"Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

Listen to 3:50 Bali Man says that he is going to get Ceylon to help him sell his dictionary

He then goes on to say that he is trying not to make a profit lol - Brown Rabbitt, I would say you need to try a lot harder :naughty:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Bones wrote:
He then goes on to say that he is trying not to make a profit
He should accept were cheques then. No chance of a profit if he made them the only payment he'd accept.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

NG3 wrote:I have to confess I've always disliked the title to this thread, it's to grandiose and gives to much credit to an undeserving entity, whose real role is nothing more than that of a willing idiot.
I can explain, back when this thread was started we didn't have a specific UK forum and were lumped in with the rest of the world. Part of that forums rules were that when starting a thread you had to specify which country it belonged to. Which is why the "UK's" is in the title, "top Goodfer nothing" is a reference to his position on GOODF and a statement that he is good for nothing.

Now that we don't need the UK to be in the title, I'd probably have made it "just goodfer nothing". But c'est la vie.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

Getting very entertaining on GOODF - some screenshots before it gets deleted


Very bad hair day :snicker:


respect to Letissier

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Losleones »

UK No.1 goofer looks like a youthful Michael Heseltine but obv, with far more knowledge. :haha:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Jeffrey »

That's Karl Lentz' buddy, not rabbit?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Tml69 »

Jeffrey wrote:That's Karl Lentz' buddy, not rabbit?
Confusingly Bali Maan former Lentz UK salesman used to post as BrownRabbit on goodf. White Rabbit has never actually been a goodf member but has been endorsed by Jon and Ceylon.

I think think the original falling out with Mareo was about Ceylon endorsing Bali's £9.99 dictionary.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

by letissier14 » Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:29 pm
Dont you actually realise what you are saying anymore?
I have said it many times before they know perfectly well what it is they are saying promoting, they just don’t care what it is they are saying as long as it sounds good to someone who is desperate and believes they have exhausted all avenues of help and assistance. .. The obvious example is Taylor/ Ebert telling Crawford he won.

And you of all goofs should know this letissier14. It has been going on since before you became a resident goofsville and it will continue to do while Ceylon and Sycophant Salli remain in control. I have said it before; Sites like Goofer, Tpuc, Freeman on the land.com simply cannot survive without lies and deceit. Without lies and deceit they have absolutely nothing to offer the desperate, down trodden and disenfranchised particularly when it comes to law.
Read my signature, I believe it sums up Mark Ceylon Haining to a T.
This attack on Bradly Knight is Haining feeling out his support or what may be left of it. Ceylon is hoping for a big turnout tomorrow what ever he may say to the contrary.
This is what a snide bastard Ceylon Haining is: he’s asking for support via another party. As if it has nothing to do with him. Strange he just happens to be in that court the same day. Again this is Mark Ceyon Haining preying on the backs of the unfortunate.
Posted by Ceylon
http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... cegmjTF98E
Ceylon : `nothing to do with me`
I'm going to be busy Monday.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

wanglepin wrote: This is what a snide bastard Ceylon Haining is: he’s asking for support via another party. As if it has nothing to do with him. Strange he just happens to be in that court the same day. Again this is Mark Ceyon Haining preying on the backs of the unfortunate.
Posted by Ceylon
http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... cegmjTF98E
Ceylon : `nothing to do with me`
I'm going to be busy Monday.
What the lady lets slip at about 5.09 probably gives a good indication of what is going on here. It wouldn't be the first time Hainning has used someone like this for his own benefit.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

Again this is Mark Ceyon Haining preying on the backs of the unfortunate.
Posted by Ceylon
http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... cegmjTF98E
Ceylon : `nothing to do with me`
I'm going to be busy Monday.
rumpelstilzchen wrote:What the lady lets slip at about 5.09 probably gives a good indication of what is going on here. It wouldn't be the first time Hainning has used someone like this for his own benefit.
That is exactly what I was pointing to Rumple . I was willing someone else to see my point, before I was accused of having "an obsession with Ceylon". Haining is a maggot who will worm his way deep for his own ends. The message there of course is in the "200" she he wants to attend.He can't risk to be heard himself asking for a mob to turn up risking incitement to add to his charges.
Edit to add.
I have just seen this video again
This one is put out by SriLankerC
The one he posted on goofsville is by NottsRebel. Does he have another name?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

Can't wait to find out when the trial is, I am going to book some time off work and go. The chance to see him squirm, is I am afraid too much to miss
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

Bones wrote:Can't wait to find out when the trial is, I am going to book some time off work and go. The chance to see him squirm, is I am afraid too much to miss
he'll bottle it and plead guilty. he is not the kind toparctice what he has preached for years. simply because he knows it will get him nowhere. I am just wondering what is excuse to all his fans will be when he pleads guilty like the coward he is. It will be something to do with `saving his Mrs ' suffering' or he would have pleaded not guilty'.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Bones wrote:Can't wait to find out when the trial is, I am going to book some time off work and go. The chance to see him squirm, is I am afraid too much to miss
If you've not been before it's easy to get to, by coach you arrive opposite, by car you can park in the multi-story above the coach station opposite, by barge you can arrive on the canal behind, by train at the station on the other side of the canal, by tram at the tram stop at the station, and if you come by bike there's bike parking spots.

