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Post by Demosthenes »

The query:
IRS Many many Questions 2 of #196

I have been raped over and over. After getting fired by the largest hospital in Tampa in 12/04 for harassing the PR Clerks and HR staff because I kept telling them with documentation that they were creating a felony v. me by garnishing my pay check. They got legal opinion and attorneys informed them (w/o a single law as ref) that I was wrong and was obtaining my info from tax protestors off the internet? That was 3 and 1/2 years ago and the latest info is: IRS just seized 100% of my retro SSI disability approved effective 3/06. Now they plan to take approx 60% of my monthly disability. I have a paper trail where they have not responded and thus agreed to my statements. I want to sue everything that moves.

I just got your email and address. I am not familiar with your work but it sure seems impressive. How can you help me with my situation? Is it too late to sue the Hospital?

Bob McMillian
The answer:
Hi Bob, You got 'em!

Funny the they would say Tax protestors on the internet give false information, -when better than 78% of IRS affiliates, as researched -are posting garbage and falsehoods regarding IRS activities. You can tell the phonies, -they will never say the IRS is phony-baloney or illegal. They can't, or they lose their position. Deception, Deception, Deception, from the lowest life crooks on the face of this planet. People who with impunity steal from their fellow peers -and get paid to do so. They consider us veterans stupid for ever allowing ourselves to be put in harms way. They're all low life crooks.

We are not lawyers, and have never professed to be, so we cannot give you legal advice, however, based upon what others have done in the past –with a successful record, the following IRS information -advice is herewith submitted to you for consideration. Remember each case is different so you have to do all the leg work regarding times, places, individuals concerned, what false action has been perpetrated against you etc., etc. You must act as “Pro-Se”, = you represent yourself. You must be assertive, and never wishy-washy. You’re dealing with crooks, the lowest life on this planet, -that steal money as part of their employment contract for the FRB, and must be treated –as such. They never have to pay income tax, so they lie, cheat and steal for status.

Always start out with the legality of Title-26 (USC). That’s an attention getter. Almost everything stated afterwards has little to no meaning, so many stop any further reading. They know -you know!

Bob, you might wonder why we are giving everyone this information! Simply put, the IRS confiscated our home, business, and all bank account, leaving 15 family members in the streets to survive (1995). Our IRS advice to our over three million advocates has cost this government and the FRB a ton of money, -our revenge. Our website:

It’s never too late (7 yrs.), to sue everyone! Simply add all the names you can to your suit. Use a paralegal to do it right. Remember, the crooks take the sacred secret Yale U. skull and bones oath of allegiance to the British Crown (El-Diablo), usually upon graduation, so never trust anyone to give straight answers to anyone regarding the IRS, and especially the judiciary,(lawyers). They automatically became TRAITORS to the U.S. –as they first had to take a Constitutional Oath of allegiance to the USA in order to acquire the position or job they were seeking. Birds of a feather –flock together! Each will lie with impunity, so never trust any of them. Rhetoric will never suffice. To get their attention you must sue them all, The only thing that’s ever worked! Never sue the IRS, -it's a lost cause, but you have the right to sue individuals. When they know you know the truth, -look to settlement status instead of court trial. Hold out for everything! Good Luck,

Thank you Bob for your inquiry. Sincerely, D.E. Jones, CEO-SYLRTC,Div3

Since past judicial judgments by varied U.S. Court cases state all facts must be legally plausible to demonstrate pervasive evidence, to date no court record by any judicial tribune has ever accepted or acknowledged the IRS as being an illegal entity or a private corporation conducting business under Constitutional Law, within the confines of the U.S.A.’s 50 states. IN FACT: Each court has always upheld the IRS to the highest standards quoting IRS-IRC-IRM-Title-26 (USC) codes for everyone’s edification, citing case studies and prior decisions based upon IRS Title-26 rules and laws.

NOW THEREFORE: We have; positive proof demonstrated beyond the shadow of any reasonable doubt that the IRS has been using Title-26 (USC) deceptively, -that there has never, in the history of the U.S. Codification System, been a Title-26, and that any and all court reference to Title-26 (USC) is false!

By virtue of the legal statues written within the U.S. Constitution (the highest law in the USA), -that which the entire judiciary take an oath to uphold and support, -that which only an amendment approved and adopted by the U.S. Congress can make any change, also that which has never officially allowed personal income taxation or used the terminology of Federal Tax or Federal Tax Lien, can the U.S. Judicial system accept, condone, approve, or use apparent deceptive terms to deliberately injure U.S. Citizens, into believing the IRS is totally legal and a part of this United States Government?

