Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

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Doktor Avalanche
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Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Ed. note: their words, not mine. From ... ad/4498505
Dear Friend of Sherry Jackson,

Sherry is an inmate in the Atlanta detention center. She has become ill because of the conditions in the jail. She has been placed on antibiotics because of a high fever and severe chest congestion.

The problem is two fold.

First, the building temperature is generally 50 degrees and the air conditioner is used constantly, causing freezing temperatures. Inmates are not allowed to have more than 2 paper- thin blankets.

Secondly, due to greed, the inmates are being fed food with zero nutritional value, which
violates national health standards. The inmates are served bologna that is more colorful than the paint section at Home Depot. The juice served should be 100%, instead, the juice is served without the ingredients listed from bags which look like plasma bags. The trays often have dead roaches on them.

Please bombard Chief Frank Seizer @ 404-885-8000 or the person in charge when he is absent, in order to plead with him to turn off the air conditioner when the temperature outside is 50 degrees of below and to serve food according to the guidelines of the national health institute.

Sherry mentioned that while listening to a radio broadcast it was indicated that the temperature outside was 43 degrees, she witness a bone chilling breeze from the jails air conditioning system.

Sherry is located on the 4th floor in downtown Atlanta.

The wind chill factors make it extremely cold. Sherry had begged the officers to turn off the air conditioner, but no one seems to care. She realizes the low temperature reduce the incidents of air borne diseases such as tuberculosis, however this is extreme cold.

She also realizes that her body can't fight disease without proper nutrition.

Additionally, if you write Sherry, put a return address on your letter or it will be thrown in the trash.
It's prison, Ms. Jackson - it's supposed to be unpleasant.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by . »

served bologna
I wonder if she sees the irony? Probably not.
wind chill factors [sic]
Inside a building? Was she mistakenly assigned to the secret BoP wind-tunnel facility?
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Nikki »

She, and the other whiners of her ilk such as Schiff and the :Browns, probably misinterpret the concept of gray-bar hotel.

They assume that they will be staying somewhere with ameneties at least superior to the lodging at a generic truck stop.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

According to the BOP site, Jackson is at FCI Coleman in central Florida.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Demosthenes »

The message that was copied here was dated April 9th. She's been in Florida for quite some time now.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by ASITStands »

It should be warmer, and she should get a few oranges now and then.

It was my understanding Atlanta was a temporary holding place anyway. Not so many amenities. Maybe she can get out into the yard now and then, and soak up some sunshine.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Demosthenes »

She's now housed in a minimum security camp. Her life should be far more tolerable than it was in Georgia.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Secondly, due to greed, the inmates are being fed food with zero nutritional value, which
violates national health standards. The inmates are served bologna that is more colorful than the paint section at Home Depot. The juice served should be 100%, instead, the juice is served without the ingredients listed from bags which look like plasma bags. The trays often have dead roaches on them.
No, no, no. There is a lot of nutritional value in this food. Let's see here: bologna is high in fat, "Juice", if there is any will at least contain sugar, and roaches are very high in protein.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by webhick »

Not to belittle the generally unpleasant experience of being incarcerated, but I'm really tired of hearing generalized whining where the only details provided seem "off" right on their face.
First, the building temperature is generally 50 degrees and the air conditioner is used constantly, causing freezing temperatures.
50 degrees is not 32 degrees.
Secondly, due to greed, the inmates are being fed food with zero nutritional value, which violates national health standards.
Which foods have the zero nutritional value?
The inmates are served bologna that is more colorful than the paint section at Home Depot.
If your bologna looks like that, then it's not bologna. I suspect salami of some kind.
The juice served should be 100%, instead, the juice is served without the ingredients listed from bags which look like plasma bags.
If the juice is unmarked and therefore does not have a percentage listed, then how do you know it's not 100%? Maybe it is 100%, but just tastes like crap? Anyone who disagrees with me should crack open a can of USDA pork and tell me with a straight face that the contents look delicious.
The trays often have dead roaches on them.
It's my understanding that prisoners often work in the kitchen. And while the staff is ultimately responsible for the upkeep, you damned well know that they're not paying that much attention to the prisoners' work.

I tried to look for the National Health Standards for prisons, but was unable to come up with much. I'd like to see what the regulation temperature is, and if there's any rules about giving unmarked juice to prisoners.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Nikki »

According to the Bureau of Prisons:

The Bureau’s food service program emphasizes heart-healthy diets, nutrition education, and dietary counseling in conjunction with certain medical treatment.

