"free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson


Re: Harvester's new rank

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
bmielke wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:We could also try something like "Hustler of Hendricksonian Horsedroppings"....
If that is specifically for Harvey I like it, but as a general purpose title, I don't like it. It's too specific. I think Hendricson is fixing to ride off into the sunset here in a couple of months and his followers will surely join him, either they will follow the same path and end up dressing alike for a few years or they will run to the next "Guru" either way I cannot believe CTC will last long term now that Petey is on his way to the slammer.
The reason why I said "Hendricksonian" instead of something like "Hendrickson's" is that this rank could be awarded to anyone who tries to pass off, on us, idiocies on the level of Hendrickson's, even though they might be unrelated to them.
I completely misread that, it is time for another eye exam I think, Now that I see that yeah it would work.

Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by bmielke »

Gregg wrote:How about we just call him the Village Idiot and leave it at that. A special title is too good for him, it's like a crying baby, he only does it for the attention.
Harvey is an idiot searching for a village to belong to, I keep hoping he will realize we have ours (DMVP) and move on.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Omne »

I'm honestly curious, why does anyone still think that Harvester actually believes any of this stuff? It's been an obvious troll for quite some time now, and not even a particularly skillful one. :roll:

I've known a lot of tax protesters over the past 20+ years in tax compliance. I've talked to them, argued with them and even, in a very few cases, developed a grudging respect for them. For several years I dealt only with protesters/supremacists. Harvester doesn't believe any of what he's posting, not a jot, not a tittle. He may be a non-filer but if he is it's an economic issue, not philosophic.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Cathulhu »

Yeah, I also think he's a troll and as truthful as a politician. Either he's a nonfiler who has no ability to own anything for real because, as Gregg correctly said, banks want to see a tax return; or alternatively he's a liar who's trolling for more victims. If he does believe any of this crap he sends so repeatedly, he's extremely delusional and possibly dangerous to himself or others.

Either way, he's really getting boring. When pressed too hard about his total lack of citations or his truthiness, he resorts to crude sexual commentary because he's not particularly witty.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Harvester »

bwaaha ha. Oh y'all are too kind. And yes, I really believe the Income Tax as represented by the IRS is a SCAM, operating in conjunction with the Federal Reserve scam. I have moved off the tax plantation, I pay zero legally, with nary a peep from the IRS.

This is great entertainment. Quatlosers are either oblivious to, or in denial of, the great frauds operating in America. Hint, it has everything to do with CENTRAL BANKING. And by gum, we're bringing it all down. Who's with me? Either you're for The People, or you're for the Banks.

http://www.ronpaul.com/2010-05-03/ron-p ... tigan-show
Dylan Ratigan: Congressman Grayson, I look at this like we’re a man who’s certain to have a heart attack 5 years from now, who refuses to acknowledge that fact or do anything to change his or her behavior in advance of that heart attack. It’s as if changing your diet to not eat sugar should do it. Getting the transparency at the Federal Reserve, posting collateral in the derivatives market, and ending too-big-to-fail, which would reveal the fraud that is the massive banking system that is supported at the Federal Reserve.
Instead of our politicians addressing that fraud now so that we can avoid the apocalyptic version of events, which is the utter collapse of all paper assets in this country as a result of the money printing,

Alan Grayson: Dylan, it’s very simple; if you vote for these amendments, you’re for the people. If you vote against them, you’re for the banks. People will remember.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Cathulhu »

Ho hum. Boring, and only mildly insane. Dull, duller, dullest.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by The Operative »

Why in the world would I want to listen to three people who do not understand economics or modern monetary systems talk about the Federal Reserve?

BTW, many of the extraordinary measures taken by the Fed during the financial crisis have either ended or been scaled back considerably. For example, the mortgage backed securities purchase program ended in March 2010. While the Federal Reserve does hold many of the securities it has purchased, the holdings will decrease as the securities are sold, the mortgages are repaid, and/or the mortgages are refinanced. Primary lending, which was increased to terms of 90 days and 25 basis points above the FOMC target rate for federal funds, is now limited to overnight loans at 50 basis points. All loans that had longer terms than overnight have matured and been repaid. Secondary and seasonal credit programs are closely monitored and are back to the pre-crisis terms and conditions.

Another extraordinary measure taken by the Fed was the creation of the Term Auction Facility. The funds auctioned by the TAF were for 28 and 84 day maturities. That program was scaled back in the latter half of 2009 and the last auction, which was limited to 28-day maturities, was on March 8, 2010. The TAF is now closed.

