Things are moving along just fine now

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »


At approximately 5 p.m. yesterday 5 Class Action Lawsuits were filed against Obama and his allies. 3 were Stateside, 2 Overseas.

By 10 p.m. last night approximately 25 additional lawsuits were filed against him by other countries.

This morning the total number filed is between 30 and 40. All were filed in the World Court.

Delivery of the packs will not cause these lawsuits to be withdrawn. They are to be adjudicated immediately.

Obama, again playing his “I Am God” card, demanded the Court dismiss the Suits. He was told by the Court ‘They Can Not Be Dismissed’. These lawsuits came as a complete surprise to Obama.

Jeb Bush, George Bush Jr and Neil Bush were working with Obama to stop deliveries yesterday. They were caught trying to cash counterfeit Bonds and Certificates and Jeb intended to use the proceeds to run for President. Obama had assured them the programs would never be paid. They will all be charged appropriately, ‘attempting to cash counterfeit instruments’, etc..

The Supreme Court has told Obama ‘It is over with’.

Things are moving along just fine now.

Casper 2-17-11

Were those 5 class action lawsuits filed at 5 o'clock 5 class 5 class action lawsuits? If they were class 4 or lower, forget about it. At Quatloos we use class 4 lawsuits for toilet paper and class 3 lawsuits for something even less attractive.

And exactly which world court was this? From the description, I think it was the last on this Wikipedia list:

The term World Court may refer to:

any of the international courts located in The Hague:
the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a UN court that settles disputes between nations
the International Criminal Court (ICC), a court that prosecutes individuals for crimes against humanity and similar crimes
the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ), a historical court
any international court
World Court (arcade game), a tennis arcade game

As for "moving along just fine," how much ya wanna bet Casper will be telling us about some other fantgasy blockage of the fantasy deliveries in short order?
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

... and the fact that the World Court does not hear lawsuits which are not brought by one government against another is totally beside the point, I'm sure.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper tells us why deliveries weren't today, but the hogwash and B.S. is ready and being served by the shovelful.


The ‘Hog Wash’ and B.S. was especially heavy today.

What REALLY happened is that Obama, Jr. and the Queen convinced the English Judge on the W.C. to delay deliveries while ‘they’ attempted to negotiate a dismissal of the thirty five (35) Class Action Lawsuits filed against them in World Court--- if they allowed the deliveries to proceed.

All Plaintiffs, ALL, refused. The suits will not be withdrawn upon delivery.

The English Judge has been dealt with.

Heads up for tomorrow.

The Queen says “the Monarchy will be destroyed if/when the content of the Lawsuits becomes public”.

Casper 2-18-11 p.m.

An English lady, while visiting Switzerland, was looking for a room for a more extended stay, and she asked the schoolmaster if he could recommend any to her. He took her to see several rooms, and when everything was settled, the lady returned to her home to make the final preparations to move.

When she arrived home, the thought suddenly occurred to her that she had not seen a "W.C." (Water Closet, i.e. flush toilet) around the place. So she immediately wrote a note to the schoolmaster asking him if there was a "W.C." near the room.

The schoolmaster was a very poor student of English, so he asked the parish priest if he could help in the matter. Together they tried to discover the meaning of the letters "W.C.," and the only solution they could come up with for the letters was for a Wayside Chapel. The schoolmaster then wrote the following note to the English lady:

Dear Madam:

I take great pleasure in informing you that the W.C. is situated nine miles from the room that you will occupy, in the center of a beautiful grove of pine trees surrounded by lovely grounds. It is capable of holding about 229 people and it is only open on Sunday and Thursday.

As there are a great number of people who are expected during the summer months, I would suggest that you come early; although, as a rule, there is plenty of standing room. You will no doubt be glad to hear that a good number of people bring their lunch and make a day of it. While others who can afford to go by car arrive just in time.

I would especially recommend that your ladyship go on Thursday when there is a musical accompaniment. It may interest you to know that my daughter was married in the W.C. and it was there that she met her husband.

I can remember the rush there was for seats. There were ten people to a seat ordinarily occupied by one. It was wonderful to see the expression on their faces. The newest attraction is a bell donated by a wealthy resident of the district. It rings every time a person enters.

