Dr. Dino Thread


Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Samphire »

Not a good idea to tell the government to "quit whining". But, at least, it tickled the lady judge's fancy so much that she couldn't resist including the wording in the judgement.

Will it now dawn on Kent that the case is over and that it is time to stop being "disingenuous" and "patently frivolous"?

I guess that the prayers of his supporters to let him out have been defeated by those who have prayed to keep him in.
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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Samphire wrote:Not a good idea to tell the government to "quit whining". But, at least, it tickled the lady judge's fancy so much that she couldn't resist including the wording in the judgement.

Will it now dawn on Kent that the case is over and that it is time to stop being "disingenuous" and "patently frivolous"?

That will never happen. When someone is convinced that they have a direct line to God and that they are the revealer of His wisdom, they are too intoxicated by religious kool-aid to be capable of such a rational step.

I guess that the prayers of his supporters to let him out have been defeated by those who have prayed to keep him in.
Hovind will simply brush off the "other" prayers as being prayers to the Devil, or something like that.
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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Meanwhile, we are less than 2 weeks away from the scheduled U.S. Tax Court trial of Dr. Dino's wife, Jo Delia Hovind; who indicated she didn't want her case being messed up by the antics of her infamous husband and his frivolous claims.

Anyone here going to be able to attend the April 27 trial scheduled for Mobile, AL?

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by LPC »

Paths of the Sea wrote:Anyone here going to be able to attend the April 27 trial scheduled for Mobile, AL?
Any reason to think it's going to be of any interest?

My high school history teacher said that military battles are only interesting to the people who happened to die in them. I think that most criminal trials are interesting only to the defendant, and for similar reasons.
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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

It's a civil, tax trial, and I would certainly be interested in the issues and the course Jo is going to be taking and how such course will effect Dr. Dino's civil, tax trial if he ever gets before the judge.

Since Dr. Dino has been known to boast regarding his "legal updates" but, in fact, has done very little to actually provide legal updates, "we" have to rely on other sources, like Jo's trial, in order to be kept informed.

Perhaps the Pensacola media will cover it because Dr. Dino is one of the "favorite sons"???

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by The Observer »

Since the results of the Hovind's trials are going to predictable, I doubt there is any real good reason for anyone to waste time observing the trial. Sort of like going to watch a train wreck - a sensational experience, but not a cerebral one.
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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I disagree!

I don't consider the results in Jo's civil tax trial predicatable.

If so, I haven't seen any legitimate, specific predictions thereof.

While, in principle, the outcome may be predictable (e.g., income tax statutes will not be judged unconstitutional), the details as to how Jo might craft her defense is what will make the case interesting and the extent to which she may, with considerable success, distance herself from her infamous husband (e.g., maybe throw him under the bus, so to speak).

Despite a lack of interest here, if that be the case, Dr. Dino and his wife have a considerable following and they will be anxious and interested to see how Jo fares before the Tax Court.

A waste of time...hardly!

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by The Observer »

Paths of the Sea wrote:I don't consider the results in Jo's civil tax trial predicatable.
Yet you have already made posts showing that Jo is looking to not go down with the shipwreck her husband created, and reinforce that in your response to me:
...and the extent to which she may, with considerable success, distance herself from her infamous husband (e.g., maybe throw him under the bus, so to speak).
While, in principle, the outcome may be predictable
Which is really what counts here. Not the nonsense that Hovind has put up in defense nor how Jo will try to elicit sympathy from the court. While that may be the kind of fare that would rate well on a Maury Povich show, it's a been-there, seen-that kind of event for most of the posters here.
A waste of time...hardly!
Hovind has been beating on this dead horse for a number of years and the horse isn't getting any better. But since you don't consider this a waste of time for others, does this mean you will be going to see the trial?
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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

You said "Maury"!

Otherwise, the logistics are not conducive to my attending (e.g., I'm not close and don't have the finances to make up for the distance; not according to my own evaluations which suggest the trial antics would be interesting...but not that interesting).

I'll look for the reports from others.

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

The Tax Court docket now indicates that Jo Hovind has filed two amendments to her pre-trial memorandum.

The Internet docket record, however, gives no information regarding what she had in her original memorandum or the two amendments.

Anyone here able to find out what Jo is planning as indicated in her memorandum??

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Looks like Jo doesn't want to go to trial next week.

The Tax Court docket now reflects she has just filed a motion for summary judgment.

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I guess I missed the second page or it has just been added to the docket history.

Jo's motion was denied; bad timing!

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Nikki »

Paths of the Sea wrote:The Tax Court docket now indicates that Jo Hovind has filed two amendments to her pre-trial memorandum.

The Internet docket record, however, gives no information regarding what she had in her original memorandum or the two amendments.

Anyone here able to find out what Jo is planning as indicated in her memorandum??

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The two amendments, combined wrote:ADDITIONAL WITNESSES EXPECTED TO CALL:

The Petitioner adds the following additional witness:

Thomas Pope: Will testify that taxpayer was not involved in the management, operation, or control of Christian Science Evangelism (CSE) or DinosaurAdventure Land (DAL) activities. Respondent can reach Mr. Pope at his home at [redacted]

Frederick Evans: Internal Revenue Service Special Agent. Will testify that taxpayer was not involved in the management, operation, or control of Christian Science Evangelism (CSE) or Dinosaur Adventure Land (DAL) activities. Respondent can reach Mr. Evans at his office located at [redacted]

Michael Rollo, Esquire Will testify that taxpayer was not involved in the management, operation, or control of Christian Science Evangelism (CSE) or DinosaurAdventure Land (DAL) activities. Respondent can reach Mr. Rollo at [redacted]
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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »


Thanks for that additional information.

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

It seems to me that such testimony, if it is made, will be easily rebutted by the Government by simply referencing the findings in the criminal trial.

> res judicata
> Noun: A matter that has been adjudicated
> by a competent court and may not be
> pursued further by the same parties.

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

In other action this week, Dr. Dino has been busy with filings in his criminal case.

He's filed a motion to vacate this week, claiming the Court lacked jurisdiction because where he was arrested was not property of the United States of America, or some such thing; and claiming the Court always has jurisdiction to consider jurisdictional claims.

He also filed a response to the recently filed recommendations that his motions be denied. Surprise, his response is to contest the recommendations and, it seems, rehash such arguments as that he timely filed his motion(s).

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Can anybody find out if Jo Hovind's Tax Court trial scheduled for tomorrow is still scheduled to be held?

I'm wondering if there has been any last minute developments that could have affected the trial scheduling.

I tried to find out and couldn't.

I even contacted Jo's lawyer who wanted to know what my connection to the trial was but didn't tell me if it was still scheduled for tomorrow. (I advised him of my interests, but have received no further response).

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I contacted the office of Jo's representative and was advised that he was in Mobile for 3 days for Tax Court.

So, it looks like Jo's trial is "on"!

I guess the representative could have a number of trials scheduled for the rest of this week or it could be they expect the Hovind trial to take 3 days.

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I spoke to "Steve" at Creation Science Evangelism a few minutes ago. He advised me that the trial concluded yesterday, but did not offer any details and I did not press for any.

I did ask about media coverage and a possible press release.

He indicated he was unaware of any media coverage and that any press release would be "in due time" (e.g., like, never).

So, I guess if no one who was there is going to clue us in we'll just have to wait for the Court's opinion for details as to how it went.

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Re: Dr. Dino Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

I would hazard a guess, that since you got the "in due time" response that things DIDN"T go well and they will need time to put some spin on the expected outcome.
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