Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

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Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Dezcad »

As posted on NHUnderground, here is Ed's latest rant to Joe:
From: "EDWARD BROWN (03923049)"

Date: "7/7/2010 8:12:15 AM"

Subject: "RE: Re: RE: Hodes, the Jew (or not?)"

Message: "Joe,

It's far more serious than any of us can imagine.

The Zionists* which were created by bthe freemasons around the Civil War

are incontrol of virtually every aspect of our government.

Working with the Communists,(created by the Freemasons around 1838

with Karl Marx), theyAre the D.O.J. which is working with the Judicial branch of government.

Muirhead and McAuliffe are Freemasonsas well as Communists, while George Z. Singalis a

Zionist,Communist, Freemason. They are every where. Absolutly true.

They control the entire Executive and Judicial, both State and Nation.

This is what happened in court and why Elaine, th Boys or I did not get a trial.

This is why you are having a hard time with the state, county, and cities of p-lainfield and Lebanon.

Literally all of the positions of power have been taken over by these Zionist , Communists.

Stop and think who those people are that stop you at every turn. The entire bar is now declared the enemy of the United States government unless they prove otherwise.

Barack O'Bama is a communist that we don't even know where he is from. That's how much power these Zionist

Communists have in our government.

Post all my words and watch who tries to call me a crazy man and you will see another of Americas enemies.

See you soon.

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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Imalawman »

Crazy man. Oop's, I guess I just declared myself an enemy of America.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by bmielke »

Dear God how does BOP allow crap like that to get out, seriously BOP do the world a favor shred that kind of stuff.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by webhick »

Ed wrote:Barack O'Bama
He's Irish now?
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by bmielke »

webhick wrote:
Ed wrote:Barack O'Bama
He's Irish now?
Ed's been in prison, he hasn't seen a picture, he just assumed it's O'Bama, because he knows that an Irish Catholic would be elected before a black man.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Arthur Rubin »

webhick wrote:
Ed wrote:Barack O'Bama
He's Irish now?
The name is Irish, at least according to the Capital Steps song Obama meets Osama. The loss of the apostrophe must have something to do with the CAPITAL LETTERS at immigration.

Wikianswers has a different explanation, but it's always possible that his great-grandfather chose a "family" name from a local administrator, when Kenya was ruled by the English.

Barack, himself, has a different, but related, explanation on page 396 of Dreams from my Father (at least, according to Wikipedia); Wikipedia reports that his great grandfather was named "Obama".
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by LPC »

webhick wrote:
Ed wrote:Barack O'Bama
He's Irish now?
Yep, just like Joe O'Biden.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Thule »

bmielke wrote: Ed's been in prison, he hasn't seen a picture, he just assumed it's O'Bama, because he knows that an Irish Catholic would be elected before a black man.
Nobody told him about JFK?

edit; Wait, wait, I know this one. Ed thinks all Irish names starts with "O' "
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by bmielke »

Thule wrote:
bmielke wrote: Ed's been in prison, he hasn't seen a picture, he just assumed it's O'Bama, because he knows that an Irish Catholic would be elected before a black man.
Nobody told him about JFK?

edit; Wait, wait, I know this one. Ed thinks all Irish names starts with "O' "
Kennedy doesn't count he was American.

There are only two things that Ed knows, 1. Obama is President, 2. Obama is foregin, he just made a leap of logic.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It sounds to me like the reality of a cold, hard, controlled remainder of life behind bars is getting through to Ed: Moron, and that the realization that he has, indeed, lost, has pushed his derangement lever to "full speed ahead".
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Famspear »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:It sounds to me like the reality of a cold, hard, controlled remainder of life behind bars is getting through to Ed: Moron, and that the realization that he has, indeed, lost, has pushed his derangement lever to "full speed ahead".
Mister Ed doesn’t trust the O’Bama.
“He is Irish!” says Ed, with great drama.
“Jews and Masons, they’re bad --
But the Irish are mad!
Let me out of here, I want my mamma!”
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Gregg »

Kennedy doesn't count he was American.
Ed knew Kennedy was Irish but he gave him a pass because he admired Joe Kennedy so much...he was in tight with Lindberg, Henry Ford and Hitler and that was good enough for Ed....
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Duke2Earl »

I guess I'm trying to figure out the Zionist thing. To the best of my knowledge, Zionism was a movement that was founded in the latter part of the 19th century that was concerned with establishing a homeland for jews in the holy land. And to this day zionism seems mostly concerned with supporting the State of Israel. I know it is foolish to try to make any sense out of the ravings of a deranged manaic but I fail to see what zionism has to do with persecuting Ed Brown or ruling the world. Perhaps he equates zionism with jews generally and as such is simply a garden variety anti-semite. That's so 20th century... don't you know that it's now the muslims who are trying to rule the world... or was that the masons? And for heaven's sake don't give him the Illuminati recruiting manual.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by bmielke »

Duke2Earl wrote:And for heaven's sake don't give him the Illuminati recruiting manual.
You still have your's?