A bazaar is to be held to provide plush seats for all the people, since they feel it is a long felt need. My wife is rather delicate, so she can't attend regularly. I shall be delighted to reserve the best seat for you, if you wish, where you will be seen by everyone.

For the children, there is a special time and place so they will not disturb the elders.

Hoping to have been of service to you, I remain,


The Schoolmaster.
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »

Two days after "it's all over with" Casper comes up with nothing but excuses. Why doesn't he tell us the truth, that the trigger packs are for Roy Rogers' horse who's really a space alien Ascendable Master from the planet Equzx?


The trigger packs were once again with Brinks which has again co-operated with the bad guys by following orders to hand the packs over to the bad guys rather than deliver today as planned.

This time the orders/conspiracy came from Obama, Bush Junior, Jeb Bush and the Queen with Bill and Hillary being ‘cut out’ of this particular scam. Certain items were again removed from the packs. The packs have been retrieved and are being ‘reconstructed’ today.

Rumors saying Bush Senior has turned against ‘the boys’ who were co-operating with Obama, are, WE hear, FALSE.

More when possible,

Casper 2-19-11

p.s. Due to this sabotage of the packs there was actually no chance of deliveries today as reported last night.

Bill and Hillary weren't "cut out," they were "out of town" on the planet Equzx with the English judge on the W.C. (must be something he ate) and their new best friend, Beloved Master Trigger.
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »


This morning the Trigger Packs which are still the trigger for all else are still in D.C..

On orders of Obama the carriers are refusing to touch them.

The World Court is expressing shock that they are not out for delivery this morning. They are lying. They do not want the packs delivered and they are co-operating with Obama in today’s blockage and sabotage and they have been doing so yesterday, last night and this morning. WE know which members (plural) of the Court are cooperating with Obama. The Court claims they have ordered the packs out. They are lying.

SUPPOSEDLY the Countries are trying to do something about this overnight development.

More when possible,

Casper 2-21-11

Let's recap - just 4 short days ago Casper told us "Things are moving along just fine now," and that lawsuits had been filed with the Supreme Court that "cannot be dismissed." In fact, "The Supreme Court has told Obama ‘It is over with’." Strange how things can change so quickly is so few days...
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »

5 days on...


As with all the ‘power centers’ on the planet there are ‘factions’ for and against delivery which is the ‘first domino’. The World Court Judges working with Obama to stop deliveries yesterday were dealt with yet the Trigger Packs remain in D.C. this morning.

Obama has now told the other Judges (large majority) on the World Court to “go to hell” and has again ordered the Carriers not to touch the packs. They are following these Presidential Directives.

Certain ‘Vital’ Documents have been turned over to the World Court. The Supreme Court is siding with Obama (remember please their secret Vatican Bank Accounts) saying they will issue a ruling that Obama does not have to comply with the rulings of the World Court and the ignorant American people will believe anything they say rather than the World Court or the other Countries.

Bush Junior is involved in all these goings on in Partnership with Obama (remember please his attempts to cash counterfeit Bonds and Certificates as reported last week) as he is determined that Jeb Bush will be the next President guaranteeing the Criminal Enterprise masquerading as legitimate Government will continue uninterrupted and the exposures of their collective criminal acts will remain suppressed.

All of this is what WE have referred to for years as “Second Rail Activity” which takes precedence over “First Rail” make-ready activity.

As reported last week Bush Jr., Jeb and Obama were involved in removing certain items from the Trigger Packs again causing them to be ‘reconstructed’ again Saturday. Now this.

More when possible,


"Second rail" and "first rail?" Someone needs to tell Casper that the "third rail" is a real rail on NYC subways (and no doubt others, this is just the only one I know about) that carries the juice to run the trains. They warn you about it just in case a train gets stopped and you have to walk out (happens), if you touch it, you get zapped. Casper is using it like a "first faction," "second faction, and "third faction." Is there any limit to his ignorance?
Wikipedia wrote:The phrase third rail is a metaphor in politics to denote an idea or topic that is so "charged" and "untouchable" that any politician or public official who dares to broach the subject would invariably suffer politically.

