I think a part of my fascination with David-Kevin: Lindsay is that for so very long he was a cipher. I’d never seen a photograph – and I looked high and low. No video appearances – anywhere.
He didn’t even operate a website. Well, that’s not entirely true. One of his email addresses hinted he owned the http://clearfreedom.org/ website – but that page sternly locks out those who do not have appropriate ID. And there's this remnant of a decade-plus old page from when Dave lived in Alberta (http://cyberclass.net/dave/davelindsay.htm). (A short stay, it seemed.)
Instead, I learned about Lindsay from his litigation footprint – a Godzilla-like stamp across the Canadian OPCA world. While he has appeared in many jurisdictions, he seems to have started his ‘career’ in Manitoba in the 1990s. In the next decade he moved to inland British Columbia, where he remains to this day.
Lindsay, personally, is the subject of eighteen reported judgments. This probably grossly understates his appearances in criminal proceedings because he has, in the British Columbia Provincial Court alone, 36 separate actions where he is a defendant (B.C. Courts Online database). A search of the Manitoba courts database identifies 29 more civil and criminal proceedings.
He has applied to the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal in 2006 (David Lindsay (David-Kevin: Lindsay) v. Her Majesty the Queen, 2006 CanLII 39426 (SCC)), 2007 (David-Kevin: Lindsay v. Attorney General of British Columbia, 2007 CanLII 50072 (SCC)), 2008 (David Kevin Lindsay v. Her Majesty the Queen, 2008 CanLII 46982 (SCC)), and 2011 (David-Kevin: Lindsay v. Her Majesty the Queen, 2011 CanLII 62450 (SCC)), but has been denied every time. On the last application he requested the opportunity to make oral argument (which is quite unusual for a Supreme Court of Canada leave application) – they said they didn’t want to hear from him.
He appears in at least 25 more reported cases as a representative or adviser for someone else.
In Meads v Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 Lindsay is profiled as a guru at paras 100-108. That judgment at para 101 reports no less than seven classic OPCA arguments argued by Lindsay in his trials:
- 1. various deficiencies in judicial oaths prohibit court action;
2. the relationship between the state and a person is a contract, and one can opt out of that contract;
3. the obligation to pay income tax is one such agreement;
4. legislation, the common-law, and court principles and procedures are trumped by “God’s Law” and other divinely ordained rules and principles;
5. the Poriskyite natural person argument;
6. that an aspect of the 1931 Statute of Westminster meant all post-1931 government legislation and action is unauthorized; and
7. the Magna Carta has super-constitutional status and restricts state and court action.
And he has style! The Manitoba Court of Appeal quoted this passage from his court materials in R. v. Lindsay, 2004 MBCA 147 at para. 35 (http://canlii.ca/t/1j00q):
All that, and nothing online. No website, no Facebook page, no Twitter feed, no videos. While other gurus self-flagellated themselves bloody, Lindsay didn’t have to do that. He didn’t have to sell himself in such a crass, superficial manner. No, Lindsay remained a shadow, who would now and then pop up – run a seminar series across Canada – then disappear.The appellant's court filings abound with unfounded and scurrilous accusations of "corruption and criminal activity at all levels of the justice and political levels," "unlawful Gestapo [S]earches," "unlawful court fees for justice" and judges who "wilfully violated a court order" and "participated in the cover up." Even on the first page of his notice of appeal we find this gratuitous and insulting greeting:
I'm Baaaack!!
And you thought I was gone! NOT! I still demand the rule of law be obeyed ‑
If you know how.
The appellant takes issue with words such as "scandalous, vexatious, frivolous, and irrelevant" that the motions judge used in describing portions of his affidavit and brief. That description was clearly invited and justified by the tenor of his material.
And his advertising … oh gods, his advertising …
Go on. I dare you. Look at this 2009 handbill (http://www.mediafire.com/view/auswt9o4d ... ntreal.pdf). Look at it! This would embarrass an eight year old. And that’s merely it’s appearance. The content is … who else but David-Kevin: Lindsay would dare make this proclamation?
Yeah – can you really resist paying the $99 to hear David-Kevin: Lindsay explain that? To hell with birth bonds, A4V, or ‘opting out’. I want to know how I can split myself into two, discrete entities, one with Geneva in bold, vs. italic Times New Roman. That’s the REAL stuff.Do fonts (ALL CAPS, I, B, other?) differentiate between a man and a “person”?
The judiciary says YES!
In another ad (http://www.galacticfriends.com/componen ... d-999.html), this time posted on the Galactic Friends (!?!) website – “Together Joyfully co-creating a spiritual Galactic Society we can be proud of!!” – in which David promises:
Here’s another one (http://www.mediafire.com/view/rzci4n4m4 ... nnipeg.pdf). It take balls of titanium to stick this on a lamppost and expect people will pay to see you speak.Our seminar is the first in Canada to provide actual judicial documentation confirming that a “person” is not simply a man or woman, and we will take you through this entire analysis in a manner that will leave you with no doubt as to the correctness of our position. Did you know that an English superior court judge (King’s Counsel) has conceded not only that the style of fonts on paper has been used by the justice system to demonstrate the difference between a man and a “person”, but they have been doing so for almost 100 years, without your knowledge or consent!