The furthest you'll need to walk is 200 meters.

We do spectator sports well in this city.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by YiamCross »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
wanglepin wrote: This is what a snide bastard Ceylon Haining is: he’s asking for support via another party. As if it has nothing to do with him. Strange he just happens to be in that court the same day. Again this is Mark Ceyon Haining preying on the backs of the unfortunate.
Posted by Ceylon
http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... cegmjTF98E
Ceylon : `nothing to do with me`
I'm going to be busy Monday.
What the lady lets slip at about 5.09 probably gives a good indication of what is going on here. It wouldn't be the first time Hainning has used someone like this for his own benefit.
And this, people, is why you should put in place a Power of Attorney, both financial and health, while you're still of sound mind. Otherwise it goes to the Court of Protection and they will appoint someone to manage your affairs, usually a solicitor. And yes, that is expensive, it is pretty horrible and there is nothing you can do about it. Around £600 quid spent now will save a lot of pain and suffering later, I can tell you from experience.

I can see why they might want to section her if this is the way she behaves. I'm pretty sure the courts will be more than a little reluctant to hand the poor bloke's affairs over to this gold digger who appears to care more about what's left for her when he's dead than the quality of his care while he's still around.

And it's a family court, it is private and no member of the public will be allowed in. I'm not even sure she would have any right to attend and they'll throw her out real quick if she acts up like that.
Normal Wisdom
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

YiamCross wrote:
I can see why they might want to section her if this is the way she behaves. I'm pretty sure the courts will be more than a little reluctant to hand the poor bloke's affairs over to this gold digger who appears to care more about what's left for her when he's dead than the quality of his care while he's still around.

And it's a family court, it is private and no member of the public will be allowed in. I'm not even sure she would have any right to attend and they'll throw her out real quick if she acts up like that.
This smacks of a family dispute to me. There is mention of another sister but Marva claims not to know what she might have said, done or signed. Also it's slightly chilling that Marva talks about "her property". I know that these issues can be very difficult but the local authority does have a statutory duty to assess care requirements and provision.

One might think that Ceylon would have learned his lesson about getting in the middle of family disputes with the last eviction involving Mr Ebert where the freetards made even bigger idiots of themselves than usual.

I don't know whether this is a cynical appropriation of the case for his own purposes or just coincidence. In any case it plays nicely into their agenda of attacking the Council at every opportunity. The "interviewer" is Jonathan Allington alias Master Jonathan Christian and formerly alias Bob Hood (geddit?) who seems to have a similar views although he was a bit less bullish when appearing in the Nottingham Post where he gave it the full "poor me" approach instead ...

http://www.nottinghampost.com/Bailiffs- ... story.html
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by timcurgenven1 »

NG3 wrote:
Bones wrote:Can't wait to find out when the trial is, I am going to book some time off work and go. The chance to see him squirm, is I am afraid too much to miss
If you've not been before it's easy to get to, by coach you arrive opposite, by car you can park in the multi-story above the coach station opposite, by barge you can arrive on the canal behind, by train at the station on the other side of the canal, by tram at the tram stop at the station, and if you come by bike there's bike parking spots.

The furthest you'll need to walk is 200 meters.

We do spectator sports well in this city.

I don't live to far from Nottingham so will definately go to the trial , or if he pleased guilty , the sentencing hearing which will be a hoot.

I think we should all arrange to meet up before hand ( those who are going) and wear quatloos t shirts :)
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bungle »

NG3 wrote: We do spectator sports well in this city.
Ary you going today? It would be good to hear what REALLY happens or is said.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by timcurgenven1 »

Bungle wrote:
NG3 wrote: We do spectator sports well in this city.
Ary you going today? It would be good to hear what REALLY happens or is said.
It's just a case management hearing, nothing worth seeing, all very administrative, if they plead guilty, a sentencing date will be set,
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Bungle wrote:
NG3 wrote: We do spectator sports well in this city.
Ary you going today? It would be good to hear what REALLY happens or is said.

No, cant make this one (unless it drags on late). I will be literally 5 minutes away, but tied up until gone midday.

Will hopefully be at any future trial though

For anyone going today, current travel view for those coming into the area from the south of the city:

Last edited by NG3 on Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Normal Wisdom wrote:The "interviewer" is Jonathan Allington alias Master Jonathan Christian and formerly alias Bob Hood (geddit?) who seems to have a similar views although he was a bit less bullish when appearing in the Nottingham Post where he gave it the full "poor me" approach instead ...

http://www.nottinghampost.com/Bailiffs- ... story.html
Off topic I know but I would like to correct a mistake made by the Nottingham Post in that article:
Because he failed to pay within the specified time, the fine was doubled
That is incorrect. The penalty charge does not double. It does not change. If you do not pay within the specified time you are required to pay the original penalty charge. However if you pay within the twenty-eight days the council offer a fifty percent reduction.
Perhaps the Nottingham Post need to be told this FIFTEEN TIMES!!!!1!!!!
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.