Nevada Gov candidate is truther/detax/frns are bad believer

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Nevada Gov candidate is truther/detax/frns are bad believer

Post by rogfulton »

Didn't know were else to post this but it was too good not to share. I tried searching for various iterations of his name but didn't find any previous posts.

Apparently the Governor of Nevada after the 2014 election is a truther. Read about it on his campaign website here.

A few quotes:
David Lory VanDerBeek wrote:Here is a fact I know. I know that the 9/11 terrorists attacks that brought down the three WTC towers 1,2, and 7 were controlled demolitions. That is a fact.
David Lory VanDerBeek wrote: It is compelling to me that our currency seems to have uncanny portrayals of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on the old $20 bill, the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, and 7, and quite possibly a future attack on the Hoover Dam depicting the water bursting through. The currency we use is a symbol of the criminal global banking cartel that has taken over the federal government.
David Lory VanDerBeek wrote:They do not give us Constitutional money. They give us fraudulent federal reserve notes. Real money is gold and silver as defined in the original Constitution. So we don’t have money. We hold federal reserve notes which remain the property of the banks, so they can and do take them back at will.
And the comments are a real HOOT hoot! Sorry, didn't mean to invoke the strawword.

Also not to be missed, his declaration that if elected, he will no longer 'voluntarily' pay taxes to those evil meanies, the IRS.

If you are interested in what else he has to say (including about his failed bid for US Senate), google him.
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Re: Nevada Gov candidate is truther/detax/frns are bad belie

Post by Famspear »

David Looney Upthecreek wrote:
.....Now I know you “men” of America have misplaced your manhood, but I invite you to go find it and join with me in actually being men for once in your lives. IF YOU DO YOU NOT FIGHT THIS TYRANNY, THEN YOUR CHILDREN WILL INHERIT A ECONOMICALLY COLLAPSED POLICE STATE. Grow up. Find your manhood and stand up..... ... anderbeek/

I can't speak for anyone else, but I pretty much always know where my manhood is located. In the unlikely event I were ever to "misplace" my manhood, I would probably stand up FIRST, and THEN look for it.


(I have no idea what that means.....)
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Re: Nevada Gov candidate is truther/detax/frns are bad belie

Post by AndyK »

Among other inanities:
7.Nevada to Stop All Payments to the IRS. It was shown conclusively by President Reagan’s Grace Commission Report that ZERO of the taxes collected by the IRS on income return to the citizens in the form of services or benefits. All of the taxes are consumed by the IRS bureaucracy and paid as interest to the private banskters behind the Federal Reserve bank. Nevada residents will no longer send any further payments to the IRS because there is no purpose in doing so. Nevada law enforcement will be employed in arresting any agent of the federal government who attempts to collect IRS taxes from a Nevada resident. The IRS has also now been exposed as a tool of political oppression of the White House against patriots and Constitutionalists. The IRS must prove it’s value to the American people, but it cannot. So, not only does the IRS provide Americans with ZERO services, the IRS is a tool of political oppression. It is poison. America was built without an IRS or an income tax. The IRS is just a collection agency for the Federal Reserve, which is not federal and has no reserves and is just our national branch of the global banking cartel. We must just STOP paying them. We will bring economic warfare against the IRS and collapse it. Do you want to have a real economic stimulus directly to the people and not the banks? STOP PAYING THE IRS. NEVER PAY THEM AGAIN. Economic growth will resume and NOTHING will change for the worse because you receive NOTHING for your IRS taxes. Pull aside the curtain, the wizard of Oz is a group of bankers and they runs the IRS. Attorney’s representing the United States Government: “Denies that the Internal Revenue Services is an agency of the United States Government…” Read it. I want complete and total rebellion against the IRS. One of my goals is to be the first sitting, elected governor in U.S. history to serve time in federal prison for fighting for his people against the IRS and the Banksters.
and, as an apparant resident of Planet Merrill
8.Replace and Phase Out All Taxation. Nevada will operate under the fiduciary trust management princple. Taxes are simply one revenue source for government. Governments have investment and enterprise income that now surpasses their tax revenues. Governments therefore are fully capable of being self-sustaining WITHOUT taxation. Mining, gaming, and all businesses will no longer face the constant harassment by legislators to pick their pockets. Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) are our local governments’ statements of net worth built up over decades. Governments use CAFRs to list their assets as “advanced liability funds” to dupe the public into believing those investments should be maintained for a good purpose, but which actually serve as power-based holding funds for the government. In turn, the governments then claim that they are always operating at budget “shortfalls” in their operating funds so they claim they must raise your taxes. This is a convenient conspiracy of silence. As Governor, I will assist governments in liberating the potential of this wealth. This plan eliminates the predatory relationship between the government against the people and business, because everyone is happy making money. In fact, the people and businesses will actually cheer such government. Truthfully, as Jesus said when asked a tax question, “The children are free.”
Also, he appears to have dual citizenship in Woo-Woo land:
28.Area 51 and the Nevada Science Races. Every program in Area 51 will be made public so that citizens can vote on continued funding. Secrecy is abhorrent to a free society. As Governor, I will provide the American people with FULL disclosure of all information and activity past and present at Area 51 including all information about UFOs. The people will know whatever the government knows. All of the technology will be turned back to healthy human purposes. As Governor, I will announce a series of science races to develop energy independent homes, efficient engines, climate modification, disease and cancer cures. The State will fund the research and the researchers will retain full rights to their creations as long as they form companies and factories headquartered for manufacturing their creations to create jobs for Nevadans.
I'd cite more, but my brain was about to explode from reading his platform.

It's a serious shame that Nevada doesn't require gubernatiorial candidates to have an effective education above the 6th grade level.
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Re: Nevada Gov candidate is truther/detax/frns are bad belie

Post by JamesVincent »

Area 51 and the Nevada Science Races. Every program in Area 51 will be made public so that citizens can vote on continued funding. Secrecy is abhorrent to a free society. As Governor, I will provide the American people with FULL disclosure of all information and activity past and present at Area 51 including all information about UFOs. The people will know whatever the government knows. All of the technology will be turned back to healthy human purposes.
lol... We talked about Area 51 before. He couldn't demand anything, he doesn't have need to know about anything going on there. And good luck even trying to demand the military broadcast Top Secret and beyond rated information to the civilian population. Funny, turn back all research to healthy human purposes. Most of the things that have helped society grow and become more advanced have come from military funded research. Have to agree with everyone else so far, this dude is a dolt, to be nice.
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Re: Nevada Gov candidate is truther/detax/frns are bad belie

Post by notorial dissent »

An all 'round utility tax whack and conspiracy theorist it seems, something for everyone.
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Re: Nevada Gov candidate is truther/detax/frns are bad belie

Post by webhick »

I'm seeing several violations of our No Politics rule. I'm sanitizing the thread.
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