It Will Be Here This Week

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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It Will Be Here This Week

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, March 31, 2013
From the Heart!

Over the last few days there is hushed positive intel that has not been shared but be assured that all of the roadblocks have been satisfied, at least as we know them. We have been told repeatedly it will be here this coming week. Of course, one should always acknowledge the PTB can always adhere to stepping in the way which truly is not the fault of our information constituency. Understand, we attempt in every way to disseminate up to date conclusive facts and testimonies which all come from only reliable origins.

At this point to date, there is no sense in predicting a date and/or rate, but we know it will be to our liking. As in quail shooting, we are looking down the barrel of this old shotgun - the trigger has already been pulled, the shot has been fired.......we can see the feathers fly......the bird just has not fallen out of the sky and hit the ground yet. Keep your eye on that bird.

Hate to bring up Iraq, just know they do have their budget and the rate held within. They have reported over and over that the budget will be posted by the 31st just prior to April 1 and their constitution "will be followed". The real story, has already been by-passed. We are just waiting for the PTB to let her fly.

We are being told by our contacts that announcements will be made this coming week along with the PP's (Omega's) and the Revaluation which will move simultanious. All our sources are on the same page reading the same page.

There are literally no posts and probably will not be many, at least not viable posts. We are very close. Ask yourself, how close is DONE?

Good judgment comes from experience. For some of you, as with me since 2004, have learned and experienced a great deal. Therefore, I am pondering whether to make this my last post thus closing the chapter of this time spent saga. Why not, all is completed.

My Granddad, a true trail riding western cowboy, before his passing repeatedly told my brothers and me, "There are three kinds of folks - The ones that learn by reading. Then there are some that learn by listening and observation. All the rest of them have to pee on a electric fence to find out for themselves." By now, I am thinking we all have learned a lot, so maybe it is time to all quit peeing on the electric fence and lean back in our old rocking chairs and watch this last bit of history run its course.

One last comment, when the revaluation does not appear by the hour you think it should just know it is well on its way. Remember with spring being here now and the temperature climbing - do not go kicking any cow chips on a warm day!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:59 PM

There are actually 4 types of people, the 3 John-boy's grandfather spoke of and another that pees on the electric fence every day but still hasn't figured it out yet - the kind who believes "it" will happen this week and has for years. Easy as shootin' quail and finding out later it was some guy's face.


canauzzie March 31, 2013 at 4:34 PM

thank you John for the effort you have put into this is appreciated by many...
i truly hope this is not your last post...why not keep informing ....
I am not a "godly" man...i am a "creator" man....but i believe you to be a godly i will say it this way..... thank you again and god bless....

Anonymous March 31, 2013 at 5:54 PM

John...Time will tell....just too much disinformation all over the net

Anonymous March 31, 2013 at 8:52 PM

John, your site has given good people hope and even the naysayers keep coming back for the info they so desperately want and need. If nothing does happen at least you have united 1000`s of people and opened their eyes to what is truly happening to us, and just maybe we will join together and take our lives & freedom back. Thank You
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie's new RAP-NESARA Banner

This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our world. Watch and become AWARE! Send comments/news to 22 MILLION +++ VISITS Use CTRL & MOUSE WHEEL to widen view

Informed by Intel Rumors that:
1) Announcements of new financial system by Treasury Secretary or Obama
2) RV and 'exchange' of currencies
3) Farm Claims Release
4) Bank Claims Release
5) Fines & Penalties Release
6) Germaine Trust Release
7) PP programs release
8)CMKX distribution

All to be done by Friday

Pray that this is finally it. You deserve it!
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by Cathulhu »

If McHaffied said it was raining, I'd reach for the sunblock.
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by notorial dissent »

If McHalfwit said it, I wouldn't be listening, saves a whole lot of time and brain cells.

Hey DK, if anyone would know, you would, how do you satisfy a roadblock??? The mixed metaphor council wants to know?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by Cathulhu »

notorial dissent wrote:If McHalfwit said it, I wouldn't be listening, saves a whole lot of time and brain cells.

Hey DK, if anyone would know, you would, how do you satisfy a roadblock??? The mixed metaphor council wants to know?
I'd speculate, but DK has already told us far too much about his lovelife.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by notorial dissent »

Cathulhu wrote:I'd speculate, but DK has already told us far too much about his lovelife.
Too terrifyingly true, but when has that ever stopped him?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by The Observer »

Given that NESARA arrives this week, I rearranged my customary schedule in order to enjoy the benefits that will come with the arrival. I also worked at getting rid of of the typical burdensome and obligatory things I typically do to survive the week. I will be providing a diary of each day and its results (and consequences).

Monday, 4/1/2013: Although NESARA means I will never have to work again, unless I want, I decided I would go into work, since I considered it would be rude to just not show up and provide no explanation to my boss. Before I went into work, I checked on my food supplies, noted that they were low and would need restocking sometime this week. I will probably do this on Wednesday or Thursday, which should be plenty of time for the supermarket to make the arrangements needed to provide free food and sundry to everyone in my area.

As I traveled to work, I noticed I needed gas, so I stopped off at the next available gas station and tried to fill my car's tank. None of the pumps were working and I asked the attendant what the problem was. After he checked and confirmed the pumps were working, he asked if I had used a debit card or credit card. I said I had used neither, that NESARA had arrived and that his pumps should be dispensing his gasoline for free. He stated he never heard of such a thing and with a angry glare that one usually associates with a person's time being wasted, walked back to his register. I finally used a credit card to pump the gas, reasoning it wouldn't matter in the long run since all credit card debt was being abolished. But why are credit cards still being accepted? Must be a stopgap measure.

After arriving at work, advised my supervisor that I was here but that I wouldn't be doing anything this week due to the arrival of NESARA. This conversation didn't go very well, starting off with a tone of incredulity and proceeding to downright acrimony and some, well, naughty words. At the end, a couple of ultimatums were delivered to me that indicated that if I didn't change my plans, I would need to be looking for a new job. It is obvious my supervisor doesn't understand how NESARA works; she will definitely need to get some training on how employers need to implement NESARA so that these kind of conflicts don't arise.

Got home, checked the mail and voice mail, didn't see anything related to the Announcement. But not a problem, since it is pretty much a given that I will get something this week in confirmation. Other than that, just the normal bills, mortgage, utilities and insurance. Thank goodness I will no longer have to concern myself with those. But I will contact those parties later in the week to arrange for my bills to be abated.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:If McHalfwit said it, I wouldn't be listening, saves a whole lot of time and brain cells.

Hey DK, if anyone would know, you would, how do you satisfy a roadblock??? The mixed metaphor council wants to know?
I'd speculate, but DK has already told us far too much about his lovelife.
True, very true, but nothing about satisfying roadblocks would be about me (I once gave great pleasure to a pedestrian barricade, but that was before the operation). I suggest the following 7 steps:

1. You may have heard this before, but the most powerful sexual organ humans have isn’t in our underpants. It’s in our head. Unfortunately roadblocks don't have heads, so it's probably best to skip this part.

2. Take time during foreplay. Most men hurry the foreplay bit without any consideration for the roadblock they’re with. Just because you’re up and ready doesn’t mean your partner doesn't have some emotional blockage - ESPECIALLY IN THIS CASE.

3. Remember the erogenous zones. The typical erogenous zones on a roadblock are several, going from the squadcars, to the flashing lights, to the officers themselves. But each roadblock has a few special sweet spots that switch the button on instantly. I suggest a "shotgun" approach to find these, using a 12 gage. Kiss and nibble the entire length of the roadblock and make sure you remember the zones that excite it more than the others. It’ll always come in handy the next time you're interested in a quickie.

4. If the primary law enforcement purpose of the stop falls under the rubric of general crime control, a brief investigatory stop does not require individualized suspicion. However, your partner may appreciate a bit of role playing, with you as the "good cop" and your partner the "escaped convict." Be sure to have a pair of handcuffs handy.

5. Your hygiene matters. Looking good an makes a huge difference in the experience your roadblock has in bed. After all, a better looking partner is more of a turn on, isn’t it? But you need to remember that looking good doesn’t just mean a six pack abs. Have a shower if you’re making love at the end of a long day, and keep all those hairy regions clean and trimmed. And a little gasoline or road tar behind the ears for that seductive scent wouldn't hurt either.

6. The right compliments. Roadblocks love appreciation in bed. It makes them shed their inhibitions more easily and gets them to experiment sooner. When you’re naked with your roadblock and find something fascinating about it, make sure you share the thought with it. If not, lie. The roadblock will feel better about itself and its new sexual confidence will definitely lead to better sex. Then put some clothes on or you'll catch your death of cold standing out there in weather like this.

7. Be outrageous. Sex gets sexier the more wild and outrageous it feels. If you want to satisfy, learn to get risqué with your actions. Do something bold now and then, and sex will feel a lot more exciting. Of course, this goes without saying when you're having sex in the middle of a well-traveled highway. The wilder your thoughts and actions, the sexier the sex will be.

I hope this helps.
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Just got into GET chat - Apr 1 7:30 AM
[Midnight Blue] Just got this email from my top source!
They are some what tight lip about this leak to the public. We think he's
going to spill the beans about ALL WHAT IS BEING HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENE,
just keep an eye on it they may move the time to evening.
It is 3hrs televise speech what we suspect announce is everything I told you
about under military instruction.
Not worry about Biden he's going away for long time. They already got Henry
Kissinger took George Soro's last Thursday. Over 4,600 in numbers arrests
last week end at wall street and DC by the fbi federal marshals that was
never in the news under direction of our military.
There are 170,000 more indictments issue world wide of bankers and
politicians as of this week end.
Very few are aware federal reserve no longer in operation that goes with the
IRS as well. When american tax payers start receiving letters from the IRS
they no longer collect taxes is when they start believing.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:59 PM
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by The Observer »

Tuesday 4/2/2013: Another day, but haven't seen anything about the Arrival. This leaves me a bit concerned, since my mortgage payment has been past due for a while and the mail yesterday brought a notice from the bank that they now consider me in default. A call to the local branch really got nowhere since the representative pretended to know nothing about NESARA , OPPT or anything about all debts being cancelled. At one point he questioned whether I had gotten my dates mixed up, stating that "April Fool's Day was yesterday, sir." I finally just terminated the call and figured that when the Arrival happens later this week, as it is sure to do so, things will work themselves out.

On the employment front, the supervisor pretty much avoided me all day, although I noticed that she did have my evaluation file out on her desk for most of the day. She left a note for me at the end of the day, asking me to bring in my files to her tomorrow morning so she could see what I had accomplished. Not sure why she is going there - after all I had explained to her that due to the Arrival, there was really no need for me to work on anything anymore unless I felt inclined to do so. Prepared a note to that effect and left it on her office door. I suppose I will get this cleared up tomorrow.

Still having good feelings about the expected Arrival, I wondered if it would be a little much to celebrate early. Then I decided it probably wasn't going to a problem, so I headed down to Chez Renee's after work for a nice dinner. I have never eaten there before, since it wasn't in my usual budget, but with NESARA/OPPT coming, I threw caution to the wind. After all, I rationalized, I really need to get prepared for how life is going to be when this momentous occasions finally gets here. After ordering some wonderful gourmet food and top-notch wines, which I thoroughly enjoyed, to my amazement the bill arrived - at a whopping $324.42 (including gratuity). I called over the waiter and explained about the Arrival, but due to his horrific French accent, I was not able to determine if he understood what I was trying to explain to him about why I didn't need to pay. Eventually Renee got involved, and she informed me that she could care less about Nice or NESARA, that I needed to pay or she was calling the cops. I reasoned that this might be a way to get the issue resolved, since it was obvious the police would have been fully informed about the arrival and they would back me up.

So I asked Renee to call the police. To my shock and utter dismay, Sergeant O'Hallin didn't exactly back me up. After hearing my side of the story, he told Renee that he wasn't considering putting me in the pokey, but rather dropping me off at the local pyschiatric lockdown for a 72-hour observation. To his credit, he did show some empathy, saying that he would love nothing better than for all of his debts to be cancelled too, but that he wasn't going to hold his breath, and that he had a job to do. So he was going give me a chance to avoid lockdown by paying the bill - now. Despite my desire to stick by the prinicpals of NESARA/OPPT, I ended up tendering my credit card, since I didn't recall seeing anything in the NESARA announcement that talked about releasing psychiatric patients. I didn't relish the idea of missing the Arrival because I was spending time in a padded cell.

And besides, the credit card won't have to be paid in any event, although it leaves me with the feeling that I am cheating and not totally trusting in NESARA/OPPT.
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

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Wednesday 4/3/2013:

A definite challenge awaited me this morning when I awoke. No electricity. Which meant I had no alarm to wake me up and I overslept. Thinking that there was a power outage, I took a quick survey of the neighborhood outside and discovered that my neighbors were still up and running. A quick call to the power company got the explanation that my power was turned off due to non-payment. When I asked why they would do this in light of the fact that the Arrival meant there would be no more bills, the customer service rep didn't reply for a full 15 seconds. I thought that we might have been cut off. She finally gave a little cough, explained that she didn't understand what I was talking about (and I have been getting that response a lot lately), but that my power could be connected once I had paid up the outstanding charges. After several minutes of trying to educate her about the NESARA bill and gettting nowhere, I hung up and resolved to get to work.

But then I remembered, that I only needed to go into work when I wanted to, so I decided to skip today since that it is in my power to make that decision under the new age we are living in. Of course, I wasn't going to be so rude as to not explain to my boss the reason for my absence. So I picked up the phone, but immediately found out that I had no phone service. As my eyes landed on the phone bill sitting on the table, I noticed the words "Disconnection of Service Scheduled for 4/2/2013." I was starting to suspect that there seemed to be a pattern to my recent woes, but couldn't quite place my finger on what was causing it.