NOW THEN: This initiated action will prove beyond all reasonable doubt that the following truths be known to all parties concerned with this action, that;

1. There has never been in the history of the Codification System –a Title-26 (USC).

2. In direct violation of the OMB Act (Office of Management and Budget), -a Citizen protective Act, designed for the protection of identity, and other personal information on U.S. Citizens, The IRS has never been approved by the OMB and in fact violates their very existence by gathering personal information –for the express purpose of use -against individuals. EX; IRS uses the same OMB number on 1040 forms -for over twenty years; however, the OMB has never allowed any number to exceed two years.

3. No researched law known allows the IRS to take personal payroll deductions.

4. Which IRS do we answer to?

a. Case studies show the IRS professes to be a direct department of the U.S.

Treasury as stated in numerous IRS publications handed out to the public and all collected sums go into the U.S. Treasury for the operating costs of the United States but no TDO (treasury department order), has ever been discovered, and accepted to date, however,

b. When push comes to shove, the IRS also professes to be a Private Collection Agency under direction of the Federal Reserve Bank and Board, payroll checks issued by the FRB. The IRS is headquartered in Porto Rico –not the USA, therefore, not subject to the same laws for corporations operating in the USA. which some courts have allowed.

c. One or the other, but not both! It proves the deceptive tactics of the IRS.

5. Persons who willingly; condone, support, defend, acknowledge, recognize, or accept IRS totalitarianism, must be legally labeled a traitor committing tyranny, extortion, conspiracy, fraud, and theft of U.S. Citizens –hard earned money. Families have been destroyed and emancipated by IRS lying procedures and tactics, while government officials with full knowledge –turn their backs and allow it to happen. (Apparent true fraud and conspiracy!)

6. When the I.R.S. personnel breathe the same air that every citizen does in the name of Freedom, air that our forefathers, as well as millions of patriot’s gave up their lives to defend, and since the Constitution does not allow personal taxation as stated in almost all the Citizen Protective Acts, never changed, altered, or revised (stand as-is), it becomes evident the present system of government whose turned their backs on IRS skullduggery must stand accountable for violating the highest law in this land, The U.S. Constitution.

DISCUSSION: Payroll deductions should be stopped at once, unless or until anyone in the employ of this government can substantiate the legal use of the IRS-IRM-IRC Title-26 (USC). Any and all monies confiscated by IRS deceptive procedures should be returned immediately to any and all afflicted individuals.


The following information was prepared for your edification by the SYLRTC, Div 3, following your phone call to Dr. Jones, CEO –SYLRTC and his son Donny –as recorded for clarification while they were vacationing in Kingman, AZ. The information is simply a format of suggestions to use for your wife’s case, wherein; she wants her employer to stop deducting (State & Fed.), sums from her paycheck. Please be advised, you and your wife have the right to sue the employer individually and as a whole for committing pure and simple extortion. But the employer must be sued, as a coconspirator for all the information to be pubically exposed. Send copies of your suit to the Associated Press and everyone else. Make flyers for your neighbors –to relate. It most likely will cost your employer over $30,000.00 to defend himself. (Average)

Go to your local area Court House with witnesses’ -and a prepared statement regarding the facts of the case you will be pleading. (If the words relate to the IRS you’ll immediately be told the IRS has total immunity –as well as any and all government personnel. At that specific time, ask to see the clerks supervisor and present s/he with a prepared statement (notarized –if possible), requesting the ‘immunity’ stated, -Then you MUST vehemently demand, the related immunity be in writing –stating who, when, where, how, with accompanying witnesses –relating to the immunity. You may be ostracized by everyone in attendance –so be polite but assertive and ask for names of all people in attendance, so your film narration or recordings may be accurately portrayed.) They hate that! In case you’re not allowed to film, have your witnesses jot down every detail with names, times, dates and details. (Always be aware you are dealing with the most crooked system and government in this world who protects every phase of their skullduggery –like lying, cheating, taking away cameras, etc.) Deception is their game!
You may want to emphasize that since the U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of this Land, no immunity whatsoever without a congressional amendment has ever been valid. Neither Judges nor anyone else -has ever had the right to change the U.S. Constitution. Judges cannot make new law but must simply interpret law. The Constitution say’s so! Anything not allowed in the constitution such as personal taxation –is illegal which they know. Most are aware of Title-15’s (USC), deception but arrogance prevails. They hope you’ll never find it out, or the entire bunch could be jailed indefinitely.

2. Pay the Clerk of the Court the nominal filing fee. (Usually about $30.00)

3. The clerk will assign a docket number to your case.

Take all your information to a trusted paralegal service and have them prepare a suit using your assigned docket case number. If confident, prepare the suit yourself –but use the proper format.
5. Add everyone’s name including Jane Doe’s and John Doe’s.

