Kansas chiropractor TP convicted

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Kansas chiropractor TP convicted

Post by Demosthenes »

Tax protester convicted for tax evasion

© 2007, Springfield News-Leader

A former Branson man was convicted Wednesday by a federal jury in Springfield for tax evasion, said Bradley J. Schlozman, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Missouri.

Robert Lee Cavins Jr. of Chanute, Kan., was found guilty of not paying $119,595 in federal income tax owed for the years 1992, 1993 and 1994.

Cavins was a tax protester who failed to file income tax returns during that three-year period, Schlozman said. Cavins also placed money and property � including his former home and chiropractic office � in the names of other people and entities (including trusts such as Cavins Residential Trust and Cavins Chiropractic Trust) and deposited income from his chiropractic business and elsewhere into bank accounts in the names of other people and entities.

He used $70,000 in cash to fund a bank account for Advantage Trust at Swiss American Bank in Antigua.

Under federal statutes, Cavins could be sentenced to up to five years in federal prison without parole, plus a fine up to $250,000.

A sentencing hearing has not been scheduled.

Post by Weathervane »

No surprise there. What do you expect from a guy who crax bax for a living? :D

Post by Truthstalker »

No surprise there. What do you expect from a guy who crax bax for a living?
And that legalized drug cartel known as the AMA says they're also quax.

Post by Weathervane »

CaptainKickback wrote:
tommygun wrote:No surprise there. What do you expect from a guy who crax bax for a living? :D
I expected him to be a real stand up guy, a guy with spine, with backbone........ :roll:
Hey, don't you know it takes a lot of guts to ruin your life?

How many chiropractors does it take to change a lightbulb?

...Just one, but it takes 30 visits.

Post by Weathervane »

Truthstalker wrote:
No surprise there. What do you expect from a guy who crax bax for a living?
And that legalized drug cartel known as the AMA says they're also quax.
Yes, anyone who does not bow down at the altar of Xanax is burned at the steak. (Preferably, a nice plump top-sirlion. Not the most tender, but the most flavorfull, in my opinion).

Post by Weathervane »

CaptainKickback wrote:Knew a chiropractor once and he said most back problems could be prevented through exercise starting early in life and done regularly throughout life. He also noted that it was a field where some of his fellow practioners were all but frauds.
Absolutely. The key word is prevention...just like brushing and flossing can prevent most dental problems.

The problem is, most of my patients have completely abused their backs by the time they come me, and then expect me to fix a lifetime's worth of neglect.

Do you do any back exercises captain? If you don't, then I or one of my colleagues will be glad to take your money when you need major repairs.

I do my best to educate on proper spinal hygeine like exercise and stretching, but very few people want to hear about it.
"I'm too busy" is always the excuse. Fine with me. I'll take the job security, thank you very much.

I'll admit, chiros are a funny bunch. We all think we're the best, and have this tendency to bad-mouth the guy down the street.
Its not that there's more frauds in chiropractic than anyother feild, its just that chiros for some strange reason get satisfaction out of attacking each other. Your friend is just another example of "friendly fire" in the profession.
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Post by Dr. Caligari »

there are three wonderful Nautilus machines
Yes, but using Nautilus machines subjects you to admiralty jurisdiction. /tp mode
Dr. Caligari
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Post by The Observer »

CaptainKickback wrote:Yes, there are three wonderful Nautilus machines at the gym. One works the muscles of the lower back, another works the lower obliques and the third works the abs.

Plus, I also use the various leg machines too.
I have a wife that works all of those above muscles on me - in addition to others.
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Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:Knew a chiropractor once and he said most back problems could be prevented through exercise starting early in life and done regularly throughout life.
I have found that Tai Chi works very well to relieve back pain.

(As well as strengthening the leg muscles. I think that all skiers should consider Tai Chi for the off-season.)
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Post by Truthstalker »

I cannot tell a lie...
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Post by The Observer »

Whose? Mine of course. Especially on those honeydew weekends - "Honey, time to clean out the garage", "Honey, you need to trim the trees", "Honey, wash my car", etc.

What did you perverts think I was talking about?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by webhick »

The Observer wrote:Whose? Mine of course. Especially on those honeydew weekends - "Honey, time to clean out the garage", "Honey, you need to trim the trees", "Honey, wash my car", etc.

What did you perverts think I was talking about?
This pervert thought your wife was lucky, since you weren't making her do all the work. Thanks for ruining my chances of convincing my boyfriend otherwise. :(

Pfft...taking out the garbage, trimming the trees, washing the car? That's what people have children for ;)
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Post by webhick »

CaptainKickback wrote:(dedicate one to the ladies...)
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Post by The Observer »

CaptainKickback wrote:You were not specific. For all we know you could be single...
I was specific. I mentioned the word "wife." And when one mentions a wife and exercising muscles, it means a honeydew weekend.

And I don't know about your quadrant of the galaxy, but around here the words "wife" and "single" are never mentioned in the same sentence.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Post by Weathervane »

LPC wrote:I have found that Tai Chi works very well to relieve back pain.

(As well as strengthening the leg muscles. I think that all skiers should consider Tai Chi for the off-season.)
Yes, I drink a cup every afternoon, with a lemon squeeze and a drop of honey. Kinda lifts me out of the mid-day sugar dive.