The third rail in a railway is the exposed electrical conductor that carries high voltage power. Stepping on the high-voltage third rail usually results in electrocution. The use of the term in politics serves to emphasize the "shock" that results from raising the controversial idea, and the "political death" (or political suicide) that the unaware or provocative politician would encounter as a result.
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »

6 days.


The Trigger Packs are still in D.C. this morning.

Obama has resorted/reverted to using the Unions again to stop the carrier from delivering, a repeat of past sabotage. ‘The New’ will flush the Unions so they are willing participants. This is Obama’s ‘last line of defense’.

The Unions are being dealt with.

More when possible,

Casper 2-23-11

"The New" is a new player in Casper's fantasy, all I know about them as they can flush Unions. Perhaps they're a 4th rail Faction 5 organization 39 levels above the President.

I can flush too, but only need to when "things are moving along fine." Maybe this is what Casper's aluding to, it certainly would have the right smell...
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »


Obama and Bush junior, in an attempt to get the Countries’ off their backs’, have been attempting today to get the Supreme Court and the World Court to go along with a plan, their plan, to pay the Countries ahead of Program Participants.

This would result in only one possible outcome which can be summarized with Obama’s comment today “to hell with the program participants”.

Some of the Countries are willing to go along with this therefore WE can not yet report a final outcome to this intense effort being fronted by Bush Junior.

By Contract and by law certain programs must be paid first after which the Countries can obtain access to their funds.

Any variance would be illegal.

Will the ‘New’ begin with yesterday’s criminals dictating terms? We shall see.

More when possible,

Casper 2-23-11 #2

Let's see, "Things are moving along fine and we should have delivered by now but these evil guys keep doing any and everything to block it, but no variances because that would be illegal."
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »

Boy will Angela (I know her as "Meine Zebrastreifenishe Schatzi") be surprised when she runs to her computer to get the latest from Casper (she checks every 5 minutes or so) and finds this targeted for her!

CASPER UPDATE #1: FEBRUARY 24 - A Targeted Message for Angela Merkel

A targeted message for Angela Merkel:

WE are sorry you and your partners involved in yesterday’s shenanigans, Obama and the Bush Boys, were unable to access the accounts as you had promised them, certain other countries and the Court.

Have WE not told you repeatedly that our “UFO CONTACTS” placed certain things upon the accounts which you can not understand?

Now, maybe you understand?

The medal placed around your neck at the White House last week does not entitle you to steal other people’s money. You opened accounts in Deutsche Bank for your friends in Washington. WE know all about them. You had no intention of paying ‘the Countries’, only those few working with you. The others, the large majority, were to get nothing. It will now be up to you to explain to the other countries why they were to get nothing. They and The German Parliament are awaiting your explanation.

You Madam, are a ‘Zebra’. A zebra never changes its stripes. You run with zebras and you will never change no matter what you say.

The English people will be glad to hear that you have told the Queen you will pay for the extravagant wedding since she is having trouble doing so. ‘Not to worry’ you said, you will provide the money.

More when possible,

Casper 2-24-11

More? You want more? Well, here's more!


Calling themselves ‘Judges’, the bribed members of the World Court are really nothing more than WHORES who have been working with Obama, The Bush Boys and Merkel to sabotage deliveries and attempt to break into the accounts.

They got the ‘codes’.

The codes they had didn’t work.

Even now they claim ‘the packs are out for delivery’.

They are LIARS, WE know exactly where the packs are.

They do not want a single pack delivered, not a single program funded.

Obama continues to scream ‘NEVER”.

Their attempts to STEAL everything never stop.

They are all Satanist and in one big boat together.

Hundreds of them.

Thousands of them.


Casper 2-24-11 #2

Don't worry though, things are moving along just fine now...
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Assessor »

So, in the space of a week, we've gone from the 'World Court' accepting 35 lawsuits and heroically standing up to 'the bad guys' ("They Can Not Be Dismissed")- to the 'World Court' being "bribed", "whores", and "liars".