1st and foremost in the beginning of your suit, state clearly in bold letters –that you have never been challenged by the IRS or anyone else –regarding your belief that the IRS is totally illegal –when no person in the IRS employ or anyone else in this government, has ever demonstrated valid proof that IRS-IRC-IRMTitle-26 (USC) exists. Title-26 is the IRS’s bible! Show your documentation of sources including individuals, persons in Government employ, agencies, Goggle verified sources for your convictions, -such as;
· The United States Library of Congress & Archives of the FOIA

· The Congressional Research Service (CRS) CFR’s & CCFR’s

· The U.S. Codification System, -as researched (USC)

· Every law professor in U.S. Law schools with the exception of Cornell U

· The Congressional Record publications & Federal Register newspapers –accepting Title-26 (USC)

· Numerous books including THE RAPING OF OUR NATION

7. NOW THEN: ANYONE who willingly; condones, supports, defends, acknowledges, recognizes, or accepts IRS totalitarianism, can be legally labeled a traitor committing tyranny, extortion, conspiracy, fraud, and theft of U.S. Citizens –hard earned money. Families have been destroyed and emancipated by IRS lying procedures and tactics, while government officials with full knowledge including the U.S. judiciary –turn their backs and allow it to happen. (The fraud and conspiracy!)

8. Any and all IRS forms have been declared unofficial by the OMB (U.S. Office of Management and Budget), -for not having valid OMB assigned numbers (OMB forms are only valid for one year unless approval by the OMB for two years, and must demonstrate a valid date of approval.) No known IRS form has ever been approved by the OMB, and in fact the notorious 1040 forms have shown the same bogus OMB number for over twenty years. Originally the OMB was formed in order to protect the public from foreign and otherwise -agencies to prevent gathering of personal information by unauthorized sources. (I.R.S.)

9. IRS liens of any type are bogus. IRS levying, extracting, confiscating, deducting, or otherwise stealing the people’s money is a high crime in the same category as murder, labeled extortion or tyranny –fully punishable.

10. The I.R.S. has always been illegal, including all agents or personnel working for the IRS. Likewise, any person condoning the IRS can legally be labeled a coconspirator committing and allowing extortion of U.S. Citizens money. *IRS agents often pose as concerned citizens trying to ascertain your knowledge of the IRS. No state in the USA has immunity for deceptive tactics regarding personal taxation.

11. Further examination, research, and film documentation suggests the IRS is actually headquartered in Porto Rico, while laundering their sums in the Cayman Island Banks, ultimately distributed to Frankfort, Germany via/Bank of England. Films –tell it all! The FRB has almost the same routine. Locations keep changing to distract any and all inquiring researchers. No more secret FRB banks! SYLRTC exposed them. Lethal tactics for varied inquirers has been the case, as described by defectors with inside information about the most notorious theft ring in the history of this world, -the I.R.S. At least three billion every year!

HOLD EVERYONE connected, LIABLE! The above action may save you many Thousands of dollars while costing your employer time, energy, and mega-bucks to defend his illegal IRS participation and action. We suggest you first give the employer a break and inform him/her of all consequences before initiating court action. Record their comments! Many will laugh you off –as not being serious. Then –you got ‘em! Now they deserve whatever happens to them, including their payroll clerks named in your suit.

SYLRTC, Div 3, 3535 E. Cst. Hwy. #140

Corona delMar, Calif. 92625
Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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Re: TP Q&A

Post by Demosthenes »

The promoter in this thread is, of course, a chiropractor.
Knight Templar of the Sacred Tax
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Re: TP Q&A

Post by Famspear »



Somebody trying to sell a book:
I am now a 70 year old retired doctor, who has multiple initials after my name, having been totally wiped out by the IRS over a tax audit dispute for the year 1987. A Cailf. Veteran, who served his country in World War II, as well as the Vietnam War. I grew up in Newport, R.I., left at age 16, educated in California, (8 degrees), and have served in more than 30 different occupations, to fulfill various government contract commitments for a country I dearly loved. Many consider me an “IRS-Veteran”.

We lost everything to the IRS, including, a beautiful Homesteaded, home; a 43 year old (non incorporated), private practice which was accessed for sale purposes, two months prior to the IRS confiscation, at one half million, plus, four different bank accounts, leaving us out on the streets with no chance of recovery or to regain monetary revocation. It ruined all chance of ever getting credit again, and of course, we still can’t vote, without residency.

IRS agents displayed weapons while confiscating my office, with police back up, and refused to allow any patient file retrieval (22 days). Their manual allows 30 days. In violation of what we now know, was a phony or illegal court order, without due process, honored by a civil Justice Dept. judge .The issuing Court never responded to any correspondence.It proved the overall Cover-up!

I designed this book to aid the “under-privileged”, tax payer. The average person who cannot afford the high cost of attorney and accountant fees, especially when the “strong-arm” of the I.R.S. has come down on your life, leaving you little to nothing to work with.

You have attempted to seek help from all resources, including the clergy. But you’ll soon be aware that, because of the power of intimidation, that the I.R.S. continually practices, even the closest to you, will be unable to render you, anything more than sympathy.