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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Mr. Mephistopheles wrote:
Secondly, due to greed, the inmates are being fed food with zero nutritional value, which
violates national health standards. The inmates are served bologna that is more colorful than the paint section at Home Depot. The juice served should be 100%, instead, the juice is served without the ingredients listed from bags which look like plasma bags. The trays often have dead roaches on them.
No, no, no. There is a lot of nutritional value in this food. Let's see here: bologna is high in fat, "Juice", if there is any will at least contain sugar, and roaches are very high in protein.
I am very, very disappointed in you Mr. M. - everyone knows you smoke the roaches! :mrgreen:

Smoked roaches are good too. Not as tasty as smoked almonds, but a little higher in protein. :o
notorial dissent
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by notorial dissent »

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think that considering the source would also be a valid point here. After all, this is the same woman who worked for the IRS all that time, and then became “convinced” that it was all a sham and that you didn’t have to pay taxes. I think at the very least we have situational convenience of belief, and a whole lot of whinin’ goin’ on. I don’t think anyone expects prison food to be haute cuisine, or maybe even McDonald’s, but I’m sure they have to meet certain criteria.

No one ever said prison, Federal or otherwise was supposed to be a holiday camp, although that is what some of them think it will be. After all, if Martha Stewart can suck it up and deal, and she is far and away a bigger prima donna that SPJ will ever be or manage to be, then SPJ has nothing to complain about other than her own abominable lack of sense and good judgement. I mean really, she worked for the IRS for how long? What did she think they were going to do, ignore what she was doing or go “naughty naughty you shouldn’t do that”, which if is the case, she really does come across as reality challenged.

On the other hand, she has also whined and complained about everything else since well before the trial started, so this should be no real surprise as an addition to her litany of woe.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by fortinbras »

Having grown up in Florida, I can tell you that she's damn lucky the prison has air-conditioning. And, in Florida, you can't get rid of cockroaches (and they're giants - called palmetto bugs) even by burning the house down.
I work in DC and unfortunately I see people almost every day who are living on the sidewalk, sleeping in doorways, and who'd be plenty appreciative of dubious bologna and some climate control.
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Famspear »

In his lawmen google group, Bob Hurt has reproduced what he says is an email from Lowell (Larry) Becraft regarding details on what happened in Sherry Jackson's case.

First, Bob Hurt's comments (dated 21 Nov. 2008):
Folks, several months ago, feeling distraught and downcast over Sherry Jackson's conviction, I broadcast my sentiments, including an assertion that her attorneys Larry Becraft and Jeff Dickstein obviously did not give her a very good defense. Larry immediately called me and asked why I took such a position without knowing the facts and circumstances. He explained to me what happened, but I did not forward much of that explanation to our mailing lists because I did not want to reveal potentially confidential information prior to the conclusion of her appeal.

Subsequently, Richard Cornforth opined that Larry missed a number of opportunities to lambaste the DOJ for errors in the case. Perhaps Richard would have felt less discomfiture had he known more details.

Now, I forward to you below some comments from Larry explaining the situation. He has omitted a lot of details that might unnecessarily embarrass others.

I have no further analysis to offer, but I shall venture this conclusion based on the information I have learned from an array of contributors:

Had Sherry followed her defense teams strategy, she probably would have been released on bond pending appeal, won her appeal, and either gone free, or suffered less than the 4 years in prison which she received after the jury convicted her on the basis of lying testimony from her turncoat IRS agent friends.

For that reason, I encourage everyone to forego harsh judgment against attorneys and other practitioners who do their best to bring remedy to IRS victims under the current conditions of a corrupt judiciary and suborned juries. They may variously suffer from ignorance, incompetence, imperfection, lack of charisma, and so on. But they risk loss of careers from angering judges, and even the most competent of attorneys can't do much to prevent the conviction of a client who won't follow their advice.

Bob Hurt
(bolding added by Famspear).

Bob then reproduces the email from Larry Becraft:
From: Larry Becraft
Date: Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: Thank You Larry Re: Reply

I had 2 great issues for Sherry's appeal, among others. First was the issue of violations of Sherry's right to petition the govt for redress of grievances. Sherry was a named plaintiff in Schulz's right to petition lawsuit filed on July 19, 2004. Within a week of filing that suit, Sherry was raided by the IRS. I filed a motion to dismiss the criminal charges for this reason. See the attached motion. Please also notice directly relevant case authority in the 5th and 11th circuits that mandates dismissal of criminal charges; please also notice these cases involved blacks, just like Sherry. This was a fantastic issue for appeal.

Another issue for appeal was Sherry's motion for new trial. The govt called as rebuttal witnesses some alleged "IRS friends" of Sherry's that she mentioned in her testimony. One such witness we could clearly prove gave perjured testimony, which is clear grounds for a new trial. See attached motion (I will e-mail exhibits if you want them).