They took mine away along with my copies of The Anarchists Cookbook, 1001 Boobytraps, and Anarchy for Dummies, they said there were somethings that I shouldn't play with. Jeez they are so touchy, all I did was aim a plasma cannon at the Illuminati Drill Instructor's house how was I to know it was loaded? Fortunatly after "reeducation" they still let me graduate boot camp.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Cathulhu »

Ed's mad that he didn't go down in a hail of bullets, as that would make him a martyr in his own thinking, rather than a sad little man in prison spewing vitriol that no one wants to hear.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Cathulhu wrote:Ed's mad that he didn't go down in a hail of bullets, as that would make him a martyr in his own thinking, rather than a sad little man in prison spewing vitriol that no one wants to hear.
Ed never wanted to be a martyr. No future in it. He would gladly have allowed everyone around him to sacrifice themselves to save his own worthless hide.

In Ed's more lucid moments, he probably hoped that he was going to hold off the Gubermint until they gave up. Alternatively, he would have had a Waco/Ruby Ridge like ending, in which he would have walked out a free man (Like Randy Weaver). Either way, it was never Ed's intention to die for the cause or to be scooped up in the FBI's version of a Have-a-Heart trap.

Narcissism and Martyrdom do not go well together. :wink:
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Famspear »

For newer readers, as a way of adding more context about Wackadooster Ed Brown, this is adapted from something I (and others) wrote in another forum about three years ago:

In early June 2007 Brown claimed that the law enforcement officials surrounding his properties were part of a "Zionist, Illuminati, Freemason movement," and that the federal government had no jurisdiction in New Hampshire. Kristen Senz, "Ed Brown says Feds have no jurisdiction in New Hampshire," New Hampshire Union Leader, June 8, 2007. Referring to the warrants and court orders against him, Brown said "This is just paper… This is fiction. The entire American government is fiction. We created it, didn't we?" The New Hampshire Union Leader also reported that "the Browns believe the IRS and the federal income tax are part of a deliberate plot perpetrated by Freemasons to control the American people and eventually the world." Kristen Senz, "Browns say they will either walk free, or die," New Hampshire Union Leader, June 19, 2007.

In an interview on February 2, 2007, on the radio show "Constitution for the Defense," Ed Brown was quoted as saying:
This is the beginning of one very huge movement. I'm not quite sure you understand the ramifications of what's going on right now. This is massive. This is international. We are fed up with the Zionist Illuminati. That's what this is all about. Loud and clear. Zionist Illuminati. Lawyers, whatever they are, okay, it's going to stop. And if the judge is a member of that, I know that McAuliffe [the Federal judge in Brown's tax case] is, I know that U.S. Attorney Colantuono is, they'd better stop. This is a warning. You can do whatever you want to me. My job is to get the message out, and I'm getting the message out, and I'm warning you guys - not you guys [referring to the radio show hosts], them - to cease and desist their unlawful activity in this country and every other country because once this thing starts, we're going to seek them out and hunt them down. And we're going to bring them to justice. So anybody wishes to join them, you go right ahead and join them. But I promise you, long after I'm gone, they're going to seek out every one of you and your bloodline.
--Margot Sanger-Katz, "Browns on the record," Concord Monitor, April 27, 2007.

According to the New Hampshire Union Leader:
He [Ed Brown] points his finger at Freemasons, Zionist Jews and what he says is a secret society known as the Illuminati. Brown said his extensive research shows these groups are all working together in a global conspiracy.
We're not conspiracy theorists," Brown said, settling into a chair on his unfinished concrete porch. "We deal with conspiracy facts. Freemasonry and Judaism—that is the truth. That is the fact. That is where all the world's problems come from… I know for a fact that they're working together.
(bolding added)

Ah, memories!
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Nikki »

Ed family:antisemite uses the term Zionist because he is too stupid to realize it doesn't mean Jewish.

Many of the patridiot sovereignoramuses refer to their preceived oppressors as Zionists because

(1) their hood hasn't come back from the cleaner and tbhey don't want to be labaled as Jew-haters because that would weaken their arguments

(2) some of their best friwnds, employers, bankers, landlords, etc are Jewish and they are afraid to rock the boat even more

(3) they are too stupid to know the difference

Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by bmielke »

I think Eddie also needs to blame somebody for his troubles, and it wouldn't do to blame the people who are going to break him out so he blames the Zionists, becase it sounds better than, "The bunch of redneck idiots whom I listened to over reason and logic who are now sitting at home playing with their liberty tools as I rant from prison."
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by grixit »

webhick wrote:
Ed wrote:Barack O'Bama
He's Irish now?
Actually, i'd heard that that was his mother's ethnicity. Keep typing, sovermonkeys, in time you'll all manage to come up with something true!
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