The Hovinds

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Gunners Mate
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The Hovinds

Post by tmtoulouse »

First off just want to say I love this forum, been a long time lurker. I have a question though, as I am sure many of you know "Dr." Kent Hovind (ala Dr. Dino fame) and his wife Jo Hovind were convicted of various tax protester schemes in 2006. Kent is currently serving time on a 10 year sentence but last I heard Jo was still not serving time on her 1 year sentence. Plenty of info on Kent but I am having trouble finding much concrete info on Jo. Does anyone know what is going on with her?
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Re: The Hovinds

Post by Famspear »

Hey, tmtoulouse, welcome! Don't I know you from somewhere? Somebody with this user name has been helping maintain the standards in tax-related articles at Wikipedia, especially as the tax articles relate to tax protester rhetoric. Thanks!

Can't answer your question about Jo Hovind, though, other than what's in the Wikipedia article on Kent Hovind (which says Jo is appealing her convictions, and is not currently in jail). Maybe someone here knows something.
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