All of the Fed's financial information is available to the public. The financial statements of the Federal Reserve are independently audited every year. This "audit the Fed" movement is because people do not understand the Fed and what it does. Also, they do not understand the need for some independence. The GAO performs many audits on many Fed functions. What Ron Paul and some other idiots want is to give Congress the ability to second guess Federal Reserve monetary policy actions. That is a really bad idea.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Harvester wrote:bwaaha ha. Oh y'all are too kind. And yes, I really believe the Income Tax as represented by the IRS is a SCAM,
So why haven't you posted any of those Supreme Court cases which you claim support your position?
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
Harvester wrote:bwaaha ha. Oh y'all are too kind. And yes, I really believe the Income Tax as represented by the IRS is a SCAM,
So why haven't you posted any of those Supreme Court cases which you claim support your position?
Very simple -- he's a coward.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Gregg »

The Operative wrote:
Why in the world would I want to listen to three people who do not understand economics or modern monetary systems talk about the Federal Reserve?

BTW, many of the extraordinary measures taken by the Fed during the financial crisis have either ended or been scaled back considerably. For example, the mortgage backed securities purchase program ended in March 2010. While the Federal Reserve does hold many of the securities it has purchased, the holdings will decrease as the securities are sold, the mortgages are repaid, and/or the mortgages are refinanced. Primary lending, which was increased to terms of 90 days and 25 basis points above the FOMC target rate for federal funds, is now limited to overnight loans at 50 basis points. All loans that had longer terms than overnight have matured and been repaid. Secondary and seasonal credit programs are closely monitored and are back to the pre-crisis terms and conditions.

Another extraordinary measure taken by the Fed was the creation of the Term Auction Facility. The funds auctioned by the TAF were for 28 and 84 day maturities. That program was scaled back in the latter half of 2009 and the last auction, which was limited to 28-day maturities, was on March 8, 2010. The TAF is now closed.

All of the Fed's financial information is available to the public. The financial statements of the Federal Reserve are independently audited every year. This "audit the Fed" movement is because people do not understand the Fed and what it does. Also, they do not understand the need for some independence. The GAO performs many audits on many Fed functions. What Ron Paul and some other idiots want is to give Congress the ability to second guess Federal Reserve monetary policy actions. That is a really bad idea.

I believe Ron Paul is a Physician, so he's obviously an educated man, but I'm also a Doctor, my PhD is in Economics (I actually have two, International Business. and I even interned for a Federal Reserve Bank!) but here's the point....I don't try to treat my cancer beyond doing what the PHYSICIAN tells me, and I wouldn't honestly expect my urologist to argue too much with me about my field. Ron Paul from what I can tell knows slightly more about economics than Harvester does, and I have said several times I won't even discuss much economics with anyone without at least graduate education in the field or a related one with a good reason to ask me, because quite frankly it's damn complicated, most people who want to ask me about are akin to the guy on LH "asking" the law professor questions about law and I don't have a high tolerance for stupid.

Central Banks are a good thing, the US Federal Reserve System is better than most and as good as any at what they do. And unless you're among a few hundred people in the country you really have no damn business questioning that. Ron Paul is a populist politician who takes a stupid position on an issue he likely doesn't understand and he gets away with it because

1) His positions are nuts enough that none of the grownups will let them get any farther than Fox News

2) Crazy people are allowed to vote most of the time, in a few districts there are enough of them to elect one of their own

3) He's hamming it up to the Batshit Crazy faction, cause he likes to see himself on TV

And finally, much like Prohibition, the best way to let Americans know how bad an idea congressional oversight of the Federal Reserve System is, would be to try it. My darkest fear is they we're going to find out in my lifetime. Of course, nitwits like Harvester will be dining in dumpsters long before it gets too bad, which brings me some comfort anyhow.
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Re: Harvester's new rank

Post by Harvester »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:We could also try something like "Hustler of Hendricksonian Horsedroppings"....
Whatever you deem appropriate - although it should probably reflect my initiation to the 13th degree.
Dr. Caligari wrote:So why haven't you posted any of those Supreme Court cases which you claim support your position?
Wouldn't matter. Quatlosers enjoy their slavery too much, content to pay taxes they don't owe.
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Re: Harvester's new rank

Post by Thule »

Harvester wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Dr. Caligari wrote:So why haven't you posted any of those Supreme Court cases which you claim support your position?
Wouldn't matter. Quatlosers enjoy their slavery too much, content to pay taxes they don't owe.
Au contraire. We value the lack of grey bars blocking our view, and the absence of stupidity-induced friv-pens. But I'm sure Petey's freedom will keep him snug and warm while he serves his time. That, and his new boyfriend "Hacksaw".
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.