It is my hope that the information contained in this book will help you to understand “WHY” it seems everyone and everything has forsaken you.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
Knight Templar of the Sacred Tax
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Re: TP Q&A

Post by Famspear »

OK, let me see if I have this straight.

This guy's life has been ruined in connection some federal income tax problems:
I am now a 70 year old retired doctor, who has multiple initials after my name, having been totally wiped out by the IRS over a tax audit dispute for the year 1987.

[ . . . ]

We lost everything to the IRS, including, a beautiful Homesteaded, home; a 43 year old (non incorporated), private practice which was accessed for sale purposes, two months prior to the IRS confiscation, at one half million, plus, four different bank accounts, leaving us out on the streets with no chance of recovery or to regain monetary revocation. It ruined all chance of ever getting credit again, and of course, we still can’t vote, without residency.
Okaayyyyy.... And you want me to buy your book -- Why?
I designed this book to aid the “under-privileged”, tax payer. The average person who cannot afford the high cost of attorney and accountant fees, especially when the “strong-arm” of the I.R.S. has come down on your life, leaving you little to nothing to work with.
OK, but it doesn't sound like anything worked for you, dude. Maybe it's just me, but why should I buy a book from a loser like you?
You have attempted to seek help from all resources, including the clergy. But you’ll soon be aware that, because of the power of intimidation, that the I.R.S. continually practices, even the closest to you, will be unable to render you, anything more than sympathy.
When you say "you," it sounds like you're not talking about ME -- you're talking about YOU, dude. Again, why should I buy your book?
It is my hope that the information contained in this book will help you to understand “WHY” it seems everyone and everything has forsaken you.
You mean, it's your hope that the information in the book will help me understand why you think everyone and everything has forsaken YOU, right?

Thanks, I think I'll save the money and just assume that you are a dumbcluck who deserved what you got.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
Knight Templar of the Sacred Tax
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Re: TP Q&A

Post by Famspear »

Ah, yes....
I am now a 70 year old retired doctor, who has multiple initials after my name [ . . . ]
Doctor [insert name], S.T.U.P.I.D., D.U.M.B.C.L.U.C.K., T.A.X.C.H.E.A.T.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
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Re: TP Q&A

Post by Dezcad »

2. Pay the Clerk of the Court the nominal filing fee. (Usually about $30.00)

3. The clerk will assign a docket number to your case.

Take all your information to a trusted paralegal service and have them prepare a suit using your assigned docket case number. If confident, prepare the suit yourself –but use the proper format.
5. Add everyone’s name including Jane Doe’s and John Doe’s.

1st and foremost in the beginning of your suit, state clearly in bold letters –that you have never been challenged by the IRS or anyone else –regarding your belief that the IRS is totally illegal –when no person in the IRS employ or anyone else in this government, has ever demonstrated valid proof that IRS-IRC-IRMTitle-26 (USC) exists. Title-26 is the IRS’s bible! Show your documentation of sources including individuals, persons in Government employ, agencies, Goggle verified sources for your convictions, -such as;
· The United States Library of Congress & Archives of the FOIA

· The Congressional Research Service (CRS) CFR’s & CCFR’s

· The U.S. Codification System, -as researched (USC)

· Every law professor in U.S. Law schools with the exception of Cornell U

· The Congressional Record publications & Federal Register newspapers –accepting Title-26 (USC)

· Numerous books including THE RAPING OF OUR NATION

7. NOW THEN: ANYONE who willingly; condones, supports, defends, acknowledges, recognizes, or accepts IRS totalitarianism, can be legally labeled a traitor committing tyranny, extortion, conspiracy, fraud, and theft of U.S. Citizens –hard earned money. Families have been destroyed and emancipated by IRS lying procedures and tactics, while government officials with full knowledge including the U.S. judiciary –turn their backs and allow it to happen. (The fraud and conspiracy!)
Is the missing step 4 and 6 that led to failure....

Re: TP Q&A

Post by Nikki »

What it this looney's name so we can do a decent search of the court (and other) records?

Re: TP Q&A

Post by TheSaint »

some loserhead wrote:After getting fired by the largest hospital in Tampa
And let me tell ya folks, Tampa hospitals do not exactly attract the creme de la creme:,2933,359593,00.html ... 14%2C+1995
The Operative
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Re: TP Q&A

Post by The Operative »

Nikki wrote:What it this looney's name so we can do a decent search of the court (and other) records?
Whois query on the website shows:

JONES, Dr.Donald
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Re: TP Q&A

Post by The Observer »

Dezcad wrote:
Is the missing step 4 and 6 that led to failure....
Probably, but what I can't figure out is if he now means you have to omit steps 4 and 6, or is he going to recommend a new step 4 and/or 6 to replace them as a winning strategy.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff