Going down in flames, just like Jesse James


Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by LOBO »

Harvey's starting to bore me. Lets see how some other Lostheads are doing...

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/view ... hp?t=2569
Jesse James wrote:I received a form 668-W(c) in March
I sent a 3 page letter to my payer explaining why it did not apply.
I sent a letter to the Technical Compliance Manager.
I received a nonsense letter about my 2004 1040 when my letter was about 2008 returns and refunds and levy, much like Debra from Georgia.
I also received a nonsense letter in regards to my request for a signed assessment.
I sent a letter to my payer requesting they specifically address the issues in regards to paragraph (a) and (h) of section 6331 or restore me by paying me the money I earned for use of my personally owned skills and time/labor.
I received a letter from my payer's attorney stating my payer does not want to hear from me on the issue again and that I will not persuade my payer from doing what it believes is following the law.
So while all this plays out I pay a $5000.00 civil penalty and live off the vapors I have for savings, take out a hardship payment from my 401K to pay my mortgage.
Last week I thought I was going to get a check with withholding sunk to "0" which sucks but is still better than $359.62 of what my payer thinks is what I get paid since that is the "exempt" amount according to publication 1494. Today I found out that the IRS informed my payer that they were not going to send a "release of levy" and that my payer therefore believes they are obligated to continue the "levy" even though it is clearly paid off. The IRS's reason is they claim I owe for 2008 which the IRS just refuses to acknowledge my return and my payer will do whatever the IRS tells them. Right now it looks like time to sue for me. If I can find a new job it will be time for criminal charges and a lawsuit for my payer.
Anyone need a maintenance man that can weld, has a boilers license, can trouble shoot electronic circuits, and has experience with bagging machines, extruders, large burners, rotary dryers, reactors, oxidizers, presses and more?
Any comments? Any questions? Any answers?
Anyone looking to hire someone? I can weld, work with machines, act like a cretin regarding tax matters, and file baseless lawsuits against my employers.
smudge wrote:Click on the "Parallel Authorities" on the right to see who has authority to enforce liens and levys. Hint, it's not the IRS, as if that makes any difference to the IRS. Haven't you heard, they are above the law. I went thru the same thing with my bank, course the bank wasn't about to say no to the IRS, still trying to get my property back form the IRS. Ask the IRS office /person you are dealing with for a copy of the document that authorizes them to enforce the requirements of 27CFR Part 70. All I got was silence.
Here, try this thing. I can tell you from experience that it doesn't work.
TranscriptsDontLie wrote:Your's is a truly messed-up situation: according the the IRC, Secs 6331 et seq., the MAXIMUM amount that can be garnished (euphemistically called "levied") from your SS payments is 15%. To get a jump on this, your quickest remedy would be to petition auntie's "Taxpayer Advocate" to have the illegally-garnished amount(s), that means the sum in excess of those 15%, returned to you, pronto. Moreover, auntie was supposed to send you 2 prior notices by certified mail alerting you of her extortion plans and your appeal rights under those circumstances. Did you get those 2 notices? If not, you can and should assert your appeal rights. (Note: In a friend's case I've seen, auntie intentionally mailed them to the wrong address -- don't be surprised about such tricks -- and had auntie backtrack on that levy once that was made known to the TAS).
Good idea. You can get the Taxpayer Advocate to...

Form 911 wrote:The Taxpayer Advocate Service will not consider frivolous arguments raised on this form, such as those listed in Notice 2007-30. Frivolous arguments may include arguments that the income tax is illegal or that the IRS has no authority to assess and collect tax. You can find additional examples of frivolous arguments in Publication 2105, Why do I have to Pay Taxes?. If you use this form to raise frivolous arguments, you may be subject to a penalty of $5,000.
Oh darn, they won't help you if you use Petey's "my wages aren't wages" argument.

My advise, drop Pete's theory like Petey's future roommate drops the soap, file a legitimate return reporting our income correctly, and you'd be surprised how the big bad IRS will work with you.
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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by wserra »

I realize that the reader could accurately view this post as a complaint about a single cc in a large, stinking pile of crap. Still, we all have our pet peeves.
Jesse James wrote:If I can find a new job it will be time for criminal charges and a lawsuit for my payer.
What makes these morons believe that they have any power to institute "criminal charges"? Having actually worked as a prosecutor, I can picture the reaction if one of them attempted to file a complaint: "Officer Smith, be sure to place this important complaint in Mr. James' roundfile. Right away. Oh, and Mr. James, if you have any questions at all, feel free to call 411."
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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by . »

Ah, well, they all think that they can just round up a few fellow sovruns, form up a "grand jury," cook up a nice set of "charges" and that's it. Natural law and all.

What would be the point of letting reality intrude? That's no fun at all.
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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by The Dog »

Jesse James wrote: So while all this plays out I pay a $5000.00 civil penalty and live off the vapors I have for savings, take out a hardship payment from my 401K to pay my mortgage.
Last week I thought I was going to get a check with withholding sunk to "0" which sucks but is still better than $359.62 of what my payer thinks is what I get paid since that is the "exempt" amount according to publication 1494.
Just supposing for a minute that Pete is right and ultimately prevails in court (a few beers or stronger intoxicants may help here). In that case, wouldn't the IRS be obliged to refund all the taxes that it has collected? If so, wouldn't it be better for Jesse simply to pay the tax demanded and sit back confident in the expectation that sooner or later a nice refund would land on his doormat?
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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

The Dog wrote: Just supposing for a minute that Pete is right and ultimately prevails in court (a few beers or stronger intoxicants may help here). In that case, wouldn't the IRS be obliged to refund all the taxes that it has collected?
If by "prevails" you mean a jury does not issue a guilty verdict, the answer is "no."
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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by Brandybuck »

He has no objection to paying taxes IF and WHEN it is legally required to do so.
This is why I hate the tax deniers. It's like an abolitionist saying they have no object to slavery IF and WHEN it can be proven to be legal. They claim to be conservative or even libertarian, but when you actually hear what they say, they are legalists who equate morality with legality. If they think something is immoral then it follows in their mind that it must be illegal. If it actually is legal, then obviously there is a conspiracy afoot, it's not really a law, there are arcane technicalities as to why it does not pertain to them, etc., etc.

Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by silversopp »

Stand tall warriors!! :roll:
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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by The Dog »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
The Dog wrote: Just supposing for a minute that Pete is right and ultimately prevails in court (a few beers or stronger intoxicants may help here). In that case, wouldn't the IRS be obliged to refund all the taxes that it has collected?
If by "prevails" you mean a jury does not issue a guilty verdict, the answer is "no."
I was thinking more of his convincing a Tax Court (or on appeal therefrom), rather than the criminal case. This is more of an attempt to see things from Jesse James' perspective and what he should do given his (erroneous) beliefs and expectations.

Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by Harvester »

Brandy, there's a difference between the LEGAL and the LAWFUL. I think even your side would admit to that. Up until emancipation, slavery was usually found legal by the courts. Just like our misapplied income tax, while the courts uphold it as legal, it violates Natural/God's law and will be abolished, only a matter of time. The banksters are eating out our sustenance unlawfully. I am a misapplied tax abolitionist.

Here's a quote from your (the Beast) side's book Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:
Consent, the Primary Victory
A silent weapon system operates upon data obtained from a docile public by legal (but not always lawful) force. Much information is made available to silent weapon systems programmers through the Internal Revenue Service. (See Studies in the Structure of the American Economy for an I.R.S. source list.)
Back on topic, it's been said the outlaw Jesse James lived a modest life in comparison to all the wealth he stole over multiple robberies. What do y'all suppose became of that wealth? By some accounts he faked his death and lived to a ripe old age using several pseudonyms.

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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by Parvati »

Harvester wrote:...it violates Natural/God's law...
Natural Law is not God's law. They are entirely different concepts.
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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by Nikki »

Harvester -- whatever happened to your prediction about the Petemeister never going to jail?

You have only a few days left to retract it.
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Re: Going down in flames, just like Jesse James

Post by Cathulhu »

Nikki wrote:Harvester -- whatever happened to your prediction about the Petemeister never going to jail?

You have only a few days left to retract it.
Harvey the wormy hamster will ignore it, like he always does that reality thing.
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