing her final gift to the world before she died (she kept her faithful acolytes right until her final breath); saving us all from the destruction of the planet by an evil Pleiadian commander who had changed the orbit of the earth. Apparently she did such a good job nobody noticed the earth had been physically yanked out of orbit then put back:

[doveofo] Possible Prevention of Earth Changes
May 18, 2010 8:30 pm PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,


About six weeks ago, the government interfered with our website as they have other times in the past. No one could get to our website for a few weeks. Then we were able to get the problem fixed.

Our website is still up today – I just checked it.

I did not do a Dove Report in April 2010 because I have been working non-stop talking with the Pleiadian commander who has been betraying us. He has realized that he is at risk of his own death unless he does the right things before the end of May, 2010.


Now the Pleiadian commander knows that he must go into a clinic which will give him therapy to clean up his aura which has turned black over the years. He also found out that he must request a replacement team for himself and seven huge Pleiadian ships to surround the Earth and move it to its correct orbit to prevent the earth changes.

I will have proof if he does this and he is claiming he will do it this coming week.

If you have a telescope and watch the stars, you may see when the earth changes its position. It will be further from the sun after the orbit is fixed. Earth changes are currently expected the first week of June 2010.

The Pleiadian commander has learned the Prime Creator has a monitor on if/when the earth changes begin. Then the Prime Creator will arrive within 10 minutes and destroy the males responsible for allowing the earth changes to happen. The Pleiadian commander was told the Prime Creator would never check on the mission, but now he knows he will be killed if he does the wrong things.

The Prime Creator has created about 50 Universes including this one and the Prime Creator has been taking the “male power hierarchies” out of power because the males do not take good care of their responsibilities so they are losing their power and will be killed when they do the wrong things.

For example, the Sirian ETs are lying to Sheldan and the world. They plan to pick up healthy, under 30 years old people to put into suspended animation to use for good DNA when the Sirian ETs need new DNA for their race.

They are trying to get good DNA from humans the same as the grey ETs have been. Not all ETs in this universe are good.

I am hoping the right things get done this week. I will have physical proof if they do. I will let you know.

NESARA will be announced if we avoid earth changes. NESARA now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Gregg »

Reminds me of Nancy Lieder, another deluded beyond all help "the UFOs are gonna save us all" guru.

Google her, and sit back for a good long read, her website is a collection of every way out story ever told, all tied together into one plot, with more crazy than McHalfwit could ever hope for... and a sample...
Nancy Lieder's Bio

Nancy became aware of her contactee status in 1993, and the potential for being a communicator of the Zeta message, in the midst of a full life with a family and a full time job. As a contactee, Nancy participated in the hybrid program, and met one of her hybrid children. In preparation for her communicator role, Nancy was given life form introductions and introduced to MJ12 at an early age. Nancy expends her retirement time and money on getting the ZetaTalk message out. Requests for interviews take top priority. She quit a professional job in California in 1999 to move to Wisconsin to walk the talk. Born in Wisconsin, Nancy returned to her grandparent's homestead, where she first met the Zetas in the woods as a young girl. There, she gardens, saves seed, raised chickens, and tries to be an example of how people should prepare for the coming changes. As the ZetaTalk message is threatening to the establishment, who fear the populace will panic, Nancy deals with a lot of flack.

ZetaTalk began on January 19, 1995 in Michael Lindemann’s ISCNI chat group. By late 1996 the Zetas were debating with astronomers on the sci.astro Usenet. Nancy has written two script, both available to the public in short story form - The Passage om 1997 and Finegan Fine in 2009. A ZetaTalk book was produced in 1998, and the basic message remains the same. Nancy ran weekly live chats where the Zetas addressed current topics on IRC from late 2001 into 2003, and from 2006 until early 2010 on the GodlikeProduction message board. Weekly chats are currently hosted on the Pole Shift ning. A Newsletter was started in late 2006 and continues today. The BBS Radio show featured Nancy as their premier show in August, 2005 where Nancy had a weekly spot until 2007 called The Connection. Between 2007 to 2010 Nancy had a regular Friday radio show on The Micro Effect. As of 2007, Nancy also began producing The Zeta Report, which are video clips on the Internet.

Jeff Rense featured Nancy several times on his Sightings radio show, 1998 through 2000. Nancy has twice been included in Wireless News Service notices in 2000 and 2001. Nancy was featured in the April 2001 edition of Art Bell's After Dark magazine and appeared on the Coast to Coast radio show in 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2011. On October 24, 1997 ZetaTalk was featured on the Strange Universe TV program. OutThereTV has featured Nancy several times between 2002 and 2007. Nancy has been featured on TV in New Zealand in 2003, on Seoul Broadcasting System S Korea in 2009, on News First in Sri Lanka in 2012, on Ren TV is Russia in 2012, and on Russia 1 in Moscow in 2013.

The inbound Planet X was sighted at the coordinates given by the Zetas in early 2001, imaged in infrared twice in January, 2002, tracked by CCD images in late 2002 to early 2003, and thereafter photographed by amateur astronomers around the world. That a middle aged woman with a high school degree, who does not even know which end of a telescope to look into, could pinpoint the RA and Dec of the brown dwarf, Planet X, is astonishing, and speaks to the validity of ZetaTalk. Due to the international interest in ZetaTalk, Nancy assists with providing translations into almost two dozen different languages available to the public.

Due to the serious nature of the ZetaTalk message, the Troubled Times group was formed in 1996 to seek survival solution sets for the common man. Nancy functions as the web mistress of the huge Troubled Times site. A nonprofit, Troubled Times Inc, was incorporated in 1997. The nonprofit has now closed its doors. Nancy supported the nonprofit in an administrative capacity, has grown and gathering seed for the seed team she started in 1998, has in the past maintained a hydroponics and vermiculture lab started in 2000, and assisted in the layout of the booklet offered by the nonprofit to the public from 2001 until the end of 2012.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ColinT »

It's 7:30am Sept 1 here is Australia. Everything looks the same so far, but I haven't tried going to the shops yet.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by AndyK »

ColinT wrote:It's 7:30am Sept 1 here is Australia. Everything looks the same so far, but I haven't tried going to the shops yet.
Austrailia doesn't count. We can't start the clock until midnight plus a nanosecond GMT.

But your observation will still be correct at that time -- and at any time in the future.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

So its September 1 or 2 'round the world and - would you believe it? I am not able to use "ABSOLUTE TECHNOLOGY" to manifest myself gold bars using my "ETERNAL ESSENCE" as we were promised we would be able to with our 5D ascension. Maybe I am not doing it right. Anyone else having ascendance problems?

Also, watching the news...I seem to have missed the world wide arrests? The alien flybys also do not appear to be making the news.

Surely there must be some misunderstanding.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

In one respect, this is beginning to sound very much like the dinar scam, magic date for everything to change was proclaimed, and comes the date, guess what, nada, just like with the never ending dinar RV. I wonder what dog ate Heather's homework this time? Of course the banks, gov'ts whatever haven't really been foreclosed on either and I would suspect that whatever state she filed her nonsense documents in has already begun if they haven't already completed the process of de-recording her UCC nonsense.

Like I said, sounds so familiar.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Things are unusually quiet on the western front. My main source on FB is unusually quiet. There's been a few conspiracy things regarding Syria etc but no OPPT news, courtesy notices nothing zilch. Could it be that the idiots have woken up and realised that lunatics were in fact in charge of the asylum?