I decided to freshen up before breakfast, but couldn't get any hot water for the shower. I jumped in for a cold shower, then watched as the water dribbled to nothing right after I got lathered up. This was really too much, losing my gas and water in one fell swoop. I resolved that I would contact one of the NESARA leaders to see what suggestions they would have in terms of whether we could hold any of these people criminally responsible for shutting me off from necessary living requirements like power, water and heat.

So wiping the soap off myself with a towel, I skipped shaving and settled for cold cereal for breakfast - since I really don't enjoy raw eggs and bacon for breakfast; I also made a note to pick up some ice for my refrigerator to help keep my food cool until I could get the power company to agree that I didn't owe them anything and turn my electricity back on. After scouring the morning paper for any announcements of the Arrival (and finding none), I have to admit I felt a little disappointed. I was pretty sure that ol' Hump Day would be the perfect day for the Announcement, just the ticket for putting a little smile on everyone's face when they could really use it.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by Gregg »

At least if the NESARA thing gets held up a little longer you still have your Dinars, right?
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it is safe to say, that you will always have your dinars, short of giving them away or wallpapering a wall with them.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by LightinDarkness »

So.....Im sure the RV has occurred by now, right?
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by The Observer »

Thurdsay, 4/4/2013: Scanned the paper again this morning, no news of the Arrival. Normally, I would check the Internet as well, since I seem to be able gather tons of information on NESARA and OPPT there, as opposed to what organized media is putting out, but due to my power being out, I can't even boot up my computer, let alone access the Internet.

So I headed to the library to get on their terminals. I had to walk, since my car was out of gas, my credit cards locked down, and I was getting very low on cash. And it was a very warm day. But on entering the library, I was immediately confronted and told I would have to leave. Apparently, they were not happy with my appearance and hygiene (due to having no hot water, unable to shave and wash clothes). I protested, stating that this was a public library and I had every right to be there, smelly or not. Things got out of hand and I started yelling. Undoubtedly, my anticipation over the Arrival was turning to frustration and I had lost control. The head librarian didn't see that way, and in short order, the police were called. Coincidentally, it was Sergeant O'Hallin who responded, and I was getting the bad feeling that this deck of cards that Life was dealing me was deliberately stacked.

O'Hallin didn't care about whether my civil rights were being violated or not, he was going to run me in for disturbing the peace because he was pretty sure I had some mental issues and I could decide whether he took to me to the padded cell or downtown to the city jail. I opted for jail, since I figured I would be able to get out of there quickly once I explained about NESARA and OPPT to the judge. After going through booking and fingerprintingm I demanded an immediate appearance before a judge so that I could request to be released on my own recognizance. O'Hallin guffawed and said my court date would be tomorrow, so I would be spending the night there with the rest of the people waiting for their day in court. So I was unceremoniously escorted to my jail cell and the handcuffs taken off.

I say "my jail cell" but to be honest there were several other people in there as well, all of them appearing to be rather surly and mean. They were all eyeballing me and there were several whispered conversations that apparently were about me. The biggest one of them finally stood up and walked over to me, actually standing over me. He then proceeded to what I could only describe as interrogate me regarding my reason for being locked up. I told him that I had been arrested for yelling in a library, and he and the rest of the gang found that to be immensely funny. Then he advised me that he and his friends were going to have even some more fun with me by beating the daylights out of me, once the police guards settled in for the evening and not patrolling the ward as much.

This was definitely a bad situation and I wasn't sure that I would be even alive tomorrow if the Arrival happened then. My tormentor then demanded to know exactly why I was yelling in the library. So I started explaining about the Arrival, NESARA, OPPT, dinars, RV, Dove, and cancellation of debts and how I was just trying to DO and BE. But as I spoke, something horrible seemed to be happening to my oppressors. Everyone of these malefactors seemed to be stunned by what I was saying. I watched waves of disbelief, confusion and downright incomprehension wash over their faces. Eventually, one by one, their mouths dropped open, they started drooling and incoherent noises came out of those gaping mouths. It was though they had turned into vegetables. I had no idea what was causing this, but I suspected that they had been exposed for so long to chemtrails that the consequences of that exposure were now being fully manifested. It seemed to be only moments before they were all on the ground in a comatose state.

I called out to one of the guards who was coming by, and after he called for backup, loaded the whole bunch into ambulances for the local hospital. I ended up having the whole cell to myself that night, which was small compensation for the fact that now the police wanted to add assault and battery to their charges against me, since they thought I had something to do with the gang being knocked out.

So tomorrow my court date is going to be interesting - especially if the Arrival happens.
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by Burnaby49 »

"So tomorrow my court date is going to be interesting - especially if the Arrival happens."

When the arrival happens. I'm sure it was just a typo on your part.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: It Will Be Here This Week

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:"When the arrival happens. I'm sure it was just a typo on your part.
No, gotta remember this is a prediction that said it was arriving this week - and it ain't over. Still have Friday and Saturday to suffer through.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff