Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

Lord Rama and Lady Tara are going back to their roots, online pyramid scams that will bring about NESARA! From Welcome the Light, which has been nearly empty since Mark got care from his kids, and their webmaster Tony. If Lady Tara and Beth Truthwhine are in it, it has to be good...

The “777 Program” – You Have To Check This Out…
admin | Mar 04, 2010 | 1 comment

March 4, 2010

A set of the same number of triple digits usually represents something important for you to take a look at. I have found that these types of numbers are ones that I need to pay close attention to. As per Doreen Virtue, 777 represents:

777 – The angels applaud you. “Congratulations, you’re on a role! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.

This number combination really sealed the fact that I had to be part of this program.
I have been asking for a little help in the financial department. I was led to this program and have researched it and decided to take part.

Everything that I write here is my opinion. You know how I write – straight up and to the point. So what I’m sharing with you is something that I think is excellent. In saying that, I’m not going to go on and on and post a bunch of different things about this program (unless everyone starts asking for that, I guess). This is the only post that you’re going to get and it’s as simple as this:

If you want to take a look at it, go ahead. If you don’t care, then just ignore this post.

I honestly heard about this program a couple of weeks ago. Now, I have been in many programs in my life and actually helped create one from the ground up. So I know the good stuff and the bad stuff.

I feel this is a good program.

The 3D thing that I like about it is that there is only a one-time charge. You never have to pay anything again. I like that.

The 5D things that I like about this program is that they have it set up so that everyone ends up helping everyone else. I have also heard that it was created by wealthy visionaries trying to create a program that will get people used to receiving potentially large income – almost like it was created to show what NESARA is going to be like. It makes sense, actually, because if more and more people can accept large amounts of money, then that’s going to bring NESARA to fruition faster.

I go a lot on intuition and feelings and since I was guided to this program in more ways than one, I am going to share it with you.

Click the hands at the top or the bottom of this post or click HERE to take a look at what this “777 Program” is.

Oh and why have I mentioned the “777″? You’ll find out once you check out the link.

Much love to all of you and I hope you get as excited as I am about the potential this has! Tony.

P.S. In all fairness, I need to mention something and this is NOT a hard sell. It’s really up to you if you want to participate or not. There are over 500 email subscribers to this site, over 1,000 twitter followers, and thousands of people read this site daily. I know that the benefits of getting in early are many and that’s why I have decided to jump on board and let you guys know about this FIRST.

I had financial worries but was guided to the “777 Program”. Click HERE to take a look for yourself to see how it will help you!

Link: http://bullvsbear.lgnprosperity.com/


Debbie DuBois says:
March 5, 2010 at 8:02 am

Hi, Tony, just wanted to let you know I joined this with Beth, Tara et al. So we’re on the same track. i agree with you!

When I go I get "Referred by: Tony DAndrea, Phone: 250-765-9099" in the upper right corner, but this may be from some "cookie" or whatever they do to your system without your permission these days. VERY SHORT on details, it's a 2 level pyramid scheme where you get $777 when you sign 6 people (actually 2 people who have to get an additional 2 people each) for $299 each. There's the obligatory "product" no one wants but the sign-up fees are the thing. And, as I understand it, illegal!
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Re: 777

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

So this is where kinikia got her idea for idiotic editing of her posts....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Deep Knight
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Re: 777

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:So this is where kinikia got her idea for idiotic editing of her posts....
See viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5224&start=0

I suppose anything is possible, but I doubt it. I looked up some meanings for "777."

To the best of my knowledge, it's just a sign of good luck from 777 being the biggest payout on a slot machine.
In esotericism, 777 means that virgin spirits (those to which God gave the life with the mission to rise towards the Creator, until to absorb themselves again in Him) will know 777 incarnations during seven revolutions that the wave of life accomplishes around the seven globes of the seven world periods. The symbolism of this number is therefore the ascension of the soul through the physical body.
If you've recently been on any trip to Europe or any cross-continental destination, you must have been amazed when you saw that giant bird wheel into the direction of your departure gate. That incredible machine is Boeing Commercial Airplanes' Boeing 777 twin-engine airliner. With its noticeable wide body, this air vehicle caries up to 550 passengers and can fly nearly 10,000 nautical miles without refueling. The Chicago-based company's most prized possession made its debut in 1994 with its maiden flight taking off in June of that year. Since then, the company has sold the model to airline companies ranging from Singapore to the United Arab Emirates. The 777 can carry more luggage than any other commercial carrier and moves around on the largest tires ever fixed unto a commercial carrier.
It is question, in the secret doctrine of H.-P. Blavatsky, to solve "the problem of the 777 incarnations". If seven is the number of cycles and of the divine numbers, in it resides also the secret of the 777 incarnations of the man that should be taken care to not interpret as being the totality of incarnations of the man on earth, but that it should rather be reported to what the humanity must one day realize.
7 Seals 7 Trumpets 7 Vials The Book of Revelation in God's words are unfolding as we speak. Six Seals are opened already! When the 7th is opened, the Trumpets will start blowing one by one, and Woe to all who do not know the Lord before the 7 Vials are poured out upon mankind. Everyone jokes about the 777 number but "Satan" has confused mankind to believe differently than what the truth behind these three consecutive numbers really stand for.
By the way, if you believe what is written here than, 777 is also a "lucky number" for you...as some would say.
Edward Alexander Crowley, or as he was better known, Aleister Crowley, was once called "The Wickedest Man in the World". Born in the later part of the 19th century, Crowley proved himself very early on in his life to be a gifted thinker, author, scientist and more. Throughout his expansive lifetime, Crowley's writings and ideas became very influential inspirations for many cults involved in freemasonry and black magic. Crowley composed a "hidden law" instructional book for his students titled 777. In it, he laid out for them some self-mutilating methods by which they can control their thoughts and actions. These methods involved some very painful and dangerous techniques for one to completely step out of his person and behave in completely different ways. Needless to say, a young follower picking up the book 777 those days would certainly see his life change before his eyes.
What is the real meaning of number 17? 77? 777?
I broke up and saw 17 number..
I think that something bad will happens in my lifa and then i saw on car plates 77
or i think something specific about me and so also 77
i think that i'm an angel of someone and i saw 777 twice
what do you think?
I hope this clears it up for you.
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Re: 777

Post by Deep Knight »

Two more replies:
Sathia says:
March 6, 2010 at 3:53 am

I checked out this link. SO you pay $299 to start, and you introduce 2 people who the introduce 2 more each, that 6 people. 6 people joining will be $299 x 6 = $1794.

So you get $777 out of the $1794 that they receive. Hmmm!
Bill says:
March 6, 2010 at 7:32 am

Help me understand how a pyramid, MLM scheme is beneficial for the betterment of humanity? Sounds like the Federal Reserve Model, all works fine until there is no one to pick up the bottom of the pyramid..??
And two more updates from Tony!
UPDATE: I am very familiar with legal and illegal “pyramid schemes”. This is NOT an illegal pyramid scheme. Just because people get paid due to the work of other people does NOT make it a pyramid scheme. Please refrain from sending me comments telling me otherwise. I wouldn’t recommend anything to you guys that is illegal! Tony.

UPDATE 2: One of the people that has signed up that is close to us has cycled so we know that the system works!
"Legal pyramid schemes?"
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Deep Knight
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Re: 777

Post by Deep Knight »

UPDATED: Update on Me and This “777 Prosperity” Gift…
Mar 19, 2010

March 19, 2010

I’ve had quite a few questions come through in regards to what’s been going on with me and the 777 Prosperity Gift that we have been given. I thought I would take the time to write a little bit and share some thoughts with you from others that are involved in the program.

I am also tired of all the emails and comments stating that this is a pyramid scheme so I have posted information at the bottom of this post that helps show that this is NOT a pyramid scheme.

But what I would like to do first is get some stuff off my chest. I appreciate the emails that you guys have been sending me asking about how I’m doing and that you’re glad that I’m back. I’m glad to be back here posting, albeit on a more limited basis than before (but slowly increasing).

I guess I just want to share that things have been really, really tough for me over the past 3 months. Now, that’s not to take away from what you guys are going through, as I’m sure it’s just as crazy for you if not more so, as we push through these final energies.

I think there are two major things that we value in our human lives here at this time – one is material, one is not. I’m talking about money (material) and love (not material). Some of you are going to disagree with me and that’s fine – feel free to post your comments below. But we need to have money in order to function properly in this society and we all need to feel that wonderful love of another person that worships the ground that you walk on – and you them. Nothing will fulfill you more than love. It’s just been that those two things have been warping around me over the past three months and really tossing my energies around for a loop.

So that being said, I have come to a somewhat relaxing point with love but money is still causing some issues. I was shown the 777 Prosperity Program and decided to look into it. It made sense to me, especially due to the fact that there is only a one-time financial committment. To add to it, you may have heard on the calls and it’s true, that KOS has verified the legitimacy of this 777 Prosperity Program.

With that info I have decided to give it a try. Yes, I have people that have signed up (welcome to you guys again!) and they will be showing this program to friends as well. Once you guys realize that this is going to be mentioned over and over again, it’s really only a matter of time before you really take a look at it.

Marietta, Beth, Tara, and Rama have all accepted the program and are finding success with it. Just like any program, there are advantages to getting in early and that’s what this little blurb is for. I just wanted to share their thoughts with you here so that their words can help you to understand the importance of this program.

If by the end of this post you’re still not interested, that’s fine. But if you are, please click the link HERE or at the bottom of this post to get more information.

This is the program you have heard us speak about on the conference calls that allows us to help each other to have more abundance.

We invite you to join us with a one time commitment of $299. Your responsibility is to invite 2 more people to join–and then help those 2 to enroll their two. These 6 people complete the matrix and you “cycle”. This means that $777 comes back to you and you are automatically put back into the matrix (with no additional charge) so the process begins again. You are not required to enroll more than 2–and if you wish to share this abundance program with more of your friends–and of course cycle more quickly and more often, you may do so with no additional contribution from you.

The major thing that is different about this system is that when there is an “empty” position in the matrix, instead of the system getting stalled, someone above or below will automatically be placed in that spot. That is how we help each other.

There are many more benefits to the LGN prosperity program. With your enrollment, you have free access to

a. Audio Seminars
b. Personal Development e-books
c. Website Design Software
d. e-marketing training and software
e. Your own website where you can market all these products
f. Travel Vouchers worth thousands of dollars

We send you much Love. We have Gratitude for you Being in our life. Allow the Universe to bring you Nourishment.

Tara and Rama

Everyone, in the Light of the Most Radiant One.

LGN Prosperity?

Experiencing the Spirit of Love, Gratitude and Nourishment combined with the flexibility built into this program design, is allowing people to assist one another, up and down, and in a consistent flowing, sharing, with no loopholes. A magical process, teamwork, Yes We Can.

As you then responsibly bring your own two each and help them complete getting their two and each of the remaining two you cycle by completing this commitment then we can actually take $300 of our own cycling gift of $777 each and help others to Team Up likewise, thus we have passed the gift and assisted others to join and as a result we have spread the magic of paying it forward.

At this point, without further contribution, we are automatically re-entered, and we are on our way to cycling again, over and over with no further monetary contribution. This actually proves out that energy follows thought and does it on a continuum,

Everyone – We are the Universe, designing our own Outcome. By changing the way we look at things, with the power of the mind, that power, of believing in the magic, as in Wayne Dyers’ friend’s book, Biology of Belief, has proved out, that One can actually change our DNA and create a new Consciousness form within and change the patterns of the old past beliefs to create permanent change.

The seemingly small addition of re-entering each Member, over and over, without additional financial charge, developing a positive re-patterning of the brain mind function has shown itself to provide a stop gap for an unsolved riddle of stalling due to many layers of individual players who for one reason or another, require more time for this shift process of re-patterning and producing the cycling. So this seemingly tiny addition, again I say, to this program design, I have to say, has in a few short months demonstrated to the tune of 10,000 people having a steady flow of cycling, lifting the problem of stalling, so very common in the past with the old thought forms.

This new start of “cash flow” falls in the midst of collapse of the collapse of the Empire. What does this mean in this Now Moment? It means the wealthy few have dried up their own wealth, as well as all of the peoples access to resources by its own conniving corrupt manipulation of the derivative market through investment banking and bets using hedge funds against bad paper instruments with no gold backing thus destroying America in a not so subtle way as they had said in the Bankers Manifesto is 1892, 118 years ago. As Doris Day aptly pointed out, “no one has the right at these times to sit down and feel hopeless”. Another way of saying this is in the old adage,“No use crying over spilt milk”.

Let us seize this moment with the Inner Power of the positive thought that LGN Prosperity has reintroduced, at this moment, the moment of the Shift of the Ages, whereby this cyclical process can be embraced now, by the Universal Conscious mind. It can begin with a small group of concerned citizens coming together in the Now, believing in magic and coming together by infusing the 5th Element of sharing and caring with what we have, along with Teamwork in a Co-Operation where the goal is focused on Cash Flow in perpetuity, as well as equilibrilizing balance for the sake of Right Use of Will being reintroduced into our Society as an Economic Base for Spirit to flow through resetting World Economics into a Spiritual Foundation of Cooperation.

This participatory Democracy can become part of the LGN Prosperity philosophy. Back on the path of the Goodly company, back on the path of the Good Red Road of the four directions of our Ancestors in Service to the One, the One Love and in Gratitude for LGN Prosperity as an instrument of peace. That Together we can experience a never ending flow of nourishment tapping the Universal Energy Field of Pure Mind, Pure Heart, Pure Love, where infinite supply that is always was and always will be. Now is the time for Peace. Now is the Time for Love. This is Whole, That is Whole, taking away from Whole, Whole still remains Whole.

In Praise, in Respect, in Thanks and in Love,
Tara and Rama,

Beth Truthwind

Welcome to 777.

Please join us as we take care of ourselves and each other.

We are Co-Creating our Consensus Reality as we play more with Abundance.

Please follow your intuition and see how it feels for you.

Together we reset the Hologram where Energy is Money and We Know it is Loving Detachment which brings more and more Abundance.

There is enough for everyone, enough food, enough air, enough money, enough love.

This is a game we play to self actualize taking care of each other. In the process, we make manifest spiritual money systems that serve All That Is.

Much love, Beth
Why this is not a pyramid scheme

A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, without any product or service being delivered. Pyramid schemes are a form of fraud. [777 delivers products and is not one of those simple "gifting" programs that require you to only give cash.]

Pyramid schemes are illegal in many countries including Albania, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland[citation needed], Iran, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines,] Poland, Portugal, Romania,] South Africa,] Sri Lanka,] Switzerland, Thailand,] the United Kingdom, and the United States. [777 is a Global opportunity and is open to anyone to join.]

Q. How can I clearly distinguish between a pyramid scheme and a legitimate sales opportunity (from MLM Truth)?

A: Many years of broad experience in the direct sales field and extensive research led to the identification of five causal and defining characteristics of a compensation plan that clearly separate exploitive MLM/pyramid/chain selling schemes from legitimate sales opportunities. These five characteristics – referred to as the “5 Red Flags” – both cause the horrendous loss rates and clearly define or distinguish between a pyramid or chain selling scheme and a legitimate income opportunity.

In the compensation plans of recruiting MLMs, we find these “Five Red Flags” (causative and defining factors):

1. Recruiting of participants is unlimited in an endless chain of empowered and motivated recruiters recruiting recruiters. [Due to the nature of overflow, you don't have to enroll anyone in 777 and could still benefit. There is no enrolling requirement.]
2. Advancement in a hierarchy of multiple levels of participants (“distributors,” “associates,” etc.) is achieved by recruitment, rather than by appointment. [777 has no levels - only cycles as you progress and additional cycles are available at no extra charge.]
3. Ongoing purchases (company products and/or sales “tools,” “business support materials,” training, etc.) by participants are encouraged in order for them to be eligible for commissions and to advance in the business (”pay to play”). [777 has a one time charge. There are no monthly recurring fees.]
4. The company pays commissions and/or bonuses to more than four levels of participants. [777 pays out on one level only and is only 3 levels deep per cycle.]
5. For each sale, company payout for the total of all upline participants equals or exceeds that for the person actually selling the product, creating an inadequate incentive to sell products directly and an excessive incentive to recruit new participants. [777 does not pay out on the amount of products you sell. You make full commission on the products that you do sell.]

According to these Five Red Flags, the 777 Prosperity Program does not raise much, if any, of these flags. Again, it’s up to you how you want to look at things but there are, in fact, good programs out there and we think that this 777 Prosperity Program is one of those.

Feel free to take a look (or another look) at the 777 Prosperity Program and see what you think by CLICKING HERE. Much love to all of you! Tony.
"Follow the Money"