Uncommonly known as Dominic Lohan (UK)

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Uncommonly known as Dominic Lohan (UK)

Post by PeanutGallery »

I'd like to introduce Quatloos to a freeman loon who so far has managed to achieve the usual FMOTL successes (ie none) and instead seems to be a protestor who turns up and generally makes a nuisance of themselves all the while claiming to be commonly known as Dom and not this person called Dominic Lohan.

Dom is a man who's ego seems to be bigger than the hat he used to wear back when he seemed to be going through a mad jester/tramp phase. Now his look is possibly slightly saner tramp. Dominic has been trying and failing to live the Freeman lifestyle for a great many years and aside from getting an article onto the Guardian's comment is free section (which was much derided and debunked by those with more understanding than I), Dom has the usual number of Freeman success to crow about. I.E. none. His latest campaign was to try and restore Milkup Bank Farm to it's rightful evicted former owner Paula Jane Campbell.

In the UK Dom has been around on the scene for almost as long as their has been a scene, his schtick has never really changed and nor has his general sense of entitlement and complete inability to understand that if you are going to try living a life of bartering as opposed to using currency that you have to reach an agreement for trade and not just take what you want and then offer to do some service to pay for it later. As evidence I would like to present this video.

Possibly the largest thing about Dom is his ego and his requirement to insert himself into events without actually thinking about what is going on. As an example his arrest for assault and possession of cannabis during the Occupy protest springs to mind. This arrest took place after Dom got involved in an altercation between another protester who was trying to restrain a drunken city worker who had entered the encampment, kicked at a tent, striking a young female protestor. Dom with his usual tactlessness came, inserted himself into this altercation and wound up being arrested for his trouble. The blogger Scrapper Duncan covered this in great detail on his blog http://blog.scrapperduncan.com/2012/01/ ... l-hearing/. Dom himself also covered this story with a YouTube account of his arrest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nRgOI7 ... bKsVSAwQpw. Plus with a bonus, from Dom's friend The Truth Machine, we have Doms Cort(sic) Case.

Dom still inserts himself into the scene, most recently he's been sharing youtube time with Jamie "Bopalot" Barnes (a man who is going to try and use various Freeman theories to try and defend against a charge of running a substantial marijuana grow op from his flat). Dom's role has been to encourage young Bopalot down the Freeman path (which has already seen Mr Barnes spend one night at her majesty's leisure for contempt.
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Normal Wisdom
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Re: Uncommonly known as Dominic Lohan (UK)

Post by Normal Wisdom »

The interesting thing about Dom is that he seems to spend as much time falling out with others in the "truth movement" as he does pedalling his own beliefs. In addition to his exposure of Occupy he seems to be at odds with the Hollie Greig supporters and our own Hannah Rose Shotbolt. Recently, as Wu Ming (one of his many aliases) on his Illumitardi Facebook site he has been hosting a thread for the group campaigning against Paula Jayne Campbell

https://www.facebook.com/groups/4629511 ... 885852224/

I must admit I find it quite satisfying when the sovruns and their ilk start fighting amongst themselves.
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
notorial dissent
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Re: Uncommonly known as Dominic Lohan (UK)

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, when you're the one true enlightened one you can't have wannabes cutting in on your grift.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Normal Wisdom
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Re: Uncommonly known as Dominic Lohan (UK)

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Just in time for his impending court case, Jamie "Bopalot" Barnes seems to have had a moment of clarity and is now declaring that the freeman ideology is a load of rubbish. Indeed, he has declared an ambition to bring down Kate of Gaia. That seems fair because Kate has been bringing me down for some time. Of course his sudden conversion has resulted in him being called a "shill" by many of his erstwhile friends.
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
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Re: Uncommonly known as Dominic Lohan (UK)

Post by littleFred »

Bopalot explains his current thinking in his own inimitable way in his latest video. He supports his argument in a link under his video, a link to ... drumroll ... Meads v Meads. Of course, this has no precedent value in the UK, but if it helps SovCits of any nationality realise that OPCA doesn't work, it all helps.