And every ad – EVERY ad reminds us that it’s time to spread the truth with a jaunty reminder: “... and don’t forget to bring a friend!”
So who is this mighty litigant? Where did he come from? What has motivated his tireless two-decade long crusade? I didn’t know. And I’ll admit, in my mind, I imagined this giant figure, a ranting beast of angry flesh, wild hair, fiery eyes:
- A man who dared the New Brunswick Court of Appeal deny they are an Admiralty Court and demanded they remove their courtroom yellow fringey flag. (They didn’t: R. v. J.B.C. Securities Ltd., 2003 NBCA 53 at para. 2 (http://canlii.ca/t/57bx)).
A man who Stood Tall against the Jewish cabalistas who attempted to block David Icke from spreading his truths to Canada. (So what if he failed: Warman v. Icke, 2009 CanLII 43943 (ON SC): http://canlii.ca/t/258td) – those reptiles no doubt control the judiciary too!)
A man who was the first to say what we all know is undeniable – the Queen is a fraud because of her defective coronation oath! (Which even if true doesn’t matter: R. v. Lindsay, 2011 BCCA 99 at paras 32 (http://canlii.ca/t/2g1sx)).
And … and … he’s a kind of mousy-looking guy with a receding hairline and a really light, mild voice.
Huh. Well that was … kind of a let-down.
But something neat came up in the interview. Beyond Dave talking about his ideas, his organization, “C.L.E.A.R.” – the “Common Law Education and Rights Initiative”, he also explained his history. And this is what I found most interesting – Lindsay explains he first in the early 1990’s became interested in what are now known as Sovereign/Freeman/OPCA ideas via a blind mass-mailing of a publication, The Michael Journal (http://michaeljournal.org/). This very weird newspaper is from a group of Quebec, hardcore Catholic, “Social Credit” advocates. It still exists, and many back issues can be read online. Social Credit is a wonky Canadian political movement that claimed economic benefit would flow from the government giving people free money, which they would then spend and stimulate the economy. (The rise and fall of Social Credit is a soap opera all itself.) Back in the 1990’s the Michael Journal featured articles on how the monetary system was corrupt, among that publications other more than a little conspiratorial content.
Dave explains that at the time the Michael Journal was being bulk mailed to every Canadian address (but darkly hints that Canada Post didn’t do its job – dangerous knowledge you know!). I remember getting issues of the publication at the time and being quite amused and fascinated by its weirdo contents. Well, Dave liked it too, and he noticed that some of the authors of the anti-usury / don’t have to pay income tax articles were right from his own home town, Winnipeg. So he met these individuals, and was caught up with their amazing ideas. And down the rabbit hole he went! And 23 years later he’s still tunneling…
I’m not clear how many fellow travellers Dave had in Manitoba, but by the time he ended up in British Columbia he was a leader in the growing Detaxer movement. I’ve seen communications from among the people involved in that (some of whom still pop up now and again!) and it was a profoundly different phenomenon from the recent Freeman-on-the-Land wave. The Detaxers were highly organized: they shared their legal schemes, compared research, obtained and circulated transcripts of their litigation, and for a bunch of lay persons they engaged in a meaningful exploration of how they might escape tax obligation. These were kooks, yes – but smart kooks.
And Lindsay was amongst the most determined of them. He personally fought the obligation to pay tax – and sure he failed, over and over – but at least he didn’t let others be the ones to (always) playtest the result of sticking their arms in a meat grinder.
Still, failure and jail took its tole, and by the mid 2000’s the Detaxers either gave up, turned inward in small remnant cells, and instead Robert Menard and the Freemen became the dominant OPCA movement. But Lindsay didn’t stop – he continued his tours, continued going to court, being found guilty, going to jail, and by this time he became, well, something of a 'has been'. Even a joke. You know it’s bad when the skinheads on Stormfront are making fun of you (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t589617/) and sending you Christmas cards (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t929615/).
“minister” Belanger of CERI has even accused David-Kevin: Lindsay of being a CRA agent and “false flag” operative. How else can one explain Dave’s record of hopeless, futile litigation? It must instead be he was assigned to argue certain ideas in court in a manner than guarantees they would fail – and then create the jurisprudence that defeats Freedomites everywhere.
Well, now the time has again apparently come for David-Kevin: Lindsay to re-emerge into the public’s eye – a savior for the leaderless host of Freemen, and a guiding hand for Dean Clifford himself. Frankly, I think that’s fitting – because in a lot of ways if there is anything that the surviving Freemen-on-the-Land need is someone who knows the ropes.
And nobody, nobody in Canada knows the ropes like Dave.
(Even when he pretends they aren’t there.)
Given the raw scope of David-Kevin: Lindsay’s activities that’s where I’ll stop for the moment. My plan is post more focused messages on Lindsay-related subjects when I have the opportunity.
... and don't forget to bring a friend!
SMS Möwe