Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

A NESARA comment regarding a "PETITION TO APPREHEND AND KILL EVERY POLICE OFFICER AND SHOOT THEIR CHILD IF THEY HAVE ONE." Like the others who support this modest proposal, he/she gives the sort of well-reasoned argument that is the hallmark of NESARA devotees.

Comment posted by Anonymous on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 1:27pm

Go figure, score for the government, they killed two more innocent american civilians! If you haven't figured it out yet they are TRYING to kill us. With the use of brutal force, debt and threatening life situations, and chemicals designed to slowly wittle away at you until you die from organ failure.

This government has been going OUT OF BOUNDS of the constitution since 1933. It Is time to change, it is time to get these commi' KGB red coats out of our country and kick them back to england. These fools think they can use market crashes, which will cause rioting, to declare marshall law and try to kill whoever stands in their way. This is the illuminate and we must annhilate them, all related to them, and their followers!

We cannot let this BS continue! We must stop this before the 08 elections (bush plans to do all of this before the elections). You will not hear any of this from the media because all major media is boughten out by the illumninate so they only care about mindless BS like the next dictator elections- you won't hear it from any member of the government, there is a gag order - Also some corrupt scumbbag of a judge diverts and sabotages NESARAS announcement every year, we should hang him too. But in 2000 the Navy Seals and Delta Force raided the district of columbia and FORCED AT GUNPOINT these petty criminals at the top to pass NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation ACT. Personally I say the seals and delta force need to go in again, this time the only difference if the criminals don't announce it immediately at that moment they shoot them to bits. Thats what they deserve.

This does the following:


1. Restores Constitutional Law in America as of NESARA’s public announcement.
2. Removes US administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions. Bush, Cheney, Cabinet members, and all members of Congress are immediately removed from office by NESARA’s public announcement; specific law enforcement personnel shall physically remove Bush government officials from their offices. These removals allow a fresh start at the national level. Using the Constitutional Line of Succession, NESARA installs Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new federal elections can take place within six months after NESARA’s announcement.
3. Because NESARA abolishes unconstitutional states of emergency, NESARA’s public announcement declares “peace”. US military in Iraq and Afghanistan are immediately recalled to the USA.
4. As partial remedy for 90 years of government and banking fraud, NESARA requires zeroing out of credit card balances and bank debt relief be given to Americans.
5. Initiates the US Treasury Bank System with new U.S. Treasury currency backed by gold. The Federal Reserve is abolished; Federal Reserve facilities and most personnel are absorbed into the US Treasury Bank System.
6. Abolishes Income Taxes in US and creates a national sales tax on new, non-essential items as revenue for government. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items, are exempt from the sales tax.

We cannot let REAL AMERICANS die daily to these petty criminals who do not respect this country and should be deported or hung! They kill us off like poverty is a disease, these cronies at the top are imposters, they are not american they do not represent american values. Since 1933 we have been going out of bounds of the constitution, these criminals do not respect it and should be removed for good.

Also, I would sign the "Kill all police officiers and their families" petition, because that is what we should be doing - they do not think all they do is want to shoot someone, anyone; So we must shoot them first, demolish their police stations with them inside. Throw a note on the door "Sorry, you're now defunded." When they go in to have the morning meeting fucking implode the building in on them, then prevent any rescue from entering the rubble for 92 hours, to make sure they are all dead. WE SHOULD BE HAVING A CIVIL WAR AGAINST THESE INVADERS OF AMERICA! Instead WE SIT HERE, Our money HAS NO VALUE, Our children HAVE NO MORAL OR INTELLECT, They are being raised under brainwashing and foolish BS that isn't knowledge. Our country is becoming nothing more than a mere flutter of what it should be. These criminals sit and do what they wish, killing hundreds and thousands of innocent civilians, across the entire earth. They are Treasonists, They are War Criminals. Those that disagree or will not state such, agree with them and should be deported back to europe.

All I want to do is, When do we get to hang them - And no, not the traditional hanging. No Hangmans noose knot, so their necks don't break instantly, and make sure their feet hit the ground, so that they choke to death on their own blood.

This country is out of bounds, and either a brutal war against these treasonist is in issue, or we simply Announce NESARA and kick them to the curb, throw them in the brig, and hang the worst criminals in earths history.

NESARA supporters may be the lamest group of "revolutionaries" on the face of the earth, but it only takes one idiot with a gun to cause some major damage (look at what happened in Alabama last week). All because a group of inept scam artists hate working at real jobs.
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Post by fortinbras »

I found this message, not on a NESARA website, altho it does mention NESARA, but on a forum (from an anonymous reader -- the forum does not require registration so there are a lot of anonymous comments -- not the manager) called Stop The Drug War. It appears about 3/4 down the thread: ... ment-10969
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Post by The Observer »

What I find amazing is the fact that Delta Force and the Navy Seals, despite being its members being selected and hired by the Illuminati/NWO, despite the fact that they are trained, funded, indoctrinated and under the orders of the Illuminati, still have enough independence to walk in and hold their masters at gunpoint and force them to pass NESARA legislation?

We here at Conspiracy Central aren't perfect and occasionally we do screw up, but we simply can't make huge mistakes like that and still stay in charge...
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