Re: Harvester's new rank

Post by Harvester »

Thule wrote:Au contraire. We value the lack of grey bars blocking our view, and the absence of stupidity-induced friv-pens.
Interesting Thule, it appears 'negative reinforcement,' the threat of prison and frivolous penalties, keeps you in the taxpayer pen. When faced with breakdown in the rule-of-law, when rogue actors use the law to break the law, under color of law, honorable men, like Peter E. Hendrickson, stand up to tyranny.

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” ~ Samuel Adams
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:
Thule wrote:Au contraire. We value the lack of grey bars blocking our view, and the absence of stupidity-induced friv-pens.
Interesting Thule, it appears 'negative reinforcement,' the threat of prison and frivolous penalties, keeps you in the taxpayer pen. When faced with breakdown in the rule-of-law, when rogue actors use the law to break the law, under color of law, honorable men, like Peter E. Hendrickson, stand up to tyranny.
tyranny: "a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler....oppressive power exerted by government...." Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, p. 1266 (G. & C. Merriam Company, 8th ed. 1976).

You crooks are constantly overstating your case. You sanctimoniously quote Samuel Adams, and you often call yourselves "patriots." What a laugh. You repeatedly refer to the federal income tax as a "scam." People who disagree with you are called "government shills." And your fellow crooks -- like Hendrickson -- are called "honorable men" who are "standing up to tyranny."

You're full of phony baloney, Harvester.
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Re: Harvester's new rank

Post by Thule »

Harvester wrote:
Thule wrote:Au contraire. We value the lack of grey bars blocking our view, and the absence of stupidity-induced friv-pens.
Interesting Thule, it appears 'negative reinforcement,' the threat of prison and frivolous penalties, keeps you in the taxpayer pen. When faced with breakdown in the rule-of-law, when rogue actors use the law to break the law, under color of law, honorable men, like Peter E. Hendrickson, stand up to tyranny.
The funny thing is that such an argument can be used to legitimize any sort of criminal behaviour, as long as you refuse to accept any interpretation other than your own. Fact is, "Rule of Law" is the reason Petey is going to jail. He broke well-established law, and will pay the prize.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.

Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Harvester »

No; Hendrickson broke no law. He's been singled out for selective prosecution for figuring out the tax scam and concisely writing it all down for all to see.
First and foremost, a little thinking is in order. Only “a little thinking”, because not that much is really necessary to solve this country’s fundamental problem. What is that problem? Ultimately it is a matter of law—or, more specifically described, of lawlessness. America is suffering the transmogrification of her legal system from the rule of law to the lawlessness of rulers. With the aid of puppet-politicians, media propagandists, and other front men, influential factions and special-interest groups are systematically seizing control of the apparatus of law so that they can use the law to break the law under color of the law—while treating everyone who justifiably opposes them as, if not actual lawbreakers, “extremists” only one short step removed from outlaws.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Thule »

Harvester wrote:No; Hendrickson broke no law. He's been singled out for selective prosecution for figuring out the tax scam and concisely writing it all
Big problem for Petey, then. Because ultimatly, the courts decides the the correct application for a given law. Not Hendrickson, not you, not me, not the Norwegian Blue. And the court have repatedly said that the Blowhards view is wrong. Up to and including his own trial.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by The Operative »

Harvester wrote:No; Hendrickson broke no law. He's been singled out for selective prosecution for figuring out the tax scam and concisely writing it all down for all to see.
Nonsense. Pete was told in his civil case that he was wrong. He persisted after being told to file according to law and he did not. He was convicted by a jury of breaking the law. Until a court says otherwise, Pete broke the law.
Harvester wrote:
First and foremost, a little thinking is in order.
Right. Are you and Pete capable of a little thinking? So far, you have only shown that you are incapable.
Harvester wrote:
Only “a little thinking”, because not that much is really necessary to solve this country’s fundamental problem. What is that problem? Ultimately it is a matter of law—or, more specifically described, of lawlessness. America is suffering the transmogrification of her legal system from the rule of law to the lawlessness of rulers. With the aid of puppet-politicians, media propagandists, and other front men, influential factions and special-interest groups are systematically seizing control of the apparatus of law so that they can use the law to break the law under color of the law—while treating everyone who justifiably opposes them as, if not actual lawbreakers, “extremists” only one short step removed from outlaws.
Nonsense. A disagreement with the law or the way a law is enforced is not lawlessness. What you, Hendrickson, and other bone heads want, is to be able to interpret the law as you want it. If everyone could interpret the laws as they want them, that is an invitation to anarchy. I choose to decline that invitation. Instead, I will follow the law as the courts have interpreted the law because that is the system setup by the founders.
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