And this isn't the first time that Casper has had his faith in the 'World Court' shattered. It seems to happen every other month, for years on end. Yet, the 'good guys' keep going back to this 'World Court' for justice, despite denouncing it as corrupt and useless numerous times before. I mean, didn't Casper know about these 'secret Vatican accounts' a week ago? if so, why did he think that these '35 lawsuits' would now be handled in his favour? If not, then why does he mention these 'secret Vatican accounts' as if they are long-standing, known "facts"?

Now, look, I realise that trying to divine any kind of rational sense out of this nearly decade-long drama is futile, but Casper isn't even trying anymore. He's just recycling his scenarios and conspiracies and rotating names (The Queen, Obama, Bush Senior, Bush Junior, Jeb, either Clinton) as the current villain. And always, always, shaking his fist grimly while promising that the current villain "will be dealt with".

My 'sources' tell me that the 'World Court' will order the 'deliveries' next month, but that someone will 'bribe' them, and they will, once again 'lie' - which will be a complete surprise all over again. And, unlike the hundreds of previous instances, this time the current villain will be "dealt with". Unless the current villain is a current or former political figure, that is.
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

They pull the packies in
They send the packies out
They pull the packies in
and they shake them all about.
They do "NESARA NOW!"
and then they hear old Casper shout,
"Packies are coming out!"

(repeat, ad infinitum)
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »

Assessor wrote:Now, look, I realise that trying to divine any kind of rational sense out of this nearly decade-long drama is futile...
Right you are! Here's another example.


A Targeted Message to the “Good Ming”--specifically you who were here in the States a couple of weeks ago then returned home.

WE desire to speak with you. Will you please provide a communication channel by sending same to Mr Bellringer at []?

WE are getting a tsunami of lies domestically. Attorneys jumping ship, either bought off or scared off.

Please contact us through fourwinds. Thank you.

Casper 2-26-11

I hope Casper can differentiate between Glenda, the Good Ming of the North, and not Bastinda, the Wicked Ming of the West.



A year ago, six months ago, WE and others were reporting the Obama/Hillary Intell from the U.S. Embassy in China saying they have given China Eminent Domain over the U.S.------ not just various ‘assets’ such as Ports and/or ‘Wetlands’ and/or National Parks.

Now comes Bob Chapman writing in ‘International Forecaster’ and posted on Fourwinds now as “The Public Debt”, an article saying it is now a fait acompli. This confirms the outright Treason of our nations ‘leaders’ and shows they will do anything, anything at all, to keep their ‘party’ (fraudulent financial playpen) rolling along.

This indicates a willingness by certain folks to continue to finance The Corporation of The United States until it fails completely and the people awaken to the prospect that the unconstitutional Corporation has hocked the peoples assets to maintain itself in power. Meanwhile Billions were/are being ‘siphoned’ from Treasury into the ‘hidden’ Vatican and Swiss Bank Accounts of the politicians while the bankers and Wall Street continue to pocket obscene sums for themselves as they are provided Trillions of Dollars by the Politicians at taxpayer expense via the various bailout programs.

The scariest part is that WE and others have also reported that Communist China is also broke, meaning, IMO, that those financing the continuation of the status quo in China and the U.S. are apparently allowing this in lieu of the anticipated immediate foreclosure of the Corporation.

While this is all apparently ‘new’ to Chapman it has been happening in stages since Obama became President. Quoting Obama’s own Budget which is based upon ridiculously optimistic assumptions, our annual interest payments on our National Debt will go from 187B to 850B in the next few years. This represents a total destruction of the living standards of the American people including all businesses except the very largest as they are crowded out of the Credit Markets by these levels of Government borrowing. Add to this the Inflation factor, rising unemployment (now at 22% says Chapman) and even our ‘high school readers’ should be able to diagnose the inevitable outcome.

It appears to me those who have the money and rule the world are saying to themselves something along these lines; “If the utterly corrupt American Politicians and American President are willing to place at risk their entire national net worth in this manner including roads, bridges, buildings, Hospitals and the White House itself, etc. to maintain themselves in power a while longer, incurring debt which can not be repaid even as matters stand today, the wisest thing for us to do is to give them some more rope and allow them to complete the process of National Suicide”.

