Do You Want to Survive?

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Do You Want to Survive?

Post by Deep Knight »

The "Sisters of Sorcha Faal" need money, but that's nothing compared to your need to survive the coming catastrophes! You know they're coming because Sorcha has been predicting them for years and the odds are at least one of the predictions has gotta be true! From

At this point in time you only have one question to ask yourself, “Do I want to survive?” If your answer is yes (and it should be) then your next question is if you are prepared to go through all of this alone. If you believe you can, I can only tell you that you are being beyond foolish, you will not survive. That is not a prediction that is a FACT.

And before you can even think of surviving you must have the one most important thing anyone needs, INFORMATION. If you don’t have information of what has happened, what is happening, and what could possibly happen, then your chances of survival are none.

The Sisters of Sorcha Faal have, for longer than any of you have been alive, devoted themselves to ensuring that where there were those willing to survive, they would be there to help them. And no greater help could they give those awakening to the truth than the most honest information and intelligence available.

But the Sisters ability to do this has always been dependent upon YOU and your willingness to participate in your own survival, a task made that much harder due to the fact that as many of you who read these words will not, have never in fact, helped us as much as we’ve helped you.

And what are the Sisters asking of you in return for what they have given you? Just a small amount of what you have that if they weren’t here you would have spent on something totally meaningless.

If every one of you reading these words gave just $20.00, the Sisters expenses would be covered for an entire year. That comes to just 5 US Cents a day, and if you think that is too much to give for what you are receiving (and the multiple thousands of dollars it takes to do it) then you should congratulate yourselves for being a part of the greatest destruction of free flowing news and information our human race has ever seen.

Because the vast majority of you will still not pay for what you receive in the false belief that everything should be free, you’ve destroyed your newspapers, your radio stations, your television networks…basically the entire news and information system it took your ancestors hundreds of years to develop. And by this massive destruction of your media you have insured that the only information that will soon be available will be for those who are able, and willing, to pay for it.

Where in the not so distant past an average person could buy a newspaper or two for less than a dollar, listen to their radio for free during the day then watch free television at night, buy a magazine for the weekend for less than a dollar too, has been replaced today by so many charges and fees that when all added up they come to multiple hundreds of dollars spent in less than a years time for less truth and information than could be had for less than 50 US cents barely 20 years ago.

In this World going more insane by the hour, the need for truthful, factual and timely information has never been more critical, and your time to step up and help is NOW! Your failure to help those who are helping you is more than unconscionable, it is downright dangerous.

So, whether it is the Sisters, or any other information source left telling you the truth, the time for your standing by and doing nothing to help are over, or all will be lost. This is a FACT, get used to it, after all…this is a mess you created in the first place, not us.


Sister Maria Theresa is the 73rd Sorcha Faal of the Sorcha Faal Order, Elected as Mother Superior 3 February 2007.

Born in Dublin, Ireland, the 73rd Sorcha Faal joined the Order in March, 1973 and holds various degrees with both European and United States Universities.

Sorcha Faal has traveled and lectured extensively throughout the World, with her primary focus being the systematic structure of languages serving as a link between thought and sound, and as developed by Ferdinand de Saussure.

Sorcha Faal has further expanded her own research on ‘Linguistic Ordering’ with knowledge gained while a visiting researcher with Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev on the esoteric structure of DNA and its uses in explaining physic phenomena.

“In accepting this Conclave’s nomination as the 73rd Sorcha Faal of our Order, I express the gratitude of all the Sisters in thanking Sister Lyuha for her guidance as our Sorcha Faal these past 7 years, especially her efforts these past 5 years in re-orienting all of us towards the Western World.

Our Order has always striven to provide to this World that Light needed to dispel the myths inherent in Darkness, but which without we could never see the truest balance between the two.”

Sorcha Faal, 3 February 2007

Brief History of the Order of Sorcha Faal

The Order of Sorcha Faal was established in 588 (BCE) in Tara, County Meath, Ireland, and claim as their Founder the oldest daughter of King Zedekiah, Tamar Tephi.

The name, Sorcha Faal, comes from the ancient Gaeilge branch of the Goidelic languages of Ireland and has the meaning of: Sorcha: She Who Brings Light Faal: the Dark and Barren Place

The Order of Sorcha Faal comprises 18 Monasteries in Ireland, Russia, Egypt, Lebanon, and the United States.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Do You Want to Survive?

Post by Ragnar »

This Sorcha Faal scam is cool! Me and some of the guys at work were just saying yesterday that we should get a good cult going. Free wimmens and more money than we could spend is the goal. Any ideas?
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Re: Do You Want to Survive?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Ragnar wrote:This Sorcha Faal scam is cool! Me and some of the guys at work were just saying yesterday that we should get a good cult going. Free wimmens and more money than we could spend is the goal. Any ideas?
"Free wimmens"... hmmm. The issue to consider is the kind of "free wimmens" you'd get. Some years ago, there was a religious cult near where I live; and my wife joked that I should divorce her and find a new wife from among the cult members, since among their beliefs was that regular sex is a virtue. I said, "yeah -- but having to pray for half an hour first would sorta kill the mood; and besides, there are probably all sorts of rules about what you can't do during sex." My wife and I are still happily married....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Do You Want to Survive?

Post by Deep Knight »

Ragnar wrote:This Sorcha Faal scam is cool! Me and some of the guys at work were just saying yesterday that we should get a good cult going. Free wimmens and more money than we could spend is the goal. Any ideas?
Glad you asked.

The problem seems to be getting attention above the din of others trying their own cult scams. There’s this guy named Wisdom Paradise (wanta bet it’s not his real name?) who has the same prosperity/deliveries/ascension rap as the NESARA people but doesn’t get even 10% as much attention (I only know of him because he tried to latch on to NESARA a couple years ago). Another example, if you search for Ashtar you get lots of sites that claim to channel him, but none are as popular as Bellringer’s site.

My theory is that by making their claims as outrageous as possible, you get more attention. Granted, this will turn off a lot of possible devotees, but then again the ones you get will have such a weak grasp on reality they actually might send you money and stay around even though your outrageous claims never come true. Granted, some of the players such as Lord Rama take this to an extreme and need new followers every few years after burning the other out by frequent claims that all this stuff is just hours or days away, but would you want anyone nutty enough to believe this stuff as a life-long friend anyway?

As for Sorcha Faal, whomever he/she is, it doesn’t get much more outrageous that this. This causes a lot of people like Bellringer to repost their stuff, but it’s left to be seen just how much money this gathers.

P.S. As for "Free wimmens" these are the sort of girls who are attracted to this sort of thing.


Beth Trutwin

Lady Tara
"Follow the Money"