Switzerland invokes Godwin's Law in German tax cheating case

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Switzerland invokes Godwin's Law in German tax cheating case

Post by Demosthenes »

AFX News Limited
Swiss Bankers Association head slams German probe into Liechtenstein tax fraud
02.21.08, 11:47 AM ET

GENEVA (Thomson Financial) - The head of the Swiss Bankers' Association compared the German government's investigation into alleged tax fraud in Liechtenstein to techniques used by the Nazi-era secret police.
In comments bound to further inflame passions, Swiss Bankers' Association head Pierre Mirabaud told Switzerland's French-language broadcaster last night that the methods used in the German probes 'unfortunately call to mind methods worthy of the Gestapo'.
Mirabaud today backtracked, saying his choice of words had been unfortunate.
Liechtenstein's Crown Prince Alois today said that the German government was undermining Liechtenstein's sovereignty by paying an informer more than 4 mln eur for banking data on which German investigators are basing the biggest tax fraud investigation in the country's history.
The German finance ministry suspects that hundreds of affluent businessmen, sportsmen and entertainers hid up to 4 bln eur in such trusts and other accounts in Liechtenstein to avoid paying tax.
Mirabeau said he did not expect Switzerland to be implicated in the current scandal.

Re: Switzerland invokes Godwin's Law in German tax cheating case

Post by grammarian44 »

And we all know that Swiss bankers could never be complicit in anything having to do with the Third Reich.
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Re: Switzerland invokes Godwin's Law in German tax cheating case

Post by jcolvin2 »

Does this case involve the interestingly titled "Dr. Dr. Batliner" ?

If I recall correctly, a German investigation centering around that double doctorate (who I believe is now deceased) made the news a couple of years ago.