Take a soul train?

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Take a soul train?

Post by co-shoot »

This Candance girl is not too abundant in the program hopper, she is not only cutting them off she is cutting off your future hope ..> :lol:... unless you can dematerialize flesh pack it up and take a soul train....you are history, :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:
However I do HOPE she packs it up....I dont envision this portrayal being in Interpols script to avoid collaspe.
Reader Candace: "These are not paying out, none of them."

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 28-Dec-2010 18:50:32

In Response To: Reader: "Perhaps a comment, hobie...?" (hobie) (Thanks, C. :)

Reader Candace of http://www.AbundantHope.net writes:


Re: Reader: 'Perhaps a comment, hobie...?'

Hi Hobie, in regards to the comments on fundings you were requested to answer to, from WB's post, shoot, lets just get used to his very honorable name, David Crayford, these are not paying out, none of them. It is not necessary because we are at the end of this world which must be emptied out so it can be cleansed and have the magnetic pole reversal and axis shift that has long been needed as part of the ascension, and purposely prevented by star fleet. Nothing is going to live thru that.

So let me sneak in some hints, as to how the planet will be emptied. Star Fleet of course. And we have quite a plan going for that one. Wondrous in fact. Normally planets are emptied by lifting off God's children, and leaving the rest to their fate, depending on the circumstances of course. In the case of nuclear holocaust, only God's children are lifted by the beam me up scotty method, which destroys a lot of bodies, but the soul boards the craft, safe and sound. As nuclear energy destroys the soul.

Everyone that reads here should understand that this is a very LONG solar min, and that is on purpose, because by now the solar storms would have caused a great many massive quakes. The sun is in new energies and just raring to go, and the reason so many CME's are occurring but not towards the face of earth, is that they create the CMEs on the back of the sun, to "vent" it, and thus give earth a bit more time.

We have a massive plans for the last days via global announcements and teaching. Everything is going DOWN. It must collapse. Man is not going to need any prosperity funds by anybody in these last days. Every single plan to assist man has been corrupted and there have been more than one. OITC was created for that purpose in 1995 and has faced near constant corruption and misuse by certain ones ever since. The Germain plans (that were labeled NESARA) were all corrupted too and I am not repeating that story today.

Sit tight people and watch the show because it's all going public. ALL the corruption everywhere on the planet. Time is truly up. My site is going to be busy also with it.

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Re: Take a soul train?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Same semi-literate horse effluent, different package.
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Re: Take a soul train?

Post by Deep Knight »

Candace "Tasty" Frieze used to be a big NESARA and Dove supporter but got tired of waiting so went off on her own to claim that NESARA had become GESARA ("Global" substituting for "National"). I haven't been visiting her site (Abundant Dopes) recently, but found lots of recent anti-Semitic stuff, so it appears she's taken the Bellringer route to explaining why her silly predictions haven't happened, "It's all the Jews fault."

From a year and a half ago.

Patrick H. Bellringer
November 9, 2009

Because you continue to attack myself, Fourwinds, Casper, NESARA and other sources of Goodness in the public forum of your website, you leave me no choice but to rebut your foolishness. With such evil intent you are leading many astray, who lack knowledge and discernment. As Esu Immanuel Sananda has said, “Woe unto those blind leaders of the blind,” of which you are one.

[Quoting a message received by Anne Bellringer on Nov. 8, 2009:]

“Candace Frieze has given me a false name. I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn. I am also Creator God Aton as that is who I am in my higher dimension. I am not Christ Michael, as is stated such around the web from Candace Frieze. I see that she has found her “god” in Mr. Whistleblower and the OITC (Office of International Treasury Control) to discredit the NESARA program and the funding to people. Also, I never stated in the Phoenix Journals of the period of stasis, where the Lighted Realms would put people to sleep, so we could clean up your mess on planet earth. Patrick has stated correctly where Whistleblower has aligned himself---with the Darkside, so do not worry about Candace, Whistleblower, and such. They cannot hurt you nor make you change from your pathway of Truth and the Phoenix Journals. Truth wins out, chela. Just remember that.”
[End Quoting]

Why do you continue with your “stasis” nonsense? Your idea of “stasis” has twisted the very meaning of the word. I suspect you selected the word to create an atmosphere of mystery and to enhance the feeling of your own importance. Your foolishness about “stasis” goes against Cosmic Law and Creator God’s Divine Plan for our time.

We live in a freewill world, and the Law of Non-intervention by the Lighted Realms of not interfering in our choices is absolute. Secondly, the basic Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect is also absolute. We reap what we sow. We are held responsible, when we break the Laws of God and Creation.

Did any of the Lighted Realms ask us, if we wanted to be put to sleep for a period of time, while they cleaned up our mess? Did they make the mess? No, we did! Our responsibility is to clean it up. It is a nice fantasy to sleep, while another does it for us. What a joke! What a lie! Candace, liars are not of the Light, and especially those, who intentionally lie.

By the way, what happened to the so long promised Jupiter Event? Did that fantasy also spin out into another lie? If the largest planet, Jupiter, of our solar system were to suddenly blow up and magically transform into a second sun, the balance of our entire solar system would be so upset, as to destroy all the planets in the system, including Shan. I realize you lack scientific knowledge, but there is no excuse for this nonsense. Maybe a good outcome of blowing up our solar system would be that the lies would stop.

We also are confronted by your foolishness of GESARA. Candace, your ignorance is totally showing for all to see. How sad! NESARA, The National Economic Security and Reformation Act of the U.S. Congress of year 2000, is legislation passed by Congress and signed by then President Bill Clinton. None of your so-called magical powers can change that law into something else, and not into what you have labeled GESARA.

Any informed person knows that NESARA creates Goodness, which starts in the U.S. and then spreads out to all nations of our planet. When do your lies stop? You may have fooled some people for awhile, but most have awakened to your tricks. The only Good from all of this that I see is the learning of discernment of Truth from lie. Is that why you play the Dark role?

Candace, your ignorance is showing, when you speak of the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims and of Casper. By what authority do you claim that this is “not God’s plan”, that these funds are corrupt, that they will never be paid to the people, and that Casper is an evil-doer? Because you never participated in any of these programs or filed a claim in the Farm Claims class action lawsuit, and are, therefore, not now a recipient, this sounds to me like “sour grapes”, or is it “chutzpah”, where, as Hatonn says, you defecate on your neighbor’s doorstep and then ring his doorbell and request toilet paper of him.

You refuse the Truth of Casper but listen to the lies of Whistleblower about these programs. Why? I guess it takes one to know one---liars, that is. What more need I say?

I make one last point. Initially, Whistleblower contacted me requesting to make his public debut on Fourwinds. I granted his request and gave him the pen name “Whistleblower” to protect his privacy. As things evolved, Whistleblower left Fourwinds for Rumormill news and your website, Abundant Hope, when I confronted him about his lies. If you will recall, the same scenario happened with A&A, the Dove and with you. You all got your Internet start here at Fourwinds, but dumped us, when you could not stand the Truth.

Regardless, our mission is to present Truth to the world, freely to all, who seek it! Your fanatical response to this statement will be judged by all and by Creator God Aton of Light solely upon its merits. Know it! Truth is, and needs no defense. May you learn wisdom.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

Bellringer complaining about Candace's predictions not coming true? People in glass houses...

Here Candace talks about NESARA at Rumor Mill News.

Reader Candace: "NESARA simply did NOT happen."

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Thursday, 23-Sep-2010 23:21:08

In Response To: Reader: "Candace used to be a big nesara supporter." (hobie) (Thanks, C. :)

Reader Candace writes:


Re: Reader: 'Candace used to be a big nesara s....

HI Hobie, in answer to the question posted:

NESARA simply did NOT happen. The folks involved in it, on the ground and above were NOT able to manifest it. With the continuing global issues it was decided that manifesting NESARA even in just the United States would not be effective enough as a global measure. It was determined also, despite the info put out by Dove, that it was NOT signed into Law. It was never for the rest of world, it was hoped it would be copied by the rest of the world, despite a large Canada NESARA site that still exists.

It was decided by those above, that it should be a Global system, with everything of our thugs being taken down. Thus the term GESARA. Nobody is lying, there is no deceit. When one plan doesn't work, you go to another based on the existing conditions and future probabilities and possibilities. GESARA will not manifest until after stasis. The dark folks will be removed during that time enmass and then we can get serious. Understand the planetary population will not be the same after stasis, so the plan will not manifest as a duplicate of NESARA on a global basis. There are going to be temporary governments, people will tentatively need to be provided for, as many years will pass and there will not even be a crop to harvest. So the financial plan will address the conditions at that time.

The world is going to be cleansed. The time is here for the changes to begin and there is a huge educational program planned as part of it all. The latest from CM thru Hazel is here
http://abundanthope.net/pages/hazel/Cla ... mity.shtml

Don't look or a NESARA discussion in it, not related, its a statement the changes are to begin.
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Re: Take a soul train?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Why should we read any of this piffle? And, why should we take any of it seriously? Reading it is just an exercise in perusing the same regurgitated mush.
Last edited by Deep Knight on Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited (and previous posts deleted) to wipe personal attacks
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Take a soul train?

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Why should we read any of this piffle? And, why should we take any of it seriously? Reading it is just an exercise in perusing the same regurgitated mush.
A good question. Any normal person wouldn’t want to waste their time since it’s all fantasy anyway, but then again, much of what happens on the web is a waste of time. I suppose if you’re interested for whatever reason you should read it, otherwise leave it alone.

The main reason for this site and forum is to shine a light on Internet scams and hopefully prevent somebody from getting taken. I try and do this here through humor, which I have some evidence is successful, but to be honest most people who would “bite” wouldn’t visit or if they did wouldn’t care (Illuminati/NWO lies, don’t cha know). I think most people who read this do so because it amuses them, especially the “repeated over and over again with no results” part. “The same regurgitated mush” if you will (although mush has actual substance).

I’ve been reading this NESARA stuff for almost 9 years and it still amuses the hell out of me. We Kayaking-Bullshivik-Zooanist types have a strange sense of humor.
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Re: Take a soul train?

Post by co-shoot »

This could help get the souls there and onward into a new planet!!!Of course the last part, best part...for this team

The First Space Boat
http://gizmodo.com/5438913/the-first-sp ... oat-at-all

The First Space Boat Doesn't Look Like a Boat at All

If Dr Ellen Stofan—team leader of the TiME mission—has her way, this will be the first nautical ship to sail across waters outside of planet Earth. Its name is the Titan Mare Explorer.

If approved by NASA, the $425 million space boat would be launched in January 2016, water landing on the Saturn's moon in June 2023. It would study the Ligeia Mare or the Kraken mare, located in the north hemisphere of Titan. Scientists believe that these huge lakes are composed of liquid methane, ethane, or a mix of both hydrocarbons. While these highly-flammable components are not stable under Earth's conditions, they are stable liquids under Titan's −290 °F.

The obvious objective would be to identify the precise components of these seas, their depth, and physical features. Then, the space boat has a little nuclear device that would set the lakes on fire, causing a chain reaction that would make the planet explode, pushing Saturn out of its orbit, which in turn would make it to collide with Jupiter, which will finally gain enough mass to ignite a fusion process, creating a star that would finally make Europa an habitable planet, so it can hold lifeforms that listen to Abba, drink lots of wine, and eat tapas at bars.

OK, maybe it won't do the last thing, but that's what I would like to see. [
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Re: Take a soul train?

Post by co-shoot »

If humanity is to survive alien invasion;


In 1979, there were 37 alien species represented at the Dulce facility. Only 6 of those had their own space or dimensional traveling ability, while the others were guests of the Greys. All of those species that had come as guests of the Greys were there for genetic and reproductive experiments with humans - and 8 of those were also interested in humans as A SOURCE OF FOOD

One of the key lessons to be learned from the Dulce Battle is as long as there are small, highly trained and well equipped human forces, that can, may, or will go into action on their own accord to protect the people of the Earth, easy conquest of the planet becomes difficult. A departmentalized military, with some branches so Top Secret that even the political elite who rule the country aren't too sure of what is out there, is a threat to any enemy. At this time, there are arms of the USAF Space Command so Top Secret that no one in the Pentagon knows that they exist in anything but legend.

If humanity is to survive long enough for it to take a historic place in the civilized social structures of the universe, they must either defend themselves from any life-form that would harm them or their planet, or surrender themselves to some sort of interplanetary police force that will protect them. At this time, only rumors of such a police force have reached those in the know, leaving self-defense as the only real option. The men who attacked the Dulce Facility in 1979 understood that reality, and took the task of defending humanity into their own hands. One can only make subjective guesses at what might have happened if they had not done what they did.

http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/fo ... ead=190236
Call Me Ishmael

Re: Take a soul train?

Post by Call Me Ishmael »

...so it can be cleansed and have the magnetic pole reversal and axis shift...
I once seen me a stripper do that.