Today, Sunday, virtually all Internet Service in China is shut down. WE are having trouble with phone calls. Yesterday the American Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman, was confronted on the street in China by reporters demanding to know whether the U.S.’ intends to create Chaos in China as they have in Tunisia and Egypt’. This was televised. It shows that the Chinese people are being “sold” something by the Chinese Government, something entirely different than what the American people are being ‘sold’ by their Government and news media.

Casper 2-27-11

Don't worry, the Good Ming of the North says you can fix this by clicking your ruby slippers together and saying, "There's no place like home."
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »


Many of you are no doubt aware of the proposed acquisition of B.of A. by certain Chinese interest?

This deal is D.O.A. (dead on arrival).

It was one of six ‘deals’ in the works.
They intended to borrow (embezzle) our funds to fund these deals.
Obama was in on the B.of A. deal.
Needless to say he is super pissed he has been found out and stopped again.

“Sorry about that fella’s, using OPIUM (other people’s money) is a NO NO.”

Casper 3-1-11

Other People's Money is OPM, not OPIUM, which is Other People's Intelligent User Modules. This doesn't make sense at many levels, the first being that anything with Intelligence wouldn't have anything to do with Casper.

Casper should have warned us about getting "down with OPP" (Other People's Packies) instead.
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »

Things are no longer moving along just fine - big surprise. But, when I opened this on Bellringer's site, I did get a new ad (before I got ones for upscale bathroom fixtures but fixed my computers saving those "cookies") and it was in Chinese.


In the past WE have referred to the Good Ming, the Bad Ming and the Communist Chinese.

Today they are all just Chinese wanting all funds for themselves.

They are saying the Program Recipients are no different than Chinese Peasants, do not deserve and would only waste the funds and that we recipients will never receive, not ever.

The funds are still ‘locked down’ so their position is now the same as Obama’s, if they can not STEAL the funds they will see to it we do not receive.

Chinese in D.C. now admit they were ‘under orders’ to report imminent deliveries and have been doing so for several days.

This Intell is further confirmed this morning by the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S..

More when possible.

Casper 3-3-11

p.s. WE know there really are some good Ming in China and to them we say “This is Completely Unacceptable to US Peasants in the U.S.”.
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »


I thank all of you so much for the inquiries regarding my health.
I’m happy to report that I am doing fine, all is well.

Casper 3-8-11

Yes, since the doctor gave Casper that laxative, things are moving along just fine now.
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Re: Things are moving along just fine now

Post by Deep Knight »



Delay is not the same as defeat.
Delay has caused many a program participants to ‘throw in the towel’, in more ways than one.
Faith without tangible, touchable or visible is often difficult to maintain.

Why should I you ask?

If for no other reason than because multiple messengers, some you like, some you don’t, have promised you they will tell you the truth should ‘the wheels come off’.

The wheels have not come off, they are still turning and that’s what all messengers are reporting to you. Therefore it is not the loss of ‘the New’ or the Programs that has you frustrated but rather your loss of faith. Those who think messengers have endured all these years of frustration and grief for the purpose of leading you astray are way beyond stupid.

Because of the intensity of our efforts over such a long period of time, the messengers are in a better position than most of you to make such judgments.

If the wheels come off, I for one will report same promptly and wash my hands of it.

This does not mean WE know everything.

It does not even mean that WE know the exact reason for delay every single time.

Unlike most however, WE are not and never have been ‘at the mercy’ of the ‘First Rail’ Sources so many depend upon (Bankers, Trustees, etc.).

Most such sources are well intentioned but seldom realize the true reason for delay hiding behind the daily pabulum fed to such ‘sources’ which they in turn dutifully pass out like candy to keep the participants pacified another day, another week.

A hundred delays can be summarized as opposition from the protectors of the Status Quo in the West and in the East. Action, reaction. Sometimes reaction takes a little time and there is nothing you or I can do about that.

‘In the beginning’ of these updates I promised that if the wheels come off I will say so promptly. That has not happened. If you lack the understanding you desire, please read again previous updates, mine and others. It is all there if you will simply focus on what has been reported to you. Remember previous analogies, most recently, ‘what happens when you hit the light switch in a dark room’? Maintain your faith.


Casper 3-9-11 opinion
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