In the lead-up to trial, Sherry was listening to her patriot friends for all sorts of legal advice, including that coming from people associated with PQI, the principals of which have now been indicted for a big conspiracy (PQI followed the heels of Global Prosperity). Even tho we had Sherry's testimony mapped out the Sunday before trial, she changed that testimony without either me or Jeff knowing about it and I heard stuff from her for the first time when it came from her lips during testimony. These changes in her testimony came as the result of her PQI patriot friends. This is a big problem in trials.

After Sherry's trial, she was persuaded to go the UCC route, and she submitted an "affidavit of truth in commerce" and made "non-judicial" claims against the judge, etc, where she was going to take non-judicial default judgments against the judge, etc. When this didn't "pan-out," she went the Lindsey Springer route. I feel confident that if Sherry had listened to us, we could have kept her out of jail pending appeal, where we could have pursued the above two excellent issues, among others. Instead, Lindsey prepared for her pro se briefs that raised issues predictable beforehand would get nowhere.

(bolding add by Famspear)
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by wserra »

Two comments, both about Becraft. There's not a lot of point in commenting on Hurt.
Famspear wrote:
From: Larry Becraft

I had 2 great issues for Sherry's appeal, among others. First was the issue of violations of Sherry's right to petition the govt for redress of grievances.
You've gotta be kidding. "Great issues" must be a euphemism for "Issues that won't get me sanctioned. Probably."
Even tho we had Sherry's testimony mapped out the Sunday before trial, she changed that testimony without either me or Jeff knowing about it and I heard stuff from her for the first time when it came from her lips during testimony. These changes in her testimony came as the result of her PQI patriot friends. This is a big problem in trials.
Someone please explain to me why this isn't a blatant violation of at least attorney-client confidence, and perhaps privilege.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by notorial dissent »

wserra, if that email is actually from Becraft, then it is my considered opinion is that he has lost what tenuous grasp on reality that he previously had.

Two great issues, I suppose related to all the ones he believes will ultimately bring down the income tax that for some reason have yet to accomplish anything for him or anyone else. He has to realize by now, that the petition nonsense is a non starter after the Schulz suits have all been summarily tossed, and a motion for a new trial was going to turn everything around???? Was he not listening when the charges and evidence was entered??? Apparently not from the sounds of this.

I personally think he had better be careful that his “carefully mapped out testimony” not be taken for abetted perjury and malfeasance on his part.

I do agree though that this appears to me, a non lawyer, as a violation of attorney client privilege, but then I also think his behavior in general is over the edge of what is allowed for an attorney. I personally think he has passed the bounds of zealous representation and moved well in to the realm of frivolous barratry????
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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by ASITStands »

Larry Becraft is on the Bob Hurt mailing list, and regularly responds, so the e-mail is real.

It appears to me that Becraft thought he could move the petition for redress a little closer to respectability, or at least open another case in the matter, and that he could creatively play the race card to Sherry's benefit. Might have worked during trial. Might not.

It also appears to me that Becraft violated attorney-client privilege by blaming Sherry. It's so easy to blame the other party, and it takes the blame off oneself. Not very ethical.

I'm sure Sherry blames herself more than these comments from Becraft.

Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by funwithsafety »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:Ed. note: their words, not mine. From ... ad/4498505

It's prison, Ms. Jackson - it's supposed to be unpleasant.
WTF is wrong with you animals - FREE THE PEOPLE NOW!

Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by funwithsafety »

CaptainKickback wrote:[quote="funwithsafety"![/quote
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time..."
Clever - is that an original thought. So the punishment isn't supposed to fit the crime. It should exceed the crime? Especially for political crimes? Is that your thinking Mr. Originial?

Again, I ask, WTF kind of animals :evil: are you encultured, brainwashed, hackmen of oligarchy?

Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld torture ok with you folks? Innocent people are just collateral damage?

Get a grip on your humanity for cryin' out loud@!

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Re: Sherry Peel Jackson Getting Destroyed In Prison

Post by Famspear »

funwithsafety wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:[quote="funwithsafety"![/quote
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time..."
Clever - is that an original thought. So the punishment isn't supposed to fit the crime. It should exceed the crime? Especially for political crimes? Is that your thinking Mr. Originial?

Again, I ask, WTF kind of animals are you encultured, brainwashed, hackmen of oligarchy?

Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld torture ok with you folks? Innocent people are just collateral damage?

Get a grip on your humanity for cryin' out loud@!

How did you know we were the Hackmen of Oligarchy?

Hey, "funforsafety", I would just suggest that you cut down on the red meat. Try fish or chicken.
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