A saner place in a crazy world

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Siegfried Shrink
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A saner place in a crazy world

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I usually thought that I had a pretty fair idea about the world and how it works, but one day recently I slipped down the rabbit hole into the Wonderland of Youtube craziness.

As is fairly normal, I was looking through videos of big diesel engines and the usual Russian car crashes, etc., when I happened upon someone talking about chemtrails. This was obvious nonsense, but linked videos led to all manner of other nonsense which I assume all will be familiar with but were new ground to me.

Time after time, I'd say "But this is rubbish" and follow another linked video to another and marvel all the time, was the world far madder than my experience to date had indicated?

I am 74, internet user since dial-up days, say about 1990,computer programmer in the late 1960s and smart enough to have made a decent living selling antiques on ebay for about 15 years till I retired in 2012. Other occupations have included libraries, boat repair, property renovation, insurance and a certain amount of ducking and diving when required.

In none of this had I ever encountered the levels of insanity that I plunged into in the world of YT videos. Not only were the videos everything from just deluded to wildly insane, the comments often indicated a level of malice, stupidity, racism and vitriolic abuse that seemed to indicate there was a huge section of humanity that had simply failed 'life' and existed only as bitter dark spirits.

Needless to say, this was great fun. :D There is nothing better for the self esteem than seeing people much worse off than oneself, however shameful such an admission is. Among other topics I wondered at were the American sovereigns and freemen, the Moors, the flat earthers, the conspiracists in general, the believers that everyone was a Satanist except them, that the Jews and the Vatican ran the world (an odd coupling on the face of it), the reptilan fans, the fake religious (send us your money, I need a new Mercedes) merchants, the rent a mob anti bailiff crowd, the really sad case of the so called Hampsted satanic abuse ring ( a case where genuine evidence (which pretty clearly showed there was no such abuse) was leaked to the world to blight the lives of the children involved forever), and other wild and wooly stuff.

One thing that concerned me was the huge disparity between the number of crazies and the very few people posting simple and straight forward criticism and refutations of the nonsense.

Getting to the point, finally, I accidentally ran across this site/forum which reassured me that I was not the last rational person left standing, and indeed a large number of people were willing to devote some time to the turning over of stones and classifying the unappetizing things found there. I am the sort of person who read the whole Meads V Meads court report for fun (Did what I thought were the flaws in the OPCA schemes line up with the judge's opinion) and all I could dig up about some other sagas, hugely aided by references from this site.
Since a lot of the nonsense dates back on youtube for many years much may well be forgotten or irrelevant now, I have some catching up to do with what the latest fads are. I hope and expect this site will be helpful.

Thank you for existing and promoting research and reason.

Even though this site is clearly a device of the reptilian illuminati satanist pedophiles to draw in and enslave by mind control all who resist their terrible if confused schemes. I an sure my new tinfoil hat will protect me.
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Re: A saner place in a crazy world

Post by The Observer »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:...[W]hen I happened upon someone talking about chemtrails.
I was pretty sure that the crowd that believe in chemtrails was a pretty small crowd, that the average person out there simply would recognize this for the rubbish that it was. Then, lo and behold, my brother-in-law who I saw as a reasonable person started talking about the chemtrails they were spraying all over the neighborhood. Just goes to show that the kool-ade is more widely distributed than I thought.
Siegfried Shrink wrote:In none of this had I ever encountered the levels of insanity that I plunged into in the world of YT videos.
I think the Internet, and YouTube, in particular has just made it easier to see how many people actually believe this crap, or are willing to believe it once they come into contact with it.
Siegfried Shrink wrote:One thing that concerned me was the huge disparity between the number of crazies and the very few people posting simple and straight forward criticism and refutations of the nonsense.
I tried to reason with my brother-in-law about the silliness of believing in chemtrails. After 15 minutes, I gave up since it was apparent that he didn't want to listen, he had his mind made up. And that goes for the same with the rest of the rubes out there - which is why I don't waste a lot of my time on trying to reason with them on Youtube. Here I will spend a little time if they wander in here, on the hopes that they actually may have a skeptical bone in their body.
Getting to the point, finally, I accidentally ran across this site/forum which reassured me that I was not the last rational person left standing,...
I quite understand. There are times when one feels like they are in their own version of "The Body Snatchers" and they have to make sure they are